18 documents matched the search for the 2014-04-05 issue of the NEP report on European Economics (nep-eec), currently edited by Simon Sosvilla-Rivero.
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Financial flexibility across the euro area and the UK, Annalisa Ferrando, Maria-Teresa Marchica and Roberto Mura,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: cross-country analysis, financial flexibility, investment, low leverage
Cross-border production chains and business cycle co-movement between Central and Eastern European countries and euro area member states, Plamen Iossifov,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: business cycle, CEE, Central and Eastern European countries, cross-border production chains, global value chains, inventories
External and macroeconomic adjustment in the larger euro area countries, Elena Angelini, Michele Ca' Zorzi and Katrin Forster,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: current account, euro area countries, modeling, net lending
European Integration: Partisan Motives or Economic Benefits?, Patricia Esteve-González & Bernd Theilen,
from London School of Economics / European Institute
Keywords: Maastricht Treaty; budget; trade policy
The euro plus pact: cost competitiveness and external capital flows in the EU countries, Hubert Gabrisch and Karsten Staehr,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: current account imbalances, economic crisis, European integration, policy coordination, unit labour costs
Financial conditions index and credit supply shocks for the euro area, Matthieu Darracq Paries, Laurent Maurin and Diego Moccero,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: credit supply shocks, euro area, factor models, financial conditions index, large dataset, sign restrictions, structural VAR
Anatomy of a Bail-In, Thomas Conlon and John Cotter,
from arXiv.org
A high frequency assessment of the ECB securities markets programme, Simone Manganelli, Julien Idier, Olivier Vergote and Eric Ghysels,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: component models, euro area crisis, high frequency data, SMP, unconventional monetary policy
Macroeconomic experiences and risk taking of euro area households, Michael Ehrmann and Miguel Ampudia Fraile,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: household finance, learning, portfolio choice, rare disasters, risk-taking behavior
Nonlinearities in sovereign risk pricing the role of cds index contracts, Anne-Laure Delatte,
from Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE)
Keywords: European sovereign crisis, Panel Smooth Threshold regression models, CDS indices
The pricing of sovereign risk and contagion during the European sovereign debt crisis, Marcel Fratzscher and John Beirne,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: bond spreads, CDS spreads, contagion, ratings, sovereign debt crisis, sovereign risk
The impact of news and the SMP on realized (co)variances in the eurozone sovereign debt market, Massimo Giuliodori, Roel Beetsma, Frank de Jong and Daniel Widijanto,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: crisis, Eurozone, realized covariances, SMP, sovereign debt, Spillovers
Is It Too Late to Bail Out the Troubled Countries in the Eurozone?, Juan Carlos Conesa and Timothy Kehoe,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Sovereign debt; Bailout; Penalty interest rate; Collateral
Putting the EMU integration into a new perspective: the case of capital market holdings, Georgios Palaiodimos,
from Bank of Greece
Keywords: Market integration; Gravity models; equity holdings; bond holdings; EMU.
Transmission effects in the presence of structural breaks: evidence from south-eastern European countries, Minoas Koukouritakis, Athanasios Papadopoulos and Andreas Yannopoulos,
from Bank of Greece
Keywords: Monetary Transmission Mechanism; Structural Breaks; LM Unit Root Tests; Cointegration Tests; Impulse Responses.
Why firms avoid cutting wages: survey evidence from European firms, Philip Du Caju, Theodora Kosma, Martina Lawless, Julian Messina and Tairi Room,
from Bank of Greece
Keywords: labour costs; wage rigidity; firm survey; wage cuts; European Union
Cross-country insurance mechanisms in currency unions, Michiel Bijlsma and Gijsbert Zwart,
from Bruegel
Sovereign credit ratings, market volatility, and financial gains, Antonio Afonso, Pedro Gomes and Abderrahim Taamouti,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: EGARCH, financial gain, optimal portfolio, risk management, sovereign ratings, stock market returns, value-at-risk, volatility, yields