'Shop Until You Drop': the Unexpected Effects of Anti-consumerism and Environmentalism,
Giovanni Maccarrone, Marco Marini and Ornella Tarola,
from Sapienza University of Rome, DISS
Keywords: environmentalism, hedonism, anti-consumerism, hedonic and environmental product attributes, vertical product differentiation.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Argentina's Exports: A Decomposition Exercise,
Ileana Raquel Jalile and Pedro Moncarz,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: exports
Institutions, Comparative Advantage, and the Environment,
Joseph Shapiro,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Divestment and Engagement: The Effect of Green Investors on Corporate Carbon Emissions,
Matthew Kahn, John G. Matsusaka and Chong Shu,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: corporate decarbonization, divestment, engagement, investors
The impact of high temperatures on performance in work-related activities,
Matteo Picchio and Jan van Ours,
from Tinbergen Institute
Keywords: Climate change, temperatures, tennis, performance, productivity
The effect of urban trees on house prices: evidence from cut-down trees in Amsterdam,
Jan Rouwendal and Lynn Bouwknegt,
from Tinbergen Institute