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760 documents matched the search for Ripple in titles and keywords.
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Nicolas Vandewalle and Serge Galam, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (1999)
Keywords: Granular media, Ripples, Avalanches

Booms, Busts and Ripples in British Regional Housing Markets,
Gavin Cameron, John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: House Prices; Ripple Effect; Bubble

Ripples and grains segregation on unpaved road,
Tiago Moy da Silva and Américo T. Bernardes, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (2018)
Keywords: Granular materials, ripples on unpaved road, segregation, DEM

Exploring the ripple phase of biomembranes,
Srilekha Banerjee, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2002)
Keywords: Biomembrane; Ripple phase; Gel–fluid transition; Lamellar stack;

The Evaluation of Block Chain Technology within the Scope of Ripple and Banking Activities,
Erdogan Kaygin, Yunus Zengin, Ethem Topcuoglu and Serdal Ozkes, in Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice (2021)
Keywords: Ripple, Bitcoin, block chain, crypto currencies, banking and Ripple, SWIFT.

Theoretical Analysis of Active Flow Ripple Control in Positive Displacement Pumps,
Paolo Casoli, Carlo Maria Vescovini, Fabio Scolari and Massimo Rundo, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: positive displacement pump; active control; flow ripple; pressure ripple

Consensus Crash Testing: Exploring Ripple’s Decentralization Degree in Adversarial Environments,
Klitos Christodoulou, Elias Iosif, Antonios Inglezakis and Marinos Themistocleous, in Future Internet (2020)
Keywords: ripple; blockchain; distributed ledgers; consensus; byzantine-fault tolerance

"Ripple Effects" and Forecasting Home Prices in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix,
Rangan Gupta and Stephen Miller, from University of Connecticut, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Ripple effect, housing prices, forecasting

"Ripple Effects” and Forecasting Home Prices in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix,
Rangan Gupta and Stephen Miller, from University of Nevada, Las Vegas , Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Ripple effect, Housing prices, Forecasting

“Ripple Effects” and Forecasting Home Prices In Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix,
Rangan Gupta and Stephen Miller, from University of Pretoria, Department of Economics (2009)
Keywords: Ripple effect, Housing prices, Forecasting

Just HODL? On the Moral Claims of Bitcoin and Ripple Users,
Claus Dierksmeier, in Humanistic Management Journal (2018)
Keywords: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ripple, digital money

Macroeconomic shocks and ripple effects in the Greater Paris Metropolis,
Alexis Pourcelot and Alain Coen, from European Real Estate Society (ERES) (2022)
Keywords: House Prices; ripple effects; Spatial dependencies; SpVAR

Ego-Centered Networks and the Ripple Effect,
M. E. J. Newman, from Santa Fe Institute (2001)
Keywords: Social networks, ripple effect, random graphs, graph theory

Joachim Krug, in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) (2001)
Keywords: Sand ripples, pattern formation, wavelength selection, coarsening, front propagation, marginal stability, metastable states

Covariance Risk and the Ripple Effect in the UK Regional Housing Market,
Bruce Morley and Dennis Thomas, in Review of Economics & Finance (2018)
Keywords: Covariance risk; Ripple effect; EGARCH; Housing

A wavelet analysis of the ripple effect in UK regional housing markets,
Iolanda Lo Cascio, in International Review of Economics & Finance (2021)
Keywords: Wavelet coherence; Ripple effect; House prices; Returns;

Stacked Buck Converter: Current Ripple Elimination Effect and Transient Response,
Chien-Chun Huang, Yu-Chen Liu, Chia-Ching Lin, Chih-Yu Ni and Huang-Jen Chiu, in Energies (2020)
Keywords: stacked buck; current ripple cancellation; transient response

DC-link Ripple Reduction in a DPWM-Based Two-Level VSI,
Anatolii Tcai, Ibrahim Mohd Alsofyani, In-Yong Seo and Kyo-Beum Lee, in Energies (2018)
Keywords: dc-link; ripple; capacitor; voltage source inverter

Rebecca B. Hoyle and Anita Mehta, in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) (2001)
Keywords: Aeolian, sand ripples, avalanching, continuum model, two-species

Co-Evolutionary path optimization by Ripple-Spreading algorithm,
Xiao-Bing Hu, Ming-Kong Zhang, Qi Zhang and Jian-Qin Liao, in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (2017)
Keywords: Co-evolution; Path optimization; Agent-based model; Ripple-Spreading Algorithm;

A New Approach of Minimizing Commutation Torque Ripple for BLDCM,
Bo Tan, Zhiguang Hua, Lu Zhang and Chun Fang, in Energies (2017)
Keywords: BLDCM; commutation torque ripple; rotating synchronously; current optimizing control

Effect of Ripple Control on Induction Motors,
Piotr Gnaciński, Marcin Pepliński, Adam Muc, Damian Hallmann and Piotr Jankowski, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: induction motors; interharmonics; mains communication voltage; power quality; ripple control; vibration

Numerical Simulation on Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Oscillated by Speed Ripple of AC Motors,
Masayuki Kato, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: AC motors; electromagnetic energy harvester; Coriolis force; torque ripple; speed ripple

Low-Carrier-Ratio Modulation Strategy Based on Improved Flux Ripple Model,
Zhiqiang Wang, Yan Niu, Xiayu Yan and Xin Gu, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: SPMSM; improved flux ripple model; low-carrier-ratio modulation strategy; current ripple suppression

Robust low frequency current ripple elimination algorithm for grid-connected fuel cell systems with power balancing technique,
Jong-Soo Kim, Gyu-Yeong Choe, Hyun-Soo Kang and Byoung-Kuk Lee, in Renewable Energy (2011)
Keywords: Low frequency current ripple; Ripple elimination algorithm; Ripple reduction; Power conditioning system; Fuel cell; Power balancing technique;

Torque Ripple Reduction Method in a Multiphase PM Machine for No-Fault and Open-Circuit Fault-Tolerant Conditions,
Ali Akay and Paul Lefley, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: five-phase machine; third harmonic current injection; multiphase machine; permanent magnet machine; torque ripple; torque ripple suppression; torque ripple reduction

Analysis of the filtering process and the ripple effect on the primary and secondary housing market in Warsaw, Poland,
Justyna Brzezicka, Jacek Łaszek, Krzysztof Olszewski and Joanna Waszczuk, in Land Use Policy (2019)
Keywords: filtering proces; ripple effect; housing market; Poland;

Analysis of the DC-Link Voltage Ripple for the Three-Phase Voltage Source Converter under Nonlinear Output Current,
Shan Li, Lei Yang and Tao Wang, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: capacitors; VSCs; voltage ripple; low order harmonics

X. C. Wang, G. C. Lim, F. L. Ng, W. Liu and S. J. Chua, in Surface Review and Letters (SRL) (2005)
Keywords: Femtosecond pulsed laser, ripple formation, GaN, laser fluence, subwavelength period

Ripples of Hope over Troubled Waters: The Calancan Bay Experience,
Francisco P. Fellizar, Jr., Wanah Maria Ayesa H. Velo and Robert G. Bernardo, from Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) (2002)
Keywords: ripples, marcopper mining, coastal resources, coastal ecosystems, Philippines

Impact of Public Information Arrivals on Cryptocurrency Market: A Case of Twitter Posts on Ripple,
Samet Gunay, in East Asian Economic Review (2019)
Keywords: Cryptocurrency; Public Information Arrivals; Semi-Strong Efficiency; Ripple; Twitter Posts

The Ripple Effect at an inter-suburban level in the Sydney Metropolitan area,
Jay Peter Blake and Behrooz Gharleghi, in International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (2017)
Keywords: Australia, Real estate, Housing markets, Causality, Cointegration, Ripple Effect

Industrial ripples: Automotive electrification sends through carbon emissions,
Xiangyang Li and Yuanyuan Song, in Energy Policy (2024)
Keywords: Industry chain; Ripple effects; Material efficiency; Automotive electrification; Cleaner energy;

Through the Lens of Distance: Understanding and Responding to China’s “Ripples of Capability”,
Andrew S. Erickson, from Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California (2012)
Keywords: Social and Behavioral Sciences, China, ripples of capability, proliferation, asymmetric technologies

Examining the bidirectional ripple effects in the NFT markets: Risky center or hedging center?,
Xu Zhang, Muhammad Abubakr Naeem, Yuting Du and Abdul Rauf, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2024)
Keywords: NFT; Bidirectional ripple effect; Risky center; Hedging center; Duration;

A dynamic approach to supply chain reconfiguration and ripple effect analysis in an epidemic,
Xavier Brusset, Dmitry Ivanov, Aida Jebali, Davide La Torre and Marco Repetto, in International Journal of Production Economics (2023)
Keywords: Control; Optimal control; Risk management; Supply chain adaptation; Ripple effect;

Research on the Influence of Ripple Voltage on the Performance of a Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer,
Tianze Yuan, Hua Li, Jikang Wang and Dong Jia, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: ripple voltage; proton exchange membrane electrolyzer; modeling; performance; hydrogen production

Sinusoidal Rotor Core Shape for Low Torque Ripple in Hollow-Cup Machines,
Liu Zhang, Zhanpeng Cui, Pengfei Song, Liming Wang and Xikai Liu, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: hollow-cup machine; permanent magnet machine; rotor shaping; torque ripple

Experimental Measurement and Numerical Validation of the Flow Ripple in Internal Gear Pumps,
Alessandro Ferrari, Paola Fresia, Massimo Rundo, Oscar Vento and Pietro Pizzo, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: flow ripple; internal gear pump; instantaneous flow measurement

Frequency-Controlled Current-Fed Resonant Converter with No Input Ripple Current,
Bor-Ren Lin and Guan-Hong Lin, in Energies (2018)
Keywords: current-fed resonant converter; frequency control; ripple current; boost converter

Torque Ripple Reduction for Switched Reluctance Motor with Optimized PWM Control Strategy,
Hui Cai, Hui Wang, Mengqiu Li, Shiqi Shen, Yaojing Feng and Jian Zheng, in Energies (2018)
Keywords: current control; switched reluctance motor; TSF; torque ripples

Economically viable reshoring of supply chains under ripple effect,
Tadeusz Sawik, in Omega (2025)
Keywords: Supply chain; Disruption management; Resilience; Viability; Ripple effect; Stochastic programming;

The Ripple Effect in price and rent across tenure in the private housing market,
Nan Liu, from European Real Estate Society (ERES) (2018)
Keywords: Economic shock; Price; Private housing; Rent; Ripple effect

Alternative setup for estimating reliable frequency values in a ripple tank,
Ana Luna, Miguel Nuñez-del-Prado, Jose Luján, Luis Mantilla García and Daniel Malca, from Centro de Investigación, Universidad del Pacífico (2017)
Keywords: Ripple tank, oscillations and mechanical waves, frequency generator, photogate

Macroeconomic shocks and ripple effects in the Greater Paris Metropolis,
Alain Coën, Alexis Pourcelot and Richard Malle, in Journal of Housing Economics (2022)
Keywords: House prices; Spatial panel vector autoregressive model; Spatial dependencies; Ripple effects;

Analysis of Ripple Current in the Capacitors of Active Power Filters,
Tadeusz Platek, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: parallel active power filter; bessel functions; asymmetrical regular sampled PWM; LCL-ripple filter; dc-link capacitor

Risiken, Störungen und der Ripple-Effekt in Lieferketten,
Dmitry Ivanov, from Springer (2023)
Keywords: Unsicherheit, Lieferkettenrisiko, Störungsrisiko, Ripple-Effekt, Überlagerung von Störungen, COVID-19 Pandemieunterbrechung, Disruption Tail

"Ripple" Effects in South African House Prices,
Mehmet Balcilar, Abebe Beyene, Rangan Gupta and Monaheng Seleteng, from University of Pretoria, Department of Economics (2011)
Keywords: House-price ratios, “Ripple” effects, Time series properties, Unit root tests

Development of a DC-Side Direct Current Controlled Active Ripple Filter for Eliminating the Double-Line-Frequency Current Ripple in a Single-Phase DC/AC Conversion System,
Ying-Chieh Chen, Liang-Rui Chen, Ching-Ming Lai, Yuan-Chih Lin and Ting-Jung Kuo, in Energies (2020)
Keywords: double-line-frequency current ripple; active ripple filter (ARF); single-phase DC/AC

Analysis of ripple current, power losses and high efficiency of DC–DC converters for fuel cell power generating systems,
M. Venkatesh Naik and Paulson Samuel, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016)
Keywords: Ripple current reduction; Fuel cell ripple current; Validation of DC–DC converters for fuel cell DGs;

Ripple Vector Cancellation Modulation Strategy for Single-Phase Quasi-Z-Source Inverter,
Yufeng Tang, Zhiyong Li, Yougen Chen and Renyong Wei, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: quasi-Z-source inverter; double-frequency ripple; ripple vector cancellation; shoot-through duty cycle; modulation

Ripple effect in China–Europe Railway transport network: Ripple failure risk propagation and influence,
Min Lyu, Bin Shuai, Qinyu Zhang and Linqing Li, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2023)
Keywords: China–Europe Railway transport network; Ripple failure; Forward and backward risk propagation; Network performance;

Design for Reducing Bearing Force Ripple and Torque Ripple of Integrated Magnetic Bearing Motor through Halbach Array,
In-Jun Yang, Min-Ki Hong, Ju Lee, Won-Ho Kim and Dong-Hoon Jung, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: magnetic bearing (MB); surface permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM); Halbach array; bearing force; bearing force ripple; integrated magnetic bearing motor

Supply chain ripple effect: impact of disruption profile and priority scheduling rules for perishable inventory,
Maxim Rozhkov, in International Journal of Integrated Supply Management (2022)
Keywords: supply chain; disruption; simulation; ripple effect; agent-based simulation.

Effect of vacuum drying the insulation pressboard on partial discharge characteristics under ripple voltage conditions,
Yevgeniy Trotsenko, Julia Peretyatko, Olexandr Protsenko and Mandar Madhukar Dixit, in Technology audit and production reserves (2022)
Keywords: partial discharge, ripple voltage, insulation pressboard, vacuum drying

Modeling of a synchronous reluctance machine accounting for space harmonics in view of torque ripple minimization,
Tahar Hamiti, Thierry Lubin, Lotfi Baghli and Abderrezak Rezzoug, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2010)
Keywords: Synchronous reluctance motor; Winding function; Torque ripple; Optimal currents;

Analysis of torque ripple reduction in a segmented-rotor synchronous reluctance machine by optimal currents,
Hailong Wu, Daniel Depernet and Vincent Lanfranchi, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2019)
Keywords: Inductance harmonics; Synchronous reluctance machine; Torque ripple; Optimal currents; Saturation;

A new perspective on the ripple effect in the UK housing market: Comovement, cyclical subsamples and alternative indices,
Steve Cook and Duncan Watson, in Urban Studies (2016)
Keywords: comovement; cyclical properties; directional forecasting; house prices; ripple effect

Differing house price linkages across UK regions: A multi-dimensional recursive ripple model,
Chris Hudson, John Hudson and Bruce Morley, in Urban Studies (2018)
Keywords: different house types; recursive ripple effect; UK regions

OR-methods for coping with the ripple effect in supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic: Managerial insights and research implications,
Dmitry Ivanov and Alexandre Dolgui, in International Journal of Production Economics (2021)
Keywords: supply chain; ripple effect; COVID-19; Pandemic; Disruption propagation; Structural dynamics;

Ripple effects of coal phaseout on employment in China: From mining to coal consumption sectors,
Niu Niu, Junhua Ma, Bin Zhang, Changqing Xu and Zhaohua Wang, in Resources Policy (2024)
Keywords: Coal phaseout; Ripple effects; Coal industry chain; Social costs;

Torque Ripple Suppression in the 6/4 Variable Flux Reluctance Machine with Open Winding Configuration by Using Harmonic Injection,
Xu Liu, El Moundher Aouiche, Abdelaziz Aouiche, Yang Cao and Mohammed Echarif Aguida, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: VFRM; open-winding; harmonic injection; torque ripple suppression

A Novel Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Improved Current Ripples for Low-Voltage On-Board Charging,
Jamil Muhammad Khan, Ashraf Ali Khan and Mohsin Jamil, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: buck converter; coupled inductor; current ripples; bidirectional converter

Design for a Four-Stage DC/DC High-Voltage Converter with High Precision and a Small Ripple,
Wei Zheng, Cong Hu, Bin Zhao, Xiaobao Su, Gang Wang and Xiaowan Hou, in Energies (2022)
Keywords: four-stage DC/DC; high-precision; small ripple

Modeling and Mitigation Control of the Submodule-Capacitor Voltage Ripple of a Modular Multilevel Converter under Unbalanced Grid Conditions,
Songda Wang, Danyang Bao, Gustavo Gontijo, Sanjay Chaudhary and Remus Teodorescu, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: modular multilevel converter; submodule-capacitor voltage ripple; unbalanced grid conditions

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Switching Ripple in the DC-Link Voltage of Single-Phase H-Bridge PWM Inverters,
Marija Vujacic, Manel Hammami, Milan Srndovic and Gabriele Grandi, in Energies (2017)
Keywords: voltage ripple; H-bridge inverter; pulse-width modulation (PWM)

A Modified Self-Synchronized Synchronverter in Unbalanced Power Grids with Balanced Currents and Restrained Power Ripples,
Xiaohe Wang, Liang Chen, Dan Sun, Li Zhang and Heng Nian, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: synchronverter; power ripple elimination; resonant controller; unbalanced power grid

Active Pressure Ripple Control in Axial Piston Pumps through High-Frequency Swash Plate Oscillations—A Theoretical Analysis,
Paolo Casoli, Mirko Pastori, Fabio Scolari and Massimo Rundo, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: axial piston pump; active control; pressure ripple; swash plate

Commutation Torque Ripple Suppression Strategy of Brushless DC Motor Considering Back Electromotive Force Variation,
Xinmin Li, Guokai Jiang, Wei Chen, Tingna Shi, Guozheng Zhang and Qiang Geng, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: brushless DC motor; commutation torque ripple; back electromotive force

Sector Subdivision Based SVPWM Strategy of Neutral-Point-Clamped Three-Level Inverter for Current Ripple Reduction,
Guozheng Zhang, Bingxu Wei, Xin Gu, Xinmin Li, Zhanqing Zhou and Wei Chen, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: three-level inverter; harmonic distortion; current ripple; space vector modulation

Reduction of DC Current Ripples by Virtual Space Vector Modulation for Three-Phase AC–DC Matrix Converters,
Hoang-Long Dang, Eun-Su Jun and Sangshin Kwak, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: AC-DC matrix converter; virtual space vector; DC ripple reduction

A Zero Input Current Ripple ZVS/ZCS Boost Converter with Boundary-Mode Control,
Ching-Ming Lai, Ming-Ji Yang and Shih-Kun Liang, in Energies (2014)
Keywords: boundary-mode control; ZVS/ZCS; boost; zero input ripple current

Analysis and Minimization of Output Current Ripple for Discontinuous Pulse-Width Modulation Techniques in Three-Phase Inverters,
Gabriele Grandi, Jelena Loncarski and Milan Srndovic, in Energies (2016)
Keywords: inverters; pulse-width modulation (PWM); harmonic distortion; ripple minimization

Ripple Effect Analysis of Two-Stage Supply Chain Using Probabilistic Graphical Model,
Seyedmohsen Hosseini and Sarder Md, from Springer (2019)
Keywords: Ripple effect, Supply chain, Disruption, Supply chain management

The ripple effect of organisational inclusiveness on perception of ethical climate - an empirical investigation,
P.C. Gita and Sheeja Krishnakumar, in International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics (2024)
Keywords: organisational inclusiveness; ethical climate; ripple effect of inclusiveness; diversity and inclusion; corporate governance; impact of inclusiveness; workplace inclusiveness.

Foreign liquidity to real estate market: Ripple effect and housing price dynamics,
Wen-Chi Liao, Daxuan Zhao, Li Ping Lim and Grace Khei Mie Wong, in Urban Studies (2015)
Keywords: housing price ripple effect; international real estate; Singapore; structural break; structural vector autoregression

An exploration of ripple effects of advertising among major suppliers in a supply chain network,
Mayukh Dass, Mehrnoosh Reshadi and Yuewu Li, in Journal of Business Research (2023)
Keywords: Supply Chain Networks; Advertising; Ripple Effects; Major Suppliers; Bilinear Mixed Modeling;

The implications of COVID-19: Bullwhip and ripple effects in global supply chains,
Marcia Regina Santiago Scarpin, Jorge Eduardo Scarpin, Nayane Thais Krespi Musial and Wilson Toshiro Nakamura, in International Journal of Production Economics (2022)
Keywords: COVID-19; Supply chain; Financial risk; Efficient market hypothesis; Bullwhip effect; Ripple effect;

Distributed Generation Control Using Ripple Signaling and a Multiprotocol Communication Embedded Device,
Evangelos Boutsiadis, Nikolaos Pasialis, Nikolaos Lettas, Dimitrios Tsiamitros and Dimitrios Stimoniaris, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: multiprotocol gateway; distributed generation; smart grids; ripple signaling; real-time grid management

A New Torque Control Approach for Torque Ripple Minimisation in Switched Reluctance Drives,
Ali Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed Elgenedy and Barry Williams, in Energies (2024)
Keywords: current profiling; electric vehicles; switched reluctance motor; torque ripple; torque sharing

Optimization of Charge Pump Based on Piecewise Modeling of Output-Voltage Ripple,
Yajun Lin, Jianxin Yang, Tin-Wai Mui, Yong Zhou and Ka-Nang Leung, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: charge pump; flying and output capacitances; output-voltage ripple; power-conversion efficiency

A New SVPWM Strategy for Three-Phase Isolated Converter with Current Ripple Reduction,
Sheng Wang, Huaibao Wang, Hao Ding, Ligen Xun and Sifan Wu, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: three-phase isolated matrix converter; optimal SVPWM modulation; current ripple; power density

Analysis of Torque Ripple of a Spoke-Type Interior Permanent Magnet Machine,
Guoyu Chu, Rukmi Dutta, Alireza Pouramin and Muhammed Fazlur Rahman, in Energies (2020)
Keywords: FSCW; frozen permeability; finite element; IPMSM; spoke-type; torque separation; torque ripple reduction

Analysis of dc-Link Voltage Switching Ripple in Three-Phase PWM Inverters,
Marija Vujacic, Manel Hammami, Milan Srndovic and Gabriele Grandi, in Energies (2018)
Keywords: voltage ripple; voltage source inverter; three-phase inverter; dc-link capacitor design

Capacitor Voltage Ripple Suppression for Z-Source Wind Energy Conversion System,
Shoudao Huang, Yang Zhang and Zhikang Shuai, in Energies (2016)
Keywords: wind generation system; Z-source inverter; pulse width modulation; capacitor voltage ripple

Active control of ripple energy in single-phase pulse width modulated rectifier,
Richa Sharma, Purushottam Sharma, Deepak Nagaria and Abhishek Srivastava, in International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (2022)
Keywords: Pulse width modulated rectifier, Total harmonic distortion, PI controller, Ripple energy

Managing Disruptions and the Ripple Effect in Digital Supply Chains: Empirical Case Studies,
Ajay Das, Simone Gottlieb and Dmitry Ivanov, from Springer (2019)
Keywords: Digital supply chain, Supply chain risk management, Supply chain resilience, Industry 4.0, Big data analytics, Ripple effect

Design Optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Motor for low Torque Ripple,
Andrea Cristofari, Giuseppe Fabri, Stefano Lucidi, Francesco Rinaldi, Francesco Romito, Marco Santececca and Marco Villani, from Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (2017)
Keywords: Synchronous reluctance ; Torque ripple optimization ; Finite element analysis ; Derivative-free algorithms ; Nonlinear mixed-integer optimization methods

Supply Chain Resilience Under Ripple Effect,
Tadeusz Sawik, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: Supply chain resilience, Resilient supply portfolio, Multi-regional pandemic disruptions, Ripple effect, Risk mitigation inventory, Recovery supply portfolio, Conditional cost-at-risk, Conditional service-at-risk

Analysis of Peak-to-Peak Current Ripple Amplitude in Seven-Phase PWM Voltage Source Inverters,
Gabriele Grandi and Jelena Loncarski, in Energies (2013)
Keywords: voltage source inverter; multiphase inverter; multiple space vectors modulation; carried-based modulation; peak-to-peak current ripple; current ripple distribution

Comparison of Output Current Ripple in Single and Dual Three-Phase Inverters for Electric Vehicle Motor Drives,
Jelena Loncarski, Mats Leijon, Milan Srndovic, Claudio Rossi and Gabriele Grandi, in Energies (2015)
Keywords: dual inverter; multilevel inverter; current ripple evaluation; current distortion; ripple interferences; acoustic noise; electric vehicle motor drive

Performance Analysis of Modular Multilevel Converter and Modular Multilevel Series Converter under Variable-Frequency Operation Regarding Submodule-Capacitor Voltage Ripple,
Gustavo Gontijo, Songda Wang, Tamas Kerekes and Remus Teodorescu, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: modular multilevel converters; submodule-capacitor voltage ripple; low-frequency operation

Analysis and Speed Ripple Mitigation of a Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation-Based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,
Xing Liu, Jinhua Du and Deliang Liang, in Energies (2016)
Keywords: speed ripple reduction; harmonic superposition; particle swarm optimization (PSO)

Ripple effects of house prices: considering spatial correlations in geography and demography,
Le Ma and Chunlu Liu, in International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (2013)
Keywords: House price, Spatial vector autoregression models, Ripple effects, Demographic structure, Housing, Pricing, Prices, Geography, Demography, Cities, Australia

The effects of high frequency current ripple on electric vehicle battery performance,
Kotub Uddin, Andrew D. Moore, Anup Barai and James Marco, in Applied Energy (2016)
Keywords: Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV); Electric vehicle (EV); Battery management system (BMS); Li-ion cell; Battery degradation; Ageing; Current ripple;

Robust Minimum-Cost Flow Problems Under Multiple Ripple Effect Disruptions,
Mehdi Ansari, Juan S. Borrero and Leonardo Lozano, in INFORMS Journal on Computing (2023)
Keywords: robust optimization, defender-attacker problems, cut-generation, minimum-cost flow problem, maximal covering location problem, ripple effect disruptions

Simple Strategy for Torque Ripple Minimization in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives,
Italo Almirante and Emilio Lorenzani, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: torque ripple minimization; simulation costs reduction; linear regression; best angular interval for current supply; switched reluctance machine (SRM)

Analysis and Approximation of THD and Torque Ripple of Induction Motor for SVPWM Control of VSI,
Grzegorz Sieklucki, Sylwester Sobieraj, Józef Gromba and Raluca-Elena Necula, in Energies (2023)
Keywords: induction motor; PWM control; SVPWM; THD; torque ripple; approximation; voltage source inverter; dead band; electromagnetic torque; stator current

A Numerical Analysis of an Innovative Flow Ripple Reduction Method for External Gear Pumps,
Gianluca Marinaro, Emma Frosina and Adolfo Senatore, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: external gear pumps; EGPs; fluid-borne noise; flow non-uniformity; lumped parameter numerical simulation; CFD; flow ripple

Investigation on the Torque Ripple Reduction Method of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Motor,
Hyungkwan Jang, Hyunwoo Kim, Huai-Cong Liu, Ho-Joon Lee and Ju Lee, in Energies (2021)
Keywords: torque ripple; cogging torque; interior permanent magnet synchronous motors; total harmonic distortion; electric vehicle; magnetic flux density saturation

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