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Citations in EconPapers for

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Ugo Fratesi, (2003), Between development and social policies: the impact of European Structural Funds in Objective 1 Regions, No 28, European Economy Group Working Papers, European Economy Group

9 citing papers found in EconPapers

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D'Costa, Sabine; José Enrique Garcilazo and Joaquim Oliveira Martins, (2016), Impact of Structural Reforms on Regional Growth: Distance to the Frontier Matters, SERC Discussion Papers, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE

D’Costa, Sabine; José Enrique Garcilazo and Joaquim Oliveira Martins, (2017), Impact of macro-structural reforms on the productivity growth of regions: distance to the frontier matters, No 86, Working Papers, Queen Mary, University of London, School of Business and Management, Centre for Globalisation Research

González-Val, Rafael; Luis Lanaspa and Fernando Pueyo, (2008), Trade policies, concentration, growth and welfare, MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany

Montresor, Elisa; Francesco Pecci and Nicola Pontarollo, (2010), The evaluation of european structural funds on economic convergence with the application of spatial filtering technique, No 07/2010, Working Papers, University of Verona, Department of Economics

Nicolini, Rosella, (2008), Agglomeration and inequality across space: What can we learn from the European experience?, Working Papers, Department of Applied Economics at Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona

Orsi, Renzo and Katarzyna Zukrowska, (2004), Policy Advice: Markets and Policies, Eastward Enlargement of the Euro-zone Working Papers, Free University Berlin, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Rokicki, Bartlomiej, (2007), Przegląd budżetu Unii Europejskiej a reforma polityki spójności, Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics, (7-8), 105-125

Rokicki, Bartlomiej, (2011), System monitorowania i ewaluacji polityki spójności w Polsce, Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics, (3), 87-103

Sosvilla-Rivero, Simon; Oscar Bajo-Rubio and Carmen Diaz-Roldan, (2004), Assessing the effectiveness of EU’s regional policies:a new approach, No E2004/39, Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces, Centro de Estudios Andaluces

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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