Do Contracts Help? A Team Formation Perspective,
Norovsambuu Tumennasan,
from Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
Keywords: team formation, hedonic game, moral hazard, assortative partition
A Note on Contribution Games with Loss Functions,
Giuseppe Russo and Luigi Senatore,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Public Goods, Intergovernmental Relations
Laboratory Games and Quantum Behaviour: The Normal Form with a Separable State Space,
Peter Hammond,
from University of Warwick, Department of Economics
Competition in Persuasion,
Matthew Gentzkow and Emir Kamenica,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Delegation to Independent Regulators and the Ratchet Effect,
Joanne Evans, Paul Levine, Neil Rickman and Francesc Trillas,
from School of Economics, University of Surrey
Keywords: delegation; ratchet effect; procurement
A Mechanism Design Approach to Climate Agreements,
David Martimort and Wilfried Sand-Zantman,
from Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI), Toulouse
A Model of Partnership Formation with Friction and Multiple Criteria,
Stephen Kinsella and David Ramsey,
from Geary Institute, University College Dublin
Keywords: mutual mate choice, game theory, common preferences, homotypic preferences, subgame perfect equilibrium
Efficiency, egalitarism, stability and social welfare in economics,
Elvio Accinelli, Leobardo Plata-Pérez and Joss Sanchez-Perez,
from Department of Economics - dECON
Keywords: Fairness, efficiency, economics welfare
Intertemporal Utility and Correlation Aversion,
Steffen Andersen, Glenn Harrison, Morten Lau and Elisabet Rutstroem,
from Durham University, Department of Economics