62594 documents matched the search for child care in titles and keywords.
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Child care subsidies and child development, Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Child care subsidies Child development
Child Care Subsidies and Child Development, Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: child care, child development, subsidy
The Importance of Child-Care Characteristics to Choice of Care, A-S Johansen, A Leibowitz and L-J Waite,
from RAND - Reprint Series
Keywords: CHILD CARE
Child Care: Who Should Provide?, F.N. Milne,
from Queen's at Kingston - Sch. of Indus. Relat. Current Issues Series
Keywords: CHILD CARE
Family values: child care in the '90s, Susan Schacht,
in Regional Review
Keywords: Child care
The child – Object or subject of child care?, Thomas Gabriel,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Residential Care; Foster Care; Child Care; History of Child Care;
Evidence on the child care market, Ian Davidoff,
in Economic Roundup
Keywords: child care, child care services, labour market
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: Child care
Child care center quality and early child development, Nina Drange and Marte Rønning,
in Journal of Public Economics
Keywords: Child care quality; Child development;
Child Care Quality and Child Development, M. Caridad Araujo, Marta Dormal and Norbert Schady,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: child care, quality, child development, CLASS, ASQ-3
Informal Child Care in Philadelphia, Megan Hague Angus, Mynti Hossain and Cleo Jacobs Johnson,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: Informal child care, Child care, Family, friend, and neighbor care
Estimating the Affordability of Child Care across U.S. States, Kevin Bloodworth II and Charles Gascon,
from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Keywords: child care
Corporations, child care, and changing times, Steven Taper,
in Cross Sections
Keywords: Child care; Corporations
Child Care Subsidies and Childhood Obesity, Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: obesity, subsidy, child care
Child Care Choices in Spain, Cristina Borra and Luis Palma,
in Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Keywords: Child care, Multinomial logit, Spain,
Child care centers as workplaces, Myra Strober, Suzanne Gerlach-Downie and Kenneth Yeager,
in Feminist Economics
Keywords: Child care, quantitative economics research, job satisfaction, female occupation, child care management, child care staffing patterns,
Child care center staff composition and early child development, Nina Drange and Marte Rønning,
from Statistics Norway, Research Department
Keywords: Child care quality; child development
Grandparental child care, child allowances, and fertility, Kazutoshi Miyazawa,
in The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
Keywords: Fertility; Child care; Grandparenting; Child allowance; Growth;
Insights into the black box of child care supply: Predictors of provider participation in the Massachusetts child care subsidy system, Kate Giapponi Schneider, Marji Erickson Warfield, Pamela Joshi, Yoonsook Ha and Dominic Hodgkin,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care; Child care subsidies; Child care access; Nonprofit; Family child care; Center-based child care;
Child Care Subsidies, Wages, and Employment of Single Mothers, Erdal Tekin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: wages, employment, child care, child care subsidies
Child Care Subsidy Use and Child Care Quality in Low-Wealth, Rural Communities, Allison De Marco and Lynne Vernon-Feagans,
in Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Keywords: Child care, Child care subsidy, Child care quality, Rural families,
Child Care Arrangements: Determinants and Consequences, Ylenia Brilli, Daniela Del Boca and Chiara Monfardini,
from Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic Economics (CHILD) - CCA
Keywords: child care, household investments, child development, review
Which Should the Government Subsidize: Child Care or Elderly Care?, Atsushi Miyake and Masaya Yasuoka,
from School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University
Keywords: Child care, Elderly care, Fertility
Child care subsidy, child care costs, and employment of low-income single mothers, Haksoon Ahn,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care subsidy; Child care costs; TANF;
Child care subsidies and child care choices: The moderating role of household structure, Anna J. Markowitz, Rebecca M. Ryan and Anna D. Johnson,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care subsidies; Child care arrangements; Household structure;
Quasi-experimental evidenceon the relationbetween child care subsidiesand child care quality, Y.E. Akgündüz, E. Jongen, Paul P M Leseman and J. Plantenga,
from Utrecht School of Economics
Keywords: child care subsidies, child care quality, DID, CIC
Chapter 3 Child Care Choices and Childhood Obesity, Resul Cesur, Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin,
from Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Keywords: childhood, obesity, child care
Cost-Optimal Scale of Child Care Institutions, Vidar Ringstad and Knut Løyland,
in Journal of Productivity Analysis
Keywords: Economies of scale, Child care,
The Economic Rationale for Investing in Children: A Focus on Child Care, Diane Paulsell,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: Child Care , Investing , Children
Pandemic, Rising Costs Challenge Child Care Industry, Charles Gascon and Devin Werner,
in The Regional Economist
Keywords: COVID-19; child care
Family Factors in Child Care Research, Anne Hungerford and Martha J. Cox,
in Evaluation Review
Keywords: parenting; socioeconomic status; child care
The Governance and Management of Child Care Centres, Suzanne E. Maloney,
in Journal of Management Sciences
Keywords: Corporate governance; management; child care
from Centre for Economic Policy Research, Research School of Economics, Australian National University
Keywords: labour market ; women ; child care
Child Care Choices by Italian Households, Daniela Del Boca, Marilena Locatelli and Daniela Vuri,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: child care, labor market decisions
Determinants of Child Care Participation, Katja Coneus, Kathrin Goeggel and Grit Muehler,
from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Keywords: child care choice, kindergarten attendance, maternal employment
Modes of Child Care, Gerhard Glomm and Volker Meier,
from CESifo
Keywords: child care, labor supply, subsidies, family policy
The Demand for Child Care and Child Care Costs: Should We Ignore Families with Non-Working Mothers?, V.J. Holz and M.R. Kilburn,
from Chicago - Economics Research Center
Keywords: child care ; costs ; women
Child care subsidy programs and child care choices: Effects on the number and type of arrangements, Alejandra Ros Pilarz,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care; Child care decision-making; Child care subsidies; Child care type; Multiple arrangements; Multiplicity;
Regulating Child Care: The Effetcs of State Regulation on Child Care Demand and its Cost, V. Joseph Hotz and M.R. Kilburn,
from RAND - Labor and Population Program
Keywords: child care ; costs
Partnered women's labour supply and child care costs in Australia: Measurement error and the child care price, Xiaodong Gong, Robert Breunig and Anthony King,
from University of Canberra, National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling
Keywords: Labour Supply, Child Care
Linking state child care and child welfare policies and populations: Implications for children, families, and policymakers, Mary Elizabeth Meloy, Shannon T. Lipscomb and Madeline J. Baron,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care; Child welfare; Policy;
Early Child Care and Child Development: For Whom it Works and Why, Rafael Lalive and Christina Felfe,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Child care; Child development; Marginal treatment effects
The Influence of Child Care on Maternal Health and Mother-Child Interaction, Alexandra Kröll and Rainald Borck,
from CESifo
Keywords: child care, health status, mother-child interaction
Early Child Care and Child Development: For Whom it Works and Why, Christina Felfe and Rafael Lalive,
from CESifo
Keywords: child care, child development, marginal treatment effects
Early Child Care and Child Development: For Whom It Works and Why, Christina Felfe and Rafael Lalive,
from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
Keywords: child care, child development, marginal treatment effects
The Influence of Child Care on Maternal Health and Mother-Child Interaction, Alexandra Kröll and Rainald Borck,
from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
Keywords: Child care, health status, mother-child interaction
Early Child Care and Child Development: For Whom it Works and Why, Christina Felfe and Rafael Lalive,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: child care, child development, marginal treatment effects
Child Outcome Measures in the Study of Child Care Quality, Martha Zaslow, Tamara Halle, Laurie Martin, Natasha Cabrera, Julia Calkins, Lindsay Pitzer and Nancy Geyelin Margie,
in Evaluation Review
Keywords: child care quality; child outcome measures; methodological issue
Child care, women's employment, and child outcomes, Jane Waldfogel,
in Journal of Population Economics
Keywords: Child care · female employment · child development · early intervention
Child care burden and the risk of child maltreatment among low-income working families, Yoonsook Ha, Mary Elizabeth Collins and David Martino,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care burden; Child maltreatment; Child abuse; Child neglect; Child care issues; Child care subsidies;
Child care assistance for families involved in the child welfare system: Predicting child care subsidy use and stability, Shannon T. Lipscomb, Kendra M. Lewis, Katherine E. Masyn and Mary Elizabeth Meloy,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care; Child welfare; Subsidy; Stability; Foster care;
The New Economy and Child Care: Nonstandard-Hour Work, Child Care, and Child Health and Well-Being, Angela Rachidi, Russell Sykes, Kerry Dsjardins and Julius Cesar Chaidez,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: child care, nonstandard work, CCDBG
Connecting Child Care Quality to Child Outcomes, Greg Duncan and Christina M. Gibson-Davis,
in Evaluation Review
Keywords: child care quality; causal links; experimental design
Unpaid and Paid Care: The Effects of Child Care and Elder Care on the Standard of Living, Kijong Kim and Rania Antonopoulos,
from Levy Economics Institute
Keywords: Child Care; Elder Care; Social Care; Quality of Life
The Effects of Child Care Subsidies on Paid Child Care Participation and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Child and Dependent Care Credit, Gabrielle Pepin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: child care subsidies, paid child care participation, female labor supply
Care Work and Time Use: A Focus on Child Care, Personal Care and Elderly Care Time, R.Ramya,
in Shanlax International Journal of Economics
Keywords: Time poverty, Care time, Child care, Elderly care, Personal care
Child Care Arrangements and Labor Supply, Daniela Del Boca,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: Child care;Mothers'''' employment;IDB-WP-569;Child development
The African child in kinship care: A systematic review, Esther Ariyo, Dimitri Mortelmans and Edwin Wouters,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child; Kinship care; Fosterage; Alternative care; Child well-being; Africa;
Child care access for families raising children with disabilities, Molly A. Costanzo and Katherine Magnuson,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care; Disability; Child care policy; Maternal employment;
Child Care Subsidies, Wages, And Employment of Single Mothers, Erdal Tekin,
from Royal Economic Society
Keywords: child care, employment, wage rate, child care subsidies
Money for nothing? Universal child care and maternal employment, Tarjei Havnes and Magne Mogstad,
in Journal of Public Economics
Keywords: Universal child care; Child care subsidies; Maternal employment;
Ecomapping as a Research Tool for Informal Child Care, Cleo Jacobs Johnson, Jaime Thomas and Kimberly Boller,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: home-based child care, ecomapping, informal child care
A Compilation of Initiatives to Support Home-Based Child Care, Toni Porter, Tahra Nichols, Patricia Del Grosso, Carol Begnoche, Rachel Hass, Lee Vuong and Diane Paulsell,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: HBCC Home Based Child Care Quality Child Care Early Childhood
Supporting Quality in Home-Based Child Care, Diane Paulsell, Toni Porter and Gretchen Kirby,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: Early Childhood , Home Based Child Care , Quality Child Care , HBCC
The Declining Relative Quality of the Child Care Workforce, Chris M. Herbst,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: child care, child care quality, early childhood education, teacher quality
Employment of Parents Receiving Subsidized Child Care in Dade County, Florida, T. Chipty, A.D. Witte and H.E. Griesinger,
from Wellesley College - Department of Economics
Exploring the self-care practices of child welfare workers: A research brief, J. Jay Miller, Jessica Donohue-Dioh, Chunling Niu and Nada Shalash,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Self-care; Child welfare;
Women, Work and Child Care. Global Seminar Report, 1991, James R. Himes, Cassie Landers and Joanne Leslie,
Keywords: child care; women workers;
A Structural Model of Child Care and the Labor Supply of Married Women, David Ribar,
from Pennsylvania State - Department of Economics
Keywords: child care ; women
Children of a (Policy) Revolution: The Introduction of Universal Child Care and its Effect on Fertility, Stefan Bauernschuster, Timo Hener and Helmut Rainer,
from CESifo
Keywords: public child care, fertility
Child care costs and the return-to-work decisions of new mothers, Lisa Barrow,
in Economic Perspectives
Keywords: Child care; Labor supply
Places for Growing: How to Improve Your Family Child Care Home, Heidi M. Ferrar, Thelma Harms and Debby Cryer,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: Family Child Care Home
Places for Growing: How to Improve Your Child Care Center, Heidi M. Ferrar,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: Early Education Child Care
Child Care and Child Care Policy: Existing Policies, Their Effects, and Reforms, V. Joseph Hotz and Matthew Wiswall,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Keywords: child care; early childhood education; policy reforms
Child Care Subsidy Receipt, Employment, and Child Care Choices of Single Mothers, Erdal Tekin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: employment, child care subsidy, single mother
Maintaining Work: The Influence of Child Care Subsidies on Child Care-Related Work, Nicole Forry and Sandra Hofferth,
from Princeton University, School of Public and International Affairs, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing.
Keywords: child care, subsidy, employment, cost, job tenure
Who uses child care subsidies? Comparing recipients to eligible non-recipients on family background characteristics and child care preferences, Anna D. Johnson, Anne Martin and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care Subsidies Child and family policy
Parenthood, child care, and nonstandard work schedules in Europe, Mareike Bünning and Matthias Pollmann-Schult,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: nonstandard schedules, parenthood, child care
Female labour participation and child care choices in Spain, Cristina Borra,
from Centro de Estudios Andaluces
Keywords: Child care, female labour participation
Child Care, COVID-19, and our Economic Future, Bina Shrimali,
in Community Development Research Brief
Keywords: covid-19; child care; labor force
Child Health and Access to Medical Care (Journal Article), Lindsey Leininger and Helen Levy,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: child health, access to health care
Validation of the Child-Care Expense Equations in the MATH Model, Nancy Heiser,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Child Care and the Employment Behavior of Single and Married Mothers, Jean Kimmel,
from W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Keywords: child, care, employment, mothers, Kimmel
Subsidizing Child Care by Mothers at Home, Barbara Bergmann,
in Feminist Economics
Keywords: Child Care, Government Subsidies, Housewives, Gender Roles,
Determinants of Efficiency in Child-Care Provision, Anna Montén and Christian Thater,
in FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis
Keywords: child care, efficiency analysis, municipalities, service provision
The Demand for Child Care Services in Canada, I. Henriques and Francois Vaillancourt,
from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques
Keywords: Demand ; Child Care ; Education ; Age ; Family Size
Child Care over the Business Cycle, Jessica H. Brown and Chris M. Herbst,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: business cycles, early childhood education, child care
Female labor supply and child care, P. Chone, D. Le Blanc and I. Robert-Bobee,
from Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
Keywords: Child Care, female labor supply, fiscal policies
The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies, Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: child care, development, subsidy
Child Care Subsidies, Maternal Well-Being, and Child-Parent Interactions: Evidence from Three Nationally Representative Datasets, Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: subsidy, child care, health
Child care assistance and nonstandard work schedules, Angela Rachidi,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child care; Child care assistance; Child care subsidies; Nonstandard work schedules; Unmarried mothers;
Predictors for the quality of family child care: A meta-analysis, Andrea G. Eckhardt and Franziska Egert,
in Children and Youth Services Review
Keywords: Child-care quality; Home-based child care; Family child care; Meta-analysis; Environment rating scales;
Supporting Informal Child Care Providers in Detroit, Megan Hague Angus, Jaime Thomas, Mynti Hossain, Nazihah Siddiqui, Cleo Jacobs Johnson, Daisy Gonzalez and Patricia Del Grosso,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: informal child care, child care, early care and education, families, child development
Welfare Reform and Child Care, Philip Robins,
in Evaluation Review
Keywords: child care; welfare reform; welfare-to-work programs; experimental impact analysis
Family Expenditures on Child Care, Dan Rosenbaum and Christopher Ruhm,
in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy
Keywords: child care, expenditure share, parental employment, work-family balance
Stress, Child Care, and Fertility, Kazumasa Oguro and Masaya Yasuoka,
from School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University
Keywords: Child care service, Endogenous fertility, Stress, Work life balance
The Municipal Role in Child Care, Martha Friendly, Gordon Cleveland, Sue Colley, Rachel Vickerson, Carolyn Ferns, Carley Holt, Gabriel Eidelman and Spencer Neufeld,
from University of Toronto, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance
Keywords: Canada, municipalities, child care, intergovernmental relations, children, CWELCC
Child Care and Mediating Structures, Brigitte Berger and Sidney Callahan,
from American Enterprise Institute
Keywords: AEI Press, child care, American family, AEI Archive
Informal Child Care in Detroit, Jaime Thomas, Mynti Hossain, Cleo Jacobs Johnson, Nazihah Siddiqui, Amaka Osuoha and Patrick Balke,
from Mathematica Policy Research
Keywords: Detroit, child care, ICCD, social support, early childhood
CARE OR CASH? THE EFFECT OF CHILD CARE SUBSIDIES ON STUDENT PERFORMANCE, Sandra Black, Paul Devereux, Katrine Løken and Kjell G Salvanes,
from University of Bergen, Department of Economics
Keywords: Education; income subsidy; child care