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1814 documents matched the search for stereotypes in titles and keywords.
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Widad Atena Faragalla, in Annals of Faculty of Economics (2015)
Keywords: accounting profession, stereotypes, stereotype theory

Demographic variable in gender stereotypes,
Filaret Sintion and Corina Criciu, in BlackSea Journal of Psychology (2012)
Keywords: stereotype, gender stereotypes, images, mental shortcuts, media

Partisan stereotypes,
Carmelo Licata and Pierre-Guillaume Méon, from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2016)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Appearance; Political candidates; Party affiliation

Alexandra Iorgulescu and Mihaela Marcu, in Social Sciences and Education Research Review (2017)
Keywords: femininity, stereotype, media

Racial stereotypes and robbery,
Brendan O'Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2008)
Keywords: Robbery Stereotypes Statistical Discrimination

Stereotype formation as trait aggregation,
Burak Can and Remzi Sanver, in Mathematical Social Sciences (2009)
Keywords: Stereotype Majority rule Prejudice

Stereotypes and the Administration of Justice,
Brendan O’Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi, from Springer (2023)
Keywords: Stereotypes, Crime, Policing, Law

Gender Stereotyping in Sports,
Miriam Marcén, Marina Morales and Almudena Sevilla, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2020)
Keywords: gender, stereotypes, bias, sports

Gender Stereotypes in Europe,
Clotilde Coron, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: stereotypes,gender,Europe,statistical analysis,stéréotypes,genre,analyse statistique

Stereotypical Selection,
Martina Zanella, from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department (2024)
Keywords: Occupational choices; gender stereotypes; minority status; peer effects in education

Stereotypes in intertemporal choice,
Kendra McLeish and Robert Oxoby, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2009)
Keywords: Intertemporal choice Discounting Experiments Stereotypes

Discrimination, Quotas, and Stereotypes,
Lennart Struth and Max Thon, from University of Bonn and University of Cologne, Germany (2022)
Keywords: Statistical discrimination, stereotypes, quotas, ambiguity

Stereotypes and prejudices about people with disabilities,
Filaret Sîntion and Elisabeta Paraschiv, in BlackSea Journal of Psychology (2013)
Keywords: stereotypes, prejudices, people, disability

Are Danes’ Immigration Policy Preferences Based on Accurate Stereotypes?,
Emil O. W. Kirkegaard, Noah Carl and Julius D. Bjerrekær, in Societies (2020)
Keywords: stereotypes; stereotype accuracy; immigration; policy preferences; Denmark

Gender Stereotyping and Self-Stereotyping Attitudes: A Large Field Study of Managers,
Tor Eriksson, Nina Smith and Valdemar Smith, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2017)
Keywords: stereotypes, self-stereotypes, gender, glass ceiling effects, managerial labor markets

Do Robots Need to Be Stereotyped? Technical Characteristics as a Moderator of Gender Stereotyping,
Florian Dufour and Céline Ehrwein Nihan, in Social Sciences (2016)
Keywords: stereotype; gender; social robots; experiment

Communication Stereotypes and Perceptions of Managers,
Jessica H. Carlson and Mary Crawford, in SAGE Open (2012)
Keywords: gender; race; communication stereotypes; managers; workplace

International Trade Students' Stereotypes,
Kamila Matysová, in Acta Oeconomica Pragensia (2017)
Keywords: stereotypes, intercultural differences, cultural complexes, intercultural education

Stereotypic wage and accentuation effect,
Assad Baunto, in Philippine Review of Economics (2006)
Keywords: stereotypic wage, accentuation effect, adverse selection

Advertising communication and gender stereotypes,
Dalia Petcu, Sorin Suciu, Vasile Gherhes and Ciprian Obrad, in Anale. Seria Stiinte Economice. Timisoara (2012)
Keywords: advertising; commercial communication; gender; stereotypes; identity

Positive Discrimination, Stereotyping and Segregation,
Francesco Bogliacino, Laura Jiménez and Daniel Reyes Galvis, from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, FCE, CID (2016)
Keywords: segregation; discrimination; statistical discrimination; stereotypes; trust

Occupational stereotypes in the construction industry,
Martin Loosemore and Chin Chin Tan, in Construction Management and Economics (2000)
Keywords: Stereotypes Culture Values Attitudes Beliefs Communication Conflict,

Attractiveness vs. Partisan stereotypes,
Carmelo Licata and Pierre-Guillaume Méon, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2024)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Appearance; Political candidates; Party affiliation;

Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks,
Barry Eichengreen and Orkun Saka, from CESifo (2022)
Keywords: cultural biases, stereotypes, trust, banks, sovereign debt

Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks,
Barry Eichengreen and O. Saka, from Department of Economics, City University London (2022)
Keywords: cultural biases; stereotypes; trust; banks; sovereign debt

Simple but Powerful Models of Stereotype Formation,
Denis Bouyssou and Remzi Sanver, in Revue économique (2022)
Keywords: stereotype, perception function, mental process

Simple but powerful models of stereotype formation *,
Denis Bouyssou and Remzi Sanver, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: Stereotype,Perception function,Mental process

A comparative analysis of stereotypes between Romania and the Republic of Moldova,
Mariana Floricica Calin, Tanase Tasente and Octavian Martinescu, in Technium Social Sciences Journal (2022)
Keywords: gender stereotypes, ambivalent sexism

Interaction, stereotypes and performance. Evidence from South Africa,
Lucia Corno, Eliana La Ferrara and Justine Burns, from Institute for Fiscal Studies (2019)
Keywords: stereotype reduction, performance gains

Holding Fast: The Persistence and Dominance of Gender Stereotypes,
Philip Grossman, from Monash University, Department of Economics (2011)
Keywords: Experiment, Gender, Risk, Stereotype

Tourist stereotype content: Dimensions and accessibility,
Nan Chen and Cathy H.C. Hsu, in Annals of Tourism Research (2021)
Keywords: Tourist stereotypes; Repertory Grid Technique; Stereotype Content Model; Stereotype accessibility; Multidimensional scaling analysis; Storytelling;

Stereotypes and tournament self-selection: A theoretical and experimental approach,
Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz, in European Economic Review (2020)
Keywords: Competitive sorting; Segregation; Self-assessment; Self-stereotyping; Stereotypes;

The conundrum of gender-science stereotypes: a review and discussion of measurements,
Elena De Gioannis, in Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology (2023)
Keywords: Gender stereotypes, Gender-science stereotypes, Literature review, Gender

College Students’ Stereotyped Beliefs,
Patricia Alonso-Ruido, Iris Estévez, Cristina Varela-Portela and Bibiana Regueiro, in Social Sciences (2023)
Keywords: stereotype; gender roles; gender equality; university students; education

Investigating Age and Gender Stereotypes,
Andreea Acasandre and Diana Bancov, in Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Politice si Studii Europene/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Political Sciences and European Studies (2020)
Keywords: urban public space, gender equality, age equality, activities, stereotypes

Gender Stereotypes in School Textbooks,
Elena Cocoradă, in Revista romaneasca pentru educatie multidimensionala - Journal for Multidimensional Education (2018)
Keywords: stereotypes, school textbook, fairy tales, educational consequences, qualitative study

On efforts in teams with stereotypes,
Shiva Sikdar, in Economics Letters (2015)
Keywords: Stereotype; Peer effect; Team production; Sequential effort contribution;

Gender stereotypes in the family,
Cheti Nicoletti, Almudena Sevilla and Valentina Tonei, from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE (2022)
Keywords: parental beliefs, gender bias, stereotypes, school performance, standardized scores

Gender stereotypes in the family,
Cheti Nicoletti, Almudena Sevilla and Valentina Tonei, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2022)
Keywords: parental beliefs; gender bias; stereotypes; school performance; standardized scores

Female stereotype and occupational stigma,
Fei Peng, Xinying Zeng and Yaoqi Li, in Annals of Tourism Research (2024)
Keywords: Occupational stigma; Gender stereotypes; Flight attendants; Patriarchal norms; Chinese airlines;

A psychological effect of stereotypes,
Carrie Conaway, in Regional Review (2005)
Keywords: Discrimination in employment; Sex discrimination against women; Stereotype (Psychology)

Affirmative action and stereotype threat,
Anat Bracha, Alma Cohen and Lynn Conell-Price, from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2013)
Keywords: affirmative action; stereotype threat; gender differences; GRE performance

Segregation, Stereotypes, and STEM,
Sarah Thébaud and Maria Charles, in Social Sciences (2018)
Keywords: gender; STEM; segregation; stereotypes; culture; work; occupations; science; inequality

Youngism: Discrimination and Stereotypes,
Vojtĕch Bartoš, Michal Bauer, Jana Cahlíková, Julie Chytilová and Vojtech Bartos, from CESifo (2024)
Keywords: inter-generational conflict, social preferences, discrimination, stereotypes, youngism

Gender Stereotypes in the Family,
Cheti Nicoletti, Almudena Sevilla and Valentina Tonei, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2022)
Keywords: parental beliefs, gender bias, stereotypes, school performance, standardized scores

Youngism: Discrimination and Stereotypes,
Vojtěch Bartoš, Michal Bauer, Jana Cahlíková and Julie Chytilová, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2024)
Keywords: inter-generational conflict, social preferences, discrimination, stereotypes, youngism

Roxana Bîrsanu, in Romanian Economic Business Review (2018)
Keywords: stereotyping, identity, intercultural communication, interaction, culture

Uncertainty Threat Can Cause Stereotyping,
Aaron L. Wichman, in SAGE Open (2012)
Keywords: uncertainty; compensatory conviction; threat; worldview defense; stereotyping

Alina Profiroiu, Corina-Cristiana Nastaca and Ariana Nastaseanu, in Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (2020)
Keywords: feminine and masculine values, public administration, stereotypes.

The impact of stereotyping on consumers' food choices,
Gao, Yixing (Lisa) and Anna S. Mattila, in Journal of Business Research (2017)
Keywords: Food choice; Stereotypes; Competence; Social modeling;

Gender stereotypes in deliberation and team decisions,
Katherine Coffman, Clio Bryant Flikkema and Olga Shurchkov, in Games and Economic Behavior (2021)
Keywords: Gender differences; Stereotypes; Teams; Economic experiments;

To be, or not to be: Stereotypes, identity choice and group inequality,
Young-Chul Kim and Glenn C. Loury, in Journal of Public Economics (2019)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Identity choice; Group inequality; Passing;

Expecting Refugees in Latvia: Negative Stereotyping,
Murašovs Vadims, Ruža Aleksejs, Raščevskis Vitālijs and Dombrovskis Valērijs, in Economics and Business (2016)
Keywords: Attitudes, emotions, negative stereotyping, prejudice, refugees

The impact of aging stereotypes on dementia worry,
Joie Molden and Molly Maxfield, in European Journal of Ageing (2017)
Keywords: Dementia worry, Stereotypes, Older adults, Ageism

Stereotypes, Discrimination and the Gender Gap in Science,
Thomas Breda and Son Thierry Ly, from CEPREMAP (2013)
Keywords: discrimination; gender stereotypes; natural experiment; sex and science

Sex-Role Stereotypes of Women in Australian Magazine Advertising,
Grahame R. Dowling, in Australian Journal of Management (1978)

Measuring stereotypes in effort tasks: A multiple-price list approach,
Stanislava Bajzíková and Lubomir Cingl, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics) (2023)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Roma; Discrimination; Experiment;

Reinforcing and Reproducing Stereotypes? Ethical Considerations When Doing Research on Stereotypes and Stereotyped Reasoning,
Mathilde Cecchini, in Societies (2019)
Keywords: research ethics; ethical sensibility; reflexivity; stereotypes; stereotyped reasoning; research with children; qualitative research; focus groups

Measuring Implicit Stereotypes Controllability during the Resume Screening Process: Another Fight against Discrimination,
Philippe Mouillot and Leslie Le Barazer, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Stereotypes of National Identities,Stereotypes - Discrimination,Controllability Principle

Gender Stereotyping in Family,
Muhammad Hussain, Arab Naz, Waseem Khan, Umar Daraz and Qaisar Khan, in SAGE Open (2015)
Keywords: family; gender stereotyping; gender socialization; differential familial environment; gender role development; sociocultural and institutionalized mechanism

Hustlers, hipsters and hackers: Potential employees’ stereotypes of entrepreneurial leaders,
Biljana Rudic, Sylvia Hubner and Matthias Baum, in Journal of Business Venturing Insights (2021)
Keywords: Entrepreneurship stereotypes; Leadership stereotypes; Entrepreneurial leadership style; Age; Gender; Startups;

Stereotypes in the perception of cross-border business partners (on the example of Podlasie entrepreneurs),
Tomaszuk Anna, in Engineering Management in Production and Services (2016)
Keywords: stereotype, national stereotypes, cross-border cooperation, entrepreneurs of Podlasie

Understanding University Students’ Foreign Language Learning Attitudes: An Analysis Based on Stereotypes,
Selime Güntaş Işık, Fatma Aslantürk Altıntuğ, Sibel Süzek Birkollu and Ahmet Güneyli, in Societies (2024)
Keywords: stereotypes; foreign language learning; Cyprus; stereotyped thought scale; quantitative research

Ethnic stereotypes and preferences on poverty assistance,
Ágnes Horváth and Béla Janky, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2014)
Keywords: Poverty assistance, welfare preferences, social preferences, deservingness, stereotypes

Three Perspectives on Changing Gender Stereotypes,
K. G. Priyashantha, A. Chamaru De Alwis and I. Welmilla, in FIIB Business Review (2023)
Keywords: Changing gender stereotypes; gender trait components; relative advantage; outcomes

Stereotyping and the opioid epidemic: A conjoint analysis,
Tagart Cain Sobotka and Sheridan A. Stewart, in Social Science & Medicine (2020)
Keywords: United States; Opioids; Stereotypes; Substance abuse; Substance use; Conjoint analysis;

Impact of stereotype threat on sales anxiety,
Mohammad Sakif Amin, Aaron D. Arndt and Emily C. Tanner, in Journal of Business Research (2023)
Keywords: Stereotype threat; Salespeople; Coping; Sales anxiety; Organizational commitment;

Gender stereotypes as cultural products of the organization,
Iiris Aaltio-Marjosola, in Scandinavian Journal of Management (1994)
Keywords: Organization culture gender stereotypes dress ideals cultural change

Employers’ stereotypes and taste-based discrimination,
Hiroki Yasuda, in Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (2023)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Taste-based discrimination; Women's proportion in companies; Gender role;

Deconstruction of Gender Stereotypes Through Fashion,
Nihan Akdemir, in European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research Articles (2021)
Keywords: Fashion, Gender Identity, Gender Stereotypes, Deconstruction, Gender Fluid

Gender differences and stereotypes in the beauty contest,
Maria Cubel and Santiago Sánchez-Pagés, from Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB) (2014)
Keywords: Guessing game, strategic sophistication, gender, beliefs, stereotype threat

Gender differences and stereotypes in strategic thinking,
Maria Cubel and Santiago Sánchez-Pagés, from University of Barcelona School of Economics (2016)
Keywords: guessing game, strategic sophistication, gender, stereotype threat,beliefs.

Gender Stereotypes: The Profiling of Women in Marketing,
Thuc-Doan Nguyen, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Gender stereotypes, Female portrayals, Advertising, Marketing to women, Targeting

Gender Stereotypes in the Classroom and Effects on Achievement,
Sule Alan, Seda Ertac and Ipek Mumcu, from Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group (2017)
Keywords: gender stereotypes, gender role beliefs, achievement, teaching practices

Visual Representation and Stereotypes in News Media,
Elliott Ash, Ruben Durante, Mariia Grebenshchikova and Carlo Schwarz, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2022)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Gender; Race; Media; Computer vision; Text analysis

Visual Representation and Stereotypes in News Media,
Elliott Ash, Ruben Durante, Maria Grebenshchikova and Carlo Schwarz, from CESifo (2022)
Keywords: stereotypes, gender, race, media, computer vision, text analysis

Representations of the Other and Stereotypes in the Process of Intercultural Learning,
Dumitrascu Elena, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2010)
Keywords: intercultural learning, stereotypes, cultural identity, communication.

Widad Atena Faragalla, in Management Intercultural (2015)
Keywords: accounting profession, stereotypes, traditional, business professional

Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox,
Thomas Breda, Elyès Jouini, Clotilde Napp and Georgia Thebault, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2020)
Keywords: gender gap in STEM, gender stereotypes, socioeconomic development

Ethnic Stereotypes and Entry into Labor Market Programs,
Mahmood Arai, Marie Gartell, Magnus Rödin and Gülay Özcan, in ILR Review (2021)
Keywords: ethnic discrimination; ethnic stereotypes; racial discrimination

Parents and Peers: Gender Stereotypes in the Field of Study,
Lucia Corno and Michela Carlana, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2021)
Keywords: Gender stereotypes; Parents; Peers; Field of study

Stéréotypes et discriminations dans le recrutement,
Jean-François Amadieu and Alexandra Roy, from HAL (2019)
Keywords: Discrimanation,Inégalité,Recrutement,Recrutement digital,Stéréotype

Gender stereotypes change outcomes: a systematic literature review,
K.G. Priyashantha, A. Chamaru De Alwis and Indumathi Welmilla, in Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences (2021)
Keywords: Gender stereotypes change, Outcomes, Systematic literature review

Towards a conceptual framework on the categorization of stereotypical perceptions in accounting,
Peter Richardson, Steven Dellaportas, Luckmika Perera and Ben Richardson, in Journal of Accounting Literature (2015)
Keywords: Accountant stereotype; Beancounter; Social identity; Framework;

Endorser age and stereotypes: Consequences on brand age,
Frank Huber, Frederik Meyer, Johannes Vogel, Andrea Weihrauch and Julia Hamprecht, in Journal of Business Research (2013)
Keywords: Endorsers; Mental images; Stereotypes; Brand age; Rejuvenation;

Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox,
Thomas Breda, Elyès Jouini, Clotilde Napp and Georgia Thebault, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Gender gap in STEM,Gender stereotypes,Socioeconomic development

Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox,
Thomas Breda, Elyès Jouini, Clotilde Napp and Georgia Thebault, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Gender gap in STEM,Gender stereotypes,Socioeconomic development

Gender stereotypes: The case of MisProfesores.com in Mexico,
Eva Arceo-Gomez and Raymundo Campos-Vazquez, in Economics of Education Review (2019)
Keywords: Gender; Stereotypes; Big data; Teaching evaluations; Mexico;

Betting on Diversity—Occupational Segregation and Gender Stereotypes,
Urs Fischbacher, Dorothea Kübler and Robert Stüber, in Management Science (2024)
Keywords: gender segregation, hiring decisions, teams, discrimination, stereotypes

Female Stereotypes in Romanian Advertising: An Interpretative Content Analysis,
Ujică Alexandra and Băbuţ Raluca, in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica (2021)
Keywords: female stereotypes, women portrayal, advertising, Romania

Stereotypes, underconfidence and decision-making with an application to gender and math,
Elyès Jouini, Paul Karehnke and Clotilde Napp, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2018)
Keywords: Stereotype; Gender gap; Self-confidence; Subjective ability;

Betting on diversity: Occupational segregation and gender stereotypes,
Urs Fischbacher, Dorothea Kübler and Robert Stüber, from WZB Berlin Social Science Center (2022)
Keywords: Gender segregation, hiring decisions, teams, discrimination, stereotypes

Revealing Stereotypes: Evidence from Immigrants in Schools,
Paolo Pinotti, Alberto Alesina, Michela Carlana and Eliana La Ferrara, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2019)
Keywords: Immigrants; Teachers; Implicit stereotypes; Iat; Bias in grading

How gender stereotypes shape venture growth expectations,
Alona Martiarena, in Small Business Economics (2022)
Keywords: Women entrepreneurs, Gender roles, Stereotypes, Culture, Growth

Children’s understanding of the concept of social stereotypes,
Özge Tarhan, in Child Indicators Research (2022)
Keywords: Stereotypes, Gender-related issues, Prejudice, Turkey

Fashionable Stereotypes and Evolving Trends in the United Arab Emirates,
Zahy B. Ramadan and Mona Mrad, in Customer Needs and Solutions (2017)
Keywords: Abaya, Islamic fashion, Consumption, Stereotype, UAE, Culture

Gender stereotypes of women accounting academics in Colombia,
Katherine Restrepo Quintero, Candy Chamorro González, Ruth Alejandra Patiño-Jacinto and Kathryn Haynes, in CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING (2024)
Keywords: Stereotypes; Accounting; Women; Gender; Accounting academia;

Stereotyping and ethnicity gaps in teacher assigned grades,
Hester Burn, Laura Fumagalli and Birgitta Rabe, in Labour Economics (2024)
Keywords: Educational assessments; Teacher grading; Ethnicity; Stereotyping; Covid-19;

Gender and Consumption: Understanding Gender Stereotypes on Digital Media,
Borde Pawan and Bhanja Nivedita, from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (2024)
Keywords: Gender and Consumption, Gender Stereotypes, Digital Media

Betting on Diversity – Occupational Segregation and Gender Stereotypes,
Urs Fischbacher, Dorothea Kübler and Robert Stüber, from CESifo (2022)
Keywords: gender segregation, hiring decisions, teams, discrimination, stereotypes

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