Anagnostou, Ageliki; Ioannis Panteladis and Maria Tsiapa,
Disentangling Different Patterns of Business Cycle Synchronicity in The EU Regions, ERSA conference papers, European Regional Science Association
Anagnostou, Ageliki; Ioannis Panteladis and Maria Tsiapa,
Disentangling different patterns of business cycle synchronicity in the EU regions, Empirica, 42, (3), 615-641
Coniglio, Nicola and Francesco Prota,
Economic Crises and Regional Convergence in the EU: An Exploration of Facts, Theories and Policy Implications in , Chapters, Edward Elgar Publishing
Elekes, Andrea,
Cohesion and/or Growth? – Regional Dimensions of Convergence and Growth in Hungary, Public Finance Quarterly, 56, (1), 108-124
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