82 documents matched the search for the 2006-01-01 issue of the NEP report on Financial Markets (nep-fmk), currently edited by Kwang Soo Cheong.
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Market Information and Price Instability: An Insight into Vegetable Markets in Senegal, Hélène David-Benz, Idrissa Wade and Johny Egg,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Horticulture, Price analysis, Market instability, Information, Transaction costs
The Market of Foreign Exchange Hedge in Brazil: Reactions of Financial Institutions to Interventions of the Central Bank, Fernando de Oliveira and Walter Novaes,
from Economics Research Group, IBMEC Business School - Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: foreign exchange swaps, central bank interventions, foreign exchange risk
Demanda de Derivativos de Câmbio no Brasil: Hedge ou Especulação, Walter Novaes and Fernando de Oliveira,
from Economics Research Group, IBMEC Business School - Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: demanda de derivativos de câmbio, hedge, especulação, swaps cambiais, firmas de capital aberto
Question de causalité entre développement réel et développement financier: Une notion encore embarrassée, Hamdi Khalfaoui,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Libéralisation Financière, Croissance, PanelCointégration, Causalité,PMA
Information Quality and Stock Returns Revisited, Frode Brevik and Stefano d'Addona,
from Department of Economics, University of St. Gallen
Financial Constraints, the User Cost of Capital and Corporate Investment in Australia, Gianni La Cava,
from Reserve Bank of Australia
Keywords: investment; user cost of capital; panel data
Order Submission: The Choice between Limit and Market Orders, Ingrid Lo and Stephen Sapp,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: Exchange rate; Financial institution; Market structure and pricing
Dolarizasyon Endeksleri: Turkiye�deki Dolarizasyon Surecine Iliskin Gostergeler, Ozge Akinci, Yasemin Barlas Ozer and Bulent Usta,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Keywords: composite dollarization index, asset dollarization, liability dollarization
Risk Aversion, Sovereign Bonds and Risk Premium, Ferhan Salman,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Information, Capital Gains Taxes & New York Stock Exchange, Ferhan Salman,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Banking Sector Fragility and Turkey�s 2000�01 Financial Crisis, Fatih Ozatay and Guven Sak,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Recent Experiences With Capital Controls: Is There A Lesson for Turkey?, Melike Altinkemer,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Electronic Money Free Banking and Some Implications for Central Banking, Yuksel Gormez and Christopher Houghton Budd,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
The Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions for the Turkish Economy: A Post-Crisis Period Analysis, Ozge Akinci, Olcay Çulha, Umit Ozlale and Gülbin Şahinbeyoğlu,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Keywords: Foreign Exchange Interventions, Emerging Markets, Event Study and Time Varying Parameter Model
The Price Puzzle in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Turkish Economy Using Model Based Risk Premium Derived from Domestic Fundamentals, Zelal Aktas, Neslihan Kaya and Umit Ozlale,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Keywords: Risk Premium, Non-Linear State Space Models
Hedge ratio estimation and hedging effectiveness: the case of the S&P 500 stock index futures contract, Dimitris Kenourgios, Aristeidis Samitas and Panagiotis Drosos,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Hedging effectiveness; minimum variance hedge ratio (MVHR); hedging models; Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index futures
Macroeconomic factors’ influence on “new” European countries stock returns: the case of four transition economies, Aristeidis Samitas and Dimitris Kenourgios,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Stock returns; macroeconomic factors; present value model; Central-Eastern (“New”) stock markets; “Old” European stock markets; USA.
Initial Performance of Greek IPOs, Underwriter’s Reputation and Oversubscription, Dimitris Kenourgios, Spyros Papathanasiou and Emmanouil Rafail Melas,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: IPOs, underpricing, oversubscription, underwriters’ prestige, Athens Stock Exchange.
El Mercado Secundario de Deuda en Chile, Vicente Lazen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Secondary debt market Chile corporate debt government debt
How do Currency Markets Interact? Evidence from the Yen-Dollar Exchange Rates in Tokyo, London, and New York, Ingyu Chiou, James Jordan- Wagner and Hai-Chin Yu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: price transmission, causality, VAR
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Markets and Institutions
Libéralisation financière: Impacts et conditions de réussite Un essai d'application pour les pays du Maghreb, Hamdi Khalfaoui,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Libéralisation Financière, Réformes, Croissance économique,PMA.
Dollarization Persistence and Individual Heterogeneity, Paul Castillo and Diego Winkelried,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Dollarization, individual heterogeneity, persistence, aggregation
from University Library of Munich, Germany
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Asian Crisis, Efficiency of internal and external funds, Moral hazard of bad loans, Financial constraint, Random effects model with selection
Sovereign Debt Without Default Penalties, Oren Sussman and Alexander Guembel,
from Oxford Financial Research Centre
Commitment to Overinvest and Price Informativeness, James Dow, Itay Goldstein and Alexander Guembel,
from Oxford Financial Research Centre
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: currency crisis - exchange rate - leading indicators - Argentina
A Dynamic Model of Central Bank Intervention, Ana María Herrera and Pınar Özbay Özlü,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Keywords: Exchange rate, intervention, central bank, dynamic Tobit, CLAD
The Russian Currency Basket: The Rising Role of the Euro for Russia’s Exchange Rate Policies, Gunther Schnabl,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Words: Russia, Currency Basket, International Role of the Euro.
Can Standard Preferences Explain the Prices of out of the Money S&P 500 Put Options, Luca Benzoni, Pierre Collin-Dufresne and Robert S. Goldstein,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Confronting Divergent Interests in Cross-Country Regulatory Arrangements, Edward Kane,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Investor Sentiment and Corporate Finance: Micro and Macro, Owen Lamont and Jeremy Stein,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Is Financial Globalization Beneficial?, Frederic Mishkin,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
What's Psychology Worth? A Field Experiment in the Consumer Credit Market, Marianne Bertrand, Dean Karlin, Sendhil Mullainathan, Eldar Shafir and Jonathan Zinman,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Internationalization and Stock Market Liquidity, Ross Levine and Sergio Schmukler,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
CAPM Over the Long Run: 1926-2001, Andrew Ang and Joseph Chen,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
International Stock Return Comovements, Geert Bekaert, Robert Hodrick and Xiaoyan Zhang,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Estimating a Risky Term Structure of Uruguayan Sovereign Bonds, Serafin Frache and Gabriel Katz,
from Department of Economics - dECON
Keywords: default risk; term structure; reduced-form model; default spread
Uruguay Capital Market: Law-in-the-books or Law-in-action?, Eduardo Siandra,
from Department of Economics - dECON
Keywords: bankruptcy, capital markets, finance, common law tradition, civil law tradition, disclosure, law, legal, reform, trust
Global Factors and Emerging Market Spreads, Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Martin Gonzalez-Rozada,
from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Sri Lanka's migrant labor remittances: enhancing the quality and outreach of the rural remittance infrastructure, Esperanza Lasagabaster, Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Sriyani Hulugalle,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Banks&Banking Reform,Technology Industry,Gender and Development,Financial Intermediation,Economic Theory&Research
A more complete conceptual framework for financing of small and medium enterprises, Allen Berger and Gregory Udell,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Investment and Investment Climate,Economic Theory&Research,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring
Does foreign portfolio investment reach small listed firms ?, April Knill,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Debt Markets,Access to Finance,Economic Theory&Research,Emerging Markets,Investment and Investment Climate
Taking the bad with the good: volatility of foreign portfolio investment and financial constraints of small firms, April Knill,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Investment and Investment Climate,Economic Theory&Research,Capital Flows,Financial Intermediation,Markets and Market Access
Neither a borrower nor a lender: does China's zero net foreign asset position make economic sense?, David Dollar and Aart Kraay,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Investment and Investment Climate,Capital Flows,Economic Growth,Banking Law
Corporate Sector Debt Composition and Exchange Rate Balance Sheet Effect in Turkey, Mehtap Kesriyeli, Erdal Ozmen and Serkan Yigit,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Keywords: Balance sheet effects, Capital structure, Corporate sector, Debt composition, Liability dollarisation, Turkey
International remittances: information for New England financial institutions, Mamie Marcuss,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Keywords: Emigrant remittances; Banks and banking - New England
Alternative measures of the Federal Reserve banks' cost of equity capital, Michelle Barnes and Jose Lopez,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Keywords: capital asset pricing model; Payment systems
Industry Specific Effects in Investment Performance and Valuation of Firms - Marginal q in a Stock Market Bubble, Per-Olof Bjuggren and Daniel Wiberg,
from Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies
Keywords: Marginal q; Investment; Stock bubbles; Different industries
Competition and credit and debit card interchange fees: a cross-country analysis, Fumiko Hayashi and Stuart E. Weiner,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Keywords: Credit cards; Debit cards; Competition
Swedish intervention and the Krona float, 1993–2002, Owen Humpage and Javiera Ragnartz,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Keywords: Foreign exchange administration; Krona, Swedish
Debt and corporate governance in emerging economies: Evidence from India, Jayati Sarkar and Subrata Sarkar,
from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Debt, ownership structure, corporate governance, institutional change
South Korea's Experience with International Capital Flows, Marcus Noland,
from Peterson Institute for International Economics
Keywords: Korea, capital controls, financial crises, financial liberalization
Hedging Strategies and the Financing of the 1992 International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund, André Schmitt and Sandrine Spaeter,
from Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg
Keywords: Oil spill, IOPC Fund, risk management, insurance, financial hedging.
Country portfolios, Aart Kraay, Norman Loayza, Luis Servén and Jaume Ventura,
from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Internationall capital flows, country portfolios, sovereign risk
Endogenous credit cycles, Alberto Martin,
from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Endogenous cycles, financial accelerator, adverse selection, pooling equilibrium, separating equilibrium
What determines financial development?, Yongfu Huang,
from School of Economics, University of Bristol, UK
Keywords: Financial development, Model uncertainty, Bayesian Model Averaging, PcGets
Regulation, formal and informal enforcement and the development of the household loan market. Lessons from Italy, Luca Casolaro, Leonardo Gambacorta and Luigi Guiso,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: consumer loans, financial liberalization, financial contracts enforcement
Banks� participation in the Eurosystem auctions and money market integration, Giuseppe Bruno, Ernesto Maurizio Ordine and Antonio Scalia,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: Bidding Behaviour, auctions, open market operations, money market, liquidity management Abstract: We perform a panel analysis of bidding in the Eurosystem auctions, using individual data that include the bidder code, size, nationality and membership in a banking group. We find that an increase in interest rate volatility lowers the probability of bidding, but induces bidders to shade rates less. Large bidders participate more regularly, while group bidders demand larger amounts, showing an aptitude to act as liquidity brokers. Our findings support the transnational bank hypothesis (Freixas- Holthausen, 2005): banks with a multinational profile use their informational advantage to arbitrage out the differences in interest rates across countries, thus fostering money market integration.
Are there asymmetries in the response of bank interest rates monetary shocks?, Leonardo Gambacorta and Simonetta Iannotti,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: monetary policy transmission, interest rates, asymmetries, liberalization
Disclosure of environmental violations and the stock market in the Republic of Korea, Susmita Dasgupta, Jong Ho Hong, Benoit Laplante and Nlandu Mamingi,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Pollution Management&Control,Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Water and Industry,Decentralization,Environmental Economics&Policies,Energy and Environment,Health Economics&Finance,Access to Markets,Markets and Market Access
Access to External Finance: Theory and Evidence on the Impact of Firm-Specific Characteristics, Spiros Bougheas, Paul Mizen and Cihan Yalcin,
from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Why do firms go public? evidence from the banking industry, Richard Rosen, Scott B. Smart and Chad J. Zutter,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Keywords: Financial institutions
Distribution Risk and Equity Returns, Jean-Pierre Danthine, John B. Donaldson and Paolo Siconolfi,
from Université de Lausanne, Faculté des HEC, Département d’économie
Keywords: income shares; distribution risk; equity premium; limited market participation
Cash breeds Success: The Role of Financing Constraints in Patent Races, Enrique Schroth and Dezsoe Szalay,
from Université de Lausanne, Faculté des HEC, Département d’économie
Keywords: patent race; incumbent; entrant; financial constraints; empirical estimation
Market timing with aggregate and idiosyncratic stock volatilities, Hui Guo and Jason Higbee,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: Stock exchanges
Small caps in international equity portfolios: the effects of variance risk, Massimo Guidolin and Giovanna Nicodano,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: Investments, Foreign
A model of banknote discounts, Laurence Ales, Francesca Carapella, Pricila Maziero and Warren Weber,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Banks and banking; Bank notes
Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty and Risk, Refet Gürkaynak and Justin Wolfers,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: prediction markets, disagreement, uncertainty, macroeconomic forecasting, economic derivatives, density forecasting
Money market integration, Leonardo Bartolini, R. Spence Hilton and Alessandro Prati,
from Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Keywords: Euro-dollar market; Liquidity (Economics); Federal funds market (United States)
Establishing credibility: evolving perceptions of the European Central Bank, Linda Goldberg and Michael Klein,
from Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Keywords: Banks and banking, Central; Inflation (Finance); European Central Bank; Monetary policy
Financial integration and the wealth effect of exchange rate fluctuations, Cédric Tille,
from Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Keywords: International finance; Foreign exchange; Macroeconomics
The return to retail and the performance of U.S. banks, Beverly Hirtle and Kevin Stiroh,
from Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Keywords: Banks and banking; Retail trade; Bank profits
Assessing the impact of electronic benefits transfer on America's communities and the U.S. payment system, Anonymous,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Keywords: Payment systems; Debit cards; Food stamps
Alternative central bank credit policies for liquidity provision in a model of payments, David Mills,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Payment systems; Bank liquidity; Banks and banking, Central
Explaining credit default swap spreads with the equity volatility and jump risks of individual firms, Benjamin Y. Zhang, Hao Zhou and Haibin Zhu,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Swaps (Finance); Risk management; Econometric models
Measuring counterparty credit exposure to a margined counterparty, Michael S. Gibson,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Risk management; Derivative securities; Over-the-counter markets
Can financial innovation help to explain the reduced volatility of economic activity?, Karen E. Dynan, Douglas Elmendorf and Daniel Sichel,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Economic stabilization; Financial engineering; Financial modernization
A no-arbitrage analysis of economic determinants of the credit spread term structure, Liuren Wu and Frank X. Zhang,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Interest rates; Financial leverage; Econometric models