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51626 documents matched the search for Poverty trap in titles and keywords.
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Breaking Out Of The Poverty Trap,
Ramla Zubair, from Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (2021)
Keywords: Breaking out, Poverty Trap,

Ending Africa's Poverty Trap,
Author-Name: Jeffrey D. Sachs, John McArthur, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Margaret Kruk, Chandrika Bahadur, Michael Faye and Gordon McCord, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2004)
Keywords: macroeconomics, Africa, Poverty Trap, poverty

R&D poverty traps,
Abián García-Rodríguez and Fernando Sánchez-Losada, from University of Barcelona School of Economics (2014)
Keywords: R&D, poverty trap, growth.

Poverty traps and intergenerational transfers,
Luciano Fanti and Luca Spataro, from Dipartimento di Economia e Management (DEM), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (2007)
Keywords: poverty traps, intergenerational transfers, OLG

Can Microfinance Unlock a Poverty Trap for Some Entrepreneurs?,
Abhijit Banerjee, Emily Breza, Esther Duflo and Cynthia Kinnan, from Department of Economics, Tufts University (2019)
Keywords: Microfinance, Entrepreneurship, Poverty Trap

Breaking Out of Poverty Traps,
Sergei Guriev and Elena Vakulenko, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Labor mobility,Poverty traps,Liquidity constraints

Breaking Out of Poverty Traps,
Sergei Guriev and Elena Vakulenko, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Labor mobility,Poverty traps,Liquidity constraints

Clientelism and development: is there a poverty trap?,
Susan Stokes, from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) (2021)
Keywords: Clientelism, political competition, Public policy, Poverty traps

Aid volatility and poverty traps,
Pierre-Richard Agénor and Joshua Aizenman, in Journal of Development Economics (2010)
Keywords: Aid volatility Stagnation equilibrium Poverty traps

Poverty Trap and Endogenous Population,
Nguyen Manh Hung and Paul Makdissi, from Université Laval - Département d'économique (2001)
Keywords: Poverty trap, Endogenous population, Endogenous growth

Poverty Trap and Endogenous Population,
Nguyen Manh Hung and Paul Makdissi, from Université Laval - Département d'économique (1999)
Keywords: Poverty trap, Endogenous population, Endogenous growth

Poverty trap in Mexico, 1992-2016,
Eduardo Loría, in International Journal of Development Issues (2020)
Keywords: Non-linearity, Poverty trap, Public food poverty expenditure

Focusing effect and the poverty trap,
Andrea Canidio, in European Economic Review (2015)
Keywords: Behavioral poverty trap; Salience; Focusing effect; Poverty; Inequality;

Poverty traps: Exploring the complexity of causation,
Partha Dasgupta, from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2007)
Keywords: Poverty reduction, Hunger, Causations of poverty, health, Poverty traps, Nutrition, households,

Poverty traps, convergence, and the dynamics of household income,
Raj Arunachalam and Ajay Shenoy, in Journal of Development Economics (2017)
Keywords: Poverty trap; Convergence; Income mobility;

Escape poverty trap with trust? An experimental study,
Kenneth Chan, Vivian Lei and Filip Vesely, in Social Choice and Welfare (2024)
Keywords: Trust, Growth, Poverty trap, Experiment

Social Externalities, Overlap and the Poverty Trap,
Young-Chul Kim and Glenn Loury, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Group Inequality, Network Externality, Overlap, Poverty Trap

Externalities, endogenous productivity, and poverty traps,
Levon Barseghyan and Riccardo DiCecio, in European Economic Review (2016)
Keywords: Endogenous productivity; Multiple equilibria; Poverty traps;

Poverty traps: the neglected role of vitality,
Aline Meysonnat, Joan Muysken and Adriaan van Zon, from United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT) (2015)
Keywords: poverty trap, subsistence consumption, vitality, foreign aid

Poverty traps across levels of aggregation,
Dylan Fitz and Shyam Gouri Suresh, in Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2021)
Keywords: Poverty traps, Multiple equilibria, Economic growth

Poverty Nutrition Trap in Rural India,
Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma, from The Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: nutrition, calories, wages, poverty trap, labourers

Externalities, Endogenous Productivity, and Poverty Traps,
Levon Barseghyan and Riccardo DiCecio, from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2008)
Keywords: Endogenous productivity; multiple equilibria; poverty traps

Poverty traps and intergenerational transfers,
Luciano Fanti and Luca Spataro, in International Tax and Public Finance (2008)
Keywords: Poverty traps, Intergenerational transfers, OLG, D31, D50, O11, O23,

Network Structures and Poverty Traps,
Edgar Sánchez Carrera, Elena Gubar and Andrey F. Oleynik, in Dynamic Games and Applications (2019)
Keywords: Behavioral economics, Imitation theory, Network games, Population games, Poverty traps

Evolutionary dynamics of poverty traps,
Edgar Sánchez Carrera, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2019)
Keywords: Behavioral macroeconomics, Evolutionaty games and imitative behavior, Poverty traps, Strategic complementarities

Poverty Traps and Safety Nets,
Christopher Barrett and John G. McPeak, from Springer (2006)
Keywords: Herd Size, Poverty Trap, Productive Asset, Asset Holding, Health Shock

Poverty Traps and Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan,
Farzana Naheed Khan and Muhammad Majeed, in Business & Economic Review (2018)
Keywords: Poverty trap, poverty, economic growth, inequality

Lessons learned from China's fall into the poverty trap,
Shixiong Cao, Xiuqing Wang and Guosheng Wang, in Journal of Policy Modeling (2009)
Keywords: Poverty trap Rural-urban gap Poverty China

Poverty-Environment Traps,
Edward Barbier and Jacob Hochard, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2019)
Keywords: Developing countries, Poverty traps, Less favored agricultural lands, Market access, Rural poverty

Poverty Traps and Climate Change,
Richard Tol, from Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) (2011)
Keywords: children/Climate change/education/fertility/growth/infant mortality/population/poverty/poverty traps/risk

The Glasses are Tinted: Self-Confidence and Poverty Trap,
Dyotona Dasgupta and Anuradha Saha, from Institute of Economic Growth (2020)
Keywords: Human Capital Investment, Behavioral Bias, Poverty Trap, Behavioral Trap

Poverty Traps,
Costas Aariadis and John Stachurski, from The University of Melbourne (2004)
Keywords: Poverty

Poverty traps: a perspective from development economics,
Alice Nicole Sindzingre, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: poverty traps, coordination failures, social norms

Success, survive or escape? Aspirations and poverty traps,
David Chivers, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2017)
Keywords: Poverty traps; Entrepreneurship; Aspirations; Loss aversion; Development;

Knightian Uncertainty and Poverty Trap in a Model of Economic Growth,
Shin-ichi Fukuda, in Review of Economic Dynamics (2008)
Keywords: Knightian uncertainty; Poverty trap; Multiple equilibria

Poverty traps in Markov models of theevolution of wealth,
Lawrence Blume, Steven Durlauf and Aleksandra Lukina, from WZB Berlin Social Science Center (2020)
Keywords: Poverty traps, wealth distribution, wealth mobility

Poverty traps, economic inequality and incentives for delinquency,
Edgar Villa and Andrés Salazar, in Revista Cuadernos de Economia (2013)
Keywords: poverty traps, inequality, delinquency, human capital

Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique,
Lena Giesbert and Kati Schindler, in World Development (2012)
Keywords: assets; poverty trap; shocks; Africa; Mozambique;

Inspecting the Poverty-Trap Mechanism - A Quantile Regression Approach,
Jens Krüger, from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (2007)
Keywords: nonlinear growth, poverty traps, quantile regression

Poverty traps: a perspective from development economics,
Alice Sindzingre, from University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX (2007)
Keywords: Poverty traps, coordination failures, social norms

Social externalities, overlap and the poverty trap,
Young-Chul Kim and Glenn Loury, in The Journal of Economic Inequality (2014)
Keywords: Group inequality, Network externality, Overlap, Poverty trap, I30, J15, Z13,

The Poverty Trap After the Fowler Reforms,
A. Patrick Minford, from Palgrave Macmillan (1990)
Keywords: Standard Rate, Withdrawal Rate, Substitution Effect, Welfare Cost, Poverty Trap

The Evolutionary Game of Poverty Traps,
Edgar Sánchez Carrera, from Department of Economics, University of Siena (2009)
Keywords: Evolutionary games, imitation rule, poverty traps, replicator dynamics, signaling games, strategic complementarities

Exits from the Poverty Trap and Growth Accelerations in a Dual Economy Model,
Jean-Claude Berthélemy, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Growth acceleration,poverty trap,poverty reduction

Exits from the Poverty Trap and Growth Accelerations in a Dual Economy Model,
Jean-Claude Berthélemy, from HAL (2018)
Keywords: Growth acceleration,poverty trap,poverty reduction

Exits from the Poverty Trap and Growth Accelerations in a Dual Economy Model,
Jean-Claude Berthélemy, from FERDI (2018)
Keywords: growth acceleration, poverty trap, poverty reduction

Exits from the Poverty Trap and Growth Accelerations in a Dual Economy Model,
Jean-Claude Berthélemy, from FERDI (2018)
Keywords: growth acceleration, poverty trap, poverty reduction

Poverty dynamics and poverty traps among refugee and host communities in Uganda,
Giulia Malevolti and Donato Romano, from Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa (2023)
Keywords: refugees; hosts; asset accumulation; poverty traps; Uganda

Does Poverty Trap Rural Malagasy Households?,
Anne-Claire Thomas and Frédéric Gaspart, in World Development (2015)
Keywords: poverty traps; poverty dynamics; panel data; rural Madagascar; Markov chain;

Escaping from the poverty trap with social innovation: a social microcredit programme in Hungary,
György Molnár and Attila Havas, from Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (2019)
Keywords: microcredit, group lending, empowerment, poverty trap, aspiration trap, Roma minority

The poverty trap of education: Education–poverty connections in Western China,
Huafeng Zhang, in International Journal of Educational Development (2014)
Keywords: Educational cost; Poverty trap; Educational investment decision; Poverty–education connection;

Can weather shocks give rise to a poverty trap? Evidence from Nigeria,
Giulia Malevolti, from Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa (2022)
Keywords: poverty traps; flood; climate shocks; asset poverty; Nigeria; poverty

Education and poverty trap: Evidence from mountian areas in Sichuan province,
Liang Yue, in Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences (2020)
Keywords: Education;Parental beliefs;Poverty trap;Developing area

Income Shocks and Poverty Traps: Asset Smoothing in Rural Ethiopia,
Douglas Scott, from University of Nottingham, CREDIT (2019)
Keywords: poverty traps, Ethiopia, drought, asset smoothing

Poverty trap and educational shock: Evidence from missionary fields,
Arcangelo Dimico, from Queen's University Belfast, Queen's University Centre for Economic History (2014)
Keywords: Poverty Trap, Christian Missions, Education, Development

Breaking out of poverty traps: Internal migration and interregional convergence in Russia,
Sergei Guriev and Elena Vakulenko, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2013)
Keywords: Internal migration; Liquidity constraints; Poverty traps

Breaking out of poverty traps: Internal migration and interregional convergence in Russia,
Sergei Guriev and Elena Vakulenko, in Journal of Comparative Economics (2015)
Keywords: Labor mobility; Poverty traps; Liquidity constraints;

Consumption risk, technology adoption and poverty traps: Evidence from Ethiopia,
Stefan Dercon and Luc Christiaensen, in Journal of Development Economics (2011)
Keywords: Technology adoption Fertilizer Risk Poverty trap Ethiopia

Are There Nutrient-based Poverty Traps? Evidence on Iron Deficiency and Schooling Attainment in Peru,
Alberto Chong, Isabelle Cohen, Erica Field, Eduardo Nakasone and Maximo Torero, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Poverty traps, iron deficiency, RCTs, education attainement

Breaking Out Of Poverty Traps: Internal Migration And Interregional Convergence In Russia,
Sergei Guriev and Elena Vakulenko, from National Research University Higher School of Economics (2015)
Keywords: labour mobility, poverty traps, liquidity constraints

Market size, trade, and productivity reconsidered: Poverty traps and the home market effect,
Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2023)
Keywords: Monopolistic competition; Poverty trap; Home market effect

Consumption risk, technology adoption and poverty traps: evidence from Ethiopia,
Stefan Dercon and Luc Christiaensen, from ESRC World Economy and Finance Research Programme, Birkbeck, University of London (2008)
Keywords: Technology adoption, Fertiliser, Risk, Poverty trap, Ethiopia

Consumption risk, technology adoption and poverty traps: evidence from Ethiopia,
Stefan Dercon and Luc Christiaensen, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2007)
Keywords: Technology adoption; Fertiliser; Risk; Poverty trap; Ethiopia

Reliving the '50s: The Big Push, Poverty Traps, and Takeoffs in Economic Development,
William Easterly, from Center for Global Development (2005)
Keywords: economic development, poverty trap, foreign aid

The Solow Model, Poverty Traps, and the Foreign Aid Debate,
Brian Snowdon, in History of Political Economy (2009)
Keywords: Robert Solow, foreign aid, poverty trap, economic development

Nonlinearity in the efficacy of foreign aid and evidence of poverty traps,
Nicholas Larsen, in Journal of Developing Areas (2016)
Keywords: Economic Growth, Foreign Aid, Poverty Trap, MARS Model, Nonlinear Econometrics

Capital Mobility and Poverty Traps in a Convex Model of Growth,
Christopher Tsoukis, in Journal of Economic Integration (2003)
Keywords: Poverty traps; growth; international capital mobility; foreign direct investment

Poverty traps and growth in a model of endogenous time preference,
Debajyoti Chakrabarty, from University of Bonn, ZEI - Center for European Integration Studies (2002)
Keywords: Intertemporal choice, Saving, Growth, Local stability, Poverty traps

Intergeneration Human Capital Transmission and Poverty Traps,
Carmen Camacho and Fernanda Estevan, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Poverty trap,Human capital,School quality,Intergenerational transmission,Longevity

Intergeneration Human Capital Transmission and Poverty Traps,
Carmen Camacho and Fernanda Estevan, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Poverty trap,Human capital,School quality,Intergenerational transmission,Longevity

Can a hazardous event be another source of poverty traps ?,
Can Mavi, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Occurrence Hazard,Multiple Equilibria,Abrupt damage,Mitigation ,Poverty traps,Adaptation

Development loans, poverty trap, and economic dynamics,
Cuong Le Van, Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2021)
Keywords: Economic dynamics, economic growth, foreign aid, development loan, poverty trap

Poverty traps, convergence, and the dynamics of household income,
Raj Arunachalam and Ajay Shenoy, from Department of Economics, UC Santa Cruz (2017)
Keywords: Poverty trap, Convergence, Income mobility, Applied Economics, Development Studies

Development loans, poverty trap, and economic dynamics,
Cuong Le Van, Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Economic dynamics,economic growth,foreign aid,development loan,poverty trap

Wealth Heterogeneity and Escape from the Poverty-Environment Trap,
Masako Ikefuji and Ryo Horii, from Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Poverty trap, Environmental degradation, Wealth distribution, Human capital.

Wealth Heterogeneity and Escape from the Poverty-Environment Trap,
Masako Ikefuji and Ryo Horii, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Poverty trap, Environmental degradation, Wealth distribution, Human capital.

Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique,
Lena Giesbert and Kati Schindler, from GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies (2010)
Keywords: poverty trap, shocks, asset-based approach, violent conflict, Mozambique

Can a hazardous event be another source of poverty traps ?,
Can Askan Mavi, from FAERE - French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2017)
Keywords: Abrupt damage, Occurrence Hazard, Poverty trap, Adaptation, Mitigation

A note on endogenous fertility, child allowances and poverty traps,
Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori, in Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Child allowance; Endogenous fertility; OLG model; Poverty trap;

Poverty Traps and Index-Based Risk Transfer Products,
Barry Barnett, Christopher Barrett and Jerry R. Skees, in World Development (2008)
Keywords: index-based risk transfer products insurance poverty traps risk management

Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique,
Lena Giesbert and Kati Schindler, from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (2010)
Keywords: Asset-based approach, Mozambique, poverty trap, shocks, violent conflict

Micronutrient Deprivation and Poverty Nutrition Trap in Rural India,
Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma, from The Australian National University, Australia South Asia Research Centre (2006)
Keywords: Calorie and Micronutrient deprivation, Poverty Nutrition Trap, Heckman Models

Natural Resources, Social Conflict and Poverty Trap,
Davide Fiaschi, from Dipartimento di Economia e Management (DEM), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (2009)
Keywords: natural resources, social conflict, poverty trap, institutions,civil war

Implications of poverty traps across levels,
Sonja Radosavljevic, L. Jamila Haider, Steven J. Lade and Maja Schlüter, in World Development (2021)
Keywords: poverty trap; Multilevel agro-ecological system; Cross-level interactions; Dynamical systems model; Bistability;

Imitation and evolutionary stability of poverty traps,
Edgar Sánchez Carrera, in Journal of Bioeconomics (2012)
Keywords: Evolutionary and population games, Imitation rule, Poverty traps, Replicator dynamics, C70, C72, C73, D85, I32, O12, Z13,

Education and the Poverty Trap in Rural China,
John Knight, Shi Li and Deng Quheng, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: Education; school enrolment; quality of education; poverty; poverty trap; vicious circle; virtuous circle; cumulative causation; credit constraint; China

A Case Study of Farmers’ Behavioral Motivation Mechanisms to Crack the Fractal Multidimensional Relative Poverty Trap in Shaanxi, China,
Yao Zhang and Jianjun Huai, in Agriculture (2023)
Keywords: multidimensional relative poverty; poverty trap; behavior motivation

Leaving no one behind: Urban poverty traps in Sub-Saharan Africa,
Teresa Janz, Britta Augsburg, Franziska Gassmann and Zina Nimeh, in World Development (2023)
Keywords: Urban poverty; Poverty trap; Sub-Saharan Africa; Consumption floor;

How strong is the evidence for the existence of poverty traps? A multi country assessment,
Andy McKay and Emilie Perge, from Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School (2011)
Keywords: poverty traps, assets, chronic poverty, parametric and non-parametric tests

Assets and Poverty Traps in Rural Bangladesh,
Agnes Quisumbing and Bob Baulch, from eSocialSciences (2009)
Keywords: Asset dynamics, poverty traps, Bangladesh, land, non land asests, stock, non-parametric, parametric methods, longitudinal survey, Rural Bangladesh, Bangladesh, asset

Multidimensional Poverty and Interlocking Poverty Traps: Framework and Application to Ethiopian Household Panel Data,
Stephen Smith and Sungil Kwak, from The George Washington University, Institute for International Economic Policy (2011)
Keywords: Poverty, poverty trap, Ethiopia, multidimensional poverty, interlocking poverty, regional poverty, literacy, undernutrition, asset dynamics

Recurrent Shocks, Poverty Traps, and the Degradationof the Social Capital Base of Pastoralism: A Case Study from Southern Ethiopia,
Wassie Berhanu and Bichaka Fayissa, from Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Economics and Finance (2009)
Keywords: Shocks; Poverty Trap; Pastoralism; Social Capital; Ethiopia

Coordination Failures, Poverty Traps, "Big Push" Policy and Entrepreneurship: A Critical View,
Bogdan Glavan, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: coordination failure, poverty trap, industrial policy, market system

Poverty traps in a frictionless world: The effects of learning and technology assimilation,
Santiago M. López, José Molero and Francisco J. Santos-Arteaga, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2011)
Keywords: Poverty trap Learning Technology assimilation Divergence Technological development

Poverty, Educational Failure and the Child-Labour Trap: The Indian Experience,
Joydeb Sasmal and Jorge Guillén, in Global Business Review (2015)
Keywords: Poverty; illiteracy; unskilled worker; low wage; child-labour trap

Growth and Irreversible Pollution: Are Emission Permits a Means of Avoiding Environmental and Poverty Traps?,
Fabien Prieur, Alain Jean-Marie and Mabel Tidball, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: overlapping generations,environmental and poverty traps,irreversible pollution,emission permits

Calorie and Micronutrient Deprivation and Poverty Nutrition Traps in Rural India,
Raghbendra Jha, Raghav Gaiha and Anurag Sharma, in World Development (2009)
Keywords: calorie and micronutrient deprivation poverty nutrition trap Heckman models Asia: India

Usury, Market Power and Poverty Traps: A Study of Rural Credit in 1930s¡¯ China,
Zhiwu Chen, Kaixiang Peng and Weipeng Yuan, in Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities (2018)
Keywords: usury; rural credit; monopoly power; poverty trap; tenancy

Dual Poverty Trap: Intra- and Intergenerational Linkages in Frictional Labor Markets,
Ryo Horii and Masaru Sasaki, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: overlapping generations model; education; poverty trap; job search; coordination failure

Reliving the 1950s: the big push, poverty traps, and takeoffs in economic development,
William Easterly, in Journal of Economic Growth (2006)
Keywords: Poverty trap, Economic development, Economic growth, Foreign aid,

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