Binary choice models with endogenous regressors,
Christopher Baum, Yingying Dong, Arthur Lewbel and Tao Yang,
from Stata Users Group
Ergodic Chaos and Aggregate Stability: A Deterministic Discrete-Choice Model of Wealth Distribution Dynamics,
Takashi Kamihigashi,
from Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University
Keywords: Aggregation, Ergodic chaos, Stability, Discrete choice, Wealth distribution, Frobenius-Perron operator
Measuring consumer preferences for postal services,
Charlene Rohr, Urs Trinkner, Alison Lawrence, Chong Woo Kim, Dimitris Potoglou and Rob Sheldon,
from Swiss Economics
Keywords: Consumer preferences, Postal services
Co-operation over Distance? The Spatial Dimension of Inter-organisational Innovation Collaboration,
Anja Dettmann, Sidonia von Proff and Thomas Brenner,
from Philipps University Marburg, Department of Geography
Keywords: innovation collaboration, collaboration over distance, network formation, Germany
Multi-agent Route Choice Game for Transportation Engineering,
Xuan Di, Henry Liu and David Levinson,
from University of Minnesota: Nexus Research Group
Keywords: route choice, traffic assignment, user equilibrium, equilibration, education, Braess' Paradox
Markov Chain Model of Land Use Change in the Twin Cities,
Michael Iacono, David Levinson, Ahmed El-Geneidy and Rania Wasfi,
from University of Minnesota: Nexus Research Group
Keywords: Markov chain, land use model
Monte Carlo Simulation of Adaptive Stated Preference Survey with a case study: Effects of Aggregate Mode Shares on Individual Mode Choice,
Carlos Carrion, Nebiyou Tilahun and David Levinson,
from University of Minnesota: Nexus Research Group
Keywords: mode choice, mode shares, mixed logit, stated preference.
Relative Accessibility and the Choice of Modes,
Andrew Owen, Paul Anderson and David Levinson,
from University of Minnesota: Nexus Research Group
Keywords: accessibility, mode choice, travel behavior
Uncovering the influence of commuters' perception on the reliability ratio,
Carlos Carrion and David Levinson,
from University of Minnesota: Nexus Research Group
Keywords: route choice, GPS data, choice dynamics, travel time reliability, network reliability, value of reliability, value of time.
Route choice dynamics after a link restoration,
Carlos Carrion and David Levinson,
from University of Minnesota: Nexus Research Group
Keywords: route choice, GPS data, choice dynamics, equilibration.