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541 documents matched the search for Servitization in titles and keywords.
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Theoretical Landscape in Servitization,
Marko Kohtamäki, Tim Baines, Rodrigo Rabetino, Ali Z. Bigdeli, Christian Kowalkowski, Rogelio Oliva and Vinit Parida, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Digital servitization, Product-service systems, Servitization business model, Servitization as a process

Microfoundations of Organizational Competence for Servitization,
Tim Posselt and Angela Roth, in Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management (2017)
Keywords: servitization, organizational competence, microfoundations

The Export Effect of Servitization of Manufacturing,
Hyunsoo Kim, Jungu Kang, Hyeyoon Keum and Jae Wook Jung, from Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (2022)
Keywords: Servicification; Servitization; Export

Servitization View,
H. M. Belal, Kunio Shirahada, Michitaka Kosaka and Olatunde Amoo Durowoju, from Springer (2023)
Keywords: Servitization, Value creation, Service concept, S-D logic, PSS

Servitization and supply chain management: Preliminary evidence from a servitized organization,
Frédéric Ponsignon, B. Ageron, Olivier Lavastre and Laura Phillips, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: servitization,supply chain management

Chinese Import Competition, Offshoring and Servitization,
Grace Gu, Samreen Malik, Dario Pozzoli and Vera Rocha, from Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics (2021)
Keywords: Foreign competition; Offshoring; Servitization

When is servitization a profitable competitive strategy?,
Sunghee Lee, Shijin Yoo and Daeki Kim, in International Journal of Production Economics (2016)
Keywords: Servitization; Channel competition; Game theory;

A platform ecosystem view of servitization in manufacturing,
Kawaljeet Kapoor, Ali Ziaee Bigdeli, Andreas Schroeder and Tim Baines, in Technovation (2022)
Keywords: Advanced services; Platform ecosystems; Servitization;

Methods Supporting a Shared Servitization Framework,
Deflorin Patricia, Havelka Anina, Campos Adrian and Wäfler Toni, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Servitization, Business model, Shared framework

Structuring Servitization-Related Capabilities: A Data-Driven Analysis,
Ornella Benedettini, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: servitization; capabilities; framework; structure

Servitization as a Startup Driver: A Case Study in a Technology Park,
Michele Souza, Luiz Reni Trento and Michelle Dauer, from Springer (2020)
Keywords: Servitization, Startup, Case study

The Role of AI Platforms for the Servitization of Manufacturing Companies,
Cosimo Barbieri, Mario Rapaccini, Federico Adrodegari, Nicola Saccani and Giulia Baccarin, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, AI, Digital platform

Servitization, Modularity, and Innovation in Supply Chain Management,
Juliana Hsuan and Magnus Persson, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: Servitization, Modularity, Innovation, Sustainability

Viewing Servitization Through a Practice-Theoretical Lens,
Katja Maria Hydle and Marko Kohtamäki, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Practice theory, Servitization-as-practice

Artificial Intelligence for the Management of Servitization 5.0,
Bernardo Nicoletti and Andrea Appolloni, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: artificial intelligence; servitization; digital servitization; Industry 5.0; human-centered; resilience; sustainability; social innovation; XaaS

What Influences the Servitization Process the Most? A Perspective of Polish Machinery Manufacturers,
Justyna Kozlowska, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: servitization; product–service integration; manufacturing; servitization determinants

Does digital finance promote manufacturing servitization: Micro evidence from China,
Shengqi Chen and Hong Zhang, in International Review of Economics & Finance (2021)
Keywords: Digital finance; Manufacturing industry; Servitization; Servitizing transformation;

Uncovering Productivity Gains of Digital and Green Servitization: Implications from the Automotive Industry,
Marco Opazo-Basáez, Ferran Vendrell-Herrero and Oscar F. Bustinza, in Sustainability (2018)
Keywords: sustainability; digital servitization; green servitization; performance benefits

Barriers to the adoption of digital servitization: a case of the Sri Lankan manufacturing sector,
Weerabahu Mudiyanselage Samanthi Kumari Weerabahu, Premaratne Samaranayake, Dilupa Nakandala, Henry Lau and Dasun Nirmala Malaarachchi, in International Journal of Emerging Markets (2022)
Keywords: Digital servitization, Industry 4.0, Manufacturing, Barriers of digital servitization

A Conceptual Guideline to Support Servitization Strategy Through Individual Actions,
Shaun West, Paolo Gaiardelli, Anet Mathews and Nicola Saccani, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, change management, Servitization strategy roadmap

Formulating Service-Oriented Strategies for Servitization of Manufacturing Companies,
Mar’atus Sholihah, Tatsuru Maezono, Yuya Mitake and Yoshiki Shimomura, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: servitization; servitization context; capabilities; service-oriented strategy; case study

Impacts of Industry 4.0 on servitization of manufacturing,
Saeed Mousa and Rabeh Morrar, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: servitization,industry 4.0,technology,digitalization,performance,servitisation,industrie 4.0,technologie,digitalisation

Servitization – The Economy of The Future,
Daniela Penkova, in Scientific Conference of the Department of General Economic Theory (2022)
Keywords: Circular economy, Consumption models, Functional economy, Servitization, Sustainability

The value of Big Data in servitization,
David Opresnik and Marco Taisch, in International Journal of Production Economics (2015)
Keywords: Servitization; Big Data; Manufacturing; Competitive advantage; Value; Information;

Strategy map of servitization,
Rodrigo Rabetino, Marko Kohtamäki and Heiko Gebauer, in International Journal of Production Economics (2017)
Keywords: Servitization; Strategy map; Manufacturing; Business model; Product-service systems;

From industrialization to servitization in agriculture,
Camal Gallouj, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: industrialization,servitization,agriculture,sustainable development,industrialisation,développement durable

Greening as a competitiveness optimizer of servitization,
Esteban Lafuente and Yancy Vaillant, in Technovation (2023)
Keywords: Business servitization; Green investments; Data envelopment analysis; Benefit of the doubt;

Servitization of Manufacturing Companies,
Philipp Osterrieder, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Industrial services, Internet of things, Service transformation, Servitization, Smart services

Managerial Heuristics in Servitization Journey,
Tuomas Huikkola and Marko Kohtamäki, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Heuristics, Expert heuristics, Simple rules, Psychological foundations of strategy, Servitization

Relational Transformation for Digital Servitization,
Anmar Kamalaldin, Lina Linde, David Sjödin and Vinit Parida, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Digital servitization, Digitalization, Digital Transformation, Relational view, Governance

The influence of home-country institutions on servitization,
Hamilton Terni Costa, Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen and Juliana Bonomi Santos, in International Journal of Emerging Markets (2019)
Keywords: Servitization, Case-based research, Home-country institutions

Microfoundations of Servitization: An Individual-Level Perspective,
Wim Coreynen, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Microfoundations, Cognitions, Motivations, Abilities, Traits, Behavior

State of the Art in Servitization Research,
Rita Lankauskienė, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: Service research, Servitization, Concept, Multiple disciplines, Transition, Product-driven business model, Service-oriented business model, Value cocreation, Servitization paradox

The value architecture of servitization: Expanding the research scope,
Patricia Carolina Garcia Martin, Andreas Schroeder and Ali Ziaee Bigdeli, in Journal of Business Research (2019)
Keywords: Value; Servitization; Advanced services; Manufacturing;

Servitization and Performance in Manufacturing Firms: The Mediating Role of Radicalness,
Gia Ninh Nguyen, in Business Perspectives and Research (2024)
Keywords: Servitization; exploitative learning; radicalness; Vietnam

Sorin Burnete, in Studies in Business and Economics (2014)
Keywords: servitization, outsourcing, human capital

Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firm performance,
Matthieu Crozet and Emmanuel Milet, from CEPII research center (2015)
Keywords: Servitization;Deindustrialisation;Firm performance

Knowledge-Oriented Servitization Management Model,
H. M. Belal, Kunio Shirahada, Michitaka Kosaka and Olatunde Amoo Durowoju, from Springer (2023)
Keywords: Corporate collaboration, Knowledge space, Servitization, Service value system, Knowledge-oriented servitization model

Servitization experience measurement and the effect of servitization experience on brand resonance and customer retention,
Kyeong Kook Jang, Joonheui Bae and Kyung Hoon Kim, in Journal of Business Research (2021)
Keywords: Servitization; Value-in-use; Service-dominant logic; Social identity theory;

Framing the servitization transformation process: A model to understand and facilitate the servitization journey,
Tim Baines, Ali Ziaee Bigdeli, Rui Sousa and Andreas Schroeder, in International Journal of Production Economics (2020)
Keywords: Servitization; Advanced services; Process; Transition; Transformation; Organisational change;

Servitization, Inequality, and Wages,
Dominik Boddin and Thilo Kroeger, in Labour Economics (2022)
Keywords: Employment Structure; Occupational Change; Within-Firm Adjustments; Inequality; Wages; Servitization; Germany;

The Servitization of European Manufacturing Industries,
Bernhard Dachs, Sabine Biege, Marcin Borowiecki, Gunther Lay, Angela Jäger and Doris Schartinger, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Servitization; structural change; manufacturing; input-output tables; innovation; knowledge-intensive services

Servitization of Global Manufacturing Business,
Jieun Lee, Hyung-Deok Shin and Saehwa Hong, in Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Home-country institutional development, Industry competition, Technological capability, Geographic diversification

Exploring servitization through the paradox lens: Coping practices in servitization,
Marko Kohtamäki, Suvi Einola and Rodrigo Rabetino, in International Journal of Production Economics (2020)
Keywords: Servitization and digital servitization; Paradox theory; Product-service systems (PSS); Strategic change; Coping practices; Strategy-as-practice (SAP, Practice theory);

Servitization innovation: A systematic review, integrative framework, and future research directions,
Yijun Xing, Yipeng Liu and Philip Davies, in Technovation (2023)
Keywords: Servitization innovation; Organizational governance; Servitization; Digital; Digitalization; Manufacturing;

Which type of servitization promotes firm performance: Embedded or hybrid?,
Junnan Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Fang Yuan and Xiaoling Liu, in Economic Modelling (2023)
Keywords: Embedded servitization; Hybrid servitization; Firm performance; Innovative resources; Asset specificity;

The order of the factors matters: How digital transformation and servitization integrate more efficiently,
Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Lorena Para-González, Carlos Mascaraque-Ramírez and Joan Freixanet, in International Journal of Production Economics (2024)
Keywords: Servitization; Digital transformation; Digital servitization; Standardization; Adaptation; Operational performance;

Servitization strategy as a roadmap for the accounting machine,
Antonio Leotta, Carmela Rizza and Daniela Ruggeri, in Journal of Management & Governance (2020)
Keywords: Servitization, Strategy, Accounting tools, Accounting machine, Pragmatic constructivism

From walls to experience - servitization of workplace,
Vitalija Petrulaitiene, Pia Pässilä, Suvi Nenonen, Tuuli Jylha and Seppo Junnila, from European Real Estate Society (ERES) (2017)
Keywords: Business Models; Mobile work; Services; Servitization; Workplace development

Impacts of Servitization Strategies on Ecosystem Leadership Development,
Leticia Foerster, in Journal of Innovation Economics (2023)
Keywords: Servitization, Ecosystems, Ecosystem Alignment, Ecosystem Leadership

Adopting a platform approach in servitization: Leveraging the value of digitalization,
J. Cenamor, D. Rönnberg Sjödin and V. Parida, in International Journal of Production Economics (2017)
Keywords: Servitization; Platform; Information module; Modularity; Digitalization;

Servitization as business model contestation: A practice approach,
Teea Palo, Maria Åkesson and Nina Löfberg, in Journal of Business Research (2019)
Keywords: Servitization; Business model; Practice; Change; Contestation;

Organizing for digital servitization: A service ecosystem perspective,
Alexey Sklyar, Christian Kowalkowski, Bård Tronvoll and David Sörhammar, in Journal of Business Research (2019)
Keywords: Digitalization; Servitization; Service ecosystem; Digitization; Centralization; Integration;

Digital servitization and new sustainable configurations of manufacturing systems,
Francesco Schiavone, Daniele Leone, Andrea Caporuscio and Sai Lan, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
Keywords: Manufacturing systems; Digital servitization; Sustainability; Exaptation; Industry 4.0;

Family business, servitization, and performance: Evidence from Portugal,
Maria João Guedes, Pankaj C. Patel, Christian Kowalkowski and Pejvak Oghazi, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
Keywords: Servitization; Family firms; Performance; Profitability; Governance;

IoT powered servitization of manufacturing – an exploratory case study,
Anna Rymaszewska, Petri Helo and Angappa Gunasekaran, in International Journal of Production Economics (2017)
Keywords: Internet of Things; IoT; Servitization; Manufacturing; Value; Creation;

Enterprise Servitization: Practical Guidelines for Culture Transformation Management,
Caroline Relva de Moraes and Paulo Rupino Cunha, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: servitization; enterprise culture; PSS transformation; culture management

Facilitating Servitization in Manufacturing Firms: The Influence of Strategic Orientation,
Yu Zhang, Yajuan Wang and Yao Li, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: servitization; strategic orientation; firm performance; firm size

Revitalizing Alignment Theory for Digital Servitization Transition,
Bieke Struyf, Paul Matthyssens and Wouter Van Bockhaven, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Digitalization, Digital transformation, Alignment theory

Digital Servitization and Modularity: Responding to Requirements in Use,
Ellen Hughes, Glenn Parry and Philip Davies, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Modularity, Digital servitization, Systems thinking, Innovation, Healthcare

Service Integration: Supply Chain Integration in Servitization,
Khadijeh Momeni, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Supply chain, Supply chain integration, Integration

Servitization and Digitalization as “Siamese Twins”: Concepts and Research Priorities,
Gerhard Satzger, Carina Benz, Tilo Böhmann and Angela Roth, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Servitization, Digitalization, Service systems, Value creation

Servitization and Manufacturing Firms’ Performance: Korean Firm-Level Data Evidence,
Jae Wook Jung and Hyunsoo Kim, in East Asian Economic Review (2022)
Keywords: Servitization; Manufacturing; Firm Performance; Productivity

The Effect of Product Complexity on Servitization and Deservitization: A Multi-Country Quantitative Analysis,
Jasna Prester, Andrea Bikfalvi and Iztok Palčič, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: servitization; deservitization; manufacturing; technology; EMS

Assessing the impact of digitization and servitization of manufacturing firms in the context of carbon emission reduction: Evidence from a microsurvey in China,
Xiaowei Song and Jun Yang, in Energy & Environment (2024)
Keywords: Manufacturing; digitalization; servitization; China

Understanding the Internal and External Drivers and Barriers for Digital Servitization in the European Textile Manufacturing Industry,
Olga Sironi, Jonathan Rösler, Nadzeya Kalbaska and Thomas Friedli, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Digitalization, Textile manufacturing

Independent distributors in servitization: An assessment of key internal and ecosystem-related problems,
Dusana Hullova, Pavel Laczko and Johan Frishammar, in Journal of Business Research (2019)
Keywords: Servitization readiness; Independent distributor; Servitization problems; Servitization ecosystem; Product service system; Manufacturing industry;

Servitization and Manufacturing Companies,
John R. Bryson, Jon Sundbo, Lars Fuglsang and Peter Daniels, from Springer (2020)
Keywords: Servitization, Product-service-system, Results-oriented services, Practice-based, Process-based, Product-related services, Service-informed view of manufacturing

Two strands of servitization: A thematic analysis of traditional and customer co-created servitization and future research directions,
Maxwell H. Green, Philip Davies and Irene C.L. Ng, in International Journal of Production Economics (2017)
Keywords: Servitization; Service-dominant logic; Internet of things; Business model; Value; Customer Co-Created Servitization;

The development of a generic servitization systems framework,
Richard Weeks and Siebert Benade, in Technology in Society (2015)
Keywords: Servitization framework; Strategic management; Services economy; Complex adaptive systems; Technology systems;

Servitization in the food behaviors of Polish consumers,
Hanus Gabriela, in Journal of Economics and Management (2021)
Keywords: servitization, food behavior, food-away-from home, out-of-home eating, home-delivered meals, catering companies

Entry mode diversity and closing commercial deals with international customers: The moderating role of advanced servitization,
Waleed Shleha, Yancy Vaillant and Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, in International Business Review (2023)
Keywords: Servitization; Internationalization; Entry mode diversity; Servitized internationalization paradox;

Does ISO 14001 and Green Servitization Provide a Push Factor for Sustainable Performance? A Study of Manufacturing Firms,
Idris Oyewale Oyelakin and Satirenjit Kaur Johl, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: servitization; green servitization; sustainable performance; manufacturing firms; operations

Configurational Servitization Approach: A Necessary Alignment of Service Strategies, Digital Capabilities and Customer Resources,
Tinhinane Tazaïrt and Isabelle Prim-Allaz, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Digitalization, Customers, Digital service paradox, Configurations, Servitized value proposition

Priorities when looking for servitization in the mechanical engineering industry,
Patrick Großpötzl, Ulrich Seiler and Margarethe Überwimmer, in Marketing Science & Inspirations (2020)
Keywords: service science, implementation, servitization, priority, AHP, business model

Servitization of public service processes with a simulation modelling approach,
Buics László and Eisingerné Balassa Boglárka, in Engineering Management in Production and Services (2020)
Keywords: co-production, digitalisation, discrete-event simulation, public service processes, servitization

Productive services agglomeration: An accelerator of manufacturing servitization output?,
Xiaoyu Xie and Chunjuan Wang, in Finance Research Letters (2024)
Keywords: Productive service industry agglomeration; Manufacturing industry servitization; Heterogeneity;

The Performance Effect of Dynamic Capabilities in Servitizing Companies,
David Tempelmayr, Doris Ehrlinger, Christian Stadlmann, Margarethe Uberwimmer, Stefan Mang and Anna Biedersberger, in Journal of International Business Research and Marketing (2019)
Keywords: Dynamic Capabilities, Servitizing Companies, International markets, Sensing, Turbulent environments

Asset transformation and the challenges to servitize a utility business model,
Thorsten Helms, in Energy Policy (2016)
Keywords: utility; EUCo; Business model innovation; Servitization; Energy service; Asset transformation;

Prior knowledge, industry 4.0 and digital servitization. An inductive framework,
Marco Paiola, Francesco Schiavone, Tatiana Khvatova and Roberto Grandinetti, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2021)
Keywords: Digital Servitization; Industry 4.0; Prior Knowledge; Disruptive Technologies; Italy;

Autonomous vehicle solutions and their digital servitization business models,
Seppo Leminen, Mervi Rajahonka, Robert Wendelin, Mika Westerlund and Anna-Greta Nyström, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
Keywords: Autonomous vehicle solutions; AVS; Autonomous solutions; Digital servitization; Business model;

Compound effect of closing the loop and servitization in supply chains,
Mehmet Alegoz and Özgen Karaer, in International Journal of Production Economics (2024)
Keywords: Supply chain management; Closed-loop supply chain; Selling; Servitization;

Servitization of manufacturing: survey in the Polish machinery sector,
Kozłowska Justyna, in Engineering Management in Production and Services (2020)
Keywords: servitization, product-service systems, product-service integration, machinery sector

Servitization as A Tool to Increase Vitality of Ageing Rural Community,
Vidickiene Dalia and Gedminaite-Raudone Zivile, in European Countryside (2019)
Keywords: service-driven business model, servitization, rural development policy, agriculture, ageing

Role of Servitization, Digitalization, and Innovation Performance in Manufacturing Enterprises,
Lei Shen, Cong Sun and Muhammad Ali, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: servitization; digitalization; dynamic capabilities; enterprise innovation performance; PSM-DID

The servitization of innovation in the retail grocery sector: The case of Mercadona,
Jose Albors-Garrigos and María Miguel Molina, in Journal of International Entrepreneurship (2023)
Keywords: Servitization, Entrepreneurship, Co-innovation, International expansion, Online service

Reversed servitization paths: a case analysis of two manufacturers,
Max Finne, Saara Brax and Jan Holmström, in Service Business (2013)
Keywords: Servitization, Service infusion, Industrial service, Case study, Organizational ecology,

Territorial servitization: Conceptualization, quantification and research agenda,
Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Esteban Lafuente and Yancy Vaillant, in INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH (2020)
Keywords: Territorial servitization; knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS); manufacturing; regional development.

Digital Servitization: Strategies for Handling Customization and Customer Interaction,
Katja Maria Hydle, Magnus Hellström, Tor Helge Aas and Karl Joachim Breunig, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Servitization, Customization, Standardization, Customer interaction, Customer knowledge, Digitalization, Strategy

Service-Dominant Logic: A Missing Link in Servitization Research?,
Maria Åkesson and Nina Löfberg, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Service-dominant logic, Servitization, Business logic, Service transition, Services

Servitization and the Necessity of Becoming Ambidextrous: A 12-Year Longitudinal Study,
Peter R. Magnusson and JanErik Odhe, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Servitization, Ambidexterity, Product service systems, Transition, Ecosystem, Modularization

Methods and Tools for Overcoming the Barriers to Servitization and Service Excellence,
Shaun West, Paolo Gaiardelli and Nicola Saccani, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Servitization, Service design, Product-service systems, Service excellence

Servitization and territorial self reinforcing mechanisms: a new approach to regional competitiveness,
Domenico Marino and Raffaele Trapasso, in INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH (2020)
Keywords: Servitization; Self-Reinforcing Mechanism; Regional Policies.

Servitization implementation in the manufacturing organisations: Classification of strategies, definitions, benefits and challenges,
Muhammad Mustafa Kamal, Uthayasankar Sivarajah, Ali Ziaee Bigdeli, Farouk Missi and Yannis Koliousis, in International Journal of Information Management (2020)
Keywords: Servitization; Strategy; Manufacturing organisations; Benefits; Challenges;

Working through frame incongruences: A process perspective on (re)framing for digital servitization,
Jawwad Z. Raja, Isabelle Fabienne Neufang, Thomas Frandsen and Ismail Gölgeci, in Technovation (2024)
Keywords: Digitalization; Digital servitization; Frames; Reframing; Alignment;

Disentangling the interactions within and between servitization and digitalization strategies: A service-dominant logic,
Dan Zhou, Tingting Yan, Weiqi Dai and Junzheng Feng, in International Journal of Production Economics (2021)
Keywords: Servitization; Digitalization; Interaction; Manufacturing firms; Market performance;

A Sustainable Innovation Strategy Oriented toward Complex Product Servitization,
Zhiqiang Zhang, Ling Li and Huiying Zhang, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: complex product servitization; sustainable innovation; technological innovation

Towards solution based thinking: characteristics of servitization at Hungarian manufacturing companies,
Krisztina Demeter and Levente Szász, in Journal of East European Management Studies (2013)
Keywords: servitization, integrated solutions, operations strategy, financial performance

Towards solution based thinking: characteristics of servitization at Hungarian manufacturing companies,
Krisztina Demeter and Levente Szász, in Journal of East European Management Studies (2013)
Keywords: servitization, integrated solutions, operations strategy, financial performance

The Consequences of Economy Servitization for Ensuring Energy Sustainability—The Case of Developed and Developing Countries,
Mateusz Jankiewicz and Elżbieta Szulc, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: developing countries; energy sustainability; sensitivity model; servitization

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