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Citations in EconPapers for

Raphael Schoenle and Raphael Auer, (2013), Market Structure and Exchange Rate Pass-Through, No 62, Working Papers, Brandeis University, Department of Economics and International Business School

15 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Amiti, Mary; Oleg Itskhoki and Jozef Konings, (2016), International Shocks and Domestic Prices: How Large Are Strategic Complementarities?, No 22119, NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc

Amiti, Mary; Oleg Itskhoki and Jozef Konings, (2016), International shocks and domestic prices:How large are strategic complementariti?, No 295, Working Paper Research, National Bank of Belgium

Amiti, Mary; Oleg Itskhoki and Jozef Konings, (2016), International shocks and domestic prices: how large are strategic complementarities?, No 771, Staff Reports, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Auer, Raphael, (2014), Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Domestic Competition, and Infl?ation: Evidence from the 2005/08 Revaluation of the Renminbi, No 15.01, Working Papers, Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee

Auer, Raphael and Aaron Mehrotra, (2014), Real globalisation and price spillovers in Asia and the Pacific in Auer, Raphael and Aaron Mehrotra (eds.), BIS Papers chapters, vol 77, Bank for International Settlements

Auer, Raphael; Ariel Burstein and Sarah Lein, (2018), Exchange rates and prices: evidence from the 2015 Swiss franc appreciation, No 751, BIS Working Papers, Bank for International Settlements

Cadot, Olivier; Alan Asprilla; Julien Gourdon; Ralph Peters and Christian Knebel, (2015), DEEP REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND NON-TARIFF MEASURES: A METHODOLOGY FOR DATA ANALYSIS, No 69, UNCTAD Blue Series Papers, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Chaney, Thomas; Raphael Auer and Sauré, Philip, (2014), Quality Pricing-to-Market, No 10053, CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers

de Bandt, Olivier and Tovonony Razafindrabe, (2014), Does nominal rigidity mislead our perception of the exchange rate pass-through?, No 2014-36, EconomiX Working Papers, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX

Garetto, Stefania, (2014), Firms’ Heterogeneity and Incomplete Pass-Through, No WP2014-006, Boston University - Department of Economics - Working Papers Series, Boston University - Department of Economics

Gilchrist, Simon; Raphael Schoenle; Jae Sim and Egon Zakrajšek, (2018), Financial Heterogeneity and Monetary Union, No 2018-043, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)

Hara, Naoko; Kazuhiro Hiraki and Yoshitaka Ichise, (2015), Changing Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japan: Does It Indicate Changing Pricing Behavior?, No 15-E-4, Bank of Japan Working Paper Series, Bank of Japan

Kamel, Helali; Maha Kalai and Thouraya Boujelben, (2014), Exchange rate Pass-Through to domestic prices in Tunisia: a short and long run analysis, MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany

Konings, Jozef; Mary Amiti and Oleg Itskhoki, (2016), International Shocks and Domestic Prices: How Large Are Strategic Complementarities?, No 11182, CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers

Razafindrabe, Tovonony, (2016), A multi-country DSGE model with incomplete exchange rate pass-through: An application for the Euro-area, Economic Modelling, 52, (PA), 78-100

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