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22 documents matched the search for the 2012-07-29 issue of the NEP report on Demographic Economics (nep-dem), currently edited by Héctor Pifarré i Arolas.
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Family and Childcare Support Public Expenditures and Short-Term Fertility Dynamics,
Cosmin Enache, from West University of Timisoara, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (2012)
Keywords: Social Security, Fertility

Female Employment and Fertility - The Effects of Rising Female Wages,
Christian Siegel, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2012)
Keywords: Fertility, female labor supply, household production, intrahousehold allocations

Population, Migration and Labour Supply: Great Britain 1871 - 2011,
Timothy Hatton, from Centre for Economic History, Research School of Economics, Australian National University (2012) Downloads

Patterns of household practice: an examination into the relationship between housework and waste separation for households in the United Kingdom,
Hazel Pettifor, from Institute for Social and Economic Research (2012) Downloads

Policy perspectives of grandparenting in Europe,
Valeria Bordone, Bruno Arpino and Arnstein Aassve, from "Carlo F. Dondena" Centre for Research on Social Dynamics (DONDENA), Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (2012)
Keywords: Grandparental childcare, intergenerational relationships, policies, multilinks database

Relief During the Great Depression in Australia and America,
Price Fishback, from Centre for Economic History, Research School of Economics, Australian National University (2012) Downloads

De Jure and de Facto Determinants of Power: Evidence from Mississippi,
Graziella Bertocchi and Arcangelo Dimico, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2012)
Keywords: Race; Voting; Education; Institutions; Inequality

Does consumption decline at retirement? Evidence from repeated cross-section data for Germany,
Martin Beznoska and Viktor Steiner, from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics (2012) Downloads

Labor supply on the eve of retirement. Disparate effects of immediate and postponed rewards to working,
Christian Brinch, Erik Hernaes and Zhiyang Jia, from Statistics Norway, Research Department (2012)
Keywords: labor supply; retirement earnings test; social security wealth; difference-indifferences

World Bank support for pensions and social security,
Mark Dorfman and Robert Palacios, from The World Bank (2012)
Keywords: Safety Nets and Transfers,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Emerging Markets,Debt Markets,Banks&Banking Reform

Pension coverage in Latin America: trends and determinants,
Rafael Rofman and María Laura Oliveri, from The World Bank (2012)
Keywords: Population Policies,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Debt Markets,Insurance Law

Regional dimensions of infant mortality in Brazil,
Ana Maria Barufi, Eduardo Haddad and Antonio Paez, from European Regional Science Association (2011) Downloads

Health Status Determinants in the OECD Countries. A Panel Data Approach with Endogenous Regressors,
Ana Pocas and Elias Soukiazis, from European Regional Science Association (2011) Downloads

Financing needs of nascent entrepreneurs in Chile: does gender matter?,
Gianni Romani, Miguel Atienza and Ernesto Amorós, from European Regional Science Association (2011) Downloads

Do husbands and wives pool their incomes? Experimental evidence,
Miriam Beblo and Denis Beninger, from Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg (2012)
Keywords: Intra-household allocation, Consumption choices, Couple Experiment.

Delayed Entry into First Marriage: Further Evidence on the Becker-Landes-Michael Hypothesis,
Evelyn Lehrer and Yu Chen, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2012)
Keywords: marital instability, marital stability, divorce, marriage, marriage dissolution

Ethnic Diversity and Team Performance: A Field Experiment,
Sander M. Hoogendoorn and Mirjam Praag, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2012)
Keywords: ethnic diversity, team performance, field experiment, entrepreneurship, (mutual) learning

Are firms willing to employ a greying and feminizing workforce?,
Vincent Vandenberghe, from Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES) (2012)
Keywords: ageing workforce, gender, productivity, profitability, linked employer-employee data, endogeneity and simultaneity bias

Why Highly Educated Women Face Potential Poverty: A Case Study in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Syeda Malik, from Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC) (2012)
Keywords: women, highly educated, gender, professional idenity, potential poverty, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Heterogeneity in the relationship between happiness and age: Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel,
Gregori Baetschmann, from Department of Economics - University of Zurich (2011)
Keywords: Aging, life satisfaction, well-being, happiness methodology

Financial incentives, the timing of births, birth complications, and newborns' health: Evidence from the abolition of Austria's baby bonus,
Beatrice Brunner and Andreas Kuhn, from Department of Economics - University of Zurich (2011)
Keywords: Baby bonus, scheduling of conceptions, timing of births, policy announcement, abolition effect, birth complications, medical intervention

Performance of skilled migrants in the U.S.: a dynamic approach,
Aaditya Mattoo, Ileana Neagu Constantinescu and Caglar Ozden, from The World Bank (2012)
Keywords: Population Policies,International Migration,Voluntary and Involuntary Resettlement,Human Migrations&Resettlements,Labor Markets

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