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33 documents matched the search for the 2018-07-16 issue of the NEP report on Business, Economic and Financial History (nep-his), currently edited by Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo.
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A Growth Model with Unemployment,
Mina Mahmoudi and Mark Pingle, from arXiv.org (2018) Downloads

The Berlin Bourse in the London mirror: An asymmetric comparison of microstructures and the role of Germany's large banks in securities trading, c. 1860-1914,
Michael Buchner, from IBF – Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte / Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main (2018) Downloads

Zu viel, zu wenig oder genau richtig? Die Reform der Bankenregulierung nach der Finanzkrise,
Andreas Dombret, from IBF – Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte / Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main (2017) Downloads

Wege zu einem stabilen Finanzsystem: Regulatorisches Kurshalten oder radikaler Neuanfang?,
Carl-Ludwig Thiele, from IBF – Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte / Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main (2017) Downloads

Meilensteine der Entwicklung des Kapitalmarktes in Deutschland und der Kapitalmarkttheorie vom Ende der 1970er- bis zum Beginn der 1990er-Jahre,
Bernd Rudolph, from IBF – Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte / Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main (2017) Downloads

Geldtheorie und -politik in Preußen Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts,
Jan Greitens, from IBF – Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte / Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main (2017) Downloads

Negara, ekonomi dan pasar: Analisis institusi hisbah dan kontribusinya dalam perspektif al-Mawardi,
Faidatun Nashihah, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: country, market, economy, hisbah, Islamic economy

Pemikiran Ekonomi Al-Maqrizi,
Gatot Gunarso, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: : Islamic Economics, Inflation, Al-Maqrizi

Aggregate statistics on trafficker-destination relations in the Atlantic slave trade,
Philip Hans Franses and Wilco van den Heuvel, from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute (2018) Downloads

La construction d'un système statistique: Le cas des statistiques du commerce intérieur en France de 1945 à la fin des années 1960,
Tristan Jacques and Erich Pinzón Fuchs, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: history of statistical tools,political regime,history of national trade in France,Construction of a statistical system,régime politique,Construction d'un système statistique,histoire du commerce intérieur en France,histoire des outils statistiques

L'économie, rhétorique moderne,
François Facchini, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: épistémologie,sciences économiques,économétrie,négationnisme en économie

Thomas Sargent face à Robert Lucas: une autre ambition pour la Nouvelle Economie Classique,
Aurélien Goutsmedt, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Rational Expectations,New Classical Economics,Macroeconomics History,Histoire de la macroéconomie,Nouvelle Economie Classique,Anticipations rationnelles

The Slope of the Term Structure and Recessions: The Pre-Fed Evidence, 1857-1913,
Stefan Gerlach and Rebecca Stuart, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2018)
Keywords: Term structure; Recessions; Federal Reserve

The Big Sort: Selective Migration and the Decline of Northern England, 1780-2018,
Gregory Clark and Neil Cummins, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2018)
Keywords: Regional growth; New economic geography; Sorting in labor market

The Lyon Stock Exchange: The Survival of the Fittest (1866-1914),
Jérémy Ducros and Angelo Riva, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Lyon stock exchange,Paris stock exchange,Coulisse,competition,exchanges

Fiscal Capacity and Dualism in Colonial States: The French Empire 1830-1962,
Denis Cogneau, Yannick Dupraz and Sandrine Mesplé-Somps, from HAL (2020) Downloads

The Long-Run and Gender-Equalizing Impacts of School Access: Evidence from the First Indochina War,
Hai-Anh Dang, Trung X. Hoang and Ha Nguyen, from Global Labor Organization (GLO) (2018)
Keywords: education achievement, reading literacy, school policy, popular education, difference-in-difference, long-term impact, war

Oil and Commodities Drive the World Business Cycle: A Long-Commodity-Cycle Model of the World Economy Over a Century and a Half,
Vo Phuong Mai Le, David Meenagh and A. Patrick Minford, from Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School, Economics Section (2018)
Keywords: Long waves; commodities; DSGE model; Indirect Inference

Fanning the Flames of Hate: Social Media and Hate Crime,
Karsten Müller and Carlo Schwarz, from Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) (2018) Downloads

Cohesive Institutions and Political Violence,
Thiemo Fetzer and Stephan Kyburz, from Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) (2018) Downloads

Taxonomy of Chilean Financial Fragility Periods from 1975 to 2017,
Juan Francisco Martínez, José Miguel Matus and Daniel Oda, from Central Bank of Chile (2018) Downloads

Spinning the Industrial Revolution,
Jane Humphries and Benjamin Schneider, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2016)
Keywords: Hand spinning, Women's wages, Industrial Revolution, Textiles, Great Divergence, High Wage Economy interpretation of invention and innovation

Path Dependency in Jury Decision-Making,
Randi Hjalmarsson and Anna Bindler, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2018)
Keywords: Crime; Jury; Verdict; Path dependency; Sequential decision-making; English history; Behavioral bias

Forced Migration and Human Capital: Evidence from Post-WWII Population Transfers,
Sascha Becker, Irena Grosfeld, Pauline Grosjean, Nico Voigtländer and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, from Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) (2018)
Keywords: Poland, Forced Migration, Uprootedness, Human Capital JEL Classification: N33, N34, D74, I25

Perceived FOMC: The Making of Hawks, Doves and Swingers,
Klodiana Istrefi, from Banque de France (2018)
Keywords: Monetary Policy Committees; Federal Reserve; Policy Preferences

Liquidity Traps and Large-Scale Financial Crises,
Giovanni Caggiano, Efrem Castelnuovo, Olivier Damette, Antoine Parent and Giovanni Pellegrino, from CESifo (2018)
Keywords: Keynesian liquidity trap, Threshold-VAR, monetary and financial cliometrics, Great Depression, Great Recession

LES ORIGINES DE LA DISTINCTION ENTRE POSITIF ET NORMATIF EN ECONOMIE (The Origin of the Positive-normative Distinction in Economics),
Philippe Mongin, from HEC Paris (2018)
Keywords: économie positive et économie normative; jugements de valeur; thèse de Hume; objectivité au sens de Weber; économie du bien-être; John Stuart Mill; John Neville Keynes; Lionel Robbins; positive economics and normative economics; value judgments; Humes thesis; objectivity in

The Origins of the Division of Labor in Pre-Modern Times,
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ömer Özak, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2018)
Keywords: population diversity, cultural diversity, intra-ethnic diversity, economic specialization, division of labor, comparative development, genetic diversity, linguistic diversity

Persistence and Cyclical Dynamics of US and UK House Prices: Evidence from Over 150 Years of Data,
Giorgio Canarella, Luis Gil-Alana, Rangan Gupta and Stephen Miller, from University of Pretoria, Department of Economics (2018)
Keywords: Long memory, house prices, fractional integration, cycles

College Access and Attendance Patterns: A Long-Run View,
Lutz Hendricks, Christopher Herrington and Todd Schoellman, from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2018)
Keywords: College access; Intergenerational mobility; Human capital

Was Higher Education a Major Channel through which the United States Became an Economic Superpower in the 20th Century?,
Adam Cook and Isaac Ehrlich, from Asian Development Bank Institute (2018)
Keywords: human capital; endogenous growth; Morrill Act; higher education; treatment effects; US

Luther, the Papacy, and the Quest for the Absolute,
Brandon Tucker, from Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (2018)
Keywords: Luther, Reformation, Authority, Anxiety, Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, History

Patents in the Long Run: Theory, History and Statistics,
Claude Diebolt and Karine Pellier, from Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg (2018)
Keywords: database, cliometrics, shock analysis, patents, causality, comparisons in time and space.

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