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227379 documents matched the search for Social Dilemma Games in titles and keywords.
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On Derivation and Evolutionary Classification of Social Dilemma Games,
Tadeusz Płatkowski, in Dynamic Games and Applications (2017)
Keywords: Social dilemmas, Multiperson games, Cooperation, Replicator dynamics

Equilibria analysis in social dilemma games with Skinnerian agents,
Ugo Merlone, Daren Sandbank and Ferenc Szidarovszky, in Mind & Society: Cognitive Studies in Economics and Social Sciences (2013)
Keywords: Social dilemmas, Binary games, Bounded rationality, Agent based simulation,

Greed and fear in multiperson social dilemmas,
Tadeusz Płatkowski, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2017)
Keywords: Social dilemmas; Multiperson games; Cooperation;

Recent Advances in Experimental Studies of Social Dilemma Games,
Ananish Chaudhuri, in Games (2016)
Keywords: experiments; social dilemma games; voluntary contributions; public goods; common pool resource extraction

Institutional Heterogeneity in Social Dilemma Games: A Bayesian Examination,
Klaus Moeltner, James Murphy, John Stranlund and Maria Vélez, from University of Alaska Anchorage, Department of Economics (2012)
Keywords: experimental economics, Social Dilemma Games, Hierarchical Modeling, Bayesian Simulation, Common Property Resource, environmental economics

Does social learning promote cooperation in social dilemmas?,
Ozgur Aydogmus, Hasan Cagatay and Erkan Gürpinar, in Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2020)
Keywords: Social learning, Social dilemmas, Evolutionary games

Ugo Merlone, Daren R. Sandbank and Ferenc Szidarovszky, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2012)
Keywords: Social dilemmas, agent-based simulation, N-person games, Pavlovian agents, equilibrium, 91A06, 91A26, 91E10

Rewards and cooperation in social dilemma games,
Jan Stoop, Daan van Soest and Jana Vyrastekova, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2018)
Keywords: Social dilemma; Public goods game; Claim game; Rewards; Laboratory experiments;

A game-theoretic taxonomy of social dilemmas,
Martin Beckenkamp, in Central European Journal of Operations Research (2006)
Keywords: Experimental games, Social dilemma, Game theory, Public-goods games, Prisoners dilemmas, Common goods games, Take-some games, Give-some games,

Market games as social dilemmas,
Iván Barreda-Tarrazona, Aurora García-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzís and Nikolas Ziros, from Economics Department, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón (Spain) (2015)
Keywords: Efficiency, strategic market games, experiments, vertical communication, horizontal communication technology

Market games as social dilemmas,
Iván Barreda-Tarrazona, Aurora García-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzís and Nicholas Ziros, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2018)
Keywords: Efficiency; Strategic market games; Experiments; Vertical communication; Horizontal communication;

Market games as social dilemmas,
Iván Barreda-Tarrazona, Aurora García-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzís and Nicholas Ziros, from University of Cyprus Department of Economics (2015)
Keywords: Efficiency, strategic market games, experiments, vertical communication, horizontal communication

Marco Tomassini, Enea Pestelacci and Leslie Luthi, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (2007)
Keywords: Social dilemmas, complex networks, evolutionary games, cooperation, 89.75.Fb, 87.23.Ge, 02.50.Le

Spatial social dilemmas promote diversity,
Christoph Hauert and Michael Doebeli, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021)
Keywords: social dilemmas, adaptive dynamics, structured populations, continuous games, evolutionary branching

Testing isomorphic invariance across social dilemma games,
Irene Maria Buso, Lorenzo Ferrari, Werner Güth, Luisa Lorè and Lorenzo Spadoni, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2024)
Keywords: Social dilemma experiments; Isomorphic invariance; Public goods game; Prisoners’ dilemma game; Voluntary cooperation;

Testing Isomorphic Invariance Across Social Dilemma Games,
Irene Maria Buso, Lorenzo Ferreri, Werner Güth, Luisa Lorè and Lorenzo Spadoni, from Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari" (2023)
Keywords: Social dilemma experiments, Isomorphic invariance, Public goods game, Prisoners' dilemma game, Voluntary cooperation.

Asymmetric social norms,
Gabriele Camera and Alessandro Gioffré, in Economics Letters (2017)
Keywords: Cooperation; Repeated games; Social dilemmas;

Asymmetric social norms,
Gabriele Camera and Alessandro Gioffré, from Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE (2017)
Keywords: cooperation, repeated games, social dilemmas

Asymmetric Social Norms,
Gabriele Camera and Alessandro Gioffré, from Chapman University, Economic Science Institute (2016)
Keywords: cooperation, repeated games, social dilemmas

On the number of equilibria of the replicator-mutator dynamics for noisy social dilemmas,
Luoer Chen, Churou Deng, Manh Hong Duong and The Anh Han, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2024)
Keywords: Evolutionary game theory; Uncertainty; Random games; Social dilemmas; Cooperation; Mutation;

Egalitarian solutions to multiperson social dilemmas in populations,
Tadeusz Płatkowski, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2016)
Keywords: Multiperson social dilemma games; Coalitions formation; Cooperation; Evolutionary games; Replicator dynamics;

Not all Prisoner’s Dilemma games are equal: Incentives, social preferences, and cooperation,
Frederic Moisan, Robert ten Brincke, Ryan O. Murphy and Cleotilde Gonzalez, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: prisoner's dilemma,cooperation,social preferences,social value orientation

The meritocracy as a mechanism to overcome social dilemmas,
Anna Gunnthorsdottir, Roumen Vragov and Kevin McCabe, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: social dilemmas; Nash equilibrium; non-cooperative games; coordination; mechanism design; experiment

Social Identity and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas,
Brent Simpson, in Rationality and Society (2006)
Keywords: cooperation; prisoners' dilemma; social dilemmas; social identity

Match length realization and cooperation in indefinitely repeated games,
Friederike Mengel, Ludovica Orlandi and Simon Weidenholzer, in Journal of Economic Theory (2022)
Keywords: Experiments; Indefinitely repeated games; Cooperation; Social dilemmas;

Endogenous games and equilibrium adoption of social norms and ethical constraints,
John Conley and William Neilson, in Games and Economic Behavior (2009)
Keywords: Behavioral economics Endogenous games Bilateral bargaining Prisoners' dilemma Social norms

Predation promotes cooperation in Prisoner’s dilemma games,
Xiqing Yang, Feng Zhang and Wanxiong Wang, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2019)
Keywords: Cooperation; Predation stress; Prisoner’s dilemma games;

Non-binding agreements and fairness in commons dilemma games,
Axel Ostmann and Holger Meinhardt, in Central European Journal of Operations Research (2007)
Keywords: Fairness, Kernel, Commons Dilemma, Tu Games,

Freedom, enforcement, and the social dilemma of strong altruism,
Hannelore De Silva, Christoph Hauert, Arne Traulsen and Karl Sigmund, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2010)
Keywords: Evolutionary game theory, Public goods games, Cooperation, Costly punishment, Social dilemma , Strong altruism, Voluntary interactions, C73,

Power asymmetry in repeated play of provision and appropriation games,
James Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and James Walker, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2024)
Keywords: Social dilemmas; Public goods; Symmetric and asymmetric games; Repeated Games;

On Optimal Social Convention in Voluntary Continuation Prisoner's Dilemma Games,
Filip Vesely and Chun-Lei Yang, from CESifo (2013)
Keywords: voluntary continuation, repeated prisoner's dilemma, social convention, moral maxim, finite automation, eternal cooperation, eternal alternation

An experimental study of finitely and infinitely repeated linear public goods games,
Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Daniela Puzzello, Andrea Sorensen, James Walker and Arlington Williams, in Games and Economic Behavior (2017)
Keywords: Social dilemmas; Public goods games; Experimental economics; Repeated games;

Social Dilemmas, Time Preferences and Technology Adoption in a Commons Problem,
Reinoud Joosten, from Philipps University Marburg, Department of Geography (2011)
Keywords: stochastic renewable resource games, hyperbolic & exponential discounting, social dilemmas, sustainability Length 30 pages

Social dilemmas, time preferences and technology adoption in a commons problem,
Reinoud Joosten, in Journal of Bioeconomics (2014)
Keywords: Stochastic renewable resource games, Hyperbolic and exponential discounting, Social dilemmas, Sustainability, C72, C73, Q22, Q57,

Bargaining and Dilemma Games: From Laboratory Data Towards Theoretical Synthesis,
Gary Bolton, in Experimental Economics (1998)
Keywords: bargaining, dilemma games, bounded rationality, learning, motivation,

Patience or Fairness? Analyzing Social Preferences in Repeated Games,
John Duffy and Felix Munoz-Garcia, from School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University (2009)
Keywords: Prisoner’s dilemma; Repeated games; Inequity aversion; Time discounting; Time discounting; Social Preferences

Patience or Fairness? Analyzing Social Preferences in Repeated Games,
John Duffy and Felix Munoz-Garcia, in Games (2012)
Keywords: prisoner’s dilemma; repeated games; inequity aversion; time discounting, social preferences

Evolutionary Coalitional Games,
Tadeusz Płatkowski, in Dynamic Games and Applications (2016)
Keywords: Population dynamics, Multiplayer games, Shapley value, Replicator dynamics, Social dilemmas

The influence of donation behavior on the evolution of cooperation in social dilemma,
Lulu Zhang, Qiuhui Pan and Mingfeng He, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2022)
Keywords: Social dilemma; Cooperation; Donation;

Cooperation in stochastic games: a prisoner’s dilemma experiment,
Andrew Kloosterman, in Experimental Economics (2020)
Keywords: Stochastic games, Experimental economics, Prisoner’s dilemma, Cooperation

Punishment and Cooperation in Stochastic Social Dilemmas,
Erte Xiao and Howard Kunreuther, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (2016)
Keywords: social dilemmas; uncertainty; punishment; cooperation

The prisoners' dilemma, congestion games and correlation,
Ferenc Forgó, from Corvinus University of Budapest (2016)
Keywords: prisoners' dilemma, congestion games, soft correlated equilibrium, mediation value, enforcement value

Exclusion and Reintegration in a Social Dilemma,
Alice Solda and Marie Claire Villeval, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Ostracism,social dilemma,exclusion,reintegration,cooperation

Exclusion and Reintegration in a Social Dilemma,
Alice Solda and Marie Claire Villeval, from Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon (2017)
Keywords: Ostracism, exclusion, reintegration, social dilemma, cooperation, experiment

Exclusion and Reintegration in a Social Dilemma,
Alice Solda and Marie Claire Villeval, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2017)
Keywords: experiment, cooperation, social dilemma, exclusion, reintegration, ostracism

Reputation-based popularity promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game,
Chen Chu, Yao Zhai, Chunjiang Mu, Die Hu, Tong Li and Lei Shi, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2019)
Keywords: Cooperation; Evolutionary games; Popularity; Network reciprocity; Social dilemmas;

Conditional neutral punishment promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game,
Qun Song, Zhaoheng Cao, Rui Tao, Wei Jiang, Chen Liu and Jinzhuo Liu, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2020)
Keywords: Conditional punishment; Strategy-neutral punishment; Evolutionary games; Social dilemmas; Cooperation;

Effects of strategy-updating cost on evolutionary spatial prisoner’s dilemma game,
Run-Ran Liu, Chun-Xiao Jia and Zhihai Rong, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2020)
Keywords: Social dilemma; Cooperation; Evolutionary games; Strategy-updating cost;

Cooperative Dilemmas with Binary Actions and Multiple Players,
Jorge Peña and Georg Nöldeke, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Cooperation,Social dilemmas,Cooperative dilemmas,Multiplayer games,Evolutionarily stable strategy,Bernstein transforms

Cooperative Dilemmas with Binary Actions and Multiple Players,
Jorge Peña and Georg Nöldeke, in Dynamic Games and Applications (2023)
Keywords: Cooperation, Social dilemmas, Cooperative dilemmas, Multiplayer games, Evolutionarily stable strategy, Bernstein transforms

Social Dilemmas,
Anatol Rapoport, from Palgrave Macmillan (1998)
Keywords: Public Good, Social Dilemma, Chain Store, Group Size Effect, Maximin Strategy

Enhancing cooperation through payoff-related inertia in networked prisoner’s dilemma game,
Chun-Xiao Jia, Lin Ma and Run-Ran Liu, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2024)
Keywords: Social dilemma; Cooperation; Evolutionary games; Payoff-related inertia;

Reducing the bystander effect via decreasing group size to solve the collective-risk social dilemma,
Luo-Luo Jiang, Jian Gao, Zhi Chen, Wen-Jing Li and Jürgen Kurths, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2021)
Keywords: Collective cooperation; Bystander effect; Climate change; Risk; Group size; Social dilemma; Games;

The effect of culture and power on cooperation in commons dilemmas: Implications for global resource management,
Shirli Kopelman, in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2009)
Keywords: Social dilemma Tragedy of the commons Take-some games Commons dilemma Cooperation Self-interest Culture Power Egocentrism Fairness

The conditional altruist and the Samaritan’s dilemma,
Joselito Sescon, in Philippine Review of Economics (2020)
Keywords: altruism, games, dilemma

Reward and Punishment Mechanism with weighting enhances cooperation in evolutionary games,
Jinjing Zu, Fanxin Xu, Tao Jin and Wei Xiang, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2022)
Keywords: Cooperation; Evolutionary games; Reward and punishment; Social dilemmas; Weighting;

The give-or-take-some dilemma: An empirical investigation of a hybrid social dilemma,
Matthew McCarter, David V. Budescu and Jürgen Scheffran, in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2011)
Keywords: Environmental uncertainty Give-some dilemmas Hybrid social dilemmas Logic of appropriateness Social dilemmas Social uncertainty Take-some dilemmas

Social Games: Matching and the Play of Finitely Repeated Games,
Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Social Games, Matching, Games, Repeated Games, Renegotiation

Social games: Matching and the play of finitely repeated games,
Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts, in Games and Economic Behavior (2010)
Keywords: Social games Matching Games Repeated games Renegotiation

Social Games: Matching and the Play of Finitely Repeated Games,
Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2005)
Keywords: Social games, Matching, Games, Repeated games, Renegotiation

Social Games: Matching and the play of finitely repeated games,
Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts, from California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2005)
Keywords: Social Games, Matching, Games, Repeated Games, Renegotiation

Social Preferences under the Shadow of the Future,
Felix Kölle, Simone Quercia and Egon Tripodi, from CESifo (2023)
Keywords: cooperation, indefinitely repeated games, prisoner’s dilemma, social preferences, experiment

Social Preferences under the Shadow of the Future,
Felix Kölle, Simone Quercia and Egon Tripodi, from CRC TRR 190 Rationality and Competition (2023)
Keywords: cooperation; indefinitely repeated games; prisoner’s dilemma; social preferences; experiment;

Douglas D. Heckathorn, in Rationality and Society (1998)
Keywords: collective action; ideology; rational choice; social dilemma

Social dilemmas in off-lattice populations,
B.F. de Oliveira and A. Szolnoki, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2021)
Keywords: Social dilemmas; Cooperation; Off-lattice simulations;

The Role of Choice in Social Dilemma Experiments,
Frank Maier-Rigaud and Jose Apesteguia, from University of Bonn, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) (2003)
Keywords: Freedom of Choice, Self-governance, Social Dilemmas, Framing

Social dilemma in traffic with heterogeneous drivers,
Ricardo Simão and Lucas Wardil, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2021)
Keywords: Complex systems; Traffic; Cooperation; Social dilemma;

Anticipated discussion and cooperation in a social dilemma,
Gaute Torsvik, Anders Molander, Sigve Tjøtta and Therese Kobbeltvedt, in Rationality and Society (2011)
Keywords: communication; cooperation; deliberation; social dilemma experiment

The Role of Choice in Social Dilemma Experiments,
Frank Maier-Rigaud and Jose Apesteguia, from Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (2003)
Keywords: Freedom of Choice, Self-governance, Social Dilemmas, Framing

Choice of partners in multiple two-person prisoner's dilemma games: An experimental study,
Esther Hauk and Rosemarie Nagel, from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2000)
Keywords: Prisoner's dilemma, partner selection, experiments, multiple games, Leex

Verbal interaction in a social dilemma,
Zoë Adams, Agata Ludwiczak, Devyani Sharma and Magda Osman, in Rationality and Society (2022)
Keywords: social dilemma; cooperation; verbal interaction; consensus; register; stancetaking

Marco Tomassini and Enea Pestelacci, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (2010)
Keywords: Social dilemmas, complex networks, evolutionary games, coordination, 89.75.Fb, 87.23.Ge, 02.50.Le

Social Capital and Loan Cost: The Role of Interpersonal Trust,
Leonardo Becchetti, Stefano Manfredonia and Fabio Pisani, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: social dilemmas; trust games; interpersonal trust; all-in spread

Social preferences: from the experimental lab to economic theory,
Gianandrea Staffiero, from Associazione Italiana per la Cultura della Cooperazione e del Non Profit (2005)
Keywords: Prisoner's dilemma; public good games; social preference models

Transaction Cost and the Theory of Games: The “Prisoners’ Dilemma” as an Example,
Junhui Li, in Man and the Economy (2020)
Keywords: The theory of games, prisoners’ dilemma, transaction cost, virtual economy, ad hoc theory

The social world as an experimental game,
John Murnighan and Long Wang, in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2016)
Keywords: Experimental games; Prisoners dilemmas; Social dilemmas; Trust game; Ultimatum game; Dictator game; Deception game;

Individuals' Voting Choice and Cooperation in Repeated Social Dilemma Games,
Annamaria Nese and Patrizia Sbriglia, from University of Siena (2009)
Keywords: public good games, experiments, voting choices

Social Dilemmas, Revisited from a Heuristics Perspective,
Christoph Engel, from Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (2004)
Keywords: Heuristic, Social Dilemma, Public Good, Prisoner’s Dilemma

Social credit system construction and corporate debt dilemmas,
Lingling Wu and Yi Zhang, in Finance Research Letters (2024)
Keywords: Social credit system; Debt dilemma; Social capital;

Endogenous social influence in an experimental dilemma game,
Jordi Brandts and Enrique Fatas, from Centro de Estudios Andaluces (2004)
Keywords: Social information, experimental economics, social dilemmas

Volunteer's Uncertainty Dilemma,
Tim Friehe and Avraham Tabbach, in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) (2018)
Keywords: social dilemma, volunteer's dilemma, uncertainty

Bo Rothstein, in Rationality and Society (2001)
Keywords: assymetric information; social dilemmas; social insurance; trust; welfare state

Risk and Inequality Aversion in Social Dilemmas,
Brice Magdalou, Dimitri Dubois and Phu Nguyen-Van, from Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN), Vietnam (2009)
Keywords: Risk aversion; Inequality aversion; Social preferences; Social dilemmas; Experimental economics

The persistence and transition of multiple public goods games resolves the social dilemma,
Jialu He, Jianwei Wang, Fengyuan Yu, Wei Chen and Wenshu Xu, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2022)
Keywords: Multiple public goods games; Evolutionary game; Cooperation; Persistence; Resource variability;

Game Harmony as a Predictor of Cooperation in 2 x 2 Games,
Daniel Zizzo and Jonathan Tan, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2002)
Keywords: game harmony, cooperation, 2 x 2 games, trust games, social dilemmas.

Carrots without Bite: On the Ineffectiveness of 'Rewards' in sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas,
Jan Stoop, Daan van Soest and Jana Vyrastekova, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: Social dilemmas, economic experiments, rewards.

Elinor Ostrom’s contributions to the experimental study of social dilemmas,
T. Ahn and Rick Wilson, in Public Choice (2010)
Keywords: Elinor Ostrom, Social dilemma, Experiment,

How can “tragedies of the commons” be resolved? Social dilemmas and legislation,
Erling Berge, from Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Land Tenure Studies (2023)
Keywords: Climate; social dilemma; Norway; legislation

Suppressing defection by increasing temptation: The impact of smart cooperators on a social dilemma situation,
Hsuan-Wei Lee, Colin Cleveland and Attila Szolnoki, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2024)
Keywords: Social dilemmas; Cooperation; Cyclic dominance;

The neural bases of framing effects in social dilemmas,
Julian Macoveanu, Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy, Martin Skov, Hartwig R. Siebner and Toke Reinholt Fosgaard Fosgaard, from University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics (2015)
Keywords: Social reasoning, prisoners dilemma, fMRI, framing

Effects of compassion on the evolution of cooperation in spatial social dilemmas,
Yumeng Li, Jun Zhang and Matjaž Perc, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2018)
Keywords: Cooperation; Social dilemma; Pattern formation; Compassion;

Individuals with the firm heart are conducive to cooperation in social dilemma,
Mengyao Wang, Qiuhui Pan and Mingfeng He, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2020)
Keywords: Cooperation; Social dilemma; Silencer; SIS model; Evolution;

Optimization of mobile individuals promotes cooperation in social dilemmas,
Wen-Jing Li, Luo-Luo Jiang, Zhi Chen, Matjaž Perc and Mitja Slavinec, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2020)
Keywords: Cooperation; Mobility; Social dilemma; Evolutionary game theory;

Modeling the social dilemma of involution on a square lattice,
Chaoqian Wang, Chaochao Huang, Qiuhui Pan and Mingfeng He, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2022)
Keywords: Game theory; Involution; Cooperation; Social dilemma;

The influence of quasi-cooperative strategy on social dilemma evolution,
Qin Chen, Qiuhui Pan and Mingfeng He, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2022)
Keywords: Cooperation evolution; Quasi-cooperation strategy; Social dilemma;

Environmental influences on cooperation in social dilemmas on networks,
Yunya Xie, Shuhua Chang, Ming Yan, Zhipeng Zhang and Xinyu Wang, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2018)
Keywords: Social dilemmas; Cooperation; Environment; Spatial structure;

The influence of aggressive behavior on cooperation evolution in social dilemma,
Shaoxu Huang, Xuesong Liu, Yuhan Hu and Xiao Fu, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2023)
Keywords: Social dilemma; Cooperation; Aggressive behavior; Reproduction equation;

Green economy: the dilemma of social and private interests,
Lyubov Klapkiv and Faruk Ülgen, from HAL (2024)
Keywords: Green economy,institutions,social dilemmas,sustainability

Communication and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: A Meta-Analytic Review,
Daniel Balliet, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (2010)
Keywords: social dilemmas; communication; cooperation; conflict; meta-analysis

Translucent players: Explaining cooperative behavior in social dilemmas,
Valerio Capraro and Joseph Halpern, in Rationality and Society (2019)
Keywords: Cooperation; model of cooperation; social dilemmas; translucency

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