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Citations in EconPapers for

Claudius Graebner; Philipp Heimberger; Jakob Kapeller and Bernhard Schuetz, (2018), Structural change in times of increasing openness: assessing path dependency in European economic integration, No 76, ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy

8 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Beáta, Farkas, (2018), What can institutional analysis say about capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe? Results and limitations, International Journal of Management and Economics, 54, (4), 283-290

Bruno, Randolph; Elodie Douarin; Julia Korosteleva and Slavo Radosevic, (2019), Determinants of Productivity Gap in the European Union: A Multilevel Perspective, No 12542, IZA Discussion Papers, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)

Bruno, Randolph; Elodie Douarin; Julia Korosteleva and Slavo Radosevic, (2019), Determinants of Productivity Gap in the European Union: A Multilevel Perspective, LEM Papers Series, Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

Kapeller, Jakob; Claudius Graebner and Philipp Heimberger, (2019), Economic Polarisation in Europe: Causes and Policy Options, No 99, ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy

Kapeller, Jakob; Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Philipp Heimberger, (2019), Economic polarisation in Europe: Causes and policy options, No 5, ifso working paper series, University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Socioeconomics (ifso)

Wendler, Tobias; Daniel Töbelmann and Jutta Günther, (2019), Natural resources and technology - on the mitigating effect of green tech, No 1905, Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation, University of Bremen, Faculty of Business Studies and Economics

Wendler, Tobias; Daniel Töbelmann and Jutta Günther, (2021), Natural resources and technology - on the mitigating effect of green tech, VfS Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Conference): Climate Economics, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association

Zeilinger, Bernhard, (2021), Die Wirkmächtigkeit des Europäischen Semesters und ihre Auswirkung auf die Interessensvertretung durch Arbeitnehmer:innenverbände, No 231, Working Paper Reihe der AK Wien - Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien, Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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