25762 documents matched the search for conflict in titles and keywords.
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Reviews: Land for Housing the Poor, Wohnprobleme in Der Dritten Welt/Housing Problems in the Third World, Eine Methodologie Der Regional-Taxonomie: Probleme und Verfahren Der Klassifikation und Regionalisierung in Der Geographie und Regionalforschung, Theorie Der Raumplanung: Regionalwissenschaftliche Grundlagen für Die Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung, Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management, Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Public Policy: Anticipating the Unexpected, Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis, Conflicts over Resource Ownership: The Use of Public Policy by Private Interests, London's Green Belt: Containment in Practice, D Drakakis-Smith, D Steiner, P Korcelli, J A Patmore, T O'Riordan, S Hanson and A V Kneese,
in Environment and Planning A
Reviews: Géographie Humaine et Économique Contemporaine, Central Place Theory, Gravity and Spatial Interaction Models, Industrial Location, Scientific Geography Series, Geographie Des Freizeit- und Fremdenverkehrs, Der Sanfte Tourismus, Tourismus-Management, Rural Transport and Planning: A Bibliography with Abstracts, Geography since the Second World War: An International Survey, Planning and Urban Growth in Southern Europe, Environmental Dispute Resolution, Institute of British Geographers Special Publication 17. Residential Segregation, the State and Constitutional Conflict in American Urban Areas, the Boston School Integration Dispute: Social Change and Legal Maneuvers, E Kofman, N Wrigley, R Hartmann, J Whitelegg, A C Gatrell, R Hudson, B Stiftei, Clark Wav and Ron Johnston,
in Environment and Planning A
Reviews: Environmental Ethics: Philosophical and Policy Perspectives, Distributional Conflicts in Environmental-Resource Policy, Environmental Impacts of Consumption Patterns, Red and Green: The New Politics of the Environment, Urbanisation in the Developing World, Trip Relationships in Urban Areas, Rural Roads and Poverty Alleviationa, Planning in Eastern Europe, Agriculture: People and Policies, Regional Development and Settlement Policy: Premises and Prospects, the Service Economy: Export of Services in the Central Puget Sound Region, the Service Economy: Understanding Growth of Producer Services in the Central Puget Sound Regions, Western Europe Economic and Social Studies. The United Kingdom, Planning Control: Philosophies, Prospects, and Practice, S Owens, P J Taylor, P Bonsall, A M Hay, D J B Shaw, J Barlow, D A Rondinelli, R B Le Heron, P E Lloyd and M J Bruton,
in Environment and Planning A
Reviews: Shelter, Settlement, and Development, the Risks and Hazards Series 3. Risk and Society: Studies of Risk Generation and Reactions to Risk, Public Housing: Current Trends and Future Developments, Housing Policy in Britain: A History, Managing the City: The Aims and Impacts of Urban Policy, a Welfare Assessment of Transport Deregulation: The Case of the Express Coach Market in 1980, Wheels within Wheels: A Study of the Road Lobby, Resolving Locational Conflicts, Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics. Volume 1. Regional Economics, National Parks: The American Experience, the Regeneration of Local Economies, Energy, Food, Environment: Realities, Myths, Options, Environmental Data Report, an Atlas and Index of Tithe Files of Mid-Nineteenth-Century England and Wales, B J L Berry, A McDonald, S M Macgill, P Williams, R Hudson, P Bell, J Whitelegg, A Blowers, A Evans, A W Gilg, J Taylor, T O'Riordan and A Charlesworth,
in Environment and Planning A
Reviews: Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions about Our Overcrowded Country: Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions about Our Overcrowded Country, South East Asia in the World-Economy: A Regional Geography, Alternative to Deforestation: Steps towards Sustainable Use of the Amazon Rainforest, Fractured Cities: Capitalism, Community and Empowerment in Britain and America, the Dynamics of Cities: Ecological Determinism, Dualism and Chaos, a History of Housing in New York City, the Soviet Environment: Problems, Policies and Politics, Negotiating Water. Conflict Resolution in Australian Water Management, Urban Policy Issues: Canadian Perspectives, P Compton, D K Forbes, S M Ross, R A Beauregard, W G Hardwick, M P Sendbuehler, M J Bradshaw, J M Powell and C Leo,
in Environment and Planning A
Reviews: Understanding Cities Series in Association with the Open University, City worlds, Unsettling cities: Movement/Settlement, Unruly Cities? Order/Disorder, the California Cauldron: Immigration and the Fortunes of Local Communities, the Global Restructuring of the Steel Industry: Innovations, Institutions, and Industrial Change, the Kosovo Conflict: Consequences for the Environment and Human Settlements, Urban Management and Economic Integration in South Africa, Winners and Losers: Home Ownership in Modern Britain, Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography 26. Deciphering Global Epidemics: Analytical Approaches to the Disease Records of World Cities, 1888–1912, the New Industrial Geography: Regions, Regulation and Institutions, I Black, M Byron, J DeFilippis, D Green, C Hamnett, K Hoggart, L Lees, Daniel Hiebert, David Sadler, Eric Neumayer, Y A Dierwechter, Alan Murie, Sherry Olson and Neil M Coe,
in Environment and Planning A
Accounting modernization – premise of an effective governance system of enterprise Abstract: Value of company is maximizing insofar as can be identified and harmonized conflicts of interest between social partners of the firm, particularly between shareholders and managers. Harmonization of these interests is ensured by the corporate governance system. Accounting is the economical information system most appropriate for the governance needs. Under the current conditions, information is relevant not only by accuracy, but especially by its obtaining speed, since information achieved after the time it is needed, is not important anymore. This paper aims to show which are the main ways of accounting modernization to meet the demands of an effective governance, in the current business environment, Mihaela Ungureanu,
in Anale. Seria Stiinte Economice. Timisoara
Keywords: leading, corporate governance, management control, integrated accounting
Reviews: Housing Tenure and Social Class. Research Report SB 10, Geology of High-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal: An Introduction, Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists, Contemporary Wales: An Annual Review of Economic and Social Research. Volume 1, the Dynamics of Working-Class Politics: The Labour Movement in Preston 1880–1940, Agriculture and Economic Instability 1AAE OP4, Sustainable Development: Exploring the Contradictions, Studies in Society and Space 1: Capital, the State, and Regional Development, Who from their Labours Rest? Conflict and Practice in Rural Tourism, Direct Foreign Investment in the United States, Village Republics: Economic Conditions for Collective Action in South India, S S Duncan, S Fahey, I Douglas, J Burgess, Andrew Leyshon, Ron Johnston, D Grigg, M Bell, A Warde, J Little, J W Harrington and S Corbridge,
in Environment and Planning A
Handbook of Product Placement in the Mass Media: New Strategies in Marketing Theory, Practice, Trends, and Ethics Galician M-L (Ed.) (2004) Hawthorn Press, Binghamton NY; ISBN-13:978-0-7890-2535-7; HB; 288 pages; AUD 40.601 GBP 17.20 / USD 29.95 - Customer Relationship Management in Electronic Markets G R Iyer and D Bejou (2003) Hawthorn Press, Binghampton NY; ISBN 0-7890-1945-0; PB; 114 pages; USD 19.95 - Many Thin Companies T Carter (2004) Hawthorn Press, Binghamton NY; ISBN 0-7890-2248-6; PB; 122 pages; USD 22.95 - Conflict Management D Borisoff and D A Victor (1998) Allyn & Bacon, Boston MA; ISBN 0-205-27294-0; PB; 248 pages; USD 75.60, Tony Beatton,
in Journal of Management & Organization
Review: Spatial Time Series: Analysis—Forecasting—Control, Transport Network Planning, the Value of Travel Time: Theory and Measurement, Corporations in Recession: The Australian Agricultural Machinery Industry, Trade, Growth and Anxiety: New Zealand beyond the Welfare State, Urban Economics: A Set Approach, Martinus Nijhoff Studies in Applied Regional Science, Volume 14, Multiobjective Regional Energy Planning: Application to the Energy Park Concept, Martinus Nijhoff Studies in Applied Regional Science, Volume 15, Energy and Environment in Interregional Input—Output Models, Paris: A Century of Change, 1878–1978, Time as Conflict, Seats, Votes, and the Spatial Organisation of Elections, the Soviet Energy System, Le climat urbain et suburbain de Fribourg, P C Young, R D MacKinnon, M G Langdon, P J McDermott, L Symons, Kenneth Button, S M Macgill, H Clout, E Wallin, R Paddison, Sally M Macgill and D J Unwin,
in Environment and Planning A
What constitutes a "successful" mega transport project?/Leadership, risk and storylines: The case of the Sydney Cross City Tunnel/The case of the LGV Méditerranée high speed railway line/Dealing with context and uncertainty in the development of the Athens Metro Base Project/What constitutes a "successful" mega transport project? Lessons from the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo/The RandstadRail project: A case study in decision-making strategies under uncertainty/Constructive conflicts in the case of the Öresund Link/Perspectives on "success" from the UK Channel Tunnel Rail Link Project/Some concluding remarks, Harry T. Dimitriou, Nicholas Low, Sophie Sturup, Genevieve Zembri, Elisabeth Campagnac, George Kaparos, Pantoleon Skayannis, Yasunori Muromachi, Seiji Iwakura, Kazuya Itaya, Mendel Giezen, Luca Bertolini, Willem Salet, Jamil Khan, Fredrik Petterson, Bengt Holmberg, E. John Ward, Phil G. Wright, Harry T. Dimitriou and Harry T. Dimitriou,
in Planning Theory & Practice
Hedge Fund Governance, Jason Scharfman,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Activism; administrator; AIFMD; AIJ Japan; annual governance meeting; Auditor; background investigation; bankruptcy; Board of directors; board of directors database; CalPERS; capacity; Cayman Islands; Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA); China; Citco; class action; committee; compliance; conflict of interest; corporate governance; Diligence; environmental, social, and governance (ESG); financial crisis; fraud; fund-raising; global governance code; Hedge fund; hedge fund administrator; hedge fund fees; hedge fund legal counsel; Hedge fund regulation; information technology; insider trading; institutional investor; investor; JOBS Act; key person event; Lancer; Lipper hedge fund; Liquidation; Madoff; Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA); master fund; Operational due diligence; order management software; Ponzi; Sark; Securities and Exchange Commission; socially responsible investing (SRI); transparency; Valuation; Weavering; Weavering case; zombie fund;
HIV epidemic and other crisis response in Sub-Saharan Africa, C. D. Cohen,
from International Labour Organization
Keywords: HIV/AIDS., economic and social development, role of ILO., ILO Programme, promotion of employment, human capital, skilled workers., professional worker, poverty, social implication, social problem., armed conflict, labour productivity, public works., microfinance, VIH/SIDA, développement économique et social, rôle de l'OIT, programme de l'OIT, promotion de l'emploi, capital humain, travailleur qualifié, travailleur professionnel, pauvreté, conséquences sociales, problème social, conflit armé, productivité du travail, travaux publics, microfinance, VIH/SIDA, desarrollo económico y social, papel de la OIT, programa de la OIT, fomento del empleo, capital humano, trabajador especializado, trabajador profesional, pobreza, consecuencias sociales, problema social, conflicto armado, productividad del trabajo, obras públicas, microfinanciamiento
Leadership:Leaders, Followers, Environments, Laura Gail Lunsford and Art Padilla,
from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Keywords: Leadership, Leaders, Toxic Leadership, Management, Higher Education Administration, Political Leadership, Communication, Education Administration, Leadership and Motivation, Ethical Leadership, Group Dynamics, Conflict Management, Public Affairs, Motivation, Destructive Leaders, Destructive Leadership, Leadership Competencies, Leader Development, Organisational Behaviour, Leadership Theories, Styles, Principles, Policies, Practices, Global Business, Globalism, Effective Leadership, Self-Awareness, Multicultural Teams, Change Management, Dictator, Toxic Triangle, Leadership Triangle, Followers, Checks and Balances, Environments, Types of Followers, Ethics, Hofstede, Global Leader Characteristics, Teach for America, General Cluster, Henry V, Cuba, Castro, Lincoln, Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., Walmart, International Business, Whistle-Blowers, Public Leadership, Public Policy, Human Resources, Educational Leadership, Health Care Administration
Serialization in a Distributed Transaction Environment, Dimitris N. Chorafas,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Transaction serialization, database consistency, global constraints, regional federation, heterogeneous databases, serializable access, serializable transaction, concurrency control, client-server, long transaction, read-only, cross-database conflicts, component failure, network failure, database management, database consistency, local transaction, global transaction, local schedule, global schedule, parallel searching, sequential searching, Pareto’s law, object-orientation, small search space, large search space, taxonomical classification, market data filter, patterning, database mining, profile analyser, filtering, visualization, format conversion, natural language, hypothesis, pattern recognition, gestalt, neural networks, memorization, serialization, query processing, supercomputing, dephased, referential integrity, subtransactions, object implementation, organizational work
Transaction Locks, Two-Phase Commit and Deadlocks, Dimitris N. Chorafas,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Database consistency, commit, abort, read/write, log-out, root page, transaction complexity, serialization, locking, conflict resolution, global level, local level, data consistency, two-phase commit, atomicity, fault tolerance, optimistic protocol, prudent protocol, hash function, deadly embrace, linear commit, tree commit, decentralized commit, central-site commit, communications failure, site failure, blocking, time complexity, message complexity, concurrency control, lock manager, primary copy, contention, deadlock, rollback, metalayer, metalevel, deadlock-free, livelock-free, savepoints, flexible transaction, prepared-to-commit, locking protocol, root object, directory node, directory, shared transaction, object-level locking, aggregatelevel locking.
Discussions and Reviews: Changes in international organization: a review Alf Ross, The United Nations: Peace and Progress Totowa, N. J.: Bedminster Press, 1966. Pp. 443. $8.00. Donald C. Blaisdell, International Organization New York: Ronald Press, 1966. Pp. 531. $7.50. Jack C. Plano and Robert E. Riggs, Forging World Order: The Politics of International Organization New York: Macmillan, 1967. Pp. 600. $8.95. David A. Kay (ed.), The United Nations Political System New York: Wiley, 1967. Pp. 419. $4.95. Richard A. Falk and Wolfram F. Hanrieder (eds.), International Law and Organization: An Introductory Reader Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1968. Pp. 346. $3.95. Linda B. Miller (ed.), Dynamics of World Politics: Studies in the Resolution of Conflict Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Pp. 294. $3.95, George A. Codding,
in Journal of Conflict Resolution
Review: Studies in Society and Space 2. Wrecking a Region: State Policies, Party Politics, and Regional Change in North East England, Health Care in America: The Political Economy of Hospitals and Health Insurance, the Politics of the Urban Crisis, Contributions in Political Science, Number 200. Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Politics and Policy, the Politics of ‘Race’ and Residence: Citizenship, Segregation and White Supremacy in Britain, Accounting for Public Policy: Power, Professionals and Politics in Local Government, Community Conflict, Partition and Nationalism, the Distributional Impacts of Public Policies, Territory and Administration in Europe, Monetäre Verflechtungen Zwischen öffentlichen Institutionen am örtlichen Finanzmarkt. Schriften zur öffentlichen Verwaltung und öffentlichen Wirtschaft, Volume III, A G Champion, J R Bohland, M Parkinson, J V Mitchell, J Doherty, K Newton, P J Taylor, T Swanstrom, R Paddison and Postlep R-D,
in Environment and Planning C
Discussions and Reviews: Time for reorientation: a review of recent research on the Arab-Israeli conflict Ania Francos, Les Palestiniens Paris: Julliard, 1968. Pp. 318. Fr. 20.70. Yehoshafat Harkabi, Fedayeen Action and Arab Strategy London: Institute for Strategic Studies (Adelphi Paper No. 53), 1969. Pp. 43. 5s (75¢). To Make War or Make Peace (New Outlook Symposium) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Inevitable War or Initiatives for Peace. Tel-Aviv: New Outlook, 1969. Pp. 288. I.L. 8.00 ($2.50). Hisham Sharabi, Palestine and Israel: The Lethal Dilemma New York: Pegasus, 1969. Pp. 224. $6.95. Nadav Safran, From War to War: The Arab-Israeli Confrontation, 1948-1967 New York: Pegasus, 1969. Pp. 464. $10.00, Joseph D. Ben-Dak,
in Journal of Conflict Resolution
Review: Nuclear Power in Crisis: Politics and Planning for the Nuclear State, the Politics of Anxiety: Sellafield's Cancer-Link Controversy, Public-Private Partnerships: Improving Urban Life. Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science 36(2), the Funding of Political Parties in Britain, Sage Library of Social Research 162. The Decline of Urban Politics: Political Theory and the Crisis of the Local State, Rethinking Policy Planning: A Study of Planning Systems Linking Central and Local Government, Wheels within Wheels: A Study of the Road Lobby, Resolving Locational Conflict, Patterns of Development, Regional Problems, Problem Regions and Public Policy in the United Kingdom, Western Sunrise: The Genesis and Growth of Britain's Major High Tech Corridor, Central and Local Government Relations: A Comparative Analysis of West European Unitary States, De-Industrialization and Foreign Trade, Listen to the People: Participant-Observer Evaluation of Development Projects, Changing Boundaries of the Political: Essays on the Evolving Balance between the State and Society, Public and Private in Europe, A Kirby, R A Beauregard, Ron Johnston, P Saunders, D Clapham, P Hall, R Bordessa, J D Kasarda, H M Begg, C Thompson, R Honey, S Fothergill, R Burnham and J Urry,
in Environment and Planning C
Review: The Maze of Urban Housing Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Policy, Dynamic Models for Sustainable Development, Britain and Canada in the 1990s: Proceedings of a UK/Canada Colloquium Leeds Castle, Kent, England, Geographical Snapshots of North America: Commemorating the 27th Congress of the International Geographical Union and Assembly, Critical Perspectives on Rural Change Series IV. Uneven Development and the Rural Labour Process, Postmodernity, Wage Flexibility and Unemployment Dynamics in Regional Labor Markets, Increasing the International Competitiveness of Exports from Caribbean Countries: Collected Papers from an EDI Policy Seminar Held in Bridgetown, Barbados, May 22–24, 1989, Sport, Space and the City, Environmental Protection and the Law of War: A ‘Fifth Geneva’ Convention on the Protection of the Environment in Time of Armed Conflict, M J Harte, G Norcliffe, M J Bouman, C R Bryant, S Pile, Ian Gordon, R B Potter, P Jackson, P Jackson and A H Westing,
in Environment and Planning A
Review: Deregulation and Environmental Quality: The Use of Tax Policy to Control Pollution in North America and Western Europe, Annals of Public Administration 4. Intergovernmental Relations in the 1980s, inside the Inner City: Life under the Cutting Edge, Interregional Migration, National Policy, and Social Justice, Managing the Post-Industrial City, Communism and the Politics of Inequalities, the Evolution of the Law of the Sea: A Study of Resources and Strategy with Special Regard to the Polar Areas, Economics of Development, Industrial Capacity and Defense Planning: Sustained Conflict and Surge Capacity in the 1980s, Fiscal Federalism and the Taxation of Natural Resources, Full Employment and Public Policy: The United States and Sweden, Industrial Mobility and Migration in the European Community, Does Politics Matter? The Determinants of Public Policy, Wallace Oates, P R Dommel, P Lawless, W A V Clark, P Hall, S White, T E Armstrong, P Richards, S R Woodall, T O'Riordan, Ronald Martin, C Thompson and D J Smith,
in Environment and Planning C
New Horizons in Institutional Analysis - Health Politics: Interests and Institutions in Western Europe. By Ellen M. Immergut. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 336p. $49.95. - Institutions and Social Conflict. By Jack Knight. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 234p. $59.95 cloth, $17.95 paper. - Governments at Work: Canadian Parliamentary Federalism and Its Public Policy Effects. By Mark Sproule-Jones. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. 291p. $45.00 cloth, $18.95 paper. - Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis. Edited by Sven Steinmo, Kathleen Thelen, and Frank Longstreth. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 257p. $54.95 cloth, $18.95 paper. - Do Institutions Matter? Government Capabilities in the United States and Abroad. Edited by R. Kent Weaver and Bert A. Rockman. Washington: Brookings, 1993. 498p. $36.95 cloth, $16.95 paper, Elinor Ostrom,
in American Political Science Review
The pathway covered by liberalism in Brazil is winding. As an ideology imported from the European bourgeoisie, it found in a colonized country the appropriate environment for its advancement, even if contiguous to its antinomy, that is, nationalism. Particularly, within the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, liberalism, obliquely absorbed by the Brazilian elite, oligarchies employed liberalism in an even more instrumental, and rather contradictory, way, if compared with the rest of the country. Liberalism, therefore, experienced a particular history within Rio Grande do Sul, where several conflicts were waged on its behalf. Accordingly, this paper aims at rescuing the history of liberalism in southern Brazil by reconstructing such conflicts—and the liberal element at its bottom: the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845), the Federalist Revolution (1893-1895), and the 1923 War, Ivan Colangelo Salomao and Victor Cruz-e-Silva,
from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP)
Keywords: Liberalism; Rio Grande do Sul; Farroupilha Revolution; Federalist Revolution; Liberal Alliance
Jobs in Iraq: A Primer of Job Creation in the Short - Term, Luca Bandiera, Vandana Chandra, Jasmine Crystal Fosque, Jan Von Der Goltz, Teresa Anna Maria Peterburs, Nadia Fernanda Piffaretti, Joseph P. Saba and Collette Mari Wheeler,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Job Creation; small and medium enterprise; Damage and Needs Assessment; Agriculture; private sector job creation; access to basic service; average wage of worker; Cost of Doing Business; labor force participation rate; short-term job creation; support sme; number of jobs; access to job; public sector employment; private sector activity; public sector reform; access to irrigation; traditional education system; opportunity for woman; share of woman; vocational skill; water use efficiency; private sector employment; inadequate water supply; children attending schools; water and electricity; lack of finance; irrigation and drainage; source of income; level of private; source income; privileges and immunity; maintenance of road; rehabilitation of infrastructure; unskilled job seeker; demand for food; scarcity of water; investments in agriculture; share of capital; public sector job; Private Sector Growth; food security assistance; Internally Displaced Person; rural labor force; construction of building; Construction Building; local private enterprises; access to finance; local hiring requirements; local private sector; sum of money; national unemployment rate; Business Climate; agriculture sector; food processing; business opportunity; Labor Market; job crisis; construction material; oil price; rural area; unmet demand; land market; light manufacturing; private investment; financing need; factor share; construction sector; job growth; agricultural expansion; total employment; building construction; food system; business capacity; educated woman; unpaved road; private construction; government arrears; human capital; youth population; internal displacement; home community; food product; agricultural production; high share; irrigation system; investment climate; oil revenue; Higher Education; regional conflict; job impact; private ownership; retail trade; construction activities; job opportunity; job opportunities; Host Communities; skill base; Public Employment; educated workforce; financing option; conflict situation; Public-Private Partnership
Integrated Youth Employment Programs: A Stocktake of Evidence on what works in Youth Employment Programs, Namita Datta, Angela Elzir Assy, Johanne Buba, Sara Johansson De Silva and Samantha Maria Watson,
from The World Bank
Keywords: youth; paper issue; small and medium size enterprise; calories per person per day; labor market information system; young people with disability; identification of target group; problems facing young people; Education and Training Policy; active labor market program; quality of service delivery; health and safety training; subsidized employment; youth employment; Access to Education; job search assistance; formal sector employment; young woman; labor market success; labor market outcome; skill development program; effect on employment; conflict and violence; social security contribution; high income economy; soft skills training; access to finance; supply side; impacts on employment; Knowledge Management Product; competitive bidding process; high deadweight loss; investment climate reform; creating job opportunity; conflict prone settings; rural extension service; number of workers; total wage bill; early school drop; quality of job; working age population; peer reviewed journal; high school dropout; privileges and immunity; Early Childhood Development; internal seasonal migration; life skill training; access to network; access network; demand for labor; investments in education; Dual Vocational Training; high productivity jobs; return to investment; access to land; labor market policy; early family formation; employment protection legislation; standard of living; job placement service; quality of education; lack of property; income earning opportunities; household and individual; vocational training program; theory of change; lack of accreditation; wage subsidy; Wage Subsidies
Honduras: Land Struggles, Roger D. Norton,
from Springer
Keywords: Columbus, Hurricanes, Mayan agriculture, Land grants, Land conflicts, Land reform, Mayan civilization, Livestock, Rural poverty, Council of the Indies, Mayan revolts, Encomienda system, Patronage economy, Colonial inequality, Tariff exemptions, Wheat policy, Colonial land inequality, Agrarian reform laws, Coup d’état, Land expropriation, Land invasions, Agrarian cooperatives, Slash-and-burn agriculture, Forest management, Water cycle, Raw sugar, Cantaloupe growers, Village women, Participatory agricultural strategy, Government interventions in the economy, Land invasions, Agrarian cooperatives, Expropriation, Patronage capitalism, Owner-operated farms, Agrarian reform law, Expropriation, Land tax, Agricultural policy dialogue, Shrimp ponds, Wild shrimp, Mangroves, Shrimp pond effluents, River ford, Callejas Administration, Governance, Exchange rate, Gender and agrarian reform, Land rental, Crop purchase program, Cajas rurales, Land tax, Agricultural Modernization Law, Political conflict, Agrarian cooperatives, Rural poverty, Historical inequality, Campesino organization, Agrarian reform, Agricultural bank, Idle farmland, Expropriation, International development bank, Commercial farmers, Policy reform legislation, Policy advisors, Land rental, Negotiations on draft legislation, Campesino organizations, Campesino leaders, Investments in agrarian cooperatives, Land rental, Titling farmland, Farm size ceilings, Land fund, Women and agrarian reform, Expropriation, Agricultural policy dialogue, Idle land, Expropriation, Participatory policy design, Agricultural policy legislation, Archbishop of Honduras, Campesino leaders, Participatory policy design, International development banks, Honduran Congress, Agricultural reform legislation, Violent reform protests, Drafting regulations, Cajas rurales, Land fund, Women’s land titling, Food stamps, Squatters on government land, Forest management, Forestry regulations, Agricultural trade agreements, Latin American town, Local establishment, Cajas rurales, Campesino shooting, Agricultural privatization, Reform implementation, Grain marketing, Expropriation, Land titling, Land rental, Agricultural Modernization Law, Inequality, Land tax, Rural poverty
The Influence of Institutional Quality and Financial Risk on Stock Market Index: An Empirical Study for TurkeyAbstract: This paper aims to analyze the -possible- effects of institutional quality and (financial) risk level on BIST 100, BIST Industrial and BIST Financial Indexes via Carrioni-Silvestre (2009) multiple structural breaks unit root test, Maki (2012) multiple structural breaks co-integration test and Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) methodology. In the research model of the study, institutional structure is proxied by an institutional quality index derived from data related to bureaucratic quality, corruption, democratic accountability, ethnic tension, external conflict, government stability, internal conflict, political risk, law and order, and investment profile obtained from International County Risk Guide (ICRG). High values in institutional quality index represent weak institutional structure while low values represent high institutional structure. The high financial risk ratio represents a strong financial structure. The empirical findings of Maki (2012) test indicate that all indexes except BIST Financial Index and explanatory variables show co-integration relationship in the long term. Long run parameters estimated by DOLS methodology indicate that there exists a long-term negative relationship between institutional quality index and BIST 100 and BIST Industrial Indexes, while a positive relationship between financial risk level and BIST 100 and BIST Industrial Indexes, Yüksel İltaş and Gülbahar Üçler,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
This paper explores the dynamics that result in the entrenched positions that can be empirically observed in regions in the context of energy transition. We conduct our analysis along the concept of strategic action fields. Thereby we develop ‘Regional Transition Fields’ (RTF) that encompass all actors, activities and organisations in a region that share the concern for the transition. This could be any kind of regional transition process, but in this paper, we focus on the regional energy transition. Hence, the actors’ shared issue at stake is the future energy mix of the region. All actors that share this concern are considered to be part of the field. Our approach allows us to consider both those actors that promote an energy transition towards more sustainable energy sources and those that oppose it as part of the same field. They are aware of each other, of each other’s positions in the field and of the resources involved. We argue that, despite the apparent agreement on the issue at stake, conflicts and tensions arise within that field concerning the rules, regulations, and common reference frames against which behaviours are judged. Based on insights about conflicts in transitions, we argue that processes of adaptation and delimitation continually re-shape the structure of the field. In an empirical case study of Northern Hesse in Germany, we identify regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive dimensions of both processes. We thus contribute a perspective on the dynamics of institutionalisation in fields and a more nuanced understanding of the development of entrenched positions in regional energy transitions, Camilla Chlebna and Jannika Mattes,
from GEIST Working Paper Series
Keywords: Regional transition fields, energy transition, organisational institutionalism, strategic action fields, wind energy
North-South trade and basic needs, Graciela Chichilnisky,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: This paper examines the role of the international market in mediating North-South relations and analyzes how the market works in distributing the gains from trade. It is argued that the international market does not always provide an adequate engine of growth for the South if that region specializes in labor-intensive products. The South's export sector must be carefully balanced with other domestic sectors to avoid harming the economy as a whole. Any excessive expansion of labor-intensive exports or raw materials, even if accompanied by an expansion in international demand, may affect domestic markets and the distribution of income in the South in ways that conflict with sustainable development, especially when this is measured in terms of the satisfaction of basic needs for the majority of the population. The conditions under which this may occur are quite general. They are consistent with perfect market behavior but require that important features of the North-South relationship, including differential characteristics of technologies and factor markets in the two regions, be introduced into the analysis. The paper suggests alternatives to export-led policies, which balance domestic and international sectors of the South's economy and are conducive to sustained development and the satisfaction of basic needs. An appendix also includes a computer program for simulating the model and sample computer runs that reproduce, in practical terms, the model trade policies discussed in the paper
2014–2015 Global Food Policy Report, International Food Policy Research Institute,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
Food policy in 2014–2015: Strong advances and stubborn setbacks, Shenggen Fan,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
Reaching the missing middle: Overcoming hunger and malnutrition in middle income countries, Shenggen Fan and Ertharin Cousin,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
The power of WASH: Why sanitation matters for nutrition, Dean Spears and Lawrence James Haddad,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
The business imperative: Helping small family farmers to move up or move out, Shenggen Fan, Joanna Brzeska and Tolulope Olofinbiyi,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
Mitigating risk: Social protection and the rural poor, Ravi Kanbur,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
Food safety: Reducing and managing food scares, Delia Grace and John McDermott,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
The rise of aquaculture: The role of fish in global food security, Siwa Msangi and Miroslav Batka,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
Regional developments: Africa, Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Ousmane Badiane, Julia Collins, Tsitsi Makombe, Clemens Breisinger, Perrihan Al-Riffai, rOlivier Ecke, Danielle Resnick, Kamiljon Akramov, Allen Park, Pramod Kumar Joshi, Kevin Chen, Peter Timmer and Maximo Torero,
from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Keywords: Agricultural policies; Nutrition policies; food policy; food security; Nutrition; Hunger; malnutrition; stunting; undernourishment; obesity; Diet; Gender; Women; Agricultural research; rural areas; Poverty; social protection; social safety nets; Risk; Climactic risk; Climate change; droughts; shocks; weather shocks; political shocks; economic shocks; Governance; food safety; Aquaculture; Fisheries; trade; exports; Markets; resilience; Agricultural development; economic development; Sustainable Development Goals; Children; Sanitation; hygiene; water use; Ebola; infectious diseases; epidemics; conflict; migration; refugees; middle income countries; Smallholders; food prices; volatility; Land use; Land rights; Land tenure; value chains; indicators; public expenditure; capacity building; capacity strengthening; Latin America; East Africa; West Africa; Southern Africa; Africa south of Sahara; Middle East; North Africa; South Asia; Central Asia; East Asia; South East Asia
Populist Policies in the Transition to Democracy, Daniel Mejia and Carlos Posada,
from Banco de la Republica de Colombia
Keywords: This paper develops a political economy model that provides an explanation as for why ruling elites in oligarquic societies may rely on income redistribution to the poor (the masses) in order to prevent them from attempting a revolution. We refer to this kind of redistribution as populist redistribution because, first it does not increase the poor’s productive capacity (human capital), and second it seeks to “buy” political support (peace) to perpetuate the elite’s control of political power. We examine the conditions under which ruling elites choose to deter the poor (by means of military repression and/or populist redistribution), to engage in a dispute with the poor for the control of political power, or, alternatively, to extend democracy. According to the results of the model populist redistribution (or military repression), if any, increases with initial wealth inequality and with the amount of redistribution that the poor can undertake under democracy, and decreases with the relative importance of a human capital externality in production. The model explains why in some cases the use of an apparently ine cient policy of populist redistribution turns out to be optimal for both groups (the ruling elite and the poor class) when the alternative is to use of military repression or default to conflict.
Capitalizing on capacities of Afghan women: women's role in Afghanistan's reconstruction and development, Sultan. Barakat and Gareth. Wardell,
from International Labour Organization
Keywords: women, women workers, economic role, social role, sex discrimination, armed conflict, cultural factor., urban area, rural area, ethnic group, military occupation, displaced person., refugee, employment, child labour, health status, education of women, political participation, womens empowerment, public administration, statistical table, femmes, travailleuses, rôle économique, rôle social, discrimination fondée sur le sexe, conflit armé, facteur culturel, zone urbaine, zone rurale, groupe ethnique, occupation militaire, personne déplacée, réfugié, emploi, travail des enfants, état de santé, éducation des femmes, participation politique, autonomisation des femmes, administration publique, tableau statistique, mujeres, trabajadoras, papel económico, papel social, discriminación por razones de sexo, conflicto armado, factor cultural, zona urbana, zona rural, grupo étnico, ocupación militar, persona desplazada, refugiado, empleo, trabajo infantil, estado de salud, educación de la mujer, participación política, potenciación de las mujeres, administración pública, cuadros estadísticos
Migration and Jobs: Issues for the 21th Century, Luc Christiaensen, Alvaro Gonzalez and David Robalino,
from The World Bank
Keywords: migrant; active labor market program; job opportunity; job opportunities; social rate of return; development impact of remittance; ex ante risk management; world foreign direct investment; internal displacement; access to employment opportunity; number of asylum seekers; labor mobility; communities of origin; local public good; urban population growth; local labor market; social insurance program; labor productivity growth; return migration; effect of remittance; cost of migration; number of migrants; bilateral migration agreements; flow of migrants; Internally Displaced People; savings and investment; home country; home countries; distribution of skill; migration flow; regulatory failure; international labor market; distribution of workers; influx of refugees; country case study; labor market outcome; risk management instrument; right of women; cost of care; education of migrants; income earning opportunities; welfare of migrants; share of work; attitude towards migration; access to job; history of migration; conflict and violence; rates of unemployment; economies of agglomeration; global public policy; skill and technology; opportunities for education; country of residence; characteristics of migrant; years of schooling; migration of woman; domestic labor market; international migration flow; global income inequality; local public service; gap in access; data on income; multilateral agreement; job search assistance; absence of market; response to disaster; movement of labor; movement of capital; area of migration; increase in inequality; Local Economic Development; net job creation; impact of immigration; education and health; time of conflict; choice of destination; role of migration; term of data; types of migration; freedom of movement; education child; high minimum wages; movement of people; sovereign credit rating; capital market access; repatriation of refugee; retail payment system; education of child; per capita income; cost of remittance; financial literacy training; impact of policy; incentives for return; local investment; human capital; rural-urban migration; market failure; migration costs; rural area; migration decision; credit constraint; internal migrant; Forced Migration; income gap; Public Services; Migration Policies; social cost; matching grant; internal migration; natural disaster; important policy
ALLEN, G. C. Japanese Industry: Its Re cent Development and Present Condition. Pp. x, 124. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939. $1.00. BISSON, T. A. American Policy in the Far East: 1931-1940. Pp. x, 146. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939. $1.25. BLOCH, KURT. German Interests and Poli cies in the Far East. Pp. xii, 75. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939. 75c. FARLEY, MIRIAM S. The Problem of Jap anese Trade Expansion in the Post-War Situation. Pp. x, 93. New York: Insti tute of Pacific Relations, 1939. 75c. MILNER, IAN F. G. New Zealand's In terests and Policies in the Far Èast. Pp. ix, 131. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939. $1.00. SHEPHERD, JACK. Australia's Interests and Policies in the Far East. Pp. xii, 212. New York: Institute of Pacific Rela tions, 1939. $1.75. WRIGHT, QUINCY. The Existing Legal Situation as It Relates to the Conflict in the Far East. Pp. ix, 129. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1939. $1.00, F. Michael,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Reviews: The Irish Franciscans, 1534–1990, Framing the West: Images of Rural Ireland, 1891–1920, the Irish Establishment, 1879–1914, the Great Parchment Book of Waterford: Liber Antiquissimus Civitatis Waterfordiae, the Laity, the Church and the Mystery Plays: A Drama of Belonging, the Irish in Post-War Britain, New Guests of the Irish Nation, the Making of the Irish Poor Law, 1815–1843, Republicanism in Ireland: Confronting Theories and Traditions, the Orange Order: A Contemporary Northern Irish History, Repeal and Revolution: 1848 in Ireland, the Civil Service and the Revolution in Ireland, 1912–1938: ‘Shaking the Blood-Stained Hand of Mr Collins’, Inspector Mallon: Buying Irish Patriotism for a Five-Pound Note, An Illustrated History of the Phoenix Park: Landscape and Management to 1880, Gypsum Mining and the Shirley Estate in South Monaghan, 1800–1936, the Rising: Ireland, Easter 1916, Left to the Wolves: Irish Victims of Stalinist Terror, Enforcing the English Reformation in Ireland: Clerical Resistance and Political Conflict in the Diocese of Dublin, 1530–1590, Staging Ireland: Representations in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama, God's Executioner: Oliver Cromwell and the Conquest of Ireland, the Irish Labour Party, 1922–1973, the Big House in the North of Ireland: Land, Power and Social Elites, 1878–1960, Historical Association of Ireland, Life and Times New Series, Culture and Society in Early Modern Breifne/Cavan, Witchcraft and Whigs: The Life of Bishop Francis Hutchinson, 1660–1739, Cosmopolitan Ireland: Globalisation and Quality of Life, the Orange Order in Canada, Brian MacCuarta Sj, Liam Kelly, Martin Maguire, Susan Flavin, Declan Mallon, MÃcheál Ó Fathartaigh, Vanessa Stout, Virginia Crossman, Brian Hanley, D. A. J. MacPherson, Patrick Maume, Diarmaid Ferriter, Carla King, Rolf Loeber, Brian Casey, Conor McNamara, Carla King, Gerald Power, Declan Mallon, Ian Gentles, John Walsh, Terence A. Dooley, Carla King, Henry A. Jefferies and Patrick Walsh,
in Irish Economic and Social History
Good corporate governance practices are not universal. Unlike practices in institutional settings in developed countries, which have attracted most scholarly attention, corporate governance practices in emerging economies lean towards addressing principal-principal conflicts that stem from concentrated ownership. The study employs a difference-in-differences panel data design with matched samples of Chinese firms cross-listed in mainland China and Hong Kong (China) and of those listed only in Hong Kong (China) based on propensity score matching. It thus adopts a natural experimental setting – the promulgation of China’s Revised Securities Law in March 2020 – to pinpoint whether and how legal revisions of investor protection laws can really benefit investors. The findings show that independent directors in cross-listed firms turn over significantly more than those in firms listed only in Hong Kong (China). Also, it suggests that firms mainly replace departed directors with new directors from similar demographics. Furthermore, the study observes no evidence of significant changes in board independence in the short run. The findings suggest that policymakers should mind unintended consequences beyond the intended outcomes of the legal reforms on corporate governance, particularly the potential disproportionate impacts on smaller firms, Wei Lin,
in UNCTAD Transnational Corporations Journal
Colonial Policy and Practice: A Comparative Study of Burma and Netherlands India. By J. S. Furnivall. (New York: New York University Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 568. $7.50.) - Guerrilla Communism in Malaya: Its Social and Political Meaning. By Lucian W. Pye. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1956. Pp. xvi, 369. $6.00.) - Indonesian Society in Transition: A Study of Social Change. By W. F. Wertheim. (The Hague, Bandung: W. Van Hoeve, Ltd.; New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. xiv, 360. $5.00.) - Nationalism and Progress in Free Asia. Edited by Philip W. Thayer with the assistance of William T. Phillips. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1956. Pp. xvi, 394. $5.75.) - Conflict in Indo-China and International Repercussions: A Documentary History, 1945–55. Edited by Allan B. Cole with the assistance of Peter W. Lande, Dennis H. Kux, W. Bryce Harland, and Larry H. Wendell. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1956. Pp. xxix, 265. $5.00.), George McT. Kahin,
in American Political Science Review
Not just more, but better: fostering quality of employment for women, Namita Datta and Aphichoke Kotikula,
from The World Bank
Keywords: paper issue;Fragile and Conflict Affected States;information and communication technology;male labor force participation rate;female labor force participation rates;gender gap in access;sexual harassment at work;women's labor market outcomes;good quality of life;cost of hiring woman;Canadian Journal of Economics;early childhood development program;gender wage gap;access to job;Child care;human rights perspective;quality of job;barrier to woman;opportunity for woman;average monthly earnings;travel to work;enrollment of girl;access to asset;persistent gender gap;care for child;care of child;cost of child;primary school enrollment;fields of study;social insurance contribution;child care cost;reducing maternal mortality;mandatory retirement age;Gender and Jobs;quality of delivery;control of asset;women in leadership;young adolescent girl;lack of woman;form of collateral;privileges and immunity;large capital investment;access to care;types of firms;career advancement opportunity;quality of education;positive spillover effect;social security coverage;closing gender gap;food service industry;equality of outcome;equality of opportunity;flexible working arrangement;children under age;basic human right;department of economics;human rights commission;old-age dependency ratio;list of countries;gross enrollment rate;human capital development;terms of education;segregation in education;dimension of woman;free child care;education and health;private sector provider;early childhood stimulation;child tax credit;employment for woman;Labor Market Flexibility;Development Policy Loan;issue of access;social protection program;labor market characteristic;share of woman;degree of variation;ownership of asset;source income;source of income;concept of quality;parental leave;occupational segregation
Integration: A New Approach to Youth Employment Programs, Namita Datta, Angela Elzir Assy, Johanne Buba and Samantha Watson,
from The World Bank
Keywords: youth; youth employment; united states agency for international development; active labor market program; small and medium enterprise; national social security fund; social rate of return; Public and Private Institution; information and communication technology; Levels of Educational Attainment; gross domestic product growth; education and training system; eligibility criterion; job search assistance; positive social externalities; Computable General Equilibrium; access to job; access network; access to network; personal identification number; Job Creation; supply-side interventions; types of service; socially optimal level; labor market impact; labor productivity growth; high unemployment rate; duration of unemployment; labor market indicator; community of practice; lack of capital; labor force participation; equity in access; forms of debt; Rule of Law; venture capital fund; lack of collateral; benefit to society; lines of credit; social assistance program; job search process; lack of incentive; fragile and conflict; children and youth; public employment service; self-employment and entrepreneurship; labor force survey; expanding employment opportunity; private sector provider; competitive business environment; access to information; skill development program; private sector job; factor of production; business process outsourcing; individuals with disability; formal education system; privileges and immunity; special economic zone; private sector competitiveness; quality of job; opportunities for youth; labor market analysis; person with disability
CHALLENGE OF MIGRATIONS– THE CASE OF SERBIA Abstract Spring wave of refugees threatens Europe this year 2016. The paper highlights the problems caused by the influx of refugeesin the Republic of Serbia, as well as legal norms in force.In Serbia, the refugees are treated more fairly than in many European countries. Our country is faced with all types of migration. This imposes a number of different yet clearly related challenges for modern migration management. On the territory of the Republic of Serbia there are 82 opened border crossings, of which 50 road, 14 railway, 4 airport, 12 river and 2 ferry. Back in December 2008, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has decided to establish the Center for asylum, which operates within the Commissariat for Refugees. To meet these challenges caused primarily due to a sudden increase in the number of asylum seekers in the Republic of Serbia in 2010, 2011 and 2012, particularly after the intensification of the armed conflict in Syria, the government has opened a new center for asylum in Bogovadja. The situation with migrants is more serious in Serbia and now the checking of all migrants who pass through our country is reinforced. According to the Government’s Decision on the issuing the certificate of entry on the territory of the Republic of Serbia for migrants coming from countries where their lives are in danger (2015), this certificate serves migrants to stay in the Republic of Serbia for a period of 72 hours of its issuance. With this certificate migrants may use the services of banks, stay in establishments providing accommodation and receive the necessary medical help. Holders of these certificates do not acquire the status of asylum seekers in terms of rules for asylum in the Republic of Serbia. In Serbia there is a clear policy of migration management which is carried on through different national strategies and strategic documents for accession to the EU, though migration represent a global phenomenon whose impact and consequences transcend national boundaries. One of the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia is to be placed on the so-called “white Schengen list”, what necessarily imposes the need of prevention of illegal migration, especially from our country or from other countries through the territory of the Republic of Serbia, toward other EU countries, candidate countries for EU membership, but also to other countries in general, Natasa Tomic-Petrovic,
in Curentul Juridic, The Juridical Current, Le Courant Juridique
Keywords: Migration; refugees;Serbia; legal norms; strategy.
TERRORISM, AS SOCIO-POLITICAL PHENOMENON AND IMPEDING FACTOR FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS Abstract: Economic stability and peace are the important determinants of socio-economic development in the modern world. Analysis of the situation in conflicting regions worldwide clarifies that at the modern stage it is very complicated to reach this. One of the main factors, which cause the process of economic and political destabilization, is global terrorism, which became the world’s important phenomenon. After the terrorist act of 11 September in the USA in 2001 and the terrorist act on the journal “Charlie Hebdo†in Paris in 2015 the problem became more acute. Compared with 2013, in 2014 the world terrorism threat increased up to 61%, which considerably limits dynamic development of the global market. In such countries, where threat of terrorism is high, it becomes far difficult to develop the international trade relations, inflow of foreign investments go into decline, and the danger of starting business is high. Within this context, the main principles of market formation are determined not by the supply-demand phenomenon, but the main source of its destabilization is the fear caused in result of terrorism. In result of we receive atrophied market relations, when separate states possess relevant resources and economic potential for economic development, but in result of interference of exogamic forces (terrorism) it is impossible to perfectly master them and, owing to this, dynamic development of the economic system. In the presented article we have studied the socio-political aspects of terrorism and its influence on the global business, Temur Shengelia,
in EcoForum
Keywords: Economic stability, socio-economic development, terrorism, destabilization, global business.
Burnout or not? Assessing the effect of digital employee resilience and its effects on work stress Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of the study was to theoretically and empirically assess digital employee resilience and shed light on its antecedents and effect on work stress. Aims(s) – The study aimed to develop a conceptual framework for digital employee resilience. Furthermore, antecedents of both digital employee resilience and work stress were empirically analyzed, including the relationship between digital employee resilience and work stress. Design/methodology/approach— A thorough literature research was carried out to create a conceptual framework and definition for digital employee resilience and to derive hypotheses. Next, an online survey was conducted with a sample of 454 individuals. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM), and a multigroup analysis was performed. Findings – The study found positive effects of positive affect, digital literacy, self-efficacy, and perceived organizational support (POS) on digital employee resilience. Moreover, a negative effect of digital employee resilience on work stress was found. Role conflict, role ambiguity, and work overload are positively related to work stress. Limitations of the study – Limitations include the nature of the sample since only cross-sectional data on individuals from Germany was obtained. Moreover, digital employee resilience was measured in a particular context, e.g., working from home. Thus, exploring digital employee resilience using different samples and other contexts offers promising avenues for future research. Practical implications – The study helps HRM practitioners nurture digital employee resilience and address causes of work stress in a targeted way. Originality/value – This study is among the first to investigate digital employee resilience theoretically and empirically. It enriches the discourse on digital resilience by integrating various existing definitions and conceptualizations into a newly developed framework for digital employee resilience, Max Bulenda,
in Journal of Human Resource Management
Keywords: Digital employee resilience, digital resilience, employee resilience, resilience, work stress, job stress
Maternal and Child Health: The World Bank Group's Response to Sustainable Development Goal 3—Target 3.1 and 3.2, Amparo Gordillo-Tobar, Meaghen Quinlan-Davidson and Samuel Lantei Mills,
from The World Bank
Keywords: live birth;investment need;maternal and child health;primary school completion rate;social and economic development;Fragility, Conflict, and Violence;access to health service;women in developing countries;primary health care facilities;Maternal and Child Mortality;antenatal and postnatal care;infant and child mortality;quality health care service;delivery of health services;access to basic service;lifetime risk of death;iron and folic acid;operation and maintenance expenditure;Democratic Republic of Congo;lack of employment opportunity;lack of employment opportunities;Delivery of Health Care;reproductive health-care services;Maternal Mortality;skilled birth attendance;net enrolment rate;maternal death;maternal mortality ratio;primary school enrolment;quality of care;conflict and violence;primary school age;female net enrolment;gross intake rate;Population and Development;Internally Displaced Person;loss of education;neonatal mortality;Maternal Health;child health service;ethnic minority community;lack of service;inequality in health;immunization of child;innovative financing mechanism;private sector partner;quality of education;international development community;access to asset;access to care;senior operations;voice and agency;vulnerable population group;comments and feedback;accessing health care;primary completion rate;Corporate Results Indicator;health care cost;number of pupils;number of women;neonatal mortality rates;health of mothers;quality of data;maternal health care;essential health services;health care system;preference for son;supply chain management;girls in school;complete primary school;health care provision;right of women;termination of pregnancy;universal primary education;infant mortality rate;loss of income;Health System Strengthening;health and nutrition;gap in access;sustainable development goals;official school age;skilled health personnel;complete secondary education;High Blood Pressure;decline in poverty;spread of disease;total fertility rate;reproductive health outcomes;advice to woman;sustainable development agenda;pregnant woman;extreme poverty;cognitive development;Antenatal Care;financial instability;inclusive growth;men's health;neonatal death;poor health;educated woman;forced displacement;delivery service;demographic dividend;civil registration;vital statistic;Gender Equality;poor household;old children;education level;Health Workers;female enrolment;concessional financing;health facility;geographical region;supply side;pregnancy care;dissemination mechanism;indigenous population;birth care;health systems;successful country;cultural practice;medical supply;limited mobility;skilled attendance;strategic partner;vulnerable group;skilled staff;gender norm;entrance age;postpartum period;deaths globally;government capacity;income support;nutrition intervention;parental education;remote area;income quintile;improved health;rural area;adolescent pregnancy;regional disparity;increased income;Mental health;healthy behavior;cognitive skill;enrolment target;quality education;strategic partnerships;quality primary;schooling year;women's empowerment;educational input;unpaid work;human capital;adolescent indicators;universal health;environmental dimension;noncommercial purposes;unemployed population;subsidiary right;maternal education;economic slowdown;postpartum care;skilled care;younger sibling;health challenge;family land;school fee;fragile states;human rights;nutritional deficit;contraceptive prevalence;adolescent birth;health interventions;secure access;teen pregnancy;young woman;female population;curative care;net enrollment;global partnership;young child;gender disparity;equitable access;constrained resource;income growth;equal distribution;socioeconomic indicator;subnational levels;children's health;alternative mode;multiple sources;health finance;impact intervention;political insecurity;large population;quality service;cervical cancer;postnatal services;community health;universal coverage
Ending Extreme Poverty and Sharing Prosperity: Progress and Policies, Marcio Cruz, James Foster, Bryce Quillin and Philip Schellekens,
from The World Bank
Keywords: sanitation, poverty threshold, risks, household survey, consumption expenditures, poverty line, land reform, economic growth, poverty levels, income poverty, income, poverty indices, poverty rates, poverty estimates, equitable access, employment opportunities, high population density, counterfactual, income” poverty, health insurance, economic diversification, political economy, death, rural livelihoods, national poverty, poor people, extreme poverty line, poverty gap index, income gap, temporary unemployment, income support, international poverty lines, global poverty, social programs, social assistance, rural poor, labor market policies, conflict, agricultural output, measures, poverty measures, national poverty lines, human capital levels, safety nets, poverty reduction, macroeconomic stability, agricultural productivity growth, savings, poverty gap, agricultural technology, income growth, food price, income inequality, food price policies, poverty incidence, transfers, international poverty line, poor areas, household income, poor health, land degradation, agricultural prices, household surveys, employment income, anti-poverty, global poverty target, economic policies, social insurance programs, farmers, poverty focus, famine, poverty headcount rate, cash transfers, poor infrastructure, administrative costs, food items, rural gap, unemployment, rural poverty line, rural finance, poverty lines, poverty data, human capital, poverty eradication, poverty index, climate change, poverty measurement, market failures, poor countries, rural poverty, income distribution, absolute poverty, agricultural sector, impact of shocks, rural poverty lines, malnutrition, rural, nutrition, access to markets, household chores, poverty target, idiosyncratic shocks, social policies, child mortality, insurance, anti-poverty policy, targeting, climatic change, income dynamics, drinking water, redistributive policies, extreme poverty, income shares, smallholder farming, rural areas, poverty reduction efforts, poverty, clean water, poor populations, public unemployment, incidence of poverty, household consumption, poor living, rural electrification, poverty update, agricultural productivity, household welfare, poor, poverty assessment, repeated shocks, extreme” poverty, public spending, poverty across countries, poverty assessments, poverty alleviation, poverty analysis, human development, inequality, poor households, poor person
Reviews: The Ulster Crisis, 1885–1921, Dublin, 1745–1922: Hospitals, Spectacle and Vice, Britain and Ireland, 1050–1530: Economy and Society, Castle Caldwell, County Fermanagh: Life on a West Ulster Estate, 1750–1800, on the Edge of the Pale: The Rise and Decline of an Anglo-Irish Community in County Meath, 1170–1530, the Planters of Luggacurran, County Laois: A Protestant Community, 1879–1927, Balrothery Poor Law Union, County Dublin, 1839–1851, Achill Island Tattie-Hokers in Scotland and the Kirkintilloch Tragedy, 1937, World War I and Nationalist Politics in County Louth, 1914–1920, the Liberty and Ormond Boys: Factional Riot in Eighteenth-Century Dublin, Kiltubrid, County Leitrim: Snapshots of a Rural Parish in the 1890s, the Murder of Thomas Douglas Bateson, County Monaghan, 1851, Sir Robert Gore Booth and his Landed Estate in County Sligo, 1814–1876: Land, Famine, Emigration and Politics, the MacGeough Bonds of the Argory: An Ulster Gentry Family, 1880–1950, Smithfield and the Parish of St Paul, Dublin, 1698–1750, the Murder of Thomas Douglas Bateson, County Monaghan, 1851, Sir Robert Gore Booth and his Landed Estate in County Sligo, 1814–1876: Land, Famine, Emigration and Politics, the MacGeough Bonds of the Argory: An Ulster Gentry Family, 1880–1950, Smithfield and the Parish of St Paul, Dublin, 1698–1750, Canting with Cauley: A Glossary of Travellers' Cant/Gammon, Representing the Troubles: Text and Images, 1970–2000, Representing the Troubles: Text and Images, 1970–2000, Our own Devices: National Symbols and Political Conflict in Twentieth-Century Ireland, County Longford and the Irish Revolution, 1910–1923, Industry, Trade and People in Ireland, 1650–1950: Essays in Honour of W. H. Crawford, Our Good Health: A History of Dublin's Water and Drainage, a Noontide Blazing: Brigid Lyons Thornton, Rebel, Soldier, Doctor, a Memoir, ‘A Town Tormented by the Sea’: Galway, 1790–1914, the Slow Failure: Population Decline and Independent Ireland, 1920–1973, the Irish Lottery, 1780–1801, Medieval Celtic Literature and Society, German-Speaking Exiles in Ireland, 1933–1945, the Nabob: A Tale of Ninety-Eight, Studies in Children's Literature, 1500–2000, Treasure Islands: Studies in Children's Literature, Limerick Boycott, 1904: Anti-Semitism in Ireland, Irish Rural Interiors in Art, the Politics of the Irish Civil War, the Cenél Conaill and the Donegal Kingdoms, AD 500–800, Long Bullets: A History of Road Bowling in Ireland, the Pastoral Role of the Roman Catholic Church in pre-Famine Ireland, 1750–1850, Patrick McAlister, Bishop of down and Connor, 1886–1895, Faith, Fraternity and Fighting: The Orange Order and Irish Migrants in Northern England, C. 1850–1920, the Irish Policeman, 1822–1922: A Life, James Connolly: ‘A Full Life’, James Larkin: Lion of the Fold, Community in Early Modern Ireland, the Irish College at Santiago de Compostela, 1605–1769, a ‘Manly Study’? Irish Women Historians, 1868–1949, Map-Making, Landscapes and Memory: A Geography of Colonial and Early Modern Ireland, C. 1530–1750, the Progress of Music, Ulster Presbyterians in the Atlantic World: Religion, Politics, and Identity, Andrew R. Holmes, Ruth McManus, Brendan Bradshaw, Conor McNamara, Caitriona Clear, Peter Collins, Deirdre McMahon, Donald M. MacRaild, Ruth McManus, Brendan Ó Conaire, Conor McNamara, Donald M. MacRaild, James Kelly, Geraldine Parsons, Victoria Walters, Frank Ferguson, P. J. Mathews, Tom Morrissey Sj, Caitriona Clear, Deirdre McMahon, Flora Ward, Tom Hunt, Ciarán Mac Murchaidh, A. C. Hepburn, David FitzPatrick, W. J. Lowe, Fintan Lane, Alan Ford, James Kelly, Marie Coleman, Toby Barnard, Seán MacLiam and Andrew R. Holmes,
in Irish Economic and Social History
Conflict between sedentary farmers and nomadic cattle herders in the country has become the ‘gravest security challenge’ facing Nigeria. This study aims to identify suitable areas for herder resettlement in Jigawa and Niger States. Key objectives include spatio-temporal analysis of grazing land use, assessment of nomadic livelihoods, and conducting a land inventory for identifying appropriate settlement areas for herders. Satellite images from Landsat ETM+ (2000) and Landsat 8 (2020) were the primary data sources. Both unsupervised and supervised classification methods were used for image classification, resulting in six land use categories. Focus group discussions gathered information on Fulani herders’ economic and social life, livestock, and crop farming practices. Experienced farmers who transitioned from nomadism were also interviewed to gather detailed crop farming data. The finding revealed that Fulani are nomads but willing to adopt new cattle-rearing methods if their livestock’s feed is ensured. The Fulani youths are open to alternative economic activities, including farming. While nomadic, they settle for extended periods in areas with sufficient animal feed and engage in small-scale crop farming. Crops include cowpea, maize, onions, peanuts, potatoes, and vegetables, primarily grown for subsistence. Settled Fulani, who have ceased migration, engage in both cash crops and subsistence farming. They practice mixed cropping with crops like cassava, millet, onions, sorghum, rice, and yams. Intercropping and rain-fed agriculture are prevalent, with irrigation farming mostly limited to floodplains. Environmental impact was analyzed, showing that certain crops, like cowpea, have better nutrient and water-use efficiency, while crops such as rice and maize require more chemical inputs. In 2020, 84.48% of Jigawa’s land was allocated to crop farming, with little remaining land suitable for herder settlement. Therefore, Niger State, a larger region with abundant water resources and diverse land cover, was identified as a potential alternative for developing herder settlements. Its extensive grassland, mixed vegetation, and proximity to rivers and reservoirs make it ideal for supporting year-round livestock grazing and irrigation-based agriculture. This study concludes that while Jigawa State is now predominantly used for crop farming, Niger State offers significant potential for developing sustainable herder settlements, Dr. Aliyu Mustapha, Ibilewa Dada, Mansir Aminu and Isa Yunusa Chedi,
in International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science
Adapting Skills Training To Address Constraints To Women’s Participation, Kathleen G. Beegle and Eliana Carolina Rubiano Matulevich,
from The World Bank
Keywords: female labor force participation rates; small and medium enterprise; skill training programs; low levels of education; lower dropout rate; jobs and development; Democratic Republic of Congo; Technical and Vocational Education; labor market outcome; business training program; barrier to woman; skill train program; not statistically significant; labour market outcome; vocational training program; women in entrepreneurship; barrier to entry; demand for good; division of labor; benefit of adaptation; differentials between women; labor market opportunities; women with child; agricultural extension service; children under age; basic financial literacy; barriers to mobility; binding constraint; cash crop sector; agricultural extension training; code of conduct; health and nutrition; labor market program; tertiary education institution; form of violence; traditional male occupations; traditional gender roles; unequal power relation; sexual harassment; female entrepreneur; young woman; income opportunity; life skill; cash grant; apprenticeship program; soft skills; financial constraint; knowledge product; photo credit; female participant; demand-side factor; digital economy; family obligation; financial aspect; Gender Gap; business skill; female trainee; role models; family responsibility; business growth; rural area; male peers; reducing barriers; research observer; formal employment; female participation; supply-side constraints; program completion; gender norm; financial capital; regular training; asset transfer; earnings increase; savings account; market efficiency; disadvantaged woman; female trainers; nutrition security; gender sensitization; agricultural program; labor study; extended unemployment; limited resources; peer network; business partner; work experience; peer group; job placement; job experience; labor input; elementary school; literacy level; female business; gender parity; traditional business; enrollment fee; conference room; time constraint; afternoon session; agricultural planning; reading level; traditional training; entrepreneurial behavior; transportation cost; young child; traditional sector; digital skills; midday meal; product differentiation; abuse program; financial success; newspaper advertisement; agricultural setting; placement service; female farmer; remote area; unmet demand; insufficient information; gender assessment; core curriculum; behavioral change; income share; complaints mechanism; central market; peer-to-peer learning; domestic work; youth labor; average schooling; Enterprise Development; research review; economic empowerment; financial incentive; master craftsman; Learning and Innovation Credit; home care; livelihood opportunity; disabled person; school youth; train operator; formal school; business practice; financial planning; gender women; employment rate; low employment; market participation; Higher Education; secure employment; Sexual Assault; value chain; learning system; mass media; field experiment; female enterprise; agricultural skill; business expansion; Economic Policy; supply side; Female Entrepreneurship; education gap; peer effects; young adult; international initiative; farming household; method study; employment opportunity; employment opportunities; loan scheme; technology training; best practice; mobile teams; assessment program; legal training; program finance; mobility constraint; violence prevention; Digital Literacy; psychosocial services; program beneficiary; Conflict Resolution; occupational segregation; Medical Insurance; external factor; coffee farmer; low earnings; adverse shock; transportation subsidy; digital gap; smallholder farmer; coffee yield; remote location
PARYS, Wilfried: "A modern guide to economic thought (Douglas MAIR & Anne G. MILLER, Edward Elgar Publishing LTD., 1991)" (p. 331-332); JEGERS, Marc: "The limits of econometrics (Adrian C. DARNELL & J. Lynne EVANS, Edward Elgar, 1990)" (p. 332); LEMMENS, Willem: "Capitalism as a moral system (Spencer J. PACK, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)" (p. 332-334); CUYVERS, Ludo: "Direct foreign investment in Asia's developing economies and Asia-Pacific Region (Eric D. RAMSTETTER, Westview Press, 1991)" (p. 334); OPDEBEECK, Henk: "Instituties en economisch handelen (A.G. NAGELKERKE, Tillburg University Press, 1992)" (p. 335); MAES, Ivo: "Exchange rate targets and currency bands (Pail KRUGMAN & Marcus MILLER, Cambridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 335-336); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Economic transformation in Eastern Europe and the distribution of income (Anthony B. ATKINSON & John MICKLEWRIGHT, Cambridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 336-337); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: "Valuing the earth (Herman E. DALY & Kenneth N. TOWNSEND, The MIT Press, 1993)" (p. 337-338); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "The economics of restructuring and the intervention (Jonathan MICHIE, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)" (p. 338-339); PAUWELS, Wilfried: "Optimal control theory and static optimization in economics (Daniel LÉONARD & Ngo VAN LONG, Cabmridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 339); MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Seasonal adjustment as a practical problem (F.A.G. DEN BUTTER & M.M.G. FASE, North-Holland, 1991)" (p. 339-340); NONNEMAN, Walter: "Rational conflict (Yanis VAROUFAKIS, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)" (p. 340-341) BASTIAENSEN, Johan: "The migration of labor (Oded STARK, Basil Blackwell, 1991)" (p. 341-342); NONNEMAN, Walter: "The Swedish wage negotiation system (Anders S. OLSSON, Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1991)" (p. 342-343); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Advanced transport and spatial system models (John Kim TSCHANGHO & Suh SUNDUCK, Springer-Verlag, 1990)" (p. 343); KESTELOOT, Katrien: "Market dynamics and entry (P.A. GEROSKI, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)" (p. 344-345); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "The theory and practice of tax reform in developing countries (Ehtisham AHMAD & Nicholas STERN, Cambridge University Press, 1991)" (p. 345-346); MARTENS, Rudy: "The management of technological learning (Mark DODGSON, Walter de Gruyter, 1991)" (p. 346); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: "An analytic approach to marketing decisions (Robert F. DYER & Ernest H. FORMAN, Prentice-Hall International, 1991)" (p. 347-348); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Personeelsproblemen de baas (J.L. NOOMEN, H. Nelissen, 1992)" (p. 348); SPAAS, Jan P.M.: "Planung und realisierung eines automatisierten lagers (Gerrit J. DIRKS & Jürgen NITSCHKE, expert verlag, 1990)" (p. 349); JORISSEN, Ann: "International accounting (Frederick D.S. CHOI & Gerhard G. MUELLER, Prentice-Hall International, 1992)" (p. 350-351); REYNS, Carl: "Belgisch basisboekhouden voor banken (Luigi FRANCO, Fiduciaire Uitgeverij, 1992)" (p. 351); VAN HOOF, Dony: "Patrimoniumvennootschappen (Antoon BONTE, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1992)" (p. 352-353); VANDEVELDE, Toon: "Beyond the marketplace (Roger FRIEDLAND & A.F. ROBERTSON, Aldine de Gruyter, 1990)" (p. 353-354); FAUCOMPRET, Erik: "Trade flows and trade policy after '1992' (L. Alan WINTERS, Cambridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 354-355), Wilfried Parys, Marc Jegers, Willem Lemmens, Ludo Cuyvers, Henk Opdebeeck, Ivo Maes, Liliane van Hoof, Aviel Verbruggen, Sylvain Plasschaert, Wilfried Pauwels, Hilde Meersman, Walter Nonneman, Johan Bastiaensen, Eddy van de Voorde, Katrien Kesteloot, Sylvain Plasschaert, Rudy Martens, Els Gijsbrechts, Daniël Vloeberghs, Jan P.M Spaas, Ann Jorissen, Carl Reyns, Dony van Hoof, Toon Vandevelde and Erik Faucompret,
in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift)
Boekbesprekingen: VANHOUDT, Patrick: “Handbook of population and family economics (Mark R. ROSENZWEIG & Oded STARK, Elsevier Science, 1997)” (p. 609); VAN MALDEGEM, Peter: “Enterprise and social benefits after communism (Martin REIN, Barry L. FRIEDMAN & Andreas WÖRGÖTTER, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (p. 609-610); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Europe’s economy looks east (Stanley W. BLACK, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (610-611); JEGERS, Marc: “Strategic management of health care organization (Peter M. GINTER, Linda E. SWAYNE & W. Jack DUNCAN, Blackwell Publishers, 1997)” (p. 611-612); WITLOX, Frank: “Internationaal produceren (A.D.M. VAN DE VEN, Lemma BV, 1996)” (p. 612-613); VAN HOOYDONK, Charlotte: “Capital controls, exchange rates, and money policy in the world economy (Sebastian EDWARDS, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (p. 613-614); JEGERS, Marc: “Managerial economics (Ivan PNG, Blackwell Publishers, 1997)" (p. 614-615); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Economic dynamics (Ronald SHONE, Cambridge University Press, 1997)" (p. 615-616); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Perspectives on public choice (Dennis C. MUELLER, Cambridge University Press, 1997)" (p. 616); WILFRIED, Pauwels: "Economics with no special technology (Trout RADER, Input-Output Publishing Company, 1996)" (p. 616-618); JEGERS, Marc: "Dix ans d'avancées en économie de la santé (Jean-Claude SAILLY & Thérèse LEBRUN, Editions John Libbey Eurotext, 1997)" (p. 618); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Mathematics and Mathematica for economists (Cliff J. HUANG & Philip S. CROOKE, Blackwell Publishers, 1997)" (p. 618-619); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Corporatism or competition? (Coen TEULINGS & Joop Hartog, Cambridge University Press, 1998)" (p. 619-620); ROOSENS, Paul: "Structural adjustment reconsidered (David E. SAHN, Paul A. DOROSH & Stephen D. YOUNGER, Cambridge University Press, 1997)" (p. 620-621); WITLOX, Frank: "Economie en transport (Jaap DE WIT & Henk VAN GENT, Lemma BV, 1996)" (p. 621-622); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Vasicek and beyond (Lane HUGHSTON, Risk Publications, 1996)" (p. 622-623); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Exotic options (LES CLEWLOW & Chris STRICKLAND, International Thomson Business Press, 1997)" (p.623-624); VALCKX, Nico: "Financial mathematics (W.J. RUNGGALDIER, Springer-Verlag, 1997)" (p. 624-625); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Derivaten (B. VAN AMERONGEN, Nederlands Instituut voor het Bank- en Effectenbedrijf (NIBE), 1997)" (p. 625-626); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "La réforme des marchés et des intermédiaires financiers/ De hervorming van de financiële markten en bemiddelaars (s.n., Bruylant, 1997)" (p. 626); LAERMANS, H.: "Marketing for the non-marketing manager (Colin V. SOWTER, McGraw-Hill, 1995)" (p. 627); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accounting's changing role in social conflict (Cheryl R. LEHMAN, Markus Wiener Publishing & Paul Chapman Publishing, 1995)" (p. 627-628); VAN DE WIELE, Patricia: "Policing accounting knowledge (Tony TINKER & Tony PUXTY, Markus Wiener Publishing & Paul Chapman Publishing, 1994)" (p. 628-629); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accounting and performance measurement (Irvine LAPSLEY & Falconer MITCHELL, Paul Chapman Publishing, 1996)" (p. 629-630); VERBEECK, Philippe: "The psychology of money (Adrian FURNHAM & Michael ARGYLE, Routledge, 1998)" (p. 631-632); FAUCOMPRET, Erik: "Politics by principle, not interest (James M. BUCHANAN & Roger D. CONGLETON, Cambridge University Press, 1998)" (p. 632-633); ROOSENS, Paul: "De begroting van de Europese Unie (Bart KERREMANS & Herreman MATTHIJS, Intersentia Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. 633-634); ROOSENS, Paul: "Regional partners in global markets (Ahmed GALAL & Bernard HOEKMAN, Centre for Economic Policy Research & Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, 1997)" (p. 634), Patrick Vanhoudt, Peter van Maldegem, Liliane van Hoof, Marc Jegers, Frank Witlox, Charlotte van Hooydonk, Kristiaan Kerstens, Pauwels Wilfried, Stefan Késenne, Paul Roosens, Marc de Ceuster, H. Laermans, Ann Jorissen, Patricia van de Wiele, Philippe Verbeeck and Erik Faucompret,
in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift)
Keywords: Book reviews, Boekbesprekingen, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Oded Stark, Martin Rein, Barry L. Friedman, Andreas Wörgötter, Stanley W; Black, Peter M. Ginter, Linda E. Swayne, W. Jack Duncan, A.D.M. van de Ven, Sebastian Edwards, Ivan PNG, Ronald Shone, Dennis C. Mueller, Trout Rader, Jean-Claude Saily, Thérèse Lebrun, Cliff J. Huang, Philip S. Crooke, Coen Teulings, Joop Hartog, David E. Sahn, Paul A. Doroshi, Stephen D. Younger, Jaap De Wit, Henk van Gent, Lane Hughston, Les Clewlow, Chris Strickland, W.J. Runggaldier, B. van Ameronge, Colin V. Sowter, Cheryl R. Lehman, Tony Tinker, Tony Puxty, Irvine Lapsley, Falconer Mitchell, Adrian Furnham, Michael Argyle, James M. Buchanan, Roger D. Congleton, Bart Kerremans, Herreman Matthijs, Ahmed Galal, Bernard Hoekman
Job creation in the private sector: an exploratory assessment of patterns and determinants at the macro, sector, and firm levels, Thomas Farole, Esteban Ferro and Veronica Michel Gutierrez,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Technical and Vocational Education;Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise;fragile and conflict state;Job Creation;private sector job creation;gross fixed capital formation;Upper Middle Income Countries;relative price of capital;active labor market program;millennium development goal;natural rate of unemployment;small and medium size enterprise;rule law indicator;information and communication technology;high level of employment;employment growth;business cycle;Rule of Law;enforcement of law;volatility in output;foreign direct investment;employment growth rate;responses to growth;labor market outcome;types of firms;capital intensity;real output growth;state owned enterprise;labor market rigidity;reduction in poverty;public employment service;working age adults;Labor market rigidities;structure of employment;labor market structure;labor productivity increase;public sector employment;policy and institution;country fixed effect;loss of income;gross capital formation;high growth rate;law and regulation;number of jobs;impact of regulation;supply chain linkage;working age population;Labor Market Flexibility;purchasing power parity;job destruction rate;low income group;higher value added;long-term employment impact;oil producing country;labor market relationship;decline in unemployment;machinery and equipment;jobs and growth;macroeconomic stabilization policy;rate of output;value added tax;labor market development;work long hour;conditional cash transfer;labor force survey;privileges and immunity;access to finance;employment outcome;manufacturing sector;job growth;job flow;Learning and Innovation Credit;high employment;employment elasticity;unemployment rate;regulatory environment;labor regulation;correlation coefficient;firm size;job reallocation;sample period;Business Regulation;severance pay;formal employment;formal sector;job turnover;human capital;regression line;standard error;domestic credit;country variation;macroeconomic condition;transition country;Natural Resources;robustness check;firm level;high correlation;rolling regression;negative correlation;adjustment cost;macroeconomic variable;transition countries;cross-country differences;future research;probation period;adjustment process;Jobless Recovery;business environment;negative effect;industrial activity;positive coefficient;constant term;net inflows;informal sector;job loss;firm exit;employment protection;cyclical fluctuation;Employment Change;sectoral analysis;statistical significance;basic relationships;income grouping;negative coefficient;empirical analysis;composite index;economic freedom;negative relationship;cyclical output;financial crisis;sectoral composition;enabling environment;transaction cost;modern economy;lagged change;negative value;labor shedding;informal apprenticeship;average employment;previous subsection;business sector;household survey;enterprise sector;creative destruction;product market;partnership framework;interaction effect;empirical result;cross-country study;health problem;regulatory variable;Advisory services;inconsistent estimate;high compliance;market condition;Social Welfare;ample evidence;empirical study;competitive force;power outage;investment climate;high unemployment;comparative advantage;unemployment reduction;tax purpose;high volatility;output volatility;firm survey;social cohesion;institutional factor;economic expansion;Fiscal policies;fiscal policy;copyright owner;housing census;real gdp;sole responsibility;public expenditure;original work;commercial purpose;dynamic equations;cross-country data;wood product;Transition economies;aggregate demand;common perception;Doing Business Reports;economic stability;wage worker;macroeconomic indicator;manufacturing activities;substitute capital;relative demand;coefficient estimate;important policy;informal worker;non-governmental organization;industrial transformation;employment relationship;oil producer;ceteris paribus;domestic supply;employment multiplier;sectoral growth;cyclical unemployment
Jobs in North Lebanon - Assessment of the Potato Value Chain, Thomas Farole and Yasuo Konishi,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Technical and Vocational Education;Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise;European Development Finance Institutions;economies of scale in production;fragile and conflict state;paper issue;information and communication technology;small and medium size enterprise;millennium development goal;private sector job;capital stock per worker;active labor market program;farmer;Job Creation;permanent job;majority of farmer;number of jobs;export market;ict value chain;higher value added;average monthly wage;retail distribution network;access to land;value added tax;average farm size;cold storage facility;difficult external environment;cost of land;conditional cash transfer;percent change;analysis of value;labor force survey;marginal cost function;job creation potential;per capita consumption;european investment bank;scale of production;scale production;competitive production base;output per worker;domestic market price;privileges and immunity;Type of Investment;trade and investment;Solid Waste Management;factor of production;state owned enterprise;production and export;employment per hectare;expansion of export;fruit and vegetable;purchasing power parity;public employment service;seasonal worker;large farm;small farm;seasonal job;potato production;regional market;import price;input supply;general population;process plant;average cost;trade deficit;land cost;firm level;transport cost;scale economy;market system;local market;global trade;Capital Investments;capital use;selection criterion;survey instrument;market opportunity;focus group;job profile;employment data;farm labor;wage gap;unit price;low-skilled job;permanent worker;processing operation;public expenditure;farm output;export channel;road freight;export expansion;large-scale investment;market condition;minimum wage;employment impact;investment scenario;greenfield investment;shipping rate;substitute capital;marginal investment;labor use;low-skilled worker;estimated elasticity;firm entry;survey questionnaire;agribusiness sector;hail storm;secondary data;market factor;harvest time;cost categories;global market;rental rate;Wage Bill;main transport;regional output;domestic retail;global export;global demand;price level;traditional market;relative price;low-skill worker;shipping cost;climatic shocks;selling price;commercial production;earnings growth;downstream industry;spillover benefit;competitive position;trade surplus;domestic producer;export growth;trade route;export volume;agricultural sector;comparative advantage;seed production;potato crop;input provider;output growth;production increase;survey sample;sample bias;significant challenge;survey sampling;farm plot;extended family;population size;global production;domestic consumption;job impact;vegetable processing;olive oil;wood product;agricultural activity;rural area;non-governmental organization;informal apprenticeship;agricultural economy;national economy;total employment;financial intermediation;copyright owner;housing census;planting season;limited information;confidence interval;skilled labor;seasonal employment;trading activity;production facility;established brand;trade figures;fast food;local supply;trade datum;Social Protection;low skill worker;Advisory services;partnership framework;household survey;global partnership;commercial purpose;original work;sole responsibility;firm survey;foreign ownership;female participant;harvest infrastructure;migrant labor;average share;performance performance;alternative crop;crop plant;small farmer;market production;rising cost;local processing;production cost;average age;production system;farmer produce;market demand;increasing costs;supply side;input price
Allocating Subsidies for Private Investments to Maximize Jobs Impacts, David Robalino, Jose Manuel Romero and Ian Walker,
from The World Bank
Keywords: social rate of return; small and medium size enterprise; share of labor in production; number of jobs; correction of market failure; Economic Rate of Retum; active labor market program; female labor force participation; business plan competition; net financial benefit; labor productivity; capital per worker; social externalities; level of employment; level of support; competitive bidding process; selection criterion; combinations of labor; total factor productivity; low labor productivity; elasticity of substitution; job creation potential; social protection system; cost of labor; job search assistance; labor market intervention; source capital; labor market reform; demand for labor; rates of return; labor market outcome; household survey data; investment in capital; interest rate subsidy; exchange rate policy; Exchange rate policies; dangerous working condition; share of profit; labor force growth; impacts on business; capital labor ratio; monte carlo simulation; number of workers; Youth in Conflict; partial risk guarantee; form of investment; share of capital; matching grant program; point of entry; SME support program; supply of labor; share of investment; privileges and immunity; social preference function; high skilled labor; unemployment benefit system; entrepreneurship support programs; domestic capital formation; private investment; financial rate; public policy; Learning and Innovation Credit; production function; fiscal resource; average cost; demand-side interventions; employment rate; opportunity cost; social value; formal sector; private investor; recent studies; private rate; market wage; job impact; labor supply; simple model; financial return; investment subsidies; young woman; expert panel; public subsidy; new job; empirical estimation; optimal allocation; firm size; young men; financial cost; weighted average; output growth; human capital; social return; labor code; minimum wage; low-skilled job; private capital; explicit subsidy; total output; firm growth; social gains; investment rate; average productivity; baseline data; wage subsidy; Wage Subsidies; market potential; outcome indicator; financial viability; environmental externality; constant term; tariff policy; increased investment; increased demand; capital input; static equilibrium; factor price; Political Economy; empirical evidence; income growth; market force; rural labor; land market; taxation system; Capital Investments; job growth; Demographic Transition; tax break; infrastructure provision; value chain; factor endowment; market demand; technological change; investment growth; capital-labor ratio; capital deepening; Macroeconomic Policy; earnings gain; random variable; Exchange Rates; government subsidy; unemployed youth; employment status; fixed budget; production technology; foregone income; net private; return increase; productivity level; social opportunities; paying job; start-up capital; capital intensity; profit to revenue; horizontal axis; paper issue; eligibility criterion; labor-intensive technology; Cash flow; managerial skill; large population; low capital; machine learning; labor-intensive production; standard error; section show; standard deviation; investment cost; virtual business; profit maximization; private information; large enterprise; low wage; labor turnover; auction mechanism; enterprise survey; aggregate employment; future research; allocation criterion; alternative subsidy; business establishment; labor demand; fiscal subsidy; fiscal envelope; public program; productivity gain; project selection; public support; knowledge spillover; risk assessment; business survival; baseline survey; predictive power; social capital; individual income; small grants; business performance; literature studies; credit market; managerial ability; financing sustainability; financing source; business management; targeted outcomes; result indicator; sales growth; negative externality; property crime; carbon emission; renewable resource
Jobs Interventions for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, Kirsten Schuettler and Laura Caron,
from The World Bank
Keywords: impact on labor force participation; Labor Market; forced displacement; information on labor market; labor market outcome; low labor force participation; forced migrant; lower level of education; female-headed household; active labor market policy; Active Labor Market Policies; Internally Displaced Person; loss of asset; labor market integration; country of origin; lack of skill; economic migrant; mental health issues; law and regulation; place of residence; source of income; source income; human rights violation; poor mental health; separation from family; form of violence; freedom of movement; place of destination; labor market structure; conflict and violence; former soviet union; access to land; social network; post-traumatic stress disorder; Social Security Records; labour force survey; differences in results; victims of violence; recovery of asset; informal labor market; low unemployment rate; propensity score matching; low educational attainment; labor market participation; place of origin; high risk aversion; poor urban population; return to education; transfer of asset; availability of land; impact of intervention; number of jobs; children and youth; lack of evidence; labor market intervention; public sector employment; cash for work; effects of unemployment; job search assistance; value of asset; portfolio work; data on refugees; lack of asset; restrictions on travel; access to network; kind of investment; lack of knowledge; number of refugees; labor market opportunities; geographically remote area; access network; changes in legislation; access to protection; country case study; world war ii; privileges and immunity; dependency ratio; language proficiency; legal situation; Host Communities; asylum seeker; time horizon; Psychological Health; labor demand; literature review; work permit; refugee household; panel data; registry data; host population; language skill; agricultural land; residence permit; physical asset; descriptive statistic; financial service; productive asset; risk appetite; local population; negative effect; registered refugees; low employment; physical health; positive impact; unexpected changes; cross border; refugee camp; refugee woman; work experience; finding employment; pull factor; legal challenge; low wage; discouraged worker; international migrant; economic migration; cost-benefit analysis; settlement policy; job opening; skill mismatch; skill need; local resident; push factor; paper issue; household asset; asset loss; market opportunity; home country; focus group; income loss; congolese refugees; labor supply; high motivation; social capital; geographical restrictions; home countries; field experiment; income earner; small sample; movement restriction; information asymmetry; occupational status; turkish language; psychological effect; experienced violence; signatory countries; positive relationship; access policy; econometric evaluation; domestic employment; social isolation; high wage; geographical area; limited information; local partner; longer period; Social Welfare; participation rate; skill deficiency; subsistence crop; discount rate; future earnings; risk averse; survey results; upward mobility; further education; vicious cycle; female labor; ongoing work; legal restriction; causal impact; future research; psychological consequences; household survey; market segment; dependency rate; asylum claim; productive activity; use rights; still living; asylum application; housing availability; refugee policy; refugee work; refugee admissions; representative survey; resettlement policy; employment condition; internal displacement; cross-sectional data; economic trajectory; cross-sectional nature; refugee status; enrollment gap; new skill; qualitative research; undocumented refugee; primary source; insufficient asset; agricultural worker; child labor; coping strategy; residency status; low-income settings; investment climate; integration measures; Forced Migration; long-term impact; supply side