124612 documents matched the search for Panel Unit Root Tests in titles and keywords.
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On the interpretation of panel unit root tests, Mohammad Pesaran,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Unit root tests; Panels; Statistical significance;
A note on the use of the LLC panel unit root test, Joakim Westerlund,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Panel data, Unit root test,
Panel Unit Root Tests and the Specification of Cross-sectional Dependence, Andrea Cerasa,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Panel unit root tests
Panel Unit Root Tests under Cross- sectional Dependence, Samarjit Das and Jörg Breitung,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Panel Unit root tests
What would Nelson and Plosser find had they used panel unit root tests?, Christophe Hurlin,
from HAL
Keywords: Panel unit root tests
What would Nelson and Plosser find had they used panel unit root tests?, Christophe Hurlin,
from HAL
Keywords: Panel Unit Root Tests
Optimal panel unit root testing with covariates, Artūras Juodis and Joakim Westerlund,
in The Econometrics Journal
Keywords: panel data, unit root test, Gaussian power envelope, covariates
Panel versus GARCH information in unit root testing with an application to financial markets, Joakim Westerlund and Paresh Narayan,
in Economic Modelling
Keywords: Panel data; Unit root tests; GARCH;
An Improved Panel Unit Root Test Using GLS-Detrending, Claude Lopez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: DF-GLS test, Panel unit root
Convergence in International Output: Evidence from Panel Data Unit Root Tests, Mark Holmes,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: Unit Root Testing; Panel Data; Convergence
HTUNIT: RATS procedure to implement Harris-Tzavalis unit root test for panel data, Tom Doan,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Unit root tests for panel data
IPSHIN: RATS procedure to implement Im, Pesaran and Shin panel unit root test, Tom Doan,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Unit root tests for panel data
Multivariate unit root tests, Renato Flôres, Pierre-Yves Preumont and Ariane Szafarz,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: unit root; multivariate test; stationarity; panel data
Panel unit-root tests for heteroskedastic panels, Helmut Herwartz, Simone Maxand, Fabian H. C. Raters and Yabibal Walle,
in Stata Journal
Keywords: xtpurt, xtunitroot, panel unit-root tests, nonstationary volatility, cross-sectional dependence, inflation
BREITUNG: RATS procedure to perform Breitung test for unit roots in panel data, Tom Doan,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root test
Panel LM unit root tests with level and trend shifts, Junsoo Lee and Margie Tieslau,
in Economic Modelling
Keywords: Panel unit root tests; LM test; Structural breaks; Trend breaks;
A Panel Unit Root Test with Good Power in Small Samples, Claude Lopez,
in Econometric Reviews
Keywords: Bootstrap test, GLS-detrending, Panel unit root test,
Performance of unit root tests in unbalanced panels: experimental evidence, Verena Werkmann,
in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
Keywords: Panel unit root test, Cross-sectional dependence, Unbalanced panels,
Missing Values in Panel Data Unit Root Tests, Yiannis Karavias, Elias Tzavalis and Haotian Zhang,
in Econometrics
Keywords: panel unit root tests; local power function; missing values; bias correction; unbalanced panel; structural breaks
Beyond Panel Unit Root Tests: Using Multiple Testing to Determine the Non Stationarity Properties of Individual Series in a Panel, Hyungsik Moon and Benoit Perron,
Keywords: False discovery rate, multiple testing, unit root tests, panel data.,
Beyond Panel Unit Root Tests: Using Multiple Testing to Determine the Non Stationarity Properties of Individual Series in a Panel, Hyungsik Moon and Benoit Perron,
from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques
Keywords: False discovery rate, Multiple testing, unit root tests, panel data
Beyond Panel Unit Root Tests: Using Multiple Testing to Determine the Non-Stationarity Properties of Individual Series in a Panel, Hyungsik Moon and Benoit Perron,
from Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative, CIREQ
Keywords: False discovery rate, Multiple testing, unit root tests, panel data
The effect of recursive detrending on panel unit root tests, Joakim Westerlund,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Unit root test; Panel data; Deterministic trend; Polynomial trend function; Recursive detrending;
Heteroskedasticity-robust unit root testing for trending panels, Helmut Herwartz, Simone Maxand and Yabibal Walle,
from University of Goettingen, Department of Economics
Keywords: panel unit root tests, nonstationary volatility, cross-sectional dependence, near epoch dependence, energy use per capita
Panel Unit Root Tests and Spatial Dependence, Badi Baltagi, Georges Bresson and Alain Pirotte,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Nonstationarity, panel data, spatial dependence, cross-section correlation, unit root tests
Myths and Facts about Panel Unit Root Tests, Joakim Westerlund and Jörg Breitung,
from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: Non-stationary panel data; Unit root tests; Cross-section dependence; Multidimensional limits
Asymptotically UMP Panel Unit Root Tests, I.G. Becheri, Feike C. Drost and R. van den Akker,
from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research
Keywords: panel unit root test; Local Asymptotic Normality; limit experiment; asymptotic power envelope; information loss
Pooled Unit Root Tests in Panels with a Common Factor, Joakim Westerlund,
from Lund University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Pooled Unit Root Tests; Panel Data; Common Factor; Cross-Sectional Dependence; Monte Carlo Simulation.
Heteroskedasticity robust panel unit root tests, Joakim Westerlund,
from Deakin University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Unit root test, Panel data, Unconditional heteroskedasticity, GARCH, Crosssection dependence, Common factors
Panel Seasonal Unit Root Test With An Application for Unemployment Data, Hans-Eggert Reimers and Christian Dreger,
from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
Keywords: Panel seasonal unit root test, IPS-approach, Unemployment data
Sampling at different frequencies, and the power of panel unit root tests, Luciano Gutierrez,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Sampling frequency Empirical power Panel unit root tests
Cross-sectional dependence robust block bootstrap panel unit root tests, Franz Palm, Stephan Smeekes and Jean-Pierre Urbain,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Block bootstrap Panel unit root test Cross-sectional dependence
A Nonlinear Panel Unit Root Test under Cross Section Dependence, Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti, Rolf Larsson and Nicholas Sarantis,
from Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE)
Keywords: Nonlinear panel unit root tests, cross sectional dependence,
New Panel Unit Root Tests under Cross Section Dependence for Practitioners, Donggyu Sul,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: recursive detrending, panel unit root tests, cross section dependence
Persistence in Corporate Performance? Empirical Evidence from Panel Unit Root Tests, Jan Bentzen, Erik Madsen, Valdemar Smith and Mogens Dilling-Hansen,
in Empirica
Keywords: Corporate performance, persistence in profits, panel unit root tests, C3, L2,
Dynamic Factor Extraction of Cross-Sectional Dependence in Panel Unit Root Tests, George Kapetanios,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Panel unit root tests, Factor models, Subspace algorithms
Persistence in Corporate Performance? - Empirical Evidence from Panel Unit Root Tests, Jan Bentzen, Erik Madsen, Valdemar Smith and Mogens Dilling-Hansen,
from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics
Keywords: Corporate performance; Persistence in profits; Panel unit root tests
Testing for a Unit Root in a Random Coefficient Panel Data Model, Joakim Westerlund and Rolf Larsson,
from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root test; Random coefficient autoregressive model
Pooled panel unit root tests and the effect of past initialization, Joakim Westerlund,
from Deakin University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root test, Initial value, Local asymptotic power
A Nonlinear Panel Unit Root Test under Cross Section Dependence, Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti and Nick Sarantis,
from Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow
Keywords: Nonlinear panel unit root tests, cross sectional dependence.
A Nonlinear Panel Unit Root Test under Cross Section Dependence, Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti, Rolf Larsson and Nick Sarantis,
from Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow
Keywords: Nonlinear panel unit root tests, cross sectional dependence.
A nonlinear panel unit root test under cross section dependence, Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti, Rolf Larsson and Nicholas Sarantis,
from Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow
Keywords: Nonlinear panel unit root tests, cross sectional dependence.
Is energy consumption per capita stationary? Evidence from first and second generation panel unit root tests, Muhammad Shahbaz, Aviral Tiwari and Saleheen Khan,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Energy Consumption, Panel Unit Root Tests
Using Panel Data to Construct Simple and Efficient Unit Root Tests in the Presence of GARCH, Joakim Westerlund and Paresh Narayan,
from University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel Data; Unit Root Tests; GARCH
Is Energy Consumption Per Capita Stationary? Evidence from First and Second Generation Panel Unit Root Tests, Muhammad Shahbaz, Aviral Tiwari and Saleheen Khan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Energy Consumption, Panel Unit Root Test
Panel-CADF Testing with R: Panel Unit Root Tests Made Easy, Claudio Lupi,
from University of Molise, Department of Economics
Keywords: panel data, unit root, R
LEVINLIN: RATS procedure to perform Levin-Lin-Chu test for unit roots in panel data, Tom Doan,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root test
Incidental Trends and the Power of Panel Unit Root Tests, Hyungsik Moon, Benoit Perron and Peter Phillips,
from Institute of Economic Policy Research (IEPR)
Keywords: Asymptotic power envelope, common point optimal test, heterogeneous alternatives, incidental trends, local to unity, power function, panel unit root test
Incidental Trends and the Power of Panel Unit Root Tests, Hyungsik Moon, Benoit Perron and Peter Phillips,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Asymptotic power envelope, Common point optimal test, Heterogeneous alternatives, Incidental trends, Local to unity, Power function, Panel unit root test
Incidental Trends and the Power of Panel Unit Root Tests, Peter Phillips, Hyungsik Moon and Benoit Perron,
from Yale School of Management
Keywords: Asymptotic power envelope, common point, optimal test, heterogeneous alternatives, incidental trends, local to unity, power function, panel unit root test
Examination of Unemployment in the Framework of Hysteresis and Natural Rate in OECD Countries: Evidence from Alternative Panel Unit Root Tests, Melike Dedeoglu,
in EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics
Keywords: Unemployment Hysteresis, Natural Unemployment Rate, Panel Unit Root Test, Fourier Panel Unit Root Test, OECD, Covid-19
Testing for unit root in nonlinear heterogeneous panels, Nuri Ucar and Tolga Omay,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Nonlinear Panel unit root Sieve bootstrap
HADRI: RATS procedure to implement Hadri test for unit roots in panel data, Tom Doan,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Unit root tests for panel data
Small sample properties of CIPS panel unit root test under conditional and unconditional heteroscedasticity, Yoshihiro Hashiguchi and Shigeyuki Hamori,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: panel unit root test; CIPS test; heteroskedasticity; cross-section dependence
Small sample properties of CIPS panel unit root test under conditional and unconditional heteroskedasticity, Shigeyuki Hamori and Yoshihiro Hashiguchi,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: panel unit root test, CIPS test, heteroskedasticity, cross-section dependence
Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Tests and the Great Moderation, Christoph Hanck,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Nonstationary Volatility; Multiple Testing; Panel Unit Root Test; Cross-Sectional Dependence
Covariate Unit Root Test for Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Data, Eiji Kurozumi, Daisuke Yamazaki and Kaddour Hadri,
from Queen's Management School, Queen's University Belfast
Keywords: Covariate unit root test, Cross-sectional dependence in panel data, Point optimal test, Squared correlation, Power
Covariate Unit Root Test for Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Data, Eiji Kurozumi, Daisuke Yamazaki and Kaddour Hadri,
from Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: covariate unit root test, cross-sectional dependence in panel data, point optimal test, squared correlation, power
A modified LLC panel unit root test of the PPP hypothesis, Joakim Westerlund and Johan Blomquist,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Non-stationary panel data, Panel unit root test, Purchasing power parity, Cross-section dependence,
A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross Section Dependence, Mohammad Pesaran,
from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
Keywords: panel unit root tests, cross-section dependence, heterogeneous dynamic panels, finite sample properties
Panel unit root tests under cross section dependence with recursive mean adjustment, Donggyu Sul,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Recursive detrending Dynamic factors Panel unit root test Covariate unit root test Cross section dependence
Are fluctuations in natural gas consumption per capita transitory? Evidence from time series and panel unit root tests, Muhammad Shahbaz, Naceur Khraief, Mantu Mahalik and Khair Uz Zaman,
in Energy
Keywords: Natural gas; Univariate unit root tests; The first and second generation panel data unit root tests;
Non-Sationarity in the Consumption-Income Ratio: Further Evidence from Panel and Assymetric Unit Root Tests, Dimitris Christopoulos and Mike Tsionas,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Consumption-Income Ratio Panel Unit Root Tests Assymetric Unit Root Tests TAR Models
Some cautions on the use of nonlinear panel unit root tests: Evidence from a modified series-specific non-linear panel unit-root test, Chi Keung Lau, Farrukh Suvankulov, Yongyang Su and Frankie Chau,
in Economic Modelling
Keywords: Monte Carlo Simulation; Panel non-linear panel unit root test; Real exchange rate; ASEAN countries;
Testing Income Convergence: Evidence from Indian States Using Panel Linear and Nonlinear Unit Root Tests, Mamoni Kalita and Aviral Tiwari,
in Economic Research Guardian
Keywords: Convergence, Indian states, Nonlinear panel unit root test
An Improved Panel Unit Root Test Using GLS-Detrending, Claude Lopez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: DF-GLS, panel unit root
Convergence Hypothesis: Evidence from Panel Unit Root Test with Spatial Dependence, Lezheng Liu and Isabel Ruiz,
in Revista Ecos de Economía
Keywords: Convergence Hypothesis; Panel Unit Root Test; Spatial Dependence; Hipótesis de convergencia; Test de raíces unitarias de panel; Dependencia espacial
A Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration Test of the Modeling International Tourism Demand in India, Chukiat Chaiboonsri, Prasert Chaitip and N. Rangaswamy,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: India; tourism demand, Panel Unit Root Test, Panel Cointergration Test, Long-run relationship
The effects of variance breaks on homogenous panel unit root tests, Helmut Herwartz and Florian Siedenburg,
from Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root tests, variance breaks, cross sectional dependence, Fisher hypothesis
Testing for a unit root in a random coefficient panel data model, Joakim Westerlund and Rolf Larsson,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Panel unit root test; Random coefficient autoregressive model; Local asymptotic power;
New tools for understanding the local asymptotic power of panel unit root tests, Joakim Westerlund and Rolf Larsson,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Panel unit root test; Local asymptotic power; Infinite-order approximation; Moment expansion;
Nonlinear trends in real exchange rates: A panel unit root test approach, David Cushman and Nils Michael,
in Journal of International Money and Finance
Keywords: Real exchange rates; Nonlinear-trend stationarity; Panel unit root tests; Purchasing power parity;
Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Tests and the Great Moderation, Christoph Hanck and Robert Czudaj,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: panel unit root test, nonstationary volatility, cross-sectional dependence, GDP stationarity, inflation stationarity
Purchasing power parity in ASEAN+3: an application of panel unit root tests, Boršič Darja and Bekő Jani,
in Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics
Keywords: ASEAN+3, EUR, panel unit root tests, purchasing power parity, real exchange rates, USD
Panel Unit Root Tests in the Presence of Cross-Sectional Dependency and Heterogeneity, Yoosoon Chang and Wonho Song,
from International Conferences on Panel Data
Keywords: Panels with cross-sectional dependency and heterogeneity, unit root test, cointegration, covariate, nonlinear instrument, order statistics
Taking a New Contour: A Novel Approach to Panel Unit Root Tests, Yoosoon Chang,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Panel unit root test, nonlinear IV methodology, equi-squared-sum contour, bootstrap, Cauchy estimator, order statistics.
Taking a new contour: A novel approach to panel unit root tests, Yoosoon Chang,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Panel unit root test; Nonlinear IV methodology; Equi-squared-sum contour; Bootstrap; Cauchy estimator;
Panel unit root tests in the presence of a multifactor error structure, Mohammad Pesaran, L. Vanessa Smith and Takashi Yamagata,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Panel unit root tests; Cross section dependence; Multifactor error structure; Fisher inflation parity; Real equity prices;
Bootstrap Unit Root Tests in Panels with Cross-Sectional Dependency, Yoosoon Chang,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Panels with cross-sectional dependency, unit root tests, sieve bootstrap, AR approximation
The local power of the CADF and CIPS panel unit root tests, Joakim Westerlund, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack and Martin Solberger,
from Deakin University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root test, common factor model, cross-sectional averages, crosssectional dependence, local asymptotic power
A nonlinear panel unit root test under cross section dependence, Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti and Nick Sarantis,
from Centre d'Études des Politiques Économiques (EPEE), Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne
Keywords: Non-linear panel unit root tests, cross sectional dependence, Purchasing Power Parity
On The Panel Unit Root Tests Using Nonlinear Instrumental Variables, Kyung So Im and Mohammad Pesaran,
from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Non-linear Instrumental Variable (NIV) panel unit root tests, cross-section dependence, finite sample properties
Hysteresis Effect on Unemployment for Men and Women: A Panel Unit Root Test for OECD Countries, Selahattin Bekmez and Asli Ozpolat,
in International Journal of Financial Research
Keywords: hysteresis effect, unemployment, gender differentiation, Panel Unit Root Test
On Combining Evidence from Heteroskedasticity Robust Panel Unit Root Tests in Pooled Regressions, Martin C. Arnold and Christoph Hanck,
Keywords: panel unit root; inflation; nonstationary volatility; multiple testing
Robust panel unit root tests for cross-sectionally dependent multiple time series, Dong Wan Shin and Sangun Park,
in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Keywords: M-estimation Panel unit root test Purchasing power parity
Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary in the OECD Countries? Evidence from a Panel Unit Root Test, Ilhan Ozturk and Huseyin Kalyoncu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Real GDP per capita, Stationary, Panel Unit root tests, OECD
Purchasing Power Parity during Currency Crises: A Panel Unit Root Test under Structural Breaks, Jörg Breitung and Bertrand Candelon,
in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
Keywords: Panel data, unit root tests, structural breaks, PPP, currency crisis,
Total Factor Productivity Convergence among Italian Regions: Some Evidence from Panel Unit Root Tests, Joseph Byrne, Giorgio Fazio and Davide Piacentino,
in Regional Studies
Keywords: Total factor productivity, Regional convergence, Panel unit root tests,
Are Asian Per Capita GDP Stationary? Evidence from First and Second Generation Panel Unit Root Tests, Aviral Tiwari, Amrit Chaudhari and K. Suresh,
in Transition Studies Review
Keywords: Asia, Panel unit root tests, Per capita GDP, C23, C33,
A re-examination of real interest parity in CEECs using 'old' and 'new' second-generation panel unit root tests, Claudiu Albulescu, Dominique Pépin and Aviral Kumar Tiwaric,
from HAL
Keywords: CEECs, panel unit root tests, real interest parity
from HAL
Keywords: real interest parity,panel unit root tests,CEECs
from HAL
Keywords: CEECs,panel unit root tests,real interest parity
Is the consumption-income ratio stationary? Evidence from a nonlinear panel unit root test for OECD and non-OECD countries, Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti and Chris Stewart,
from Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow
Keywords: consumption-income ratio, heterogeneous panel nonlinear unit root test
Panel Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks, Pengyu Chen, Yiannis Karavias and Elias Tzavalis,
from Department of Economics, University of Birmingham
Keywords: Panel data, Unit root, Structural break, Banking, COVID–19, xtbunitroot
Panel unit-root tests with structural breaks, Pengyu Chen, Yiannis Karavias and Elias Tzavalis,
in Stata Journal
Keywords: xtbunitroot, panel data, unit root, structural break, banking, COVID-19
Second Generation Panel Unit Root Tests, Christophe Hurlin and Valérie Mignon,
from HAL
Keywords: Nonstationary panel data,unit root,heterogeneity,cross-sectional dependencies
Breaking trend panel unit root tests, Pui Sun Tam and University of Macau,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Panel unit root, structural breaks, response surface, bootstrap
Beyond panel unit root tests: Using multiple testing to determine the nonstationarity properties of individual series in a panel, Hyungsik Moon and Benoit Perron,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: False discovery rate; Multiple testing; Unit root tests; Panel data; Bootstrap;
Fisher hypothesis: East Asian evidence from panel unit root tests, Tai-Hu Ling, Venus Liew and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Fisher hypothesis; panel unit root; univariate unit root; East Asian
An intersection test for panel unit roots, Christoph Hanck,
from Technische Universität Dortmund, Sonderforschungsbereich 475: Komplexitätsreduktion in multivariaten Datenstrukturen
Keywords: Multiple Testing, Panel Unit Root Test, Cross-Sectional Dependence