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42515 documents matched the search for balance-of-payments in titles and keywords.
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The Balance-of-Payments Adjustment Mechanism: The Doctrine According to Ohlin,
M. June Flanders, in History of Political Economy (1986)
Keywords: balance-of-payments, Bertil Ohlin

A Passive Balance-of-Payments Strategy for the United States,
Lawrence B. Krause, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1970)
Keywords: macroeconomics, balance-of-payments

Carry Trade, Exchange Rates, and the Balance-of-Payments,
Nelson Barbosa-Filho, in Journal of Globalization and Development (2021)
Keywords: carry-trade, exchange rate, balance-of-payments constraint

Balance-of-payments constrained economic growth in Brazil,
Frederico Gonzaga Jayme Junior, from Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2001)
Keywords: Thirlwall’s model; Brazil; balance-of-payments

Balance-Of-Payments Constrained Growth: a Post-Keynesian Model with Capital Inflows,
Sérgio Fornazier Meirelles Filho, Frederico Jayme Jr and Gilberto Libanio, from Curso de Ciencias Economicas da Universidade Federal de Goias - FACE (2011)
Keywords: economic growth, balance-of-payments constraint, capital controls

Balance-of-payments constrained growth model for the Turkish economy,
Atilla Gökçe and Erhan Çankal, in Economic Modelling (2013)
Keywords: Thirlwall model; Balance-of-payments constrained growth model; Johansen cointegration methodology;

Balance-of-payments deficits: measurement and interpretation,
John Pippenger, in Review (1973)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Growth and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint,
Robert Alexander and Alan King, in Economia Internazionale / International Economics (1999)
Keywords: Thirlwall’s law; growth; balance of payments

Growth and convergence/divergence in productivity under balance-of-payments constraint,
Esteban Perez Caldentey and Anesa Ali, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Kaldor effect; Thirlwall effect; convergence/divergence; balance-of-payments constraint

Structural heterogeneity, and endogeneity of elasticites on the balance-of-payments constrained growth model,
Fabricio Missio and Frederico Jayme Jr, from Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2011)
Keywords: Balance-of-Payments Constraints, Real Exchange Rate, Structural Heterogeneity.

Balance-of-payments concepts - what do they really mean?,
Donald S. Kemp, in Review (1975)
Keywords: Balance of payments

U.S. balance-of-payments problems and policies in 1971,
Christopher Bach, in Review (1972)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Balance-of-payment constrained growth: the case of China, 1979-2002,
Yongbok Jeon, in International Review of Applied Economics (2009)
Keywords: Chinese economy, balance-of-payment constrained growth, demand-led growth, bounds test for cointegration,

Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth: the Case of Turkey,
Ferda Halicioglu, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Thirlwall’s law, balance-of-payments constraint, cointegration, growth, import elasticity, Turkey

Policy Responses to Balance-of-Payments Crises: The Role of Elections,
J. Lawrence Broz, Maya J. Duru and Jeffry Frieden, in Open Economies Review (2016)
Keywords: Currency crises, Balance-of-payments adjustment, Capital controls, Devaluations, Trade protection, Trilemma, Elections

Gross capital flows and the balance-of-payments: a balance sheet perspective,
Karsten Kohler, from Post Keynesian Economics Society (PKES) (2020)
Keywords: Gross capital flows, balance-of-payments, current account, imbalances, trilemma, TARGET2, sudden stop

The twin crises: the causes of banking and balance-of-payments problems,
Graciela Kaminsky and Carmen Reinhart, from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) (1996)
Keywords: Balance of payments; Bank failures

Economic growth and structural change in a multi-sector and multilateral approach to balance-of-payments constrained growths,
Ricardo Araujo, Mateus Silva de Paiva, Júlio Fernando Costa Santos and Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva, in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (2017)
Keywords: Structural change, balance-of-payments constrained growth, trading partners

An extended structural economic dynamics approach to balance-of-payments constrained growth: level of the real exchange rate and endogenous elasticities,
Fabrício Misso, Ricardo Araujo and Frederico Jayme Jr, from Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2013)
Keywords: Real exchange rate, cumulative causation, Balance-of-Payments constraint and growth.

Exchange Rate, Income Distribution and Technical Change in a Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth Model,
Rafael Ribeiro and Gilberto Tadeu Lima John S. L. McCombie, from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) (2015)
Keywords: Exchange rate; income distribution; technical change; balance-of-payments constrained growth.

The financial crisis in the eurozone: a balance-of-payments crisis with a single currency?,
Eladio Febrero, Jorge Uxó and Fernando Bermejo, in Review of Keynesian Economics (2018)
Keywords: eurozone, balance-of-payments crisis, monetary sovereignty, TARGET2, gross capital flows, financial instability

Slovak economic growth and the consistency of the balance-of-payments constraint approach,
Elias Soukiazis and Eva Muchova, from GEMF, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (2012)
Keywords: balance-of-payments equilibrium growth rate, price and income elasticities of foreign trade, 2SLS regressions.

The growth performance and prospects in the Euro area: a balance-of-payments approach,
Carluccio Bianchi and Eleonora Lorenzini, from University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management (2014)
Keywords: Growth, Euro area, Thirlwall’s Law, balance-of-payments constraint, import and export functions

Growth transitions and the balance-of-payments constraint,
Excellent Mhlongo and Kevin Nell, in Review of Keynesian Economics (2019)
Keywords: balance-of-payments-constrained growth, growth transitions, multiple regimes, South Africa

Alternative balance-of-payments adjustment experiences: Korea and Taiwan, 1973-77,
Hang-Sheng Cheng, in Economic Review (1978)
Keywords: Balance of payments; Inflation (Finance); Korea; Taiwan

Mexico's balance-of-payments crisis: a chronicle of death foretold,
Guillermo Calvo and Enrique Mendoza, from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) (1996)
Keywords: Balance of payments; Mexico; Financial crises - Mexico

Sustainable Economic Growth in an Economy with Exhaustible Resources and a Declining Population under the Balance-of-Payments Constraint,
Hiroaki Sasaki, Noriki Fukatani, Daisuke Imai and Yusuke Kamanaka, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2022)
Keywords: exhaustible resources; population decline; international trade; balance-of-payments constraint; sustainable growth

Structural change, National Innovation System and balance-of-payments constraint: a theoretical and empirical analysis of the Brazilian case,
João Prates Romero, FabrÌcio Silveira and Gustavo Britto, from Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2011)
Keywords: Balance-of-Payments Constraint, Income Elasticities, Growth, Structural Change, National Innovation System.

No easy balancing act: reducing the balance-of-payments constraint, improving export competitiveness and productivity, and absorbing surplus labor – the Indian experience,
Suranjana Nabar-Bhaduri, in Review of Keynesian Economics (2015)
Keywords: balance-of-payments constraint, export dynamics, technology gaps, import content of exports, structural heterogeneity, services-led growth

Will TARGET2-Balances be Reduced again after an End of the Crisis?,
Christian Fahrholz and Andreas Freytag, from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (2012)
Keywords: TARGET2, Eurosystem, ESCB, balance-of-payments

Capital accumulation, economic growth and the balance-of-payments constraint: The case of Mexico, 1951-2014,
Ignacio Perrotini Hernández, Juan Alberto Vázquez-Muñoz and María Isabel Angoa Pérez, in Nóesis. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (2019)
Keywords: Capital accumulation; growth; balance of payments.

Inbalance in the balance of payments,
Samuel Kilsztajn, in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (1988)
Keywords: Balance of payments

What is the balance of payments?,
Norman S. Fieleke, from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1996)
Keywords: Balance of payments

The balance of payments in 1966,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1967)
Keywords: Balance of payments

United States balance of payments in 1952-53,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1953)
Keywords: Balance of payments

The U.S. balance of payments, 1959-60,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1960)
Keywords: Balance of payments

U.S. balance of payments, 1963-64,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1964)
Keywords: Balance of payments

The U.S. balance of payments, 1961-63,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1963)
Keywords: Balance of payments

The U.S. balance of payments, 1958-59,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1959)
Keywords: Balance of payments

A monetary view of the balance of payments,
Donald S. Kemp, in Review (1975)
Keywords: Balance of payments

The new look for the balance of payments,
Christopher Bach and Anatol Balbach, in Review (1971)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Rethinking balance-of-payments constraints in a globalized world,
Marek Dabrowski, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: balance of payments, international investment position, current account, monetary union, globalization, global imbalances

Managing the Balance-of-Payments Constraint: Dilemmas and Perspectives,
Basil Oberholzer, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2023)
Keywords: Foreign debt, industrial policy, monetary theory, balance of payments, economic growth, monetary reform

Target Balances and the German Financial Account in Light of the European Balance-of-Payments Crisis,
Hans-Werner Sinn and Timo Wollmershäuser, from CESifo (2012)
Keywords: monetary union, balance of payments, financial account, capital flight, Target

The balance-of-payments constraint:from balanced trade to sustainable debt,
Nelson Barbosa-Filho, in BNL Quarterly Review (2001)
Keywords: Balance of Payments, Open Economies, Open Economy

The balance-of-payments constraint:from balanced trade to sustainable debt,
Nelson Barbosa-Filho, in Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review (2001)
Keywords: Balance of Payments, Open Economies, Open Economy

Pakistan’s Balance-of-Payments Crisis and Some Policy Options,
Moazam Mahmood and Shamyla Chaudry, in Lahore Journal of Economics (2020)
Keywords: Balance of payments, exchange rates, equilibrium analysis, Pakistan

The Balance-of-payments Constraint: From Balanced Trade to Sustainable Debt,
Nelson Barbosa-Filho, from Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA), The New School (2002)
Keywords: balance of payments constraint; trade; debt; growth

Balance-of-Payments Liberalization: Effects on Growth, Employment and Income in Argentina,
Roberto Frenkel, from Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA), The New School (2000)
Keywords: balance of payments; liberalization; growth; employment; income; Argentina

Trade liberalization and the balance of payments constraint with intermediate imports: The case of Mexico revisited,
Robert Blecker and Carlos A. Ibarra, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2013)
Keywords: Mexican economy; Balance-of-payments constraint; Trade liberalization; Intermediate imports;

Balance-of-payments-constrained growth in a multisectoral framework: a panel data investigation,
Raphael Rocha Gouvea and Gilberto Lima, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: balance-of-payments constraint; structural change; economic growth; macrodynamics

U.S balance of payments in 1961,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1961)
Keywords: Balance of payments

U.S. balance of payments in 1962,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1962)
Keywords: Balance of payments

How to interpret the balance of payments accounts,
Anonymous, in Review (1968)
Keywords: Balance of payments

U.S. balance of payments in 1968,
Anonymous, in Review (1968)
Keywords: Balance of payments

The Balance of Payments and Russian Economic Growth,
Edgar Demetrio Tovar-García and Carlos Carrasco, in HSE Economic Journal (2019)
Keywords: balance-of-payments constrained growth; export function; import function; economic growth; Russia

Criticisms and defences of the balance-of-payments constrained growth model: some old, some new,
John McCombie, in PSL Quarterly Review (2011)
Keywords: Balance of payments, growth, Thirlwall's Law

Balance of Payments: Concepts and Measurements,
Armando S. Linde, in Annual Proceedings (2000)
Keywords: Balance, Payments, Concepts, Measurements

Cuba's Balance of Payments Statistics,
Jorge F. Pérez-López, in Annual Proceedings (2000)
Keywords: Balance, Payments, Statistics

The Balance of Payments in 1970,
William Branson, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1971)
Keywords: macroeconomics, balance of payments, 1970

Balance of Payments and the Determinacy of Equilibrium,
Heracles M. Polemarchakis and Matteo Salto, from HAL (1995)
Keywords: Balance of Payments,Determinacy,Equilibrium

Balance of payments in the European periphery,
Galina Hale, in FRBSF Economic Letter (2013)
Keywords: Balance of payments - Western Europe

Balance of international payments in 1954-55,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1955)
Keywords: International trade; Balance of payments

Balance of Payments Constraint and Inflation,
Matías Vernengo, from University of Utah, Department of Economics (2003)
Keywords: Balance of payments, Inflation

Recent trends in the U.S. balance of payments,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1969)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Regional and multilateral dimensions of the United States balance of payments,
Andrew Brimmer, in Review (1971)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Summary of U.S. balance of payments, 1969,
Michael W. Keran, in Review (1970)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Summary of U.S. balance of payments, 1970,
Anonymous, in Review (1971)
Keywords: Balance of payments

A lower profile for the U.S. balance of payments,
Janice M. Westerfield, in Business Review (1976)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Balance‐of‐payments‐constrained growth in a multisectoral framework,
Raphael Rocha Gouvêa and Gilberto Lima, in Journal of Economic Studies (2013)
Keywords: Balance‐of‐payments constraint, Structural change, Multisectoral analysis, Economic growth, Economic development, Trade income elasticities

Balance-of-Payment-Constrained Growth: The Case of China, 1979-2002,
Yongbok Jeon, from University of Utah, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: Chinese economy, balance-of-payment constrained growth, aggregate import function, trade multiplier, bounds test for cointegration

Monetary Systems and the Global Balance-of-Payments Adjustment in the Pre-Gold Standard Period, 1700-1870,
Pilar Nogues-Marco and Rui Esteves, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2019)
Keywords: Monetary systems; Balance of payments; Price-specie flow mechanism; Real effective exchange rates (reers)

The Two Monetary Approaches to the Balance of Payments: Keynesian and Johnsonian,
J. Polak, from International Monetary Fund (2001)
Keywords: WP;balance of payments;money supply;interest rate; Monetary approach to the balance of payments; monetarism; IMF; money income; balance-of-payments effect; balance of payments position; propagation period; extent credit creation; money identity; balance of payments equation; Personal income; Credit; Monetary base; Demand for money; Imports

On the Role of Relative Prices and Capital Flows in Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth: the Experiences of Portugal and Spain in the Euro Area,
Carlos Garcimartín, Luis Rivas and Pilar Garcia Martinez, from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (2010)
Keywords: Growth, Balance of payments constraint, Exchange rate.

Balance of payments and determinacy,
Heracles Polemarchakis and Matteo Salto, from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) (1995)
Keywords: balance of payments; determinacy of competitive equilibrium

Cuba's Capital Account Of The Balance Of Payments,
Luis R. Luis, in Annual Proceedings (2017)
Keywords: Capital, Account, Balance, Payments

The balance of payments position of the United States,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1950)
Keywords: Balance of payments; International finance

Developments in U.S. balance of payments,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1973)
Keywords: Balance of payments; International trade

Movement of Exchange Rate on Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth in South Asia: Panel ARDL,
Sujith Jayasooriya, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: Balance of Payment, Exchange rate, Panel ARDL, Misalignment, South Asia

Disequilibrium in the International Balance of Payments,
Russell Jesse R., in Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines (2012)
Keywords: balance of payments, disequilibrium, exchange rates, regimes

Chavdar Nikolov, in Economics and Management (2005)
Keywords: structural transformation, balance of payments, trends.

Balance of Payments-consistent unreported flows,
Edsel Beja , from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Balance of Payments; unreported flows; Asia

The Impact of Trade Balance in the Current Account of Kosovo’s Balance of Payments,
Safet Merovci and Edona Sekiraça, in Acta Universitatis Danubius. OEconomica (2014)
Keywords: trade balance; payment; account

Malaysia's Balance of Payments: What is the Problem? How Serious is It?,
Robin Boadway and Frank Flatters, from Malysian Institute of Economic Research- (1991)
Keywords: balance of payments ; trade policy

The balance of payments adjustment process in Taiwan, Republic of China,
Fai-Nan Perng, in Conference Series ; [Proceedings] (1988)
Keywords: Balance of payments; Taiwan

U.S. balance of payments and investment position,
Anonymous, in Federal Reserve Bulletin (1971)
Keywords: Balance of payments; Exports; Imports

Power and Weakness of Monetary Policy in Strinking a Balance Between Balance–of-Payments and Inflation-Related Objectives,
Diana Dragutinovic, from National Bank of Serbia (2008)
Keywords: monetary transmission, monetary strategy, inflation objectives, balance-of payments objectives, administrative measures and fiscal policy

Mean Reversion of Balance of Payments¡GEvidence from Sequential Trend Break Unit Root Tests,
Jue-Shyan Wang and Mei-Yin Lin, in Economics Bulletin (2008)
Keywords: Balance of payments

Japan’s Trade Balance in the Context of the Balance-of-Payments Stages Theorem,
Ali M. El-Agraa, from Palgrave Macmillan (1988)
Keywords: Current Account, Trade Balance, Trade Deficit, Current Account Balance, Trade Surplus

How well the balance-of- payments constraint approach explains the Portuguese growth performance: empirical evidence for the 1965-2008 period,
Micaela Antunes and Elias Soukiazis, from GEMF, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (2009)
Keywords: balance-of-payments equilibrium growth rate, income-elasticities with respect to trade, overlapping periods, 2SLS regressions

A multi-sectoral balance of payments constrained growth approach with intermediate imports: The case of Nigeria,
İrfan Civcir, Yohanna Panshak and Huseyin Ozdeser, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2021)
Keywords: Nigerian economy; Income elasticities of export and imports; Balance-of-payments constrained growth; Intermediate imports; ARDL;

Foreign exchange and U.S. balance-of-payments developments in 1972 and early 1973,
Christopher Bach, in Review (1973)
Keywords: Foreign exchange; Balance of trade

U.S. and China in the world economy: The balance of payments and the balance of power,
Robert Mundell, in Journal of Policy Modeling (2012)
Keywords: Balance of payments; Balance of power; Stabilizing exchange rates;

Are the transition economies balance-of-payments constrained? An aggregate and multi-sector approach applied to Central and Eastern Europe,
Peter Leško, Elias Soukiazis and Eva Muchova, from GEMF, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (2016)
Keywords: Balance-of-Payments-constrained growth, Aggregate and multi-sector Thirlwall´s Law, Structural change.

Are Balance of Payments Crises Rational?,
Andres Velasco, from C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University (1994)
Keywords: Speculative attacks, balance of payments crises, fiscal policy, political economy

The Italian technology balance of payments,
Enrico Tosti, from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area (2013)
Keywords: technology balance of payments, disembodied technology, royalties and licenses, research and development

Prospects for the UK Balance of Payments,
Kenneth Coutts and Bob Rowthorn, from Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge (2009)
Keywords: Balance of Payments, forecasts; visible trade; services; investment income; industrial policy.

Danish Balance of Payments Support,
Finn Tarp, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1995)
Keywords: Adjustment, balance of payments support, evaluation of aid and international cooperation

Danish Balance of Payments Support,
Finn Tarp and Mads Váczy Kragh, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1995)
Keywords: Adjustment, balance of payments support, evaluation of aid and international cooperation

Main vectors of changes in payments balance of Ukraine,
Oksana Hrubliak, in Economic Synergy (2023)
Keywords: balance of payments, current account, financial account, balance of payments, influencing factors

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