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179 documents matched the search for Työmarkkinat in titles and keywords.
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Väestön vanheneminen, työmarkkinat ja julkisen talouden näkymät,
Helvi Kinnunen, from Bank of Finland (2002) Downloads

Asevelvollisuus ja työmarkkinat: Varusmiespalveluksen vaikutus koulutukseen, työllisyyteen ja palkkaan,
Kari E.O. Alho and Nuutti Nikula, from The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (2012)
Keywords: military service, labour market, selection, education, employment, wage rate

Työssäkäyvien köyhyys Suomessa 1990–2010,
Heikki Palviainen, from Työn ja talouden tutkimus LABORE, The Labour Institute for Economic Research LABORE (2014)
Keywords: Työssäkäyvien köyhyys, työmarkkinat, toimeentulo, Suomi

Employment Policies in Two Ageing Societies: Japan and Finland Compared,
Heikki Räisänen and Haruhiko Hori, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Ageing, employment policies, Japan, Finland, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

The threat effect of mandatory programme participation in Finland - A study of activation reform of the labour market support system,
Juha Tuomala, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2010)
Keywords: Labour market support, activation, unobserved heterogeneity, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Reduction in the Long-Term Unemployment of the Elderly: A Success Story from Finland Revised,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ralf Wilke, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Unemployment insurance reform, quantile treatment effect, duration analysis, Finnish register data, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

The Micro-Level Dynamics of Declining Labour Share: Lessons from the Finnish Great Leap,
Tomi Kyyrä and Mika Maliranta, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Factor income shares, wage policy, decomposition, productivity, Income distribution, Tulonjako, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Vocational Labour Market Training in Promoting Youth Employment,
Juha Tuomala and Kari Hämäläinen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2007)
Keywords: Vocational labour market training, matching, regression discontinuity design, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Varying Biases in the Matching Estimates: Evidence from Two Randomized Job Search Training Experiments,
Kari Hämäläinen, Roope Uusitalo and Jukka Vuori, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Job search training, field experiments, matching, unemployment, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Partial Unemployment Insurance Benefits and the Transition Rate to Regular Work,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Partial unemployment benefits, temporary work, duration analysis, treatment effect, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Employment and Wage Effects of a Payroll-Tax Cut-Evidence from a Regional Experiment,
Ossi Korkeamäki and Roope Uusitalo, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Payroll-tax, Labor demand, Tax incidence, Propensity score matching, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Regional development, Aluekehitys, Taxation, Verotus, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Assimilation to a Welfare State: Labor Market Performance and Use of Social Benefits by Immigrants to Finland,
Matti Sarvimäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Immigrants, assimilation, welfare state, social benefits, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

A Distributional Analysis of Displacement Costs in an Economic Depression and Recovery,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ossi Korkeamäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Displacement, earnings losses, unemployment, quantile regression, Income distribution, Tulonjako, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Job Tasks and Gender Wage Gaps within Occupations,
Aspasia Bizopoulou, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2019)
Keywords: task approach, gender wage-gap, occupations, Labour markets and education, J16, J24, J31, Työmarkkinat, Tulonjako ja eriarvoisuus,

Wage and Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers in Finland,
Jukka Appelqvist, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2007)
Keywords: Displacement, earnings losses, unemployment, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus,

Essays on auction mechanisms and information in regulating pollution,
Kimmo Ollikka, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2014)
Keywords: Environment, Ympäristö, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Slipping through the Cracks of a Welfare State: Children of Immigrants in Finland,
Matti Sarvimäki, Laura Ansala and Ulla Hämäläinen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2016)
Keywords: children of immigrants, second-generation immigrants, education, crime, health, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, I210 - Analysis of Education, J150 - Economics of Minorities and Races; Non-labor Discrimination, I140 - Health and Inequality,

Changes in job stability - evidence from lifetime job histories,
Roope Uusitalo and Miikka Rokkanen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2010)
Keywords: Job stability, duration models, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J620 - Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational Mobility; Promotion, J630 - Labor Turnover; Vacancies; Layoffs (includes separations, hires, redundancy, job tenure, displaced workers),

Studies on Wage Differentials and Labour Market Transitions,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2007)
Keywords: Gender wage differentials, unemployment duration, early retirement, competing risks models, sukupuolten väliset palkkaerot, työttömyyden kesto, varhaiseläke, kilpailevien riskien malli, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Institutional rules, labour demand and retirement through disability programme participation,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ossi Korkeamäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2010)
Keywords: Disability pension, sick leave, experience rating, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped, J230 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-Employment, J260 - Retirement; Retirement Policies,

Essays on work and fertility,
Jenni Kellokumpu, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2015)
Keywords: children, earnings, income, labor supply, unobserved heterogeneity, lapset, ansiot, tulot, työn tarjonta, havaitsematon erilaisuus, Income distribution, Tulonjako, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

On the reliability of retrospective unemployment information in European household panel data,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ralf Wilke, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2011)
Keywords: Recall error, unemployment, ECHP, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C810 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Labour Market Policy and Unemployment - A Job Flow Model of Finland,
Pekka Sinko, Pasi Holm and Pekka Tossavainen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1999)
Keywords: Matching models, structural unemployment, labour market policy., Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C600 - Mathematical Methods and Programming: General, J600 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: General,

Estimating Equilibrium Search Models from Finnish Data,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: Search theory, wage dispersion, labour market, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C000 - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods: General, D210 - Firm Behavior, J300 - Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs: General, J400 - Particular Labor Markets: General,

Post-Unemployment Wages and Economic Incentives to Exit from Unemployment,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1999)
Keywords: Post-unemployment wages, sample selection, economic incentives, labour market transitions, duration models, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C100 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General, J000 - Labor and Demographic Economics: General,

The effect of receiving supplementary UI benefits on unemployment duration,
Tomi Kyyrä, Pierpaolo Parrotta and Michael Rosholm, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Unemployment benefits, part-time work, lock-in effect, treatment effect, duration analysis, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C410 - Duration Analysis, J650 - Unemployment Insurance; Severance Pay; Plant Closings,

Early retirement policy in the presence of competing exit pathways: Evidence from policy reforms in Finland,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2010)
Keywords: Early retirement, policy reform, disability, unemployment, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped, J260 - Retirement; Retirement Policies,

Removing Welfare Traps: Employment Responses in the Finnish Basic Income Experiment,
Jouko Verho, Kari Hämäläinen and Ohto Kanninen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2021)
Keywords: Employment, Field experiment, Social insurance, Unemployment benefits, Social security, taxation and inequality, Labour markets and education, C93, H55, I38, J65, Sosiaaliturva, Työmarkkinat,

Long-Run Effects of Selective Schools on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes,
Ohto Kanninen, Mika Kortelainen and Lassi Tervonen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2023)
Keywords: Labour markets and education, I24, I26, J24, fi=Koulutus|sv=Utbildning|en=Education|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

The Effects of Unemployment Assistance on Unemployment Exits,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2021)
Keywords: unemployment assistance, labor market subsidy, hazard rate, unemployment duration, Social security, taxation and inequality, Labour markets and education, J64, J68, Sosiaaliturva, Työmarkkinat,

Labor Market Integration of Refugees in Finland,
Matti Sarvimäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2017)
Keywords: integration, employment, immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, kotoutuminen, työllisyys, maahanmuutto, pakolaiset, turvapaikanhakijat, Työmarkkinat ja koulutus, Labour markets and education,

Discrete Labor Supply: Empirical Evidence and Implications,
Tuomas Kosonen and Tuomas Matikka, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2020)
Keywords: labor supply, discrete choices, tax elasticity, Social security, taxation and inequality, Labour markets and education, H21, H24, J22, Työmarkkinat,

Impacts of the European Emission Trade System on Finnish Wholesale Electricity Prices,
Adriaan Perrels, Juha Honkatukia and Ville Mälkönen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Electricity markets, emission trading, competitiveness, Energy, Energia, Environment, Ympäristö, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Should RD Champions be Protected from Foreign Takeovers?,
Katariina Hakkala, Olivier Bertrand, Pehr-Johan Norbäck and Lars Persson, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: FDI, MA, RD, Multinational Firms, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

The evolution of social mobility: Norway over the 20th century,
Matti Sarvimäki, Tuomas Pekkarinen and Kjell G Salvanes, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2016)
Keywords: intergenerational mobility, education, sibling correlation, Income distribution, Tulonjako, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, I240 - Education and Inequality, J080 - Labor Economics Policies,

Selecting Instruments for a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy in Finland,
Adriaan Perrels, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Policy instruments, climate policy, policy evaluation, Environment, Ympäristö, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, Q500 - Environmental Economics: General,

Wage and Employment Discrimination by Gender in Labor Market Equilibrium,
Pengpeng Xiao, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2021)
Keywords: Gender wage gap, statistical discrimination, human capital, job search, child penalty, non-wage amenities, Labour markets and education, J16, J24, J32, J64, Tulonjako ja eriarvoisuus, Työmarkkinat,

Changing the unemployment insurance duration: heterogeneous effects and an unbudging exit spike,
Heikki Korpela, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2023)
Keywords: unemployment insurance, unemployment duration, hazard rates, Labour markets and education, J64, J65, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

Labour supply responses to reducing the risk of losing disability insurance benefits,
Tuuli Paukkeri and Terhi Ravaska, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2024)
Keywords: disability insurance, labour supply, automatic reinstatement, Social security, taxation and inequality, J14, H55, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

Matching inefficiencies, regional disparities and unemployment,
Sanna-Mari Hynninen, Aki Kangasharju and Jaakko Pehkonen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Technical efficiency, structural factors, matching, regions, aggregate unemployment, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Regional development, Aluekehitys, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Furlough unemployment,
Heikki Korpela, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2024)
Keywords: temporary unemployment, furloughs, recall, Labour markets and education, J23, J33, J63, J68, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

Demography, Pensions and Welfare: Fertility Shocks and the Finnish Economy,
Turalay Kenc and William Perraudin, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1996)
Keywords: Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Policy analysis and modelling, Päätöksenteon tuki ja mallintaminen, D100 - Household Behavior: General, H500 - National Government Expenditures and Related Policies: General, J100 - Demographic Economics: General,

On the Efficiency of Job and Income Protection in the Dynamic Labour Markets,
Juha Kilponen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Labour markets, firing costs, income protection, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Taxation and Social Transfers, Julkisen talouden rahoitus ja tulonsiirrot, J650 - Unemployment Insurance; Severance Pay; Plant Closings,

Cross-country Evidence on a Nonlinear Okun Curve,
Matti Virén, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Unemployment, population shocks, threshold models, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Taxation and Social Transfers, Julkisen talouden rahoitus ja tulonsiirrot, J210 - Labor Force and Employment, Size, and Structure (by industry, occupation, demographic characteristics, etc.),

Unemployment Insurance with Limited Duration and Variable Replacement Ratio - Effects on Optimal Search,
Pekka Sinko, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: Unemployment insurance, Job search, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, C100 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General, J600 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: General,

Do Wage-subsidies Increase Employment in Firms?,
Takis Venetoklis and Aki Kangasharju, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Evaluation, employment, wage subsidies, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, J230 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-Employment,

EU-Enlargement and Beyond: A Simulation Study on EU and Russia Integration,
Pekka Sulamaa and Mika Widgrén, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Integration, Free Trade Agreement, GTAP, EU, Russia, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Foreign Direct Investment and Science and Technology Infrastructure in Small Countries: Evidence from Finland and the Netherlands,
Pii Berghäll, Cees vanBeers and Tom Poot, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Multinational Enterprises, Innovation, RD collaboration, Science and Technology Institutions, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, O320 - Management of Technological Innovation and RD,

On the Importance of Finnishing School: Half a Century of Inter-generational Economic Mobility in Finland,
Sari Pekkala Kerr and Robert Lucas, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2005)
Keywords: Inter-generational mobility, cohorts, education, migration, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J620 - Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational Mobility; Promotion,

Regional Matching Frictions and Aggregate Unemployment,
Aki Kangasharju, Sanna-Mari Hynninen and Jaakko Pehkonen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Efficiency, matching, aggregate unemployment, regional labour markets, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Regional development, Aluekehitys, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus,

Unemployment and Subjective Well-being: Does Money Make a Difference,
Takis Venetoklis and Heikki Ervasti, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Unemployment, subjective well-being, deprivation theory, incentive theory, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Taxation and Social Transfers, Julkisen talouden rahoitus ja tulonsiirrot,

Economic Implications of Differences in Member State Regulations for the European Union Emission Trade System,
Adriaan Perrels, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2007)
Keywords: Emission trading, level playing field, regulation, Energy, Energia, Environment, Ympäristö, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Revealing Agglomeration Economies with Stochastic Frontier Modelling in the Finnish ICT Industry,
Pii Berghäll, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Agglomeration, productivity, scale, technical change, efficiency, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Regional development, Aluekehitys, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Is There an Election Cycle in Public Employment? Separating Time Effects from Election Year Effects,
Matz Dahlberg and Eva Mörk, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Election cycle, Public employment, Exogenous elections, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Local public economics, Kunnallistalous, Public services, Julkiset palvelut, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus,

Imputed Rental Income, Taxation and Income Distribution in Finland,
Tuukka Saarimaa, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2008)
Keywords: Imputed rental income, tax subsidy, income distribution, Income distribution, Tulonjako, Taxation, Verotus, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Self-Selection of Emigrants: Theory and Evidence on Stochastic Dominance in Observable and Unobservable Characteristics,
George Borjas, Ilpo Kauppinen and Panu Poutvaara, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2016)
Keywords: International migration, Roy model, Self-selection, Income distribution, Tulonjako, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, F220 - International Migration, J610 - Geographic Labor Mobility; Immigrant Workers,

Are Firms Willing to Pay Lower Wages? A Quasi-Experiment on Subminimum Wage Policy,
Petri Böckerman, Toni Juuti, Tuomas Kosonen and Henri Keränen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2024)
Keywords: Minimum wages, subminimum wage, wage determination, fairness, employment, firms, Labour markets and education, J31, J38, D22, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

The Effects of European Integration on the Finnish Labour Market,
Seija Parviainen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1991)
Keywords: integration, labour market, labour migration, employment policy, Macroeconomic policy, Talouspolitiikka, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F020 - International Economic Order; Noneconomic International Organizations; Economic Integration and Globalization: General, J210 - Labor Force and Employment, Size, and Structure (by industry, occupation, demographic characteristics, etc.), J600 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: General,

Recent Labour Market Developments in Europe,
Heikki Räisänen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2005)
Keywords: European labour market, employment, labour market policy reforms, incentives, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F000 - International Economics: General, J000 - Labor and Demographic Economics: General, J200 - Time Allocation; Work Behavior; Employment Determination and Creation; Human Capital,

The labour market impacts of a youth guarantee: lessons for Europe?,
Juha Tuomala, Kari Hämäläinen and Ulla Hämäläinen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2014)
Keywords: Youth unemployment, Social exclusion, Activation, Youth guarantee, Difference-in-differences, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C210 - Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models; Single Variables: Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect Models, C410 - Duration Analysis, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search, J680 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: Public Policy (Employment Services),

A quick scan of climate policy services and of underlying data system approaches - Climate Bonus project report (WP1),
Adriaan Perrels, Mikko Hongisto, Kaarina Hyvönen, Juha-Matti Katajajuuri and Ari Nissinen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Bonus systems, carbon compensation, carbon footprints, carbon offset, embodied emissions, feedback, LCA, lifecycle analysis, etukortit, ilmastopäästöjen kompensaatio, hiilijalanjälki, välilliset päästöt, palaute, elinkaarianalyysi, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D100 - Household Behavior: General, D800 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty: General, Q010 - Sustainable Development, Q540 - Climate; Natural Disasters, Q560 - Environment and Development; Environment and Trade; Sustainability; Environmental Accounting,

Multinationals, Competition and Productivity Spillovers through Worker Mobility,
Katariina Hakkala and Alessandro Sembenelli, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2014)
Keywords: Spillovers, Labour mobility, Product-market competition, Linked employer-employee data, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D240 - Production; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity, F230 - Multinational Firms; International Business (International Competitiveness), J620 - Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational Mobility; Promotion, D220 - Firm Behavior: Empirical Analysis,

Welfare Differentials and Inequality in the Finnish Labour Market over the 1990s Recession,
Tomi Kyyrä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Inequality, search theory, labour market, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D630 - Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement, E320 - Business Fluctuations; Cycles, J100 - Demographic Economics: General, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Does experience rating reduce disability inflow?,
Tomi Kyyrä and Juha Tuomala, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: Experience rating, disability insurance, early retirement, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, H320 - Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents: Firm, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped, J160 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor Discrimination,

Economic Incentives and Labour Market Transitions of the Aged Finnish Workforce,
Tuulia Hakola, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2002)
Keywords: Early retirement, disability pensions, disability applications, unemployment, part-time pensions, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D000 - Microeconomics: General, H550 - Social Security and Public Pensions, J000 - Labor and Demographic Economics: General, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped,

Essays on labour demand and wage formation,
Ossi Korkeamäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2012)
Keywords: Gender wage gap, gender segregation, displacement, earnings losses, disability pension, experience rating, payroll tax, tax incidence, labour demand, sukupuolten palkkaero, segregaatio, irtisanominen, työkyvyttömyyseläke, yritysten omavastuu, palkan sivukulut, työn kysyntä, verotuksen kohtaanto, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

The Effect of Job Displacement on Couples' Fertility Decisions,
Kristiina Huttunen and Jenni Kellokumpu, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2012)
Keywords: Plant closure, employment, earnings, divorce, fertility, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J120 - Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family Structure, J130 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth, J650 - Unemployment Insurance; Severance Pay; Plant Closings,

Multinational firms and job tasks,
Katariina Hakkala, Fredrik Heyman and Fredrik Sjöholm, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: FDI, Cross-Border Acquisitions, Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Ownership, Job Tasks, Labor Demand, Skill Groups, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F160 - Trade and Labor Market Interactions, F210 - International Investment; Long-term Capital Movements, F230 - Multinational Firms; International Business (International Competitiveness), J230 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-Employment,

Modelling state dependence and feedback effects between poverty, employment and parental home emancipation among European youth,
Sara Ayllón, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Youth poverty dynamics, trivariate multinomial probit, state dependence, feedback effects, unobserved heterogeneity, Income distribution, Tulonjako, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C330 - Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple Variables: Models with Panel Data, I320 - Measurement and Analysis of Poverty, J130 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth,

Homo Entreprenaurus?,
Roope Uusitalo, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1999)
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, credit constraints, personality tests, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D100 - Household Behavior: General, J230 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-Employment, M130 - Entrepreneurship (New Firms; Startups), O100 - Economic Development: General,

Integrated Panel of Finnish Companies and Workers,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ossi Korkeamäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Panel data, matched data, job and worker flows, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C330 - Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple Variables: Models with Panel Data, D210 - Firm Behavior, J210 - Labor Force and Employment, Size, and Structure (by industry, occupation, demographic characteristics, etc.), J310 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Occupation, etc. (industry, schooling, experience, tenure, cohort, etc.),

Let's Make a Deal - the Impact of Social Security Provisions and Firm Liabilities on Early Retirement,
Tuulia Hakola and Roope Uusitalo, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: Early exit, implicit contracts, experience rating, unemployment of the aged, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D210 - Firm Behavior, H550 - Social Security and Public Pensions, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped, J260 - Retirement; Retirement Policies,

Labour Migration Policies and Economic Integration,
Peter A. Fischer, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1992)
Keywords: labour migration, migration policy, factor flows, labour markets, European integration, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F020 - International Economic Order; Noneconomic International Organizations; Economic Integration and Globalization: General, J610 - Geographic Labor Mobility; Immigrant Workers,

The Gender Wage Gap and Sex Segregation in Finland,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ossi Korkeamäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Gender wage gap, wage discrimination, sex segregation, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, J160 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor Discrimination, J310 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Occupation, etc. (industry, schooling, experience, tenure, cohort, etc.), J700 - Labor Discrimination: General,

Education and Unemployment: State Dependence in Unemployment Among Young People in the 1990s,
Kari Hämäläinen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Youth labour markets, state dependence, unemployment, panel data, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C100 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General, J200 - Time Allocation; Work Behavior; Employment Determination and Creation; Human Capital, J400 - Particular Labor Markets: General, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Explaining Gender Wage Differentials: Findings from a Random Effects Model,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ossi Korkeamäki, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Gender wage gap, wage discrimination, sex segregation, random effects model, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C100 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General, J160 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor Discrimination, J310 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Occupation, etc. (industry, schooling, experience, tenure, cohort, etc.), J700 - Labor Discrimination: General, L000 - Industrial Organization: General,

Reduction in the Long-Term Unemployment of the Elderly: A Success Story from Finland,
Tomi Kyyrä and Ralf Wilke, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Unemployment insurance reform, quantile treatment effect, non- and semiparametric methods, Finnish register data., Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C140 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped, J600 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: General,

RD and Productivity Growth in Finnish ICT Manufacturing,
Pii Berghäll, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Finnish ICT industry, total factor productivity, technical change, RD elasticity, technology policy, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, L630 - Microelectronics; Computers; Communications Equipment, O300 - Technological Change; Research and Development: General, O390 - Technological Change: Other,

Technical Efficiency in an RD Intensive Industry: Finnish ICT Manufacturing,
Pii Berghäll, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Finnish ICT industry, technical efficiency, technology frontier, technology policy and RD, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, L630 - Microelectronics; Computers; Communications Equipment, O300 - Technological Change; Research and Development: General, O390 - Technological Change: Other,

Technical Change, Efficiency, Firm Size and Age in an RD Intensive Sector,
Pii Berghäll, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: ICT industry, total factor productivity, technical change, technical efficiency, RD elasticity, firm size, firm age, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, L630 - Microelectronics; Computers; Communications Equipment, O300 - Technological Change; Research and Development: General, O390 - Technological Change: Other,

Business Cycle, unemployment Trap and Effects of Economic Incentives on Job Finding Probability,
Tomi Kyyrä, Pasi Holm and Juha Rantala, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1998)
Keywords: Business cycle, unemployment trap, job finding probability, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C140 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods, E300 - Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles: General (includes measurement and data), J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Differential Effects of Active Labour Market Programmes in the Early Stages of Young People's Unemployment,
Kari Hämäläinen and Virve Ollikainen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2004)
Keywords: Active labour market programmes, propensity score, matching, heterogeneous treatment effects, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C140 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods, J130 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth, J680 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: Public Policy (Employment Services),

Expertise in the Future Use of Generic Technologies,
Osmo Kuusi, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1999)
Keywords: technology foresight, Delphi, futures, innovation, argumentation, Economic growth, Taloudellinen kasvu, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, D800 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty: General, O300 - Technological Change; Research and Development: General,

Technological changes, wage inequality and skill premiums: Evidence over three centuries,
Jari Ojala and Jaakko Pehkonen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2009)
Keywords: Wage inequality, skill composition, technological change, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, J310 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Occupation, etc. (industry, schooling, experience, tenure, cohort, etc.),

Liberalised Electricity Markets - Strengths and Weaknesses in Finland and Nordpool,
Heikki Kemppi and Adriaan Perrels, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2003)
Keywords: Liberalisation, electricity market, Nordic, regulation, Energy, Energia, Environment, Ympäristö, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F000 - International Economics: General, Q400 - Energy: General, Q500 - Environmental Economics: General,

Paying Moms to Stay Home: Short and Long Run Effects on Parents and Children,
Jonathan Gruber, Kristiina Huttunen and Tuomas Kosonen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2022)
Keywords: home care allowance, employment, child development, schooling, Social security, taxation and inequality, J13, J21, J38, fi=Koulutus|sv=Utbildning|en=Education|, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

The Effects of Employers' Disability and Unemployment Insurance Costs on Benefit Inflows,
Tomi Kyyrä and Juha Tuomala, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2022)
Keywords: experience rating, coinsurance, disability insurance, unemployment insurance, Sosiaaliturva, verotus ja tulonjako, J14, J26, H32, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

Do reduced working hours for older workers have health consequences and prolong work careers?,
Terhi Ravaska, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2023)
Keywords: part-time pension, health, eligibility age reform, work hours, Social security, taxation and inequality, J26, I10, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Terveyspalvelut|sv=Hälsovårdstjänster|en=Healthcare services|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

Race for Retirement,
Tuulia Hakola, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1999)
Keywords: Early retirement, early exit, random effects probit, option value, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Social security, Sosiaaliturva, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, C100 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General, H550 - Social Security and Public Pensions, J140 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped, J260 - Retirement; Retirement Policies,

Operationalisation of Marginal Cost Pricing within Urban Transport,
David Milne, Esko Niskanen and Erik Verhoef, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Urban transport, marginal cost pricing, first-best, second-best, Transport, Liikenne, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, C100 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General, R480 - Transportation Systems: Government Pricing; Regulatory Policies,

Economic and Equity Effects of Marginal Cost Pricing in Transport,
Lasse Fridstrøm, Harald Minken, Paavo Moilanen, Simon Shepherd and Arild Vold, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2000)
Keywords: Urban transport, marginal cost pricing, transport models, efficiency and equity, International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Transport, Liikenne, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F000 - International Economics: General, R400 - Transportation Systems: General,

Assessment of the Macro-Economic Effects of Domestic Climate Policies for Finland,
Heikki Kemppi, Adriaan Perrels and Antti Lehtilä, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: Climate policy, assessment, carbon tax, energy tax, Energy, Energia, Environment, Ympäristö, Taxation, Verotus, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, H200 - Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: General, Q400 - Energy: General, Q500 - Environmental Economics: General,

(No) Effects of Subsidizing the First Employee: Evidence of a Low Take-up Puzzle Among Firms,
Annika Nivala, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2024)
Keywords: Business subsidies, Wage subsidies, Firm behavior, Labor demand, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Business taxation and regulation, H25, H32, J23, J38, M51, fi=Elinkeinopolitiikka|sv=Näringspolitik|en=Industrial and economic policy|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|,

Encouragement and discouragement. Essays on taxation and government expenditure,
Tuomas Kosonen, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2011)
Keywords: Public economics, optimal taxes, government expenditure, labour supply, VAT, julkistaloustiede, optimaaliset verot, julkinen tarjonta, työn tarjonta, arvonlisävero, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Taxation, Verotus, Taxation and Social Transfers, Julkisen talouden rahoitus ja tulonsiirrot,

Putting a Price on Carbon – Econometric Essays on the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and its Impacts,
Piia Remes (née Aatola), from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: Climate change, EU ETS, price determination, market efficiency, electricity market, time series econometrics, ilmastonmuutos, päästökauppa, markkinoiden tehokkuus, sähkömarkkinat, ekonometria, Environment, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Ympäristö, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka,

Combining Part-time Work and Social Benefits: Empirical Evidence from Finland,
Salla Kalin, Tomi Kyyrä and Tuomas Matikka, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2023)
Keywords: labor supply, social benefits, part-time work, earnings disregards, Labour markets and education, Social security, taxation and inequality, H24, J21, J22, fi=Sosiaaliturva|sv=Social trygghet|en=Social security|, fi=Työmarkkinat|sv=Arbetsmarknad|en=Labour markets|, fi=Verotus|sv=Beskattning|en=Taxation|,

Legal and Institutional Framework for Marginal Cost Pricing in Urban Transport in Europe,
David Milne, Esko Niskanen and Erik Verhoef, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (2001)
Keywords: International comparisons, Kansainväliset vertailut, Taxation, Verotus, Transport, Liikenne, Labor market and policies promoting economic growth, Työmarkkinat ja kasvua tukeva politiikka, F000 - International Economics: General, H200 - Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: General, R400 - Transportation Systems: General,

Structural Unemployment in Finland,
Pasi Holm and Elina Somervuori, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1997)
Keywords: Actual and structural unemployment, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, C000 - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods: General, E240 - Macroeconomics: Employment; Unemployment; Wages; wage indexation, J640 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search,

Tax Progression and Structure of Labour Taxation in an Open Economy General Equilibrium Model with Monopoly Unions,
Pasi Holm and Erkki Koskela, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1995)
Keywords: tax progression, payroll taxes, tax coordination, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Taxation, Verotus, Effectiveness of public services, Julkisten palvelujen vaikuttavuus, H220 - Taxation and Subsidies: Incidence, J230 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-Employment, J510 - Trade Unions: Objectives, Structure, and Effects,

Strategic Trade Policy in a Two-Sector Duopoly Model with an Endogenous Union Structure,
Pasi Holm, from VATT Institute for Economic Research (1995)
Keywords: Endogenous union structure, strategic trade policy, Labour market, Työmarkkinat, Taxation and Social Transfers, Julkisen talouden rahoitus ja tulonsiirrot, F120 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies, J510 - Trade Unions: Objectives, Structure, and Effects,

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