Akai, Nobuo and Motohiro Sato,
Too big or too small? A synthetic view of the commitment problem of interregional transfers, Journal of Urban Economics, 64, (3), 551-559
Aronsson, Thomas; Johan Lundberg and Magnus Wikstrom,
The impact of regional public expenditures on the local decision to spend, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 30, (2), 185-202
Barham, Vicky; Robin Boadway; Maurice Marchand and Pierre Pestieau,
Volunteer work and club size: Nash equilibrium and optimality, Journal of Public Economics, 65, (1), 9-22
Berkowitz, Daniel,
Regional income and secession: Center-periphery relations in emerging market economies, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 27, (1), 17-45
Braid, Ralph M.,
Provision of a pure local public good in a spatial model with many jurisdictions, Journal of Public Economics, 94, (11-12), 890-897
Buchholz, Wolfgang and Kai Konrad,
Strategic transfers and private provision of public goods, Journal of Public Economics, 57, (3), 489-505
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Lorenz Nett and Wolfgang Peters,
The strategic advantage of being less skilled, Economics Letters, 60, (1), 35-39
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Existence and Warr Neutrality for Matching Equilibria in a Public Good Economy: An Aggregative Game Approach, No 2884, CESifo Working Paper Series, CESifo
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Interior matching equilibria in a public good economy: An aggregative game approach, Journal of Public Economics, 95, (7), 639-645
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Matching as a Cure for Underprovision of Voluntary Public Good Supply: Analysis and an Example, No 3374, CESifo Working Paper Series, CESifo
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Potentially Harmful International Cooperation on Global Public Good Provision, No 5, Discussion Paper Series RECAP15, RECAP15, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Matching as a cure for underprovision of voluntary public good supply, Economics Letters, 117, (3), 727-729
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Potentially Harmful International Cooperation on Global Public Good Provision, ANU Working Papers in Economics and Econometrics, Australian National University, College of Business and Economics, School of Economics
Buchholz, Wolfgang; Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke,
Matching in the Kolm Triangle: Interiority and Participation Constraints of Matching Equilibria, No 2019.12, Working Papers, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Caplan, Arthur and Emilson Silva,
Impure public goods, matching grant rates and income redistribution in a federation with decentralized leadership and imperfect labor mobility, International Tax and Public Finance, 18, (3), 322-336
Caplan, Arthur; Richard Cornes and Emilson Silva,
Pure public goods and income redistribution in a federation with decentralized leadership and imperfect labor mobility, Journal of Public Economics, 77, (2), 265-284
Conway, Karen Smith,
Reconsidering the Effects of Fiscal Policy On Private Sector Behavior: a Unifying View of Neutrality, Public Finance Review, 22, (2), 195-221
Cremer, Helmuth; Maurice Marchand and Pierre Pestieau,
Investment in local public services: Nash equilibrium and social optimum, Journal of Public Economics, 65, (1), 23-35
Diamond, Peter,
Optimal tax treatment of private contributions for public goods with and without warm glow preferences, Journal of Public Economics, 90, (4-5), 897-919
Etner, Johanna; Meglena Jeleva and Pierre-André Jouvet,
Risk Perceptions, Voluntary Contributions and Environmental Policy, Cahiers de la Maison des Sciences Economiques, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
Etner, Johanna; Meglena Jeleva and Pierre-André Jouvet,
Risk perceptions, voluntary contributions and environmental policy, Research in Economics, 61, (3), 130-139
Falkinger, Josef,
Efficient private provision of public goods by rewarding deviations from average, Journal of Public Economics, 62, (3), 413-422
Figuieres, Charles and Jean Hendriks,
Matching Grants and Ricardian Equivalence, No 440, Working Papers, Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Figuieres, Charles and Jean Hindriks,
Matching grants and Ricardian equivalence, Journal of Urban Economics, 52, (1), 177-191
Gerber, Anke and Philipp Wichardt,
Providing public goods in the absence of strong institutions, Journal of Public Economics, 93, (3-4), 429-439
Gerber, Anke and Philipp Wichardt,
On the Private Provision of Intertemporal Public Goods with Stock Effects, Environmental & Resource Economics, 55, (2), 245-255
Ihori, Toshihiro,
International public goods and contribution productivity differentials, Journal of Public Economics, 61, (1), 139-154
Jochimsen, Beate,
Christmas lights in Berlin: New empirical evidence for the private provision of a public good, No 19-04, FiFo Discussion Papers - Finanzwissenschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge, University of Cologne, FiFo Institute for Public Economics
Kirchsteiger, Georg and Clemens Puppe,
On the possibility of efficient private provision of public goods through government subsidies, Journal of Public Economics, 66, (3), 489-504
Kirchsteiger, Georg and Clemens Puppe,
On the possibility of efficient private provision of public goods through government subsidies, ULB Institutional Repository, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Konrad, Kai,
Local public goods and central charities, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 28, (3), 345-362
Kothenburger, Marko,
Ex-post redistribution in a federation: Implications for corrective policy, Journal of Public Economics, 91, (3-4), 481-496
Lee, Kangoh,
Voluntary contributions and local public goods in a federation, Journal of Urban Economics, 63, (1), 163-176
Ley, Eduardo,
On the private provision of public goods: a diagrammatic exposition, Investigaciones Economicas, 20, (1), 105-123
Myles, Gareth,
Wasteful government, tax evasion, and the provision of public goods, European Journal of Political Economy, 16, (1), 51-74
Petchey, Jeffrey D. and Sofia Levtchenkova,
Welfare Effects of National Taxes in an Economy with Regions, The Economic Record, 79, (245), 218-228
Pittel, Karen and Dirk Rübbelke,
Private Provision of Public Goods: Incentives for Donations, No 04/34, CER-ETH Economics working paper series, CER-ETH - Center of Economic Research (CER-ETH) at ETH Zurich
Reif, Christiane; Dirk Rübbelke and Andreas Löschel,
Improving Voluntary Public Good Provision Through a Non-governmental, Endogenous Matching Mechanism: Experimental Evidence, Environmental & Resource Economics, 67, (3), 559-589
Rive, Nathan and Dirk Rübbelke,
International environmental policy and poverty alleviation, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 146, (3), 515-543
Rübbelke, Dirk and Nathan Rive,
Effects of the CDM on Poverty Eradication and Global Climate Protection, No 46650, Climate Change Modelling and Policy Working Papers, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Sanyal, Tilak,
A Note on ‘Neutrality Theorem' In Private Provision of Pure Public Good, Economics Bulletin, 39, (4), 2476-2483
Schinkel, Maarten Pieter and Lukas Toth,
Compensatory Public Good Provision by a Private Cartel, No 19-086/VII, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers, Tinbergen Institute
Shilony, Yuval,
Diversity and ingenuity in voluntary collective action, European Journal of Political Economy, 16, (3), 429-443
Tamai, Toshiki,
Public goods provision, redistributive taxation, and wealth accumulation, Journal of Public Economics, 94, (11-12), 1067-1072
Wildasin, David,
Open Economy Public Finance, No 8953, CESifo Working Paper Series, CESifo
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