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Citations in EconPapers for

Eduardo Engel; Alexander Galetovic and Ronald Fischer, (2003), Privatizing Highways in Latin America: is it Possible to Fix What Went Wrong?, No 163, Documentos de Trabajo, Centro de Economía Aplicada, Universidad de Chile

13 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Albalate, Daniel and Germà Bel, (2007), Regulating Concessions of Toll Motorways, An Empirical Study on Fixed vs. Variable Term Contracts, No 200706, IREA Working Papers, University of Barcelona, Research Institute of Applied Economics

Albalate, Daniel and Germà Bel, (2009), Regulating concessions of toll motorways: An empirical study on fixed vs. variable term contracts, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 43, (2), 219-229

Bank, World, (2007), Chile: Investment Climate Assessment, Volume 2. Background Chapters, No 7716, World Bank Publications - Reports, The World Bank Group

Bank, World, (2007), Chile: Investment Climate Assessment, Volume 1. Executive Summary and Policy Recommendations, No 7695, World Bank Publications - Reports, The World Bank Group

Beria, Paolo; Francesco Ramella and Antonio Laurino, (2015), Motorways economic regulation: A worldwide survey, Transport Policy, 41, (C), 23-32

Brenck, Andreas; Thorsten Beckers; Maria Heinrich and Christian von Hirschhausen, (2005), Public-private partnerships in new EU member countries of Central and Eastern Europe: An economic analysis with case studies from the highway sector, No 10/2005, EIB Papers, European Investment Bank, Economics Department

Chong, Alberto and Florencio de, (2003), The Truth about Privatization in Latin America, Yale School of Management Working Papers, Yale School of Management

Dethier, Jean-Jacques and Alexander Moore, (2012), Infrastructure in developing countries: An overview of some economic issues, No 123305, Discussion Papers, University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF)

Engel, Eduardo and Alexander Galetovic Potsch, (2014), Urban transport: can public-private partnerships work ?, No 6873, Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank

Engel, Eduardo; Ronald Fischer and Alexander Galetovic, (2007), The Basic Public Finance of Public-Private Partnerships, No 9280, Center Discussion Papers, Yale University, Economic Growth Center

Fielbaum, Andrés and Sergio Jara-Diaz, (2021), Assessment of the socio-spatial effects of urban transport investment using Google Maps API, Journal of Transport Geography, 91, (C)

M. Rouhani, Omid; Debbie Niemeier; Christopher Knittel and Kaveh Madani, (2013), Integrated modeling framework for leasing urban roads: A case study of Fresno, California, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 48, (C), 17-30

Montoya, Miguel and Francesc Trillas, (2007), The measurement of the independence of telecommunications regulatory agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Utilities Policy, 15, (3), 182-190

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