Hansa regained?,
Phil Goodwin,
in Transport Policy
Trade persistence and trader identity - evidence from the demise of the Hanseatic League,
Max Marczinek, Stephan Maurer and Ferdinand Rauch,
from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
Keywords: Hanseatic League, Hansa, gravity
Trade Persistence and Trader Identity - Evidence from the Demise of the Hanseatic League,
Max Marczinek, Stephan Maurer and Ferdinand Rauch,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Hanseatic league; Hansa; Gravity
Trade persistence and trader identity - evidence from the demise of the Hanseatic League,
Max Marczinek, Stephan Maurer and Ferdinand Rauch,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Hanseatic League; Hansa; gravity
Trade Persistence and Trader Identity - Evidence from the Demise of the Hanseatic League,
Max Marczinek, Stephan Maurer and Ferdinand Rauch,
from Department of Economics, University of Konstanz
Keywords: Hanseatic League, Hansa, Gravity
The German Hansa and Bergen, 1100--1600,
Carsten Jahnke,
in Scandinavian Economic History Review
The Hansa and the European Community of Coal and Steel,
William L. Winter,
in American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Trade and Integration Processes in Medieval Livonia in the 13th Century. General Trends and Historical Parallels,
Ivelin Ivanov,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: medieval Livonia, medieval Hansa, medieval trade
Scamming and the Reputation of Drug Dealers on Darknet Markets,
Romain Espinosa,
from HAL
Keywords: Darknet markets,Hansa,e-reputation,scamming,drug price,honesty
Scamming and the reputation of drug dealers on Darknet Markets,
Romain Espinosa,
in International Journal of Industrial Organization
Keywords: Darknet Markets; Hansa; e-reputation; Scamming; Drug price; Trust;
Credible commitment and cartel: the case of the Hansa merchant in the guild of late medieval Tallin,
Kaire Põder,
in Baltic Journal of Economics
Keywords: economic history, credible commitment, analytic narratives, reputation mechanism, Hanseatic League
Hansa vs Habsburg: Debt, Deficits and the Entry of Accession Countries into the Euro,
Andrew Hughes Hallett and John Lewis,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Fiscal policy; Convergence; Debt; Monetary union; Subsidarity
På resa i Försäkringsland: en rapport från Trygg-Hansa/SEB,
Mikael Gidhagen,
from Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies
Keywords: Marknadsföring Försäkringar ; Insurance marketing
Handbuchder Werften 1950. Hrsg. von der,,Hansa", Zentralorgan für Schiffahrt, Schiffbau, Hafen. Hamburg 11, 8°, 272 S. u. 141 S. Anzeigenteil (Schiffahrtsverlag „Hansa" C. Sdiroedter u. Co.), 1950,
Pfister Bernhard,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Dokumentation zur Organizationsgeschichte des Hansa-Bundes. Edited by Gert Kollmer. Quellensammlung zur Geschichte der deutschen Sozialpolitik 1867 bis 1914, Vol. I.1.3. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1979. Pp. 39. DM 14.80,
Steven B. Webb,
in The Journal of Economic History
Lebendiges Europa: Ist eine neue Hansa im Kommen? Dipl. rer. pol. Helmut Schmidt, Hamburg, interviewt Hamburger Persönlichkeiten über eine Zusammenarbeit der kontinentalen Nordseehäfen,
Helmut Schmidt, Karl Schiller, E. Plate and U. Scharlibbe,
in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007)