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Corporate Governance in Banking Industry: A Case of Indian Banking Sector Pre and Post COVID-19,
Neha Puri and Vikas Garg, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Coronavirus , Small and Medium sized Business , SME, Risk Management, Keynesian Theory of Business Cycle, Social-Ecological Theory, Social Cognitive Theory , Nigeria, EU Artificial Intelligence Act, European Union , Artificial Intelligence, Labour relation, Fintech, Business Model, Economic Growth, Regulators, Policy Makers, Business, Corporate , Finance, AI, T-Shaped Teams, Al Janabi Model, Algorithms, Commodity, Crisis, Liquidity Risk, Internet of Things (IoT), Liquidity-Adjusted Value-at-Risk, Reinforcement Machine Learning, Optimization, Portfolio Management,

The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on SMEs and Their Risk Management and Survival Strategies: Evidence from Nigeria,
Ignatius Ekanem and Dolapo Lawrence, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Coronavirus , Small and Medium sized Business , SME, Risk Management, Keynesian Theory of Business Cycle, Social-Ecological Theory, Social Cognitive Theory , Nigeria, EU Artificial Intelligence Act, European Union , Artificial Intelligence, Labour relation, Fintech, Business Model, Economic Growth, Regulators, Policy Makers, Business, Corporate , Finance, AI, T-Shaped Teams, Al Janabi Model, Algorithms, Commodity, Crisis, Liquidity Risk, Internet of Things (IoT), Liquidity-Adjusted Value-at-Risk, Reinforcement Machine Learning, Optimization, Portfolio Management,

Artificial Intelligence, T-Shaped Teams, and Risk Management Post COVID-19 and Beyond,
Linh Tu Ho and Christopher Gan, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Coronavirus , Small and Medium sized Business , SME, Risk Management, Keynesian Theory of Business Cycle, Social-Ecological Theory, Social Cognitive Theory , Nigeria, EU Artificial Intelligence Act, European Union , Artificial Intelligence, Labour relation, Fintech, Business Model, Economic Growth, Regulators, Policy Makers, Business, Corporate , Finance, AI, T-Shaped Teams, Al Janabi Model, Algorithms, Commodity, Crisis, Liquidity Risk, Internet of Things (IoT), Liquidity-Adjusted Value-at-Risk, Reinforcement Machine Learning, Optimization, Portfolio Management,

Finance with a Purpose:FinTech, Development and Financial Inclusion in the Global Economy,
Frederic de Mariz, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2022)
Keywords: Open banking, Microfinance, Financial inclusion, Private Equity, FinTech, Bigtech, Two-Sided Platforms, Bank Branches, Banking, Insurance, Investment, Asset Management, Credit, Robo-Advisor, DFI, Development Finance, Multilateral, ESG, Sustainability, Green bonds, TCFD, Regulation, Cybercrime, Innovation, Risk Management, Innovation, Disruption, Sandbox, Superapp, Platform, Nubank, Inter, Pagseguro, Compartamos, Yunus, Stiglitz, Rawls, Banerjee, Duflo, Bernanke, Demirguc-Kunt, Tirole, Aghion, World Bank, CGAP, IMF, Bank of England, European Union, EU Commission, Federal Reserve, Central Bank of Brazil, Impact, Impact Metrics, SASB, Materiality, BIS

Corporate Risk Management after the COVID-19 Crisis,
Suman Lodh and Monomita Nandy, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Coronavirus , Small and Medium sized Business , SME, Risk Management, Keynesian Theory of Business Cycle, Social-Ecological Theory, Social Cognitive Theory , Nigeria, EU Artificial Intelligence Act, European Union , Artificial Intelligence, Labour relation, Fintech, Business Model, Economic Growth, Regulators, Policy Makers, Business, Corporate , Finance, AI, T-Shaped Teams, Al Janabi Model, Algorithms, Commodity, Crisis, Liquidity Risk, Internet of Things (IoT), Liquidity-Adjusted Value-at-Risk, Reinforcement Machine Learning, Optimization, Portfolio Management

EU Integrated Maritime Policy and multilevel governance Abstract: Marine and coastal environment are under pressure from several pollution sources. Most of the environmental law was developed on a sectoral basis and does not reflect the interdependence of the various issues and their solutions. Since the adoption of Blue Book, EU legislation to protect the marine environment has been progressively implemented in many relevant areas: Fisheries, Shipping, Tourism, energy, etc. The Integrated Maritime Policy covers several cross-cutting policies, more specifically blue growth, marine data and knowledge, maritime spatial planning, integrated maritime surveillance, and sea basin strategies. Oceans and sea are influenced by many activities, interests and policies and are interlinked. A holistic, integrated approach is the best way to handle maritime affairs, with States cooperation not only on an EU States basis but also with third States and International Organizations. International Organizations provide an essential forum for international cooperation in relation to environmental issues. In this context they have two important roles to play: environmental policy-making and the development of international environmental law,
Fátima Castro Moreira and Bárbara Magalhães Bravo, in Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law (2019)
Keywords: marine environment protection; ocean governance; integrated maritime Policy; maritime spatial planning.

ESTIMATION OF TAX BASE IN PERSONAL INCOME TAX AS A FORM OF SUPPORT FOR AGRICULTURE IN GERMANY Abstract: Taxes in most EU countries are designed to financially support farms through lower tax rates. The preferential tax allowances and exemptions motivate farmers to undertake specific activities, in accordance with the main objectives of the agricultural policy. As a result of such activities, the agricultural sector receives additional support, which officially is not subject to public control, at the same time contributing to a considerable burden of EU budgets. The aim of the article is to evaluate the selected tax expenditures addressed to farmers, contained in the German personal income tax. The paper is an attempt to answer the question, whether the method for estimating income from agricultural production used in the German personal income tax law has an impact on reducing tax burdens of farm owners and what the consequences are for the agricultural sector, especially in the area of changes in the area structure of farms,
Renata Budlewska and Ryta Dziemianowicz, in EcoForum (2015)
Keywords: taxation of agriculture, income tax, estimating tax base, tax expenditures, area structure

How Does the Economic-Financial Crisis Affect Our Education? Study on EU-28 CountriesAbstract:During the last global financial crisis, the unemployment rate grew significantly, reaching dramatic accents among youth. Unemployment phenomenon hit various segments of population with different levels of education, but especially those without an upper secondary education. This paper examines how the latest global financial crisis has influenced major developments in education and training, using, on the one hand, indicators that reflect the general economic picture in EU countries, and, on the other hand, indicators that reflect aspects of the education sector. Also, the paper analyzes the relationship between financial and the non-financial sides of education and training sector. The following indicators were included in the analysis: Participation rate in education, Early leavers from education and training, Total public expenditure on education, General Government Deficit,
Simona Ghita, Emilia Titan and Cristina Boboc, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

Bulgarian perspectives on the abuse of rights in lights of the Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions Abstract: The subject matter of this research is the abuse of rights in context of the late payment in commercial transaction. The abuse of rights as a law concept is well known in continental law families dates back to ancient Roman law. Considering the vision of the Directive 2011/7/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 on combating late payment in commercial transaction the Bulgarian legislation offers a new point of view of that concept which is currently been discussed in this article as a new law concept. That point of view has been considered by the author as an abuse of interests instead of abuse of rights. That vision was legislative introduced by the provisions of Art. 303a, paragraph 1-2 BCA and Art. 309a, paragraph 3 BCA in response to the requirement of acquis communautaire. As well as the abuse of interests is considered as a new law concept there is a necessity of a clear explanation of that notion and criteria for distinguish it from the old concept of the abuse of rights,
Zhana Koleva, in Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law (2019) Downloads

BOOK REVIEW. Iordan Gheorghe BĂRBULESCU, Oana Andreea ION and Nicolae TODERAŞ. 2013. “Coordonarea afacerilor europene la nivel naţional. Mecanisme de colaborare între Guvern şi Parlament în domeniul afacerilor europene. Studiu comparativ în statele membre UE (Coordination of European Affairs at National Level. Mechanisms of Cooperation between the Government and the Parliament in European Affairs. Comparative Study in the EU Member States). Strategy and Policy Studies – SPOS (Study no. 2). Bucharest: IER – The European Institute of Romania,
Ioan Horga, in Europolity – Continuity and Change in European Governance - New Series (2013) Downloads

The Health Component of the Human Capital and the Economic Output "Abstract: The paper has the aim to explore the relationship between health, as human capital component, not very much investigated so far, and the macroeconomic results. It is analyzed the relationship between the evolution of GDP and statistical indicators reflecting the investment in health, the health status of the population and the resource indicators in the EU Member States. The main conclusions of the study reveal a positive correlation between these indicators, except the health expenditure as percentage of GDP and number of hospitals beds at 100.000 inhabitants.",
Olimpia Neagu, in Review of Economic and Business Studies (2011)
Keywords: human capital, health status, economic results

The Impact of Research and Innovation Activity in a Knowledge SocietyAbstract:The knowledge society is the stage where mankind is found and aims to raise the living standards of population but also to increase the level of knowledge. To achieve this latter goal, the states of the world, and especially those in the European Union, must ensure an adequate funding for its realization, and therefore in 2011 it was decided at EU level the achievement of an Innovation Union, in which are to be involved all the European countries, while to stimulate and finance research and innovation the Horizon 2020 program was proposed,
Mircea-Iosif Rus, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

ROMANIAN ECONOMIC PROGRAMS AND STRATEGIES FROM THE EU INTEGRATION PERSPECTIVEAbstract: Competition Policy is - by its two components: in a specific language known as "antitrust" and state aid - a barometer of market operation, a component of a functional market economy. Although this chapter makes no direct reference to macroeconomic indicators, the promoted policy is defined by discipline, the behavior of economic actors in the market. The success of the competition policy is reflected in the existence of a strong cultural competition expressed at the level of the economic operators by respecting the game rules set by the legislation,
Claudiu Valentin Nitu, Cosmin Tileaga and Oana Nitu, in HOLISTICA Journal of Business and Public Administration (2013)
Keywords: competition policy, strategies, markets

Auswertung von Daten des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems zur Abschätzung der EU-Agrarreform auf Umwelt und Landschaft: Bericht für das F+E-Vorhaben 'Naturschutzfachliche Bewertung der GAP-Effizienzsteigerung durch Nutzung bestehender Datenbestände', gefördert durch das Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit,
Bernhard Osterburg, Heike Nitsch, Birgit Laggner and Wolfgang Roggendorf, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2009)
Keywords: Agrarreform, InVeKoS-Daten, Flächennutzung, Grünland : Naturschutz, Agricultural reform, IACS-data, land use, grassland, nature conservation

Auswertung von Daten des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems zur Abschätzung der EU-Agrarreform auf Umwelt und Landschaft: Bericht für das F+E-Vorhaben 'Naturschutzfachliche Bewertung der GAP-Effizienzsteigerung durch Nutzung bestehender Datenbestände', gefördert durch das Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit,
Bernhard Osterburg, Heike Nitsch, Birgit Laggner and Wolfgang Roggendorf, from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (2009)
Keywords: Agrarreform, InVeKoS-Daten, Flächennutzung, Grünland, Naturschutz, Agricultural reform, IACS-data, land use, grassland, nature conservation

La nouvelle signification de la notion de domicile commun des epoux utilisee dans l'art. 20 de la loi 105/1992 dans le contexte de l’integration de la roumanie dans l'union europeenne [The new meaning of the concept of “The Common Domicile of the Spouses” (used in article 20 of Law NO. 105 of 1992) in the context of Romania’s E.U. accession],
Nadia Cerasela Dariescu and Cosmin Dariescu, in Jurnalul de Studii Juridice (2009)
Keywords: the personal and patrimonial relations between spouses; Article 20 paragraph 1 of Law no. 105 of 1992 on the Settlement of the Private International Law; common domicile.

E.G. Carayannis, D. Assimakopoulos and M. Kondo, Editors, Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters: Findings and Insights from the US, EU and Japan, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS, England (2008) 432 pp., £64.00, Hardcover, ISBN: 9781403942456. E.G. Carayannis and P. Formica, Editors, Knowledge Matters: Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS, England (2008) 288 pp., £58.00, Hardcover, ISBN: 9781403998729,
Odile E.M. Janne, in Research Policy (2009) Downloads

This article provides an overview of the EU member states from the perspective of taxation vs. economic performance. By correlating the level of applicable taxes in each state with the values of macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP and GDP per capita, as well as the sovereign rating provided by the most important rating agencies, an interesting general picture can be obtained of how government fiscal policies interfere with economic growth or vice versa,
Ana Maria Necula, in The Valuation Journal (2022)

Wages in the United Kingdom: Has There Been a Shift in the Phillips Curve? (Les salaires au Royaume-Uni: y a-t-il eu un déplacement de la courbe de Phillips?) (Los salarios en el Reino Unido: ¿Ha habido un desplazamiento en la curva de Phillips?),
Anne Romanis Braun, in IMF Staff Papers (1971) Downloads

Alternative Hypotheses about the Excess Return on Dollar Assets, 1980-84 (Hypothèses formulées pour expliquer la rentabilité excédentaire des actifs libellés en dollars E.U., 1980-84) (Distintas hipótesis acerca del rendimiento extraordinario de los activos en dólares de 1980 a 1984),
Eduardo R. Borensztein, in IMF Staff Papers (1987) Downloads

Robustness of Various Capacity Mechanisms to Regulatory Errors Abstract: In the EU, several governments have introduced or are contemplating a capacity mechanism to ensure adequate investment in generation capacity. Previous research has focused on the impacts of capacity mechanisms on installed capacity and cost to consumers in case of efficient regulation. By contrast we find that the choice between capacity mechanisms may be influenced by the extent of regulatory errors as well as whether the mechanisms evaluated from the perspective of consumer cost or from a welfare perspective,
Christian Winzer, from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge (2013)
Keywords: Electricity Market Investment, Capacity Mechanism, Strategic Reserve, Reliability Contract, Capacity Payment,Regulatory Inefficiency

A regional perspective to achieve the future climate regime: a long-term analysis with the TIAM-FR model,
Sandrine Selosse and Nadia Maizi, from EcoMod (2014)
Keywords: We study the world energy system under a disaggregation in 15 regions : Africa (AFR), Australia-New Zealand (AUS), Canada (CAN), China (includes Hong Kong, excludes Chinese Taipei; CHI), Central and South America (CSA), Eastern Europe (EEU), Former Soviet Union (includes the Baltic states, FSU), India (IND), Japan (JPN), Mexico (MEX), Middle-East (includes Turkey; MEA), Other Developing Asia (includes Chinese Taipei and Pacific Islands; ODA), South Korea (SKO), United States of America (USA) and Western Europe (EU-15, Iceland, Malta, Norway and Switzerland; WEU). Some results are discussed considering 3 groups of countries: Industrialized, Fast developing countries and developing countries. , Impact and scenario analysis, Energy and environmental policy

The Rollout of the Multilevel Governance System: A Source of Reworking the Contingent Valuation Method?,
Philippe Bance and Angelique Chassy, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Rollout Individual Preferences,Public Policy Evaluation,Joint Production of Public Goods,Contingent Valuation Method EU (European Union),Multilevel Governance,Monetization,Agreement to Pay,Public Decision Making,Implementación,Gobernanza Multinivel,Francia Valuación,Producción Conjunta de Bienes Públicos,Método de Valuación Contingente,CVM,Preferencias Individuales,Monetización,Disposición de Pago,Toma de Decisiones Públicas,Gouvernance Multiniveaux,Méthode d'Evaluation Contingente,France,Production des biens Publics,Participation Citoyenne,Evaluation des Politiques Publiques,Déploiement,Monétisation des Préférences Individuelles,Consentement à Payer,Processus de Décision Publique,关键词: 首次展示,多层次治理,估值,公共物品的联合生产,公共政策 条件估值法,个人偏好,货币化,支付协议,公共决策

Rashomon in Karlsruhe - A reflection on Democracy and Identity in the European Union,
"Franz C. Mayer" /, from Jean Monnet Chair (2001)
Keywords: constitutional change; court politics; deliberative democracy; democracy; democratization; democratization; differentiation; discourse; diversity/homogeneity; diversity/homogeneity; European identity; European public space; European Public Sphere; identity; multilevel governance; multilevel governance; national autonomy; national interest; nationality; Nation-state; Nation-state; EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; European citizenship; fundamental/human rights; German Constitutional Court; judicial review; rule of law; subsidiarity; supremacy; Constitution for Europe; enlargement; European Convention; founding Treaties; Treaty on European Union; treaty reform; accountability; budgetary procedure; co-decision procedure; decentralisation; institutions; joint decision making; legislative procedure; majority voting; MEPs; national parliaments; qualified majority; unanimity; European Court of Justice; European Court of Justice; Germany; history; law; political science

The sovereign debt crisis - a transdisciplinary approach,
Marc Pilkington, in International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (2011)
Keywords: interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinarity; scientific dialogue; sovereign debts; debt crises; interdisciplinary approaches; transdisciplinary analyses; disciplinary fields; logic; accounting; finance; psychology; geopolitics; statistics; ethics; rhetoric; political discourse analysis; prejudicial views; over-rigid compartmentalisation; knowledge compartmentalisation; mainstream theories; economic theories; constructive dialogues; plural approaches; scientific approaches; complexity; budget deficits; multidimensional characters; underlying frameworks; research frameworks; textual analysis; public debt; USA; United States; UK; United Kingdom; Greece; IMF; International Monetary Fund; European Central Bank; ECB; European Union; EU; monetary policies; euro area; eurozone; single currency; currencies; pluralism; economics education.

Comparative Competition Law,
Thomas Weck and Masako Wakui, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2024)
Keywords: Abuse of Dominance, Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position, Anti-Competitive, Antimonopoly, Antitrust, Bargaining Position, Big Tech, Business Combination, Business Law, Cartel Damages, Cartels, Collusion, Comparative Competition Law, Comparative Law, Comparative Policy, Competition Economics, Competition Fines, Competition Law, Competition Policy, Competition Regulation, Conglomerate, Digital Economy, Digital Ecosystems, Digital Markets, Digital Markets Act, Distribution, DOJ, Economic Law, EU Law, European Commission, European Court of Justice, Foreclosure, FTC, Information Exchange, Japanese Law, JFTC, M&A, Market Definition, Market Power, Merger Control, Monopolization, Oligopoly, Online Platforms, Platform Economy, State Aid, Subsidies, Supreme Court, US Law, Unfair Trade Practice, Vertical Agreement, Vertical Restraint

Landmarks of the Romanian Pre-University Education in the Context of European Policies Designed to Overcome the Economic CrisisAbstract:In interdependence with the European and world economy, Romanian economy has experienced in recent years rapid unpredictable changes, which produced a variety of social phenomena with direct effects on educational policies. Pre-university education system provides human potential both for the labour market and for the higher education system. The new approaches of the EU development policies provide that the economic crisis can be surpassed by improving the quality of education and by developing an effective management of changes in relation to the external environment changes. This analysis aims at understanding the harmonization of Romanian educational policies with the EU political agenda, it induces conclusions on two levels of topics on several aspects considered important in the evolution of the system and suggests responses in relation to the generated disruptions. The conclusions drawn and the solutions presented can represent the basis of a thorough research which can be used by any educational manager in establishing the decentralization / institutional development strategies,
Adriana Grigorescu and Luminita Olteanu, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

The goal of this research is to propose a procedure of innovativeness measurement, taking Summary Innovation Index methodology as a starting point. In contemporary world, innovative activity is perceived as a source of competitiveness and economic growth. New products, utility models, trademarks and creative projects are an important element of present socio-economic reality. In particular, authors focus on selection and application of multivariable statistical analysis to distinguish factors influencing innovativeness of EU economies to the highest degree. The result of quantitative analyses is linear ordering of EU countries by the level of their innovativeness based on the reduced set of diagnostic variables. The rating was compared with the outcome presented in Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) with Summary Innovation Index (SII). Conducted analysis proves a convergence between authors’ results and existing ratings of innovativeness. Nevertheless, the main conclusion is that the methodology of innovativeness assessment remains an open issue and requires further research. Especially, it should first and foremost concentrate on deeper verification of a small set of variables that have the strongest impact on innovativeness. It is both, in economic and social interest, to get a clear picture of innovativeness driving forces,
El¿bieta Roszko-Wójtowicz and Jacek Bia³ek, in Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics (2016)
Keywords: innovativeness, Innovation Union Scoreboard, European Union, cluster analysis, factor analysis

The Notion of “Curator Litis” (Third Curator) in New Civil Legislation and Correspondence with Similar Notions in the EU LegislationAbstract:Starting from Trusteeship institution, as it is the most common, we watched to capture most situations of such notions. I managed to find a correspondent of curatorship in several branches of law, such as: civil law theory, theory of General obligations, contracts, inheritance, family law, commercial law, administrative law, criminal law and law of civil procedure. I had the opportunity to compare the old notions of this regulation with regulation of the new civil code and I found the interest of the legislature into two main Plains: the to regulate matters considered less legislation, but also to adapt the legislation to European novels,
Marilena Marin, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

Influence of Europeanisation in the Reform of Public SectorAbstract:The literature seems to agree on two approaches of the concept „Europeanisation”. On the one hand it is considered to be only the process of adopting EU regulations into the national legislations and on the other hand, the reverse process is also considered, meaning the influence each member state could have on the design of European policies that are agreed upon. From this statement, it can be observed that he also includes “institutional structures” in the bunch of characteristics of the Europeanisation. Therefore, a first idea that Europeanisation could have an influence on the reform of the public sector is created, despite the first thoughts that come in one’s mind when the term,
Duduiala Popescu Lorena, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

The Principles and Conditions Necessary to the Development of the Romanian TourismAbstract:To increase efficiency of Romanian tourism is a process that needs involvement of local and national authorities both in supporting the tourism market settlement and, its promotion by public bodies, using subventions and fiscal stimulants. Efficiency of the Romanian tourism management includes creation of necessary conditions for a more efficient interaction of the touristic market with EU organizations (first of all by using organizational and economic forms, and also investments in tourism industry). Thus, it is necessary to improve structural organizational relations in tourism, capable to evaluate and implement software of designing and development of the Romanian tourism and effective activities for the development of the business tourism by stressing the optimal use of touristic resources,
Traºcã Elisabeta, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

The purpose of this article is to present factors determining the effectiveness of new investments in brown coal deposits. It discusses the weak and strong points of brown coal mining in Poland, as well as opportunities and risks in its development. The strong point is that Poland has abundant resources of lignite and the opportunity lies in the rising demand for energy. The weak point is that brown coal emits large amounts of CO2 and risk is perceived in that the EU tightens up its policy on coal-based production of energy. An analysis of all these factors allows reliable assessment of the discount rate on investment projects, which must be known for their profitability to be established,
Anna Monika Ziętera, in Journal of Finance and Financial Law (2014)
Keywords: Effectiveness, investment, brown coal mining.

The European Union and Health Policy, by Ed Randall. Palgrave, Hampshire and New York, 2001. No. of pages: xiii+278. ISBN 0‐333‐75426‐3.. The Implications of Recent Jurisprudence on the Co‐ordination of Health Care Protection Systems, by Willy Palm, Jason Nickless, Henri Lewalle and Alain Coheur. Association Internationale de la Mutualite, Brussess, 2000. No. of pages: 170. [http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/soc‐prot/disable/report.pdf]. Health Care Without Frontiers? The Development of a European Market in Health Services by Lyndsay Mountford. Office of Health Econ‐omics, London, 2000. No. of pages: 83. ISBN 1‐899040‐71‐4,
Elias Mossialos, in Health Economics (2002) Downloads

We investigated the link between stock returns of automobile companies, Fama French factors, and behavioral attention, represented by demand for a selected car brand belonging to an automobile company. Using Google search activity, we focus on the impact of searches about car brands on 17 automobile companies from 2004 to 2020. We concluded that even though general intuition provides positive results, negative historical events can result in a fall in prices in some cases. Dieselgate, an event specific to this industry, engulfed the affected company and resulted in an EU-wide scandal; however, the increase in interest did have not the same effect on automobile companies based in other countries,
Jolana Stejskalová, in Journal of Economics / Ekonomicky casopis (2023)
Keywords: automobile industry, behavioural attention, behavioural finance, Diesel-gate, financial crisis, Google Trends, sector sentiment

CHALLENGE OF MIGRATIONS– THE CASE OF SERBIA Abstract Spring wave of refugees threatens Europe this year 2016. The paper highlights the problems caused by the influx of refugeesin the Republic of Serbia, as well as legal norms in force.In Serbia, the refugees are treated more fairly than in many European countries. Our country is faced with all types of migration. This imposes a number of different yet clearly related challenges for modern migration management. On the territory of the Republic of Serbia there are 82 opened border crossings, of which 50 road, 14 railway, 4 airport, 12 river and 2 ferry. Back in December 2008, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has decided to establish the Center for asylum, which operates within the Commissariat for Refugees. To meet these challenges caused primarily due to a sudden increase in the number of asylum seekers in the Republic of Serbia in 2010, 2011 and 2012, particularly after the intensification of the armed conflict in Syria, the government has opened a new center for asylum in Bogovadja. The situation with migrants is more serious in Serbia and now the checking of all migrants who pass through our country is reinforced. According to the Government’s Decision on the issuing the certificate of entry on the territory of the Republic of Serbia for migrants coming from countries where their lives are in danger (2015), this certificate serves migrants to stay in the Republic of Serbia for a period of 72 hours of its issuance. With this certificate migrants may use the services of banks, stay in establishments providing accommodation and receive the necessary medical help. Holders of these certificates do not acquire the status of asylum seekers in terms of rules for asylum in the Republic of Serbia. In Serbia there is a clear policy of migration management which is carried on through different national strategies and strategic documents for accession to the EU, though migration represent a global phenomenon whose impact and consequences transcend national boundaries. One of the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Serbia is to be placed on the so-called “white Schengen list”, what necessarily imposes the need of prevention of illegal migration, especially from our country or from other countries through the territory of the Republic of Serbia, toward other EU countries, candidate countries for EU membership, but also to other countries in general,
Natasa Tomic-Petrovic, in Curentul Juridic, The Juridical Current, Le Courant Juridique (2017)
Keywords: Migration; refugees;Serbia; legal norms; strategy.

This paper attempts to evaluate the economic impacts of the Kyoto Protocol by using AIM model. It is estimated that the GDP losses to Japan, US, EU, and Russia would be 0.42%, 0.56%, 0.44%, and 0.25%, respectively in case the Annex B countries ratify the Kyoto Protocol and reduce their emissions without emissions trading and without accounting carbon sink. On the other hand, the GDP losses to Japan and EU would grow when the United States would not ratify the Kyoto Protocol, and it is estimated to fall by 0.48% and 0.47% relative to the base case scenario, respectively. The GDP loss of Russia would be 0.17%. The GDP of US would increase by 0.01%. These losses would be recovered if Kyoto mechanisms were adopted. When the emissions trading would be introduced, the GDP losses to Japan, US, and EU would be 0.14%, 0.33% and 0.19%, respectively and Russia would gain GDP by 3.5%. When carbon sink is accounted, the economic impacts can be reduced further. Even when the amount of tradable carbon is restricted, the impacts will become much less. In addition to emission trading, effects of CDM, price induced technical change, and boycott movement are examined. The paper also analyzed the climatic impacts of the mitigation scenarios. Three scenarios are examined. First scenario assumes a goal of the Kyoto Protocol will be achieved in 2010. The second assumes that USA will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol. The third scenario assumes that the emission is reduced at the rate of 5% per decade after 2020. It is found that the temperature will increase to 2.15 ºC by the year 2100 even if the Annex B countries follow the Kyoto protocol and other appropriate countermeasures are taken. If we postpone the reduction policies, climate impacts will become worse. The implementation of the Kyoto Protocol is necessary to keep the temperature increase in 2100 below 2 ºC,
Mikiko Kainuma, Yuzuru Matsuoka and Tsuneyuki Morita, from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project (2002)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Agricultural and Food Policy

Sustainable Intrapreneurship - The GSI Concept and Strategy - Unfolding Competitive Advantage via Fair Entrepreneurship,
Roman Anton, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2015)
Keywords: entrepreneurship; entrepreneuring; intrapreneurship; intrapreneuring; fairness; fair; equal opportunity; risk; reward; competition; economy; independence; concept; GSI; graded; sustainable; intrapreneuring; Pinchot; innovation; competitive; advantage; strategy; HR; organizational; development; social; shared value; public; private; public-private; partnership; sector; dimension; reserve; work; system; mission; vision; 3BL; TBL; optimal; output; monetary; incentive; opportunity; possibility; discrimination; economic; profit; environment; business; free; market; intra; extra; open; access; correlation; macroeconomics; country; national; economics; KPIs; performance; network; PAP; PAPs; PA; principal; agent; principal-agent; problem; entrepreneurialism; proportionality; equilibrium; equilibria; regression; review; research; analysis; compilation; sustainably; decentralization; hierarchy; structure; top-down; bottom-up; management; TCT; SMEs; SME; MNCs; MNC; R&D; SMART; life; IT; EVP; theory; extrapreneuring; ICS; CEOs; MPS; JDR; LMX; PEAA; PrI; TPM; PVM; E-Gov; PI; GI; TTIP; industry4.0; industry5.0; Corporate; Firm; employee; entrepreneurial; activity; frameworks; platforms; life-cycle; entry-level; positions; intramarket; extramarket; US; EU; world; global; international; comparison; growth; GDP; index; economical; empirical; data; statistical; organizational; culture

On the Future Advances in Engineering and In-Vitro Culture of Human Embryos,
Roman Anton, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: socio-economic; societal; ethical; ethics; censored; method; scientific; stem cell; transplantation; medicine; biomedical; political; regulation; human; embryo; embryos; engineering; mass; production; embryogenic; R&D; research; powerful; xenotransplantation; IVF; in-vitro; in-vivo; culture; fertilization; self-organization; absence; maternal tissues; maternal; tissues; pluripotency; pluripotent; ESCs; Nature; post-implantation; genetic; modification; engineering; stem; cells; chimeric; chimera; IPSCs; induced; pluripotent; stPSCs; debated; discussion; moral status; stem cell business; regenerative; medicine; sector; recent; advance; Brivanlou; Zernicka-Goetz; self-organization; ICM; human-embryo; editing; CRISPR/Cas9; CRISPR; Cas9; transgenics; genetically; modified; human; life; UN; standards; international; guideline; 14-day rule; Carnegie; Carnegie 6a; stage; gene-editing; summit; conference; licence; mosaicism; allele complexity; zygotes; zygote; mouse; germ; line; germline; donor; tissue; organ; blastocyst; transfere; genome; human rights; rights; ligislature; regulations; DPF; HFEA; UK; US; China; EU

Quality parameters of higher education officers of the National Police in the conditions of imperative human-scale values,
Mykola Semenyshyn, Alla Semenova, Igor Klymenko, Dmytro Shvets, Sergiy Bratel, Viacheslav Krykun, Maksym Korniienko, Victor Bondarenko, Olena Yevdokimova, Andrii Kostiuk, Taras Protsenko, Tamara Vysotska, Zoriana Kisil, Stanislav Larionov and Anatolii Nikitin, from PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER (2023)
Keywords: Human rights and freedoms, convention, humanity, courage, honesty, responsibility, justice, respect, trust, police, National Police of Ukraine, personnel policy, reform, law enforcement sys-tem, law enforcement agencies, law and order, professional identity, legal and psychological foun-dations official activities, professional activity, service training, professional training of a police officer, professional selection, training of police officers, professionalization of law enforcement officers, personality of a police officer, value experience, competence, communicative competence, interaction, psychological contact, leader, leadership, self-organization, self-development, narrative professional ethics, moral behavior, legal basis of professional ethics, ethical principles, rules (codes) of ethical behavior, police deontology, police ethics, corruption, child protection, minor, traumatic events, stress, child-friendly room, psychological safety compliance, resilience, psychological resources, education, EU educational policy, education applicant, transformational learning, forms and methods of education, education quality, assessment, police performance as-sessment, departmental assessment, assessment procedure, work program of the academic discipline, assessment methods, criterion analysis, assessment criteria, learning outcomes, behavioral diagnostics, workshop, psychological training, psycho-pedagogical support, pedagogical skills, pedagogical skills of a higher school teacher, advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

Social dimension of globalization and integration processes,
Juan. Somavía, Agustín. Muñoz, María Carmen. Ferreira, Verge, Pierre,, Mónica. Verea and Tomás. Sala Franco, from International Labour Organization (2002)
Keywords: labour policy, labour relations, workers rights, social security, economic integration., regional organization, trend, harmonization., labour market information system, promotion of employment, vocational training., working conditions, labour inspection, tripartism, NAFTA., international labour standards, international migration, migration policy, migrant workers., social policy, EU., Community law, statistical table, politique du travail, relations de travail, droits des travailleurs, sécurité sociale, intégration économique, organisation régionale, tendance, harmonisation, système d'information sur le marché du travail, promotion de l'emploi, formation professionnelle, conditions de travail, inspection du travail, tripartisme, ALENA, normes internationales du travail, migration internationale, politique migratoire, travailleur migrant, politique sociale, UE, droit communautaire, tableau statistique, política laboral, relaciones laborales, derechos de los trabajadores, seguridad social, integración económica, organización regional, tendencia, armonización, sistema de información sobre el mercado de trabajo, fomento del empleo, formación profesional, condiciones de trabajo, inspección del trabajo, tripartismo, TLCAN, normas internacionales del trabajo, migración internacional, política migratoria, trabajador migrante, política social, UE, derecho comunitario, cuadros estadísticos

FOREIGN TRADE AT REGIONAL LEVEL IN ROMANIA AS A TOOL IN BUILDING SMART SPECIALISATION STRATEGIES Abstract: In the context of the new EU Cohesion Policy and Europe 2020 strategy, regions are encouraged to build their own development strategies based on specialisation and innovation. Smart specialisation strategies aim to identify and focus on those activities in which the region has comparative advantages and at the same time, are characterized by a high added value. These activities have the power to bring the greatest benefits to the local and regional economy and, thus, reduce disparities between regions and enhance overall competitiveness of European regions. This paper analyzes data on exports and imports at the county level, on sections and chapters of the Combined Nomenclature in order to identify trends of specialisation of economic activity. Moreover, this approach provides information on the competitiveness of these counties, high export rates indicating a better adaptation to international markets. Results show that the majority of counties import and, at the same time, export machinery and electrical equipment, and textiles and textile articles,
Constantin Postoiu, in EcoForum (2015)
Keywords: foreign trade, Smart Specialisation Strategy, regional competitiveness

SUSTAINABLE DECISION MAKING UNDER THE CRISIS FOR TOURISM BUSINESSES: A SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE FOR EU MEMBER STATES Abstract: The last years have proven to be particular problematic for member states of UE because of the financial crisis. When we discus about tourism businesses and the measures undertaken by managers to mitigate the effects of the crisis some of them were to reduce the part allocated for expenditures regarding innovation, technologic improvements and went for different types of approaches. An increased attention has been given to sustainable development, sustainable marketing and development in environmental accounting techniques and in our research we explore how they changed the course of the core of the business and how these initiatives are realistic. The overall finding is that sustainable actions exist and they are present in many strategies but they are poorly translated in real actions,
Stefania Lucia Bodosca, in EcoForum (2015)
Keywords: tourism, strategy, business, sustainable management

The ‘Expertisation’ of European Studies. A critical perspective on discursive institutionalism Abstract: The paper puts into perspective the conceptual evolution of European Studies and one of its latest theoretically based approaches, Discursive Institutionalism. It argues that in the field of European Studies expert frameworks aiming for ‘answers’ are overshadowing the intellectual efforts striving for ‘questions’. This tendency undermines the proper identification of problems and it also erodes the effectiveness of proposed policy solutions as these recommendations lack the appropriate conceptual foundations. The paper stresses that this negative trend of ‘expertisation’ is particularly relevant nowadays, when the European Union is undoubtedly struggling with challenges of social disengagement, and that research projects are required to apply approaches that can adequately reveal people’s cognitivenormative understandings and ideationally driven praxes, as well as, most importantly, the generative causes behind EU-sceptical attitudes. Keywords: European Studies, Discursive Institutionalism, constructivism, European Union, Social disengagement Pages: 252-272,
Zoltan Grunhut, in Eastern Journal of European Studies (2020) Downloads

THE IMPACT OF USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION IN SCHOOLS IN ROMANIA Abstract: New technologies are a catalyst for education. Technology unlocks educational boundaries, motivates students, improves students' writing and learning skills, promotes individual learning. This sector has become an educational priority and all EU countries are striving to develop ICT skills. Technology is part of the world we live in. Most jobs today require the use of technology. For this reason, the focus is on developing a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, necessary for access to the labor market, social inclusion, personal development and lifelong learning. The knowledge society has imposed the use of ICT as a necessary condition for the integration of the individual in the labor market and in society. The present paper attempts to provide an overview of the impact that technology has on pupils and teachers in Romanian schools,
Alina-Andreea Marin and Adina Liliana Prioteasa, in Business Excellence and Management (2020)
Keywords: ICT, education, the knowledge society, innovation, digital methods

Investment Incentives in the European Union and Selected World CountriesAbstract: In this study, investment incentive policies and investment promotion tools employed in the European Union and other selected world countries such as the USA, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea were examined. Firstly, place of the incentive policy recognized throughout the European Union within the Union’s legislation is given. In addition, investment promotion tools of each EU member state have been tabulated in a collective manner. After explaining investment incentives employed in the European Union each country stated above were discussed upon one by one. Investment promotion policies and tools applied in these countries were given to underline importance given by those countries to investment,
Ersan Öz and Selçuk Buyrukoğlu, in Sosyoekonomi Journal (2018) Downloads

Commercial law in Macedonia after 1990 Abstract: With the Declaration of Independence of 17.11.1991 and the entry into force of the Constitution on 20.11.1991, Macedonia was free to draft its own legislation. But the difficult internal and external situation, the unofficial imposition of the Greek embargo since the end of 1991, and the UN embargo on Yugoslavia, which brought losses of US $80 million a month to the new state, had a negative impact on the legislative process. The 1990 (!) amended Yugoslav company law of 1988,4 which replaced the Organization of Associated Labour as a basic economic subject with the "commercial companies" as a new legal concept,5 organized the economic life in public companies and limited liability companies. All Art.s that regulated the economic organizations in Yugoslavia were abolished. This amendment was in force until 30.5.1996. In this sense, main objective of this manuscript is the analysis of the commercial law reforms in Macedonia after the fall of communism towards a free market economy and EU membership,
Endri Papajorgji and Rezarta Tahiraj, in Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law (2019)
Keywords: commercial law, Macedonia, reform, free market economy.

Directions and Ways of Improving the Quality Assurance System Banking in RomaniaAbstract:Increasing the competitiveness of organizations by promoting quality, is a specific and constant concern of the European Union, thus creating, legislative and institutional framework for achieving this goal. This concern is focused on promoting an ambitious policy on qualitythat facilitates increased competitiveness of EU Member States. National model of quality that exists in Romania is based on the philosophy of continuous improvement related to clear values. The last decade and a half has been for the banking system for a period of radical change, which aimed not only upgrading, creating appropriate legal and institutional framework and a diversified banking products and services, and the assimilation of the acquis communautaire and alignment policies, strategies and practices of the European Union. In the present study identified ways and means to improve the quality assurance system of banking services in Romania,
Valeria Arina Balaceanu and Dana Sisea, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

The Relation between Local Development Strategies and Projects Implemented under ROP 2007-2013 – Axis 5. A Case Study of the Centre RegionAbstract:Tourism is an industry that gained much attention in the past years, both from the media as well as from the business environment, policy makers and civil society. In this context, tourism has been subject to various strategies, plans and policies, at national, regional and local level. But to what degree have these documents been implemented? This paper aims at determining the effectiveness with which tourism development priorities set by regional and local development strategies in the Centre Region have been achieved through projects financed under the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, one of the seven operational programmes financed from structural funds in Romania. The analysis offers an insight into the degree to which tourism development and promotion strategies are taken into consideration when writing and submitting applications for EU-funded projects. Thus, the paper poses significant implications both for policy makers and for beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of projects financed through ROP,
Jaliu Dumitru Drago? and Rãvar Anamaria Sidonia, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013) Downloads

THE IMPACT OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - A NEW CHALLENGE OF THE KNOWLEDGE ERA Abstract: The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multinational agreement for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. Disguised as a Trade Agreement, ACTA is far broader in scope. The agreement aims to establish an international legal framework for targeting counterfeit physical goods, such as medicines and violation rights on the Internet, creating a new governing body outside existing forums (World Intellectual Property Organization). This study comprises research on the importance of the E.U. multinational companies dealing with the valuation of their intangibles, analyzing some aspects that will positively or negatively affect values such as brands, movies, software, and other components of the intangible assets. By debating on ACTA interact with the intangible assets managed by a company; having in mind the tremendous importance of these assets, from juridical and financial view, the results are revealed by the for or against arguments. So enforcing international intellectual property rights standards becomes a crucial challenge of the knowledge era,
Paula – Angela Vidrascu, Oana Camelia Iacob, Ana-Maria Volintiru and Aurel Marin, in HOLISTICA Journal of Business and Public Administration (2012)
Keywords: Knowledge assets, intangible assets, intellectual capital, property rights, ACTA.

SOLUTIONS FOR INCREASING PUBLIC BUDGET REVENUE IN BULGARIA, CROATIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, POLAND AND ROMANIA Abstract: The research paper is a comparative analysis of the budget revenue in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania, taking into account the main features in light of the contribution of indirect and direct taxes and social contributions to the achievement of public revenues. Theme presents a topic of great interest, both theoretically and practically, given possible solution to increase public budget revenue in these countries, most of them being new member stated of European Union and who wants to catch up all the lost period within socialism time. As a common conclusion it can be seen that all countries need to improve their judicial system and combating crime and tax evasion. It is necessary to increase the independence of the judiciary, reducing bribery, reducing undeclared work and the establishment of independent anti-corruption institutions. Also the analyzed countries must improve public expenditure system, reducing bureaucracy and pay attention on profitable investments in order to increase budget revenues and encourage employment and unemployed university graduates, this is possible also by improving the mechanism of attraction and use of EU funds for investment within public and private sector,
Narcisa Roxana Mosteanu, in EcoForum (2015)
Keywords: public budget revenue, public expenditure, public debt, unemployment rate, GDP, economic measures

ESTIMATED DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE PLANNED MOTORWAY SEGMENTS IN THE CENTRAL, NORTH-WESTERN AND WESTERN REGIONS OF ROMANIA Abstract: Romania’s highways are standing ahead of considerably high investments. In the last few decades the transport infrastructure has been pushed into the background due to lack of financial support. The 21st Century has brought important breakthroughs in the building of highways. In the report on global risks in 2013 published by WEF (World Economic Forum) the "The prolonged neglect of infrastructure" is being considered such a risk. Our study focuses on the construction works that have been carried out in the Central, North- Western and Western regions of Romania. The highways of the above mentioned regions will be analysed based on three main points of focus: highways that have already been built, highways currently under construction and highways that are planned to be built. The aim is to present and compare the 3 regions’ highway infrastructure, determination of an approximate end date for the highways that are currently under construction. It has been concluded, that until 2013 the construction work on segments funded by the EU progressed much faster, than the ones funded by the government. The results of the study refer to how soon could the construction works reach an end on segments currently in progress,
Keywords: transport infrastructure, motorways, completion date, completed/under construction/planned motorway segments, Central/North-Western/Western regions Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series

Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation on drug trafficking control to the European Union legislation (separate aspects) Abstract: Certain aspects of the adaptation of regulatory legal acts of Ukraine in the field of drug trafficking control to EU legislation were studied. The basis of this study uses an interdisciplinary approach using comparative legal, dialectical and systemic methods. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the world community does not have a unanimous opinion on legal issues and areas of the modern drug control regime that would meet the needs of the social and legal society and the current state of the drug situation in the countries of the world, and health problems. It was established that the adaptation of the regulatory legal acts of Ukraine in the field of drug trafficking control, the fight against their use and treatment of drug addiction of patients should be based on the implementation of public health programs. In its areas, should include the prevention of disease, prolonging life and improving the health and well-being of the entire population, including drugaddicted patients, for whom the state has an inherent responsibility. Ukraine participates in Council of Europe conventions which establish common standards for this organization and the European Union, it is important for the legal regulation of drug control in the health field, but some norms of national legislation require consistency with the norms of UN Conventions, and it is important to use positive legislative experience of selected countries of the European Union. It is proposed to amend the regulatory legal acts that will improve legal ways to protect people's rights to health protection. Classification-JEL: D86, K23, K33, K38,
Oleksandr Shevchuk, Sergii Mokhonchuk and Igor Papusha, in Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law (2019)
Keywords: adaptation of legislation, drug control, European Union, legal regulation, international law.

Depuis une vingtaine d’années et le constat d’un « paradoxe français », la prévention est affichée comme une priorité absolue des réformes du système de santé. Pourtant la dynamique de réforme est lente, puisqu’aujourd’hui encore le bilan d’inégalités sociales de santé criantes reste autant d’actualité. La prévention santé (ou prévention relevant du secteur de la santé) ne se décrète pas seulement: si elle nécessite une articulation entre l’échelon local et national, ou encore des incitations fortes auprès des usagers comme des professionnels de santé, elle doit aussi s’appuyer sur des évaluations économiques qui démontrent l’intérêt potentiel des programmes. Or, la normalisation des procédures institutionnelles et scientifiques d’évaluation a eu tendance à prôner les démarches « ex post » et à verrouiller l’option « ex ante » consistant à mobiliser les outils de l’analyse coûts-bénéfices. Cet article propose de réhabiliter cette méthode de prospective en prévention santé, pour accélérer l’adoption de mesures qui promettent d’atteindre plus d’efficacité technique mais aussi d’efficacité sociale dans le système de santé français,
Laurence Hartmann and Jean de Kervasdoué, from HAL (2021)

Sustainable Food Production in Serbia, an Exploration of Discourse/Practice in Early 2020s,
Milan Todorovic, from Springer (2022)
Keywords: Ethics, Discourse, Discourse and practice, Discourses of now, Health food discourse, Traditionalist discourse, Agriculture, Ideology, Enterprise, Zadruga, [Agricultural] cooperative/s, Householder/s, Community, GMO, Water, Waterways, Mining, Activist/s, Direct activism, Farmers, Producers, Utilitarianism, Industrial food production, Village life, Regulation, Regulatory frameworks, Anticompetitive practices, Imports, Exports, Certification, Policy, Policy frameworks, Gallant peasantry, Belgradisation, Global factors, Political economy, sociocultural, Rural society, Rural community, European, EU, Empire, Postcolonial, Nonaligned movement, NAM, Rural communities, Industrialisation, Economic tensions, Peasant society, Auto-chauvinism, Reflexive negation, Identity-laden, Self-revulsion, Tradition, Traditional belief systems, First World War, The Great War, Organic food produce, Unadulterated food produce, Agrarian reform, 10 hectare limit, Agricultural land, The new landowners, Landlords, Post-communist ‘transition’, 7% growth, [Former-, socialist-] Yugoslavia, ‘Yugoslavian industrial miracle’, International debt, The 1965 reform, [Yugoslav workers’] self-management model, Corruption, New elites, Federal state, Civil society, Brain drain, Depopulated villages, Privatisation, Neoliberalism, Ageing society, Post-transitional period, Mismanagement, Cultural shift, Cultural change, Critical terminology, Infrastructure, Overpopulation, ‘Public intellectuals’, Internal migrants, Displaced refugees, Fieldwork, Respondents [as] practitioners, Thematic contextualisation, Health food production, Marketing, Cultural conditions, Reflexion, Transparent declaration of interest, Horticulture, Biodynamic agriculture, Biodynamic farming practices, Livestock, Traceability, Traceability of origin, Supply chains, Srpska Magaza, Goodwill, Strategic impact, Health, Nature and tradition, Implementation, Eurosceptic, Visegrad Group, Traditional right, Independent producers [and] farmers, Peasant farmer, Banjska Monastery, Craft beer, IFOAM, Organically certified food production, What constitutes food, Critical taxonomy, Nanoelements, Inorganic origin, Mycoprotein and algae, Long-term health effects, 3D-printed ‘meats’, Unconventional sources of protein, Traditional stance on health, The origin of food, Inorganic, Experimental imports, Interpretive gap, Village community, Organic status, ‘Certification houses’, Certification organisations, [Land] lease agreement, Cannibalism, Soylent Green, Deontological vs utilitarian, Pesticides, GMO soya, Business culture, International retail chains, In-house brands, ‘Post socialist tycoons’, Quality control [of food imports], VAT exempt, “Kobasicijada”, “Kulenijada”, “Slaninijada”, “Kupusijada”, “Projada”, Hospitality, Village tourism, Authenticity, National heritage, Native-produced foods (USA), Ajvar, Educate through flavour, Donkey stock, Donkey cheese, ‘Ecocide’, herbicides, Agricultural pharmacy products, Trust, Subsidising [organic], Trade bloc, Globalisation, Incentives, State actors, Cell-cultivation, Food [from] synthesised nanomaterials, Modification [of foods], Direct [local] representation, Exploitation of lithium, Rio Tinto, Kolhoz, Heisenbergian uncertainty model, Orthodox Church, Natural veganism, Spiritual, Mindfulness, Structural forces, Strategic shifts, Postmodern, The new glocal, Privilege

MAES, Ivo: "The future of central banking (Forrest CAPIE, Cambridge University Press, 1994)" (p. 351-352); LAGAE, Wim: "The Polish economy (Ben SLAY, Princeton University Press, 1994)" (pp. 352); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Price theory and applications (B. Peter PASHIGIAN, McGraw-Hill, 1995)" (p. 352-353); VAN BELLE, Jean-Louis: "Beschouwingen over de economische orde (Herman HOELEN, Van Gorrcum, 1995)" (p. 353-354); PARYS, Wilfried: "Measuring the wealth of nations (Anwar M. SHAIKH & E. Ahmet TONAK, Cambridge University Press, 19994)" (p. 354); BLAUWENS, G.: "Practical cost benefit analysis (Frances PERKINS, Macmillan Education Australia, 1994)" (p. 354-355); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Rationality, institutions and economic methodology (Uskali MÄKI, Routledge, 1993)" (p. 355-356); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Missing transport networks in Europe (Peter NIJKAMP, Avebury, 1994)" (p. 357); DURINCK, Edward: "Financial management and policy (James C. VAN HORNE, Prentice-Hall International, 1995)" (p. 357-358); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Introduction to futures and options markets (John HULL, Prentice-Hall, 1995)" (p. 358-359); JEGERS, Marc: "Valuation (Tom COPELAND, John Wiley & Sons, 1994)" (p. 359-360); BOGAERT, Ilse: "Strategievorming en organisatiestructurering (J.E. VAN AKEN, Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1994)" (p. 360-361); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Gower handbook of management development (Alan MUMFORD, Gower Publishing Limited, 1995)" (p. 361); VANDENBEMPT, Koen: "Strategic learning in action (Tony Grundy, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1994)" (p. 361-362); DERIJCKE, Luc: "Learning to change (Sheila HARRI-AUGSTEIN & Ian M. WEBB, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1995)" (p. 363-364); DERYCKE, Hendrik: "De achterkant van het salaris (Henriëtta MIEDEMA-VAN DEN HEUVEL, Van Gorcum, 1994)" (p. 364-365); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "Taxation in an integrating world (Vito TANZI, The Brookings Institution, 1994)" (p. 365-366); JORISSEN, Ann: "Vennootschapsboekhouden (Robert VERTONGHEN & Chris LEFEBVRE, Acco, 1994)" (p. 366-367); REYNS, Carl: "Intermediate accounting (Lanny G. CHASTEEN, McGraw-Hill, 1995)" (p. 367); JORISSEN, Ann: "Management accounting and control systems (Norman B. MACINTOSH, John Wiley & Sons, 1994)" (p. 367-368); VANSTRAELEN, Ann: "Accountantscontrole (Ignace DE BEELDE, Academia Press, 1994)" (p. 368-369); WITLOX, Frank: "Grensoverschrijdende ondernemingssamenwerking (Koen BYTTEBIER & Ann VERROKEN, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen België, 1994)" (p. 369-371); VAN GERWEN, Jef: "Towards a European immigration policy (Gina D. KORELLA & Patrick M. TWOMEY, European Interuniversity Press, 1995)" (p. 371-372); FAUCOMPRET, Erik: "The EU (Christopher BRIGHT, John Wiley & Sons, 1995)" (p. 372-373); DUPONT, Patrick: "The economics of European integration (Willem MOLLE, Dartmouth, 1994)" (p. 373); ROOSENS, Paul: "The enlarged European Union (Ian BARNES & Pamela M. BARNES, Longman, 1995)" (p. 373-374); MARTENS, Rudy: "European integration competitiveness (Frédérique SACHWALD, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1994)" (p. 374-375); VAN BELLE, Jean-Louis: "European policies on competition, trade and industry (Pierre BUIGUES, Edward Elgar, 1995)" (p. 375-376),
Ivo Maes, Wim Lagae, Eddy van de Voorde, Jean-Louis van Belle, Wilfried Parys, G. Blauwens, Kristiaan Kerstens, Edward Durinck, Marc de Ceuster, Marc Jegers, Ilse Bogaert, Daniël Vloeberghs, Koen Vandenbempt, Luc Derijcke, Hendrik Derycke, Sylvain Plasschaert, Ann Jorissen, Carl Reyns, Ann Vanstraelen, Frank Witlox, Jef van Gerwen, Erik Faucompret, Patrick Dupont, Paul Roosens and Rudy Martens, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1996)
Keywords: Book reviews, Boekbesprekingen, Forrest Capie, Ben Slay, B. Peter Pashigian, Herman Hoelen, Anwar M. Shaikh, E. Ahmet Tonak, Frances Perkins, Uskali Mäki, Peter Nijkamp, James C. van Horn, John Hull, Tom Copeland, J.E. van Aken, Alan Mumford, Tony Grundy, Sheila Harri-Augstein, Ian M. Webb, Henriëtta Miedema-van den Heuvel, Vito Tanzi, Robert Vertonghen, Chris Lefebvre, Lanny G. Chasteen, Norman B. Macintosh, Ignace de Beelde, Koen Byttebier, Ann Verroken, Gina D. Korella, Patrick M. Twomeyn Christopher Bright, Willem Molle, Ian Barnes, Pamela M. Barnes, Frédérique Sachwald, Pierre Buigues

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