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84777 documents matched the search for Travel demand in titles and keywords.
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Claudia Olimpia Moisă, in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica (2010)
Keywords: youth travel, tourism demand, youth travel demand.

Travel Demand of Denpasar Greater Area,
Dhaniel Ilyas, from LPEM, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (2021)
Keywords: Denpasar — Indonesia — travel demand — transportation

C.L. Gilbert and H. Jalilian, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (1989)
Keywords: demand ; travel ; transport

The Prospects for Inter-Urban Travel Demand,
Yves Crozet, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Inter-urban mobility,Inter-Urban Travel Demand,travel time

Urban travel demand model with endogenous congestion,
Marco Batarce and Marc Ivaldi, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2014)
Keywords: Travel demand; Congestion; Network effects;

Demographic determinants of daily travel demand,
David Metz, in Transport Policy (2012)
Keywords: Traffic; Travel demand; Population; Ageing; Carbon emissions;

Burak Kozali, in JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS (2014)
Keywords: Travel Demand Management Traffic Congestion Transportation

Estimation of Travel Demand Flows,
Ennio Cascetta, from Springer (2009)
Keywords: State Preference, Demand Model, Travel Demand, Generalize Little Square, Multinomial Logit Model

Assessment of California MPO Travel Demand Forecasting Models,
Susan Handy, Keuntae Kim and Daniel Byrd, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2024)
Keywords: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Travel demand forecasting, travel demand models, induced travel

Measuring the structural determinants of urban travel demand,
Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec, in Transport Policy (2010)
Keywords: Urban travel Demand estimation Urban density Travel cost

Measuring the structural determinants of urban travel demand,
Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Urban travel,Demand estimation,Urban density,Travel cost

Sensitivity analysis of the combined travel demand model with applications,
Chao Yang and Anthony Chen, in European Journal of Operational Research (2009)
Keywords: Travel demand model Four-step travel demand model Combined travel demand model Traffic equilibrium Sensitivity analysis Non-linear program

Valuing Camp-Site Characteristics: A Generalized Travel-Cost Model of Demand for Recreational Camping,
James Brox and Ramesh Kumar, from University of Waterloo, Department of Economics (1996)

How Derived is the Demand for Travel? Some Conceptual and Measurement Considerations,
Patricia Mokhtarian and Ilan Salomon, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2001)
Keywords: demand, travel, measurement, undirected, policy

The Impact of Travel Agencies on the Demand for Tourism Services,
Marian Ionel, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2022)
Keywords: travel agency, tourist demand, tourist services

Estimating social travel demand of senior citizens in the Netherlands,
Pauline van den Berg, Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans, in Journal of Transport Geography (2011)
Keywords: Travel demand; Social trips; Senior citizens;

Determinants of air travel demand in Middle Income Countries,
Victor Valdes, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2015)
Keywords: Air travel demand; Demand elasticity; Middle income countries;

Travel Demand Increment Due to the Use of Autonomous Vehicles,
Dilshad Mohammed and Balázs Horváth, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: autonomous vehicles; travel demand; household interview; knowledge of AVs; demand increment

Travel Demand Modeling and the Assessment of Environmental Impacts: A Literature Review,
Keuntae Kim, Daniel Byrd and Susan Handy, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis (2024)
Keywords: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Travel demand forecasting, travel demand models, induced travel

A Bridge between Travel Demand Modeling and Activity-Based Travel Analysis,
W. W. Recker, from University of California Transportation Center (2000)
Keywords: Architecture, activity-based travel analysis, travel demand modeling, mathematical programming, mathematical programming

A Bridge between Travel Demand Modeling and Activity-Based Travel Analysis,
Wilfred W. Recker, from University of California Transportation Center (2000)
Keywords: Activity-based travel analysis, Travel demand modeling, Mathematical programming, Social and Behavioral Sciences

An econometric analysis of international air travel demand in Saudi Arabia,
Seraj Y. Abed, Abdullah O. Ba-Fail and Sajjad M. Jasimuddin, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2001)
Keywords: Econometric analysis; Air travel demand; Saudi Arabia;

Exploratory analysis of air travel demand stimulation in first-time served markets,
Ahmed Abdelghany and Vitaly S. Guzhva, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2022)
Keywords: Air-travel; Demand; Stimulation; Airlines; Airports;

The role of travel time budgets – Representation of a demand derived from activity participation,
Iragaël Joly, from HAL (2006)
Keywords: Travel Time,derived demand,duration model

Are the current expectations for growing air travel demand realistic?,
Susanne Becken and Fabrizio Carmignani, in Annals of Tourism Research (2020)
Keywords: Air travel demand; Elasticity; Climate change; Mitigation; Scenario; Carbon price;

Immigration and inbound air travel demand in Canada,
Yap Yin Choo, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2018)
Keywords: Immigration; Air travel demand; Inbound arrival; Tourism; Canada;

The U.S. Demand for Highway Travel and Motor Fuel,
Dermot Gately, in The Energy Journal (1990)
Keywords: Highway travel demand; Motor fuel; CAFÉ; US; Road transportation

Causal inference in travel demand modeling (and the lack thereof),
Timothy Brathwaite and Joan L. Walker, in Journal of choice modelling (2018)
Keywords: Causal inference; Discrete choice; Travel demand; Interdisciplinary; Structural modeling;

Is generalised cost justified in travel demand analysis?,
Mark Wardman and Jeremy Toner, in Transportation (2020)
Keywords: Generalised cost, Travel demand modelling, Elasticity, Value of time

A randomized controlled trial in travel demand management,
Adam Rosenfield, John P. Attanucci and Jinhua Zhao, in Transportation (2020)
Keywords: Travel demand management, Nudge, Randomized controlled trial, Behavior change

PETRA — An Activity-based Approach to Travel Demand Analysis,
Mogens Fosgerau, from Springer (2002)
Keywords: Cohort Effect, Income Elasticity, Fuel Price, Travel Demand, Accessibility Measure

Can Aggregate Direct Travel Demand Models Work?,
M.G. Dagenais and M.J.I. Gaudry, from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques (1986)
Keywords: Urban Transrt ; Aggregate Functions ; Travel ; Demand ; Estimation of Parameters

Beyond Rationality in Travel Demand Models,
Joan L. Walker, from University of California Transportation Center (2011)
Keywords: Engineering, Life Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, transportation policies, travel demand, transport behaviors

Elasticities of demand for leisure air travel: A system modelling approach,
Nenad Njegovan, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2006)
Keywords: Leisure air travel; Demand elasticity; Linear Almost Ideal Demand Systems;

The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Air Travel Demand: Some Evidence From China,
Xi Wu and Adam Blake, in SAGE Open (2023)
Keywords: COVID-19; air travel demand; demand recovery; baseline forecast; China

The analysis of travel and emission impacts of travel demand management strategies using activity-based models,
Yoram Shiftan and John Suhrbier, in Transportation (2002)
Keywords: activity-based models, air quality, emissions, travel demand, travel demand management,

Travel demand corridors: Modelling approach and relevance in the planning process,
Kinan Bahbouh, James R. Wagner, Catherine Morency and Chantal Berdier, in Journal of Transport Geography (2017)
Keywords: Demand corridor; Origin and Destination (OD); Desire lines; Travel demand; Transportation planning; Urban planning; Trajectory clustering; Travel surveys; Travel patterns;

Vehicle scheduling for on-demand vehicle fleets in macroscopic travel demand models,
Johann Hartleb, Markus Friedrich and Emely Richter, in Transportation (2022)
Keywords: Vehicle scheduling, Macroscopic travel demand models, Automated vehicles, Carsharing, Ridesharing, On-demand service

Understanding non-commuting travel demand of car commuters – Insights from ANPR trip chain data in Cambridge,
Li Wan, Junqing Tang, Lihua Wang and Jennifer Schooling, in Transport Policy (2021)
Keywords: Travel demand; ANPR; Traffic sensing; Transport modelling; Commuting travel;

Pursuing the impossible (?) dream: Incorporating attitudes into practice-ready travel demand forecasting models,
Patricia L. Mokhtarian, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2024)
Keywords: Attitudes; Machine learning; Marker variables; Travel behavior; Travel demand forecasting;

Analysis of long-distance vacation travel demand in the United States: a multiple discrete–continuous choice framework,
Caleb Van Nostrand, Vijayaraghavan Sivaraman and Abdul Pinjari, in Transportation (2013)
Keywords: Long-distance travel, Leisure travel demand, National travel demand model, Destination choice, Kuhn-Tucker demand model systems, Multiple discreteness,

The measure of all things: reflections on changing conceptions of the individual in travel demand modeling,
Alec Shuldiner and Paul Shuldiner, in Transportation (2013)
Keywords: Travel demand modeling, Travel behavior, Social networking, Data mining, Participatory sensing,

Development of an estimation procedure for an activity-based travel demand model,
Will W Recker, J. Duan and H. Wang, from University of California Transportation Center (2008)
Keywords: Activity-based travel analysis, Travel demand modeling, Mathematical programming, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Scrutinizing individuals’ leisure-shopping travel decisions to appraise activity-based models of travel demand,
Diana Kusumastuti, Els Hannes, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets and Benedict Dellaert, in Transportation (2010)
Keywords: CNET interview, Mental representation, Activity-based models of travel demand, FEATHERS,

Travel Demand Management in an Auto Dominated City: Can Travel Behaviour Be Nudged in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?,
Ghada Alturif and Wafaa Saleh, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: KSA; Riyadh; traffic congestion; pricing measures; travel demand management

Changes in travel time across modes and its impact on the demand for inter-urban rail travel,
Germà Bel, in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (1997)
Keywords: transportation (L91) transport demand (R41) railroad (L92) travel time (R49)

A count data travel cost model of theatre demand using aggregate theatre booking data,
K. Willis, J. Snowball, C. Wymer and José Grisolía, in Journal of Cultural Economics (2012)
Keywords: Travel cost, Theatre demand, Attendance, Consumer surplus,

Urban-scale carbon footprint evaluation based on citizen travel demand in Japan,
Xi Li, Runsen Zhang, Jundong Chen, Yida Jiang, Qiong Zhang and Yin Long, in Applied Energy (2021)
Keywords: Cities; Household travel demand; Carbon footprint; Private transportation; Japan;

Developing a disaggregate travel demand system of models using data mining techniques,
Milad Ghasri, Taha Hossein Rashidi and S. Travis Waller, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2017)
Keywords: Travel demand modelling; Disaggregate modelling structure; Transferability modelling; Random forest;

Sensitivity-based uncertainty analysis of a combined travel demand model,
Chao Yang, Anthony Chen, Xiangdong Xu and S.C. Wong, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2013)
Keywords: Uncertainty analysis; Sensitivity analysis; Nonlinear program; Combined travel demand model;

The impact of new business practices and information technologies on business air travel demand,
Jacques Roy and Pierre Filiatrault, in Journal of Air Transport Management (1998)
Keywords: Air travel demand; Information and communication technologies; Business practices; Videoconferencing;

Combination of forecasts across estimation windows: An application to air travel demand,
Andre Jungmittag, from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law (2014)
Keywords: Air travel demand, Combination of forecasts, Estimation windows, Structural breaks

Travel Demand Management Implications during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case Study of Tehran,
Amirhossein Baghestani, Mohammad Tayarani, Amir Reza Mamdoohi, Meeghat Habibian and Oliver Gao, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; travel demand management; developing countries; traffic and emission impacts

Models of travel demand with endogenous preference change and heterogeneous agents,
Kieran Donaghy, in Journal of Geographical Systems (2011)
Keywords: Travel demand, Preference change, Heterogeneous agents, C63, D03, R22,

A Complex Network Methodology for Travel Demand Model Evaluation and Validation,
Meead Saberi, Taha H. Rashidi, Milad Ghasri and Kenneth Ewe, in Networks and Spatial Economics (2018)
Keywords: Travel demand modeling, Evaluation, Validation, Complex networks, Structure, Connectivity

Evaluation of travel demand strategies: a microscopic traffic simulation approach,
Y. Zhao, K. Triantis and P. Edara, in Transportation (2010)
Keywords: Travel demand management, Trip reservation, Traffic simulation, Performance evaluation,

Hubris or humility? Accuracy issues for the next 50 years of travel demand modeling,
David Hartgen, in Transportation (2013)
Keywords: Accuracy, Travel demand, Forecast, Uncertainty, Optimism bias, Ethics,

Representing pedestrian activity in travel demand models: Framework and application,
Kelly J. Clifton, Patrick A. Singleton, Christopher D. Muhs and Robert J. Schneider, in Journal of Transport Geography (2016)
Keywords: Walking; Pedestrians; Travel demand models; Built environment; Active transportation;

Activity based travel demand models as a tool for evaluating sustainable transportation policies,
Manoj Malayath and Ashish Verma, in Research in Transportation Economics (2013)
Keywords: Sustainable transportation policies; Trip-based and activity-based travel demand modelling;

A Dynamic Discrete Choice Activity-Based Travel Demand Model,
Oskar Blom Västberg, Anders Karlström, Daniel Jonsson and Marcus Sundberg, in Transportation Science (2020)
Keywords: activity-based model; travel demand; dynamic discrete choice model

Including time in a travel demand model using dynamic discrete choice,
Oskar Blom Västberg, Anders Karlström, Daniel Jonsson and Marcus Sundberg, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: Travel demand, Discrete choice, Dynamic discrete choice, Activity based modelling,

Measuring Long-Run Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand,
Javier Donna, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: Long-run price elasticities, Dynamic demand travel, Hysteresis

Measuring Long-Run Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand,
Javier Donna, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: Long-run price elasticities, Dynamic demand travel, Hysteresis

Measuring Long-Run Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand,
Javier Donna, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: Long-run price elasticities, Dynamic demand travel, Hysteresis

Electric Vehicle Charging Recommendations Based on User Travel Demand,
Chao Zhang, DaQing Gong and Gang Xue, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: electric vehicles, Recommendations, Markov decision process, reinforcement learning, travel demand

Measuring long-run price elasticities in urban travel demand,
Javier Donna, from Red Nacional de Investigadores en Economía (RedNIE) (2021)
Keywords: Long-run price elasticities, Dynamic demand travel, Hysteresis

Estimating probability distributions of travel demand on a congested network,
Yudi Yang, Yueyue Fan and Johannes O. Royset, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2019)
Keywords: Origin–destination travel demand estimation; Probability distribution; Generalized method of moments; Congested networks;

Spatial-temporal fractal of urban agglomeration travel demand,
Zhengbing He, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2020)
Keywords: Urban agglomeration; Travel demand; Spatial–temporal network; Power law; Taxi trip;

A Futures Market for Demand Responsive Travel Pricing,
Nicholas PhD Fournier, Anthony PhD Patire and Alexander PhD Skabardonis, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley (2023)
Keywords: Engineering, Congestion pricing, tolls, traffic congestion, elasticity (Economics), travel demand, congestion management systems

Estimating Demand for a New Travel Mode in Boise, Idaho,
Mandar Khanal, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: aerial tramway; stated preference survey; logistic regression; travel demand estimation; experiment design

Dynamic process model of mass effects on travel demand,
Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Tsuyoshi Hatori and David Watling, in Transportation (2014)
Keywords: Mass effects, Travel demand, Long range forecasting, Bass model, Social networks, Stochastic process model,

The effects of public transit supply on the demand for automobile travel,
Justin Beaudoin and C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2018)
Keywords: Traffic congestion; Public transit investment; Urban transportation; Automobile travel; Induced demand;

Life-style and travel demand,
Ryuichi Kitamura, in Transportation (2009)
Keywords: Lifestyle, Congestion, Travel behavior, Long-range forecasting,

The Combined Distribution and Assignment Model: A New Solution Algorithm and Its Applications in Travel Demand Forecasting for Modern Urban Transportation,
Heqing Tan, Muqing Du, Xiaowei Jiang and Zhaoming Chu, in Sustainability (2019)
Keywords: combined distribution and assignment model; path-based algorithm; travel demand forecasting; travel demand management

Public or private? Optimal organization for incentive-based travel demand management,
Jiyan Wu, Ye Tian, Jian Sun, H. Michael Zhang and Yunpeng Wang, in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2023)
Keywords: Travel demand management; Bottleneck model; Incentives; Elastic demand; Market penetration; Public and private organizations;

A complex network perspective for characterizing urban travel demand patterns: graph theoretical analysis of large-scale origin–destination demand networks,
Meead Saberi, Hani S. Mahmassani, Dirk Brockmann and Amir Hosseini, in Transportation (2017)
Keywords: Complext networks, Network science, Travel demand, Melbourne, Chicago

Leisure and the net opportunity cost of travel time in recreation demand analysis: An application to Gros Morne National Park,
Joe Amoako-Tuffour and Roberto Martinez-Espineira, in Journal of Applied Economics (2012)
Keywords: opportunity cost of travel time, endogenous stratification, on-site sampling, overdispersion, recreation demand, travel cost method

Evaluation of Evacuation Strategies According to the Travel Demand: The Case of Nuclear Research Reactor HANARO’s EPZ,
Bongseok Kim, Hyeonmyeong Jeon and Bongsoo Son, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: nuclear accident; emergency evacuation; evacuation strategies; travel demand; total travel time

Acceptance and demand of autonomous vehicles for long-distance recreational travel: An investigation based on a survey of visitors to US national parks,
Sailesh Acharya and Michelle Mekker, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2024)
Keywords: Autonomous vehicles; Public acceptance; Travel demand; In-vehicle activities; Time use; Long-distance travel; Tourism;

The involvement of the public and private sector - elements with influence on travel & tourism demand during the crisis period,
Alina Elena Balalia (Iosif) and Raluca Mariana Petrescu, in Tourism and Hospitality Management (2011)
Keywords: Public sector, Private sector, Travel& Tourism demand, Global economic crisis

The planning and real-time adjustment of courier routing and scheduling under stochastic travel times and demands,
Shangyao Yan, Jenn-Rong Lin and Chun-Wei Lai, in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2013)
Keywords: Courier scheduling; Stochastic travel times; Uncertain demand; Time–space network;

In search of the “Right Price” for air travel: First steps towards estimating granular price-demand elasticity,
Suranga Perera and David Tan, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2019)
Keywords: Price-demand elasticity; Airfare; Air travel; Airline revenue management;

The impact of emigrants’ homeland relations on air travel demand in a security volatile market: a case study on Lebanon,
Nadine Itani, O’Connell, John F. and Keith Mason, in Journal of Transport Geography (2013)
Keywords: Lebanon; Liberalisation; Emigration; Security instability; Air travel demand; Remittances;

Investigating the impact of river floods on travel demand based on an agent-based modeling approach: The case of Liège, Belgium,
Ismaïl Saadi, Ahmed Mustafa, Jacques Teller and Mario Cools, in Transport Policy (2018)
Keywords: Agent-based modeling; River floods; Travel demand; MATSim;

A literature review and citation analyses of air travel demand studies published between 2010 and 2020,
Sen Wang and Yi Gao, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2021)
Keywords: Literature review; Citation analysis; Time-series forecasting; Air travel demand;

Deep hybrid model with satellite imagery: How to combine demand modeling and computer vision for travel behavior analysis?,
Qingyi Wang, Shenhao Wang, Yunhan Zheng, Hongzhou Lin, Xiaohu Zhang, Jinhua Zhao and Joan Walker, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2024)
Keywords: Demand modeling; Deep learning; Satellite imagery; Travel mode choice;

Travel demand management: The solution to public transit congestion? An ex-ante evaluation of staggered work hours schemes for the Paris region,
Nicolas Coulombel, Emmanuel Munch and Cyril Pivano, in Transport Policy (2023)
Keywords: Public transit; Congestion; Travel demand management; Staggered work hours; Telework;

A new anomalous travel demand prediction method combining Markov model and complex network model,
Bao Guo, Minglun Li, Mengnan Zhou, Fan Zhang and Pu Wang, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2023)
Keywords: Travel demand prediction; Big data; Complex network model; Markov model;

Modelling long-term impacts of the transport supply system on land use and travel demand in urban areas,
Giuseppe Musolino, in European Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2008)
Keywords: Land use transport interaction, Activity location, Travel demand

Valuing special forest products harvesting:: a two-step travel cost recreation demand analysis,
C.M.C. Meghan Starbuck, Susan J. Alexander, Robert Berrens and Alok Bohara, in Journal of Forest Economics (2004)
Keywords: Special forest products Structural equations Recreation demand Travel cost method

A Study on the Decay Model of Multi-Block Taxi Travel Demand under the Influence of Major Urban Public Health Events,
Feiyi Luo, Zhengfeng Huang and Pengjun Zheng, in IJERPH (2022)
Keywords: major public health event; travel demand decay; DIIM; clustering method

Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services: general framework and application to sustainable travel incentives,
Yifei Xie, Mazen Danaf, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Arun Prakash Akkinepally, Bilge Atasoy, Kyungsoo Jeong, Ravi Seshadri and Moshe Ben-Akiva, in Transportation (2019)
Keywords: Smart mobility, On-demand, Incentives, Travel behavior, Stated preference, Sustainability

Determining contract conditions in a PPP project among deep uncertainty in future outturn travel demand,
Kangsoo Kim, Jinseog Kim, Hyejin Cho and Donghyung Yook, in Transportation (2024)
Keywords: Deep uncertainty, Travel demand forecast, PPP, MORDM, Contract conditions

Travel demand management in the context of promoting bike trips, an overview of solutions implemented in Cracow,
Katarzyna Nosal, in Transport Problems (2015)
Keywords: sustainable mobility, travel demand management, bike trips, bike infrastructure

Designing Flexible-Bus System with Ad-Hoc Service Using Travel-Demand Clustering,
Xuekai Cen, Kanghui Ren, Yiying Cai and Qun Chen, in Mathematics (2023)
Keywords: flexible-bus system; travel-demand clustering; ad-hoc service

Envisioning an emission diet: application of travel demand mechanisms to facilitate policy decision making,
Timothy Welch and Sabyasachee Mishra, in Transportation (2014)
Keywords: Emission reduction, Greenhouse gas, Multimodal travel demand, Pricing,

Understanding Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Urban Travel Demand Based on the Combination of GWR and GLM,
Jinjun Tang, Fan Gao, Fang Liu, Wenhui Zhang and Yong Qi, in Sustainability (2019)
Keywords: travel demand; geographically weighted regression; generalized linear model; spatial heterogeneity

Situational-aware multi-graph convolutional recurrent network (SA-MGCRN) for travel demand forecasting during wildfires,
Xiaojian Zhang, Xilei Zhao, Yiming Xu, Daniel Nilsson and Ruggiero Lovreglio, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2024)
Keywords: AI; Wildfire evacuation; GPS data; Travel demand forecasting; Real-time;

Understanding the Structural Complexity of Induced Travel Demand in Decision-Making: A System Dynamics Approach,
Angarita-Zapata Juan S., Parra-Valencia Jorge A. and Andrade-Sosa Hugo H., in Organizacija (2016)
Keywords: induced travel demand, system dynamics, decision-making, dynamic modeling

A Bi-Level Model to Estimate the US Air Travel Demand,
Tao Li, in Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) (2015)
Keywords: Air transportation, historical air travel demand estimation, bi-level model, iterative solution algorithm

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