58 documents matched the search for the 2017-11-19 issue of the NEP report on Macroeconomics (nep-mac), currently edited by Daniela Cialfi.
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Designing fan charts for GDP growth forecasts to better reflect downturn risks, David Turner,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: downturn, economic forecasts, Fan charts, risk, uncertainty
Economic shocks and changes in global production structures: Methods for measuring economic resilience, Yoshihiro Hashiguchi, Norihiko Yamano and Colin Webb,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: economic resilience, global value chains, input-output, structural changes
Nonlinear Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Domestic Prices in Ukraine, Oleksandr Faryna,
from National Bank of Ukraine
Keywords: Exchange rate pass-through, inflation, Ukraine, nonlinear ERPT, Autoregressive Distributed Lag model
A new IV approach for estimating the efficacy of macroprudential measures, Niklas Gadatsch, Lukas Mann and Isabel Schnabel,
from German Council of Economic Experts / Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Central bank transparency and the volatility of exchange rates, Stefan Eichler and Helge C. N. Littke,
from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
Keywords: central bank transparency, exchange rate volatility, panel model
Dynamic Impact of Money Supply on Economic Growth in South Africa. An ARDL Approach, Siyasanga Dingela and Hlalefang Khobai,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Keywords: Economic growth; Money supply; Inflation rate; Interest rate; Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL).
Generation, Security and Distribution of NationCoins by a Sovereign Authority, Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: NationCoins, K-Y Protocol, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies
The Effects of Secondary Markets for Government Bonds on Inflation Dynamics, Begona Dominguez and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: taxes; inflation; secondary markets, liquidity premium.
The Effects of Secondary Markets for Government Bonds on Inflation Dynamics, Begona Dominguez and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: taxes; inflation; secondary markets, liquidity premium.
Uniform Inference for Characteristic Effects of Large Continuous-Time Linear Models, Yuan Liao and Xiye Yang,
from arXiv.org
The appropriateness of the macroeconomic imbalance procedure for Central and Eastern European countries, Martina Kämpfe and Tobias Knedlik,
from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
Keywords: macroeconomic imbalances procedure, Central and Eastern European countries, signals approach, early warning system
Threshold Inflation in Pakistan, Muhammad Arby and Amjad Ali,
from State Bank of Pakistan, Research Department
Keywords: Inflation, threshold effects, Economic growth
Labor productivity, capital accumulation, and aggregate efficiency across countries: Some stylized facts, Carlos Mendez-Guerra,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: labor productivity, capital accumulation, aggregate efficiency, stylized facts
The long- and short-run impact of oil price changes on major global economies, Thomas Heidorn, Sophie van Huellen, C. Ruehl and F. Woebbeking,
from Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Predicting Inflation and Output in Pakistan: The Role of Yield Spread, Fida Hussain and Asif Mahmood,
from State Bank of Pakistan, Research Department
Keywords: Yield curve, inflation, Output, Forecasting
Debunking the Myth of Southern Profligacy. A DSGE Analysis of Business Cycles in the EMU’s Big Four, Alice Albonico, Roberta Cardani and Patrizio Tirelli,
from University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Economics
Keywords: Asymmetric Euro crisis, two-country DSGE, Bayesian estimation
The Role of Inflation Target Adjustment in Stabilization Policy, Yunjong Eo and Denny Lie,
from Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: Welfare analysis, Monetary policy, Cost-push shocks, Medium-run inflation, targeting, Flat Phillips curve
Advanced economies and emerging markets: Dissecting the drivers of business cycle synchronization, Aikaterini Karadimitropoulou,
from School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Keywords: dynamic factors, disaggregated business cycles, international co-movement, emerging markets
Firm-level political risk: Measurement and effects, Tarek Hassan, Stephan Hollander, Laurence van Lent and Ahmed Tahoun,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Political uncertainty; Quantification; Firm-level; Lobbying
Human Capital Misallocation, TFP, and Redistributive Policies, Debasis Bandyopadhyay, Ian King and Xueli Tang,
from University of Queensland, School of Economics
Keywords: heterogeneous agents, misallocation, TFP, redistribution
The Effects of Land Markets on Resource Allocation and Agricultural Productivity, Chaoran Chen, Diego Restuccia and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Productivity, agriculture, land markets, rentals, misallocation, micro data.
Wealth creation, wealth dilution and population dynamics, Christa Brunnschweiler, Pietro Peretto and Simone Valente,
from School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Keywords: R&D-based growth, overlapping generations, endogenous fertility, population level, wealth dilution
Secular Stagnation: Policy Options and the Cyclical Sensitivity in Estimates of Potential Output, Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Mauricio Ulate,
from National Bank of Ukraine
Keywords: potential output, output persistence, secular stagnation
Macroprudential policy and intra-group dynamics: The effects of reserve requirements in Brazil, Chris Becker, Matias Ossandon Busch and Lena Tonzer,
from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
Keywords: macroprudential regulation, financial intermediation, intra-group dynamics
Misallocation, Selection and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Panel Data from China, Tasso Adamopoulos, Loren Brandt, Jessica Leight and Diego Restuccia,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Agriculture, misallocation, selection, productivity, China.
House Prices, Home Equity, and Personal Debt Composition, Jieying Li and Xin Zhang,
from Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden)
Keywords: Household Decision; Personal Debt Management; Credit Constraint; Cash-out Re nancing; Entrepreneurship
Domestic and External Sovereign Debt, Paola Di Casola and Spyridon Sichlimiris,
from Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden)
Keywords: sovereign debt; sovereign default; financial repression; financial development; capital controls
Why are real interest rates so low? Evidence from a structural VAR with sign restrictions, Annika Alexius,
from Stockholm University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Real interest rate; sign restrictions; global savings and investment
Revolutionieren Kryptowährungen die Zahlungssysteme?, Walter Blocher, Andreas Hanl and Jochen Michaelis,
from Philipps-Universität Marburg, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department of Economics (Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung)
Keywords: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, digital Currency, Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology, Payment System
Is deregulation of product and labour markets promoting employment and productivity? A difference-in-differences approach, Hugo Correia and Ana Fontoura Gouveia,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Labour Market Reforms; Product Market Reforms; Employment; Productivity
Diving in the deep end of domestic deposits, Jed Armstrong and Nicholas Mulligan,
from Reserve Bank of New Zealand
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: persistensi, inflasi, sulsel
Public Debt Sustainability and Defaults, Michel Guillard and Hubert Kempf,
from CESifo
Keywords: public debt, sovereign default, recovery rate, debt sustainability
Analyzing Structural Reforms Using a Behavioral Macroeconomic Model, Paul De Grauwe and Yuemei Ji,
from CESifo
Keywords: animal spirits, structural reforms, monetary policy
What Marx Means Today, Hans-Werner Sinn,
from CESifo
The Effect of Disaggregate Information on the Expectation Formation of Firms, Lukas Buchheim and Sebastian Link,
from University of Munich, Department of Economics
Keywords: Expectation Formation; Firm Behavior; Survey Data; Natural Experiments in Macroeconomics; Heterogeneity in Expectations
Euro Area Imbalances, Mark Mink, Jan Jacobs, Jakob de Haan and Jakob de Haan,
from CESifo
Keywords: euro area macroeconomic imbalances, common monetary policy, economic convergence, business cycle synchronization, euro crisis
Liquidity and the International Allocation of Economic Activity, Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez,
from CESifo
Keywords: liquidity, trade, financial development, interest rates
Disaggregating the Matching Function, Peter Diamond and Aysegul Sahin,
from CESifo
Keywords: beveridge curve, unemployment matching function, hiring function, vacancies, worker flows
Labor Market Institutions and the Cost of Recessions, Tom Krebs and Martin Scheffel,
from CESifo
Keywords: labor market institutions, cost of recessions, German labor market reform
Market Power and Welfare in Asymmetric Divisible Good Auctions, Carolina Manzano and Xavier Vives,
from CESifo
Keywords: demand, supply schedule competition, private information, liquidity auctions, treasury auctions, electricity auctions, market integration
Is Something Really Wrong with Macroeconomics?, Ricardo Reis,
from CESifo
Overcoming the Original Sin: Gains from Local Currency External Debt, Ricardo Sabbadini,
from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP)
Keywords: external debt; sovereign default; debt denomination; real exchange rate.
The Great Deception: The 'Science' of Monetary Policy and the Great Moderation Revisited, Gilberto Lima and Mark Setterfield,
from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP)
Keywords: Great Moderation; monetary policy; inflation targeting; macroeconomic Stability; heterogeneous inflation expectations; satisficing evolutionary dynamics.
Machine learning for dynamic incentive problems, Philipp Renner and Simon Scheidegger,
from Lancaster University Management School, Economics Department
Keywords: Dynamic Contracts, Principal-Agent Model, Dynamic Programming, Machine Learning, Gaussian Processes, High-performance Computing
The Gold Pool (1961-1968) and the fall of the Bretton Woods system. Lessons for central bank cooperation, Eric Monnet, Michael Bordo and Alain Naef,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Gold pool; Bretton woods; Reserve currencies; Central bank cooperation; International monetary system; Sterling crisis
Is Europe Disintegrating? Macroeconomic Divergence, Structural Polarisation, Trade and Fragility, Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch, Philipp Heimberger, Jakob Kapeller and Bernhard Schütz,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
Keywords: polarisation, European Monetary Union, industrial policy, financial regulation, growth trajectories
Financial Crises and Lending of Last Resort in Open Economies, Luigi Bocola and Guido Lorenzoni,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Dollarization; Lending of last resort; Foreign reserves; Financial crises
A Mechanism to Regulate Sovereign Debt Restructuring in the Euro Area, Jochen Andritzky, Désirée Christofzik, Lars Feld and Uwe Scheuering,
from CESifo
Keywords: sovereign debt restructuring mechanism, no-bailout clause, creditor participation clauses, ESM
The Impact of Intergenerational Transfers on Household Wealth Inequality in Japan and the United States, Yoko Niimi and Charles Horioka,
from Asian Development Bank Institute
Keywords: bequests; education; inheritances; intergenerational transfers; inter vivos transfers; wealth distribution; wealth inequality; US
Reforming the Fee Structure of Investment Trusts to Increase Demand, Naoyuki Yoshino and Naoko Aoyama,
from Asian Development Bank Institute
Keywords: investment trusts; fee structure; sales load; asset management
Catch-up Cycle: A General Equilibrium Framework, Liu Peilin, Jia Shen and Xun Zhang,
from Asian Development Bank Institute
Keywords: Catch-up cycle; Latecomers; General Equilibrium; Total Factor Productivity (TFP); China
Fueling the US Economy: Energy as a Production Factor from the Great Depression until Today, Julius Frieling and Reinhard Madlener,
from E.ON Energy Research Center, Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN)
Keywords: aggregate production; technical change; multi-factor production; energy demand
The Effect of Restructuring on Labor Reallocation and Productivity Growth: An Estimation for Korea, Hyelin Choi, Sung Chun Jung and Su Bin Kim,
from Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Keywords: Productivity; Employment; Labor reallocation
CESEE Back on Track to Convergence, Vasily Astrov, Rumen Dobrinsky, Vladimir Gligorov, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiß, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic,
from The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
Keywords: CESEE, economic forecast, Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, Western Balkans, new EU Member States, CIS, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey, growth convergence, political uncertainties, external risks, EU funds, investment, consumption-led growth, unemployment, employment, wage growth, inflation, competitiveness, industrial production
Procyclical endogenous taxation and aggregate instability, Mauro Bambi and Siritas Kettanurak,
from Department of Economics, University of York
Keywords: Endogenous growth, time-varying consumption tax, local and global indeterminacy.
"Whatever it takes" to resolve the European sovereign debt crisis? Bond pricing regime switches and monetary policy effects, Antonio Afonso, Michael Arghyrou, María Gadea and Alexandros Kontonikas,
from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, REM, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: euro area, spreads, crisis, time-varying relationship, unconventional monetary policy
Fiscal Shocks and International Production Networks: An Empirical Investigation, Isai Quispe,
from Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies
Keywords: network; upstream; input-output; global; fiscal spillovers