1004 documents matched the search for Q25 in JEL-codes.
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Comerciando con Incertidumbre: Los Mercados de Agua en la Agricultura Chilena, Ereney Hadjigeorgalis,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Keywords: Water markets, risk, uncertainty, limarí river basin
Urban Water Demand with Periodic Error Correction, David R. Bell and Ronald C. Griffin,
in Land Economics
Analýza zdieľania vôd v povodí rieky Níl, Katarína Cséfalvayová,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: hegemón, vodný zdroj, alokácia, povodie, poriečny štát, právo na vodu
Právna úprava zdieľania medzinárodných vodných tokov: kritické zhodnotenie, Katarína Cséfalvayová,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: zmluvná spolupráca, obyčajové právo, medzinárodný vodný tok, princíp prvotného privlastnenia vodného zdroja, princíp spravodlivého využitia vodného zdroja
Un programa de conservación de agua, Cruz García Lirios,
in Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar
Keywords: sustainable use of water, beliefs
Evaluación económica de la aplicación de políticas de distribución del agua superficial en la agricultura de Guanajuato, Héctor Manuel Bravo Pérez, Juan Carlos Castro Ramírez and Miguel Ángel Grutiérrez Andrade,
in El Trimestre Económico
Keywords: applied general equilibrium, social accounting matrix, water demand, basin water management, public poilicy hydraulic sector, equilibrio general computable, matriz de contabilidad social, demanda de agua, manejo del agua en cuencas, política pública del sector hidráulico
Costs of Reducing Global Carbon Emissions, John P. Weyant,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Inconstitucionalidad por inconmesurabilidad de modelos económicos: El caso de las tasas retributivas por contaminación, Pablo Márquez-Escobar,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Law and Economics, Environmental economics, taxes, Colombia, unconstitutionality, environmental policy
Methodological approaches in development of value estimation of costs of freshwater resources of the water basin by the objects of nature use, Serbov Mykola,
in Technology audit and production reserves, 1(39) 2018
Keywords: freshwater resources; loss estimation; costs for preparing a natural resource
Water and Australia’s future economic growth, Rowan Roberts, Nicole Mitchell and Justin Douglas,
in Economic Roundup
Keywords: water, economic growth, water allocation, water use, water markets
Assessing the Short-Run Economic Cost of Environmental Constraints on Hydropower Operations at Glen Canyon Dam, David A. Harpman,
in Land Economics
Water and Resource Conflicts in Thailand: An Economic Perspective, Frank Flatters and T.M. Horbulyl,
from John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy
Assessing the Sustainability of Sanitation Systems in Peri-Urban Areas: Insights from Nepal, Marisha Lamond and Bhim Adhikari,
in Journal of Development Innovations
Keywords: sanitation, sustainability, assessment framework, peri-urban, Nepal
Analyzing the Reductions in U.S. Air Pollution Emissions: 1970 to 1990, Thomas Selden, Anne S. Forrest and James E. Lockhart,
in Land Economics
Thirsty Colonias: Rate Regulation and the Provision of Water Service, Sheila M. Olmstead,
in Land Economics
Application of the Contingent Valuation Method in Water Resources Protection, Miłaszewski Rafał,
in Central European Economic Journal
Keywords: contingent valuation method, water resources protection
Las Organizaciones Comunitarias de Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento en zonas rurales de Argentina. Relevamiento de su estructura, organización, operatividad interna y las problemáticas y desafíos en la gestión del agua, Francisco Cellone, Joaquín Córdoba, Lucas Bilbao and Eleonora Carol,
Keywords: OCSAS; servicios de agua rural; gestión del agua rural
Rice Biotechnology: Opportunity, Perceived Risks and Potential Benefits to Bangladesh, Mahabub Hossain, Muazzam Husain and S.k Datta,
from Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)
Keywords: Rice, Biotechnology, Bangladesh
Recuperação de custos no sector de abastecimento de água e drenagem e tratamento de águas residuais em Portugal, Henrique Monteiro,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water supply and wastewater drainage and treatment industry; Cost recovery
Sustainable Practices in Watershed Management: Global Experiences, Sudha Menon,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: watershed Management, Water, Natural Resource
Ground Water Management: Need for Sustainable Approach, Sudha Menon,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Ground water, India, Water
Evolution of cost recovery levels in the Portuguese water supply and wastewater industry 1998-2005, Henrique Monteiro,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water Supply Systems; Wastewater Drainage and Treatment; Cost Recovery; Water Framework Directive; Water Law
Our Water Scenario: Are We Heading Towards Disaster?, Muhammad Ali,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water; scarcity; irrigation; water supply; pakistan
Elasticidades de la demanda de agua en Chile, Guillermo Acuña,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Demanda de agua; elasticidades; Chile
Estimating the Demand for Air Quality: New Evidence Based on the Chicago Housing Market, Sudip Chattopadhyay,
in Land Economics
Key Factors Affecting Water Consumption in the Black Sea Region, Ralitsa Stefanova Dimitrova,
in Business & Management Compass
Keywords: water resources, water consumption, water use, water sector, factors
Consumer-Based Carbon Reduction Incentives: A Proposed Mixed Incentive Scheme for Reducing CO2 Emissions from Transport, S. J. Niemeyer and John Tisdell,
in Economic Analysis and Policy
Keywords: Abatement, CO2, Emissions
In the Context of Energy Policy on Turkey; Evaluation of Environmental Impact of Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPP), Metin Demir and Mehmet Guven,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Energy policy, Renewable energy, Hydroelectric power plant (HPP), Turkey
Private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector: alternative options and measurement issues, Rashid Al-Hmoud and Jeffrey Edwards,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water demand, public-private partnership, conservation
Making the Switch to a Sustainable Water Supply - A Study from Vietnam, Vo Thanh Danh,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: water supply, Vietnam
Water Worries: The Hidden Costs of Water Conservation in China are not Working, Junlian Zhang,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Water conservation, China
Water Woes: Why Water Quota Systems in China are not Working, Junlian Zhang,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Water quota, China
Farming Vs Forests: An Investigation from Sri Langka, Prabodh Illukpitiya,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Farming, forest, Sri Lanka
Will People Pay to Protect Watersheds? A Case Study from the Philippines, Margaret M Calderon and Leni D Camacho,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Watershed protection, Philippines
Tapping into Demand: A New Approach to Water Supply in Vietnam, Pham Khanh Nam and Tran Vo Hung Son,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Water supply, Vietnam
Water abundance and an EKC for water pollution, Alexi Thompson,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Environmental Kuznets curve; Water abundance; Pooled mean group estimation;
Willingness to Pay for Sponge City Project Initiatives in Bangkok, Saowaluk Srinark,Suwanna Praneetvatakul,Kobkiat Pongput,
from Kasetsart University, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Keywords: Sponge City, Willingness to Pay, Bangkok
Conflict and Cooperation in Managing International Water Resources Such as the Great Lakes, Nir Becker and K. Easter,
in Land Economics
Günstige Zeiten für einen arbeitnehmerfreundlichen Ausstieg aus der Braunkohle: Kommentar, Luke Haywood,
in DIW Wochenbericht
The Costs of Water Pollution Regulation in the Pulp and Paper Industry, John D. McClelland and John K. Horowitz,
in Land Economics
Household Responses to Increased Water Rates during the California Drought, Ellen M. Pint,
in Land Economics
Valuing Urban Wetlands: A Property Price Approach, Brent L. Mahan, Stephen Polasky and Richard M. Adams,
in Land Economics
Determinants of Cleaner Technology Investments in the U.S. Bleached Kraft Pulp Industry, Leigh Maynard and James Shortle,
in Land Economics
The Effects of Community Characteristics on Polluter Compliance Levels, Dietrich Earnhart,
in Land Economics
The Residential Water Demand Effect of Increasing Block Rate Water Budgets, Kenneth A. Baerenklau, Kurt Schwabe and Ariel Dinar,
in Land Economics
Caracterização dos tarifários de abastecimento de água e saneamento em Portugal, Henrique Monteiro and Catarina Roseta-Palma,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water supply; Wastewater drainage and treatment; Tariffs
Household Switching behavior in the Use of Groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vo Thanh Danh,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: water supply, Vietnam
Transaction Costs in Water Markets in China's Heihe River Basin, Junliang Zhang,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Transaction cost, China
Barriers to Water Markets in China's Heihe River Basin, Junliang Zhang,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Water market, China
A Water User Fee for Households in Metro Manila, Philippines, Margaret M Calderon and Leni D Camacho,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Watershed protection, Philippines
Household Demand For Improved Water Services in Ho Chi Minh City: A Comparison of Contingent Valuation and Choice Modeling Estimates, Pham Khanh Nam and Tran Vo Hung Son,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Water supply, Vietnam
Statistical Input to Water Policy Decisions, Thomas Fullerton and Richard L Gardner,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Idaho, Water Rights, Swan Falls
Short-Term Water Consumption Dynamics in El Paso, Texas, Thomas Fullerton and Arturo Elias,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water consumption, applied econometrics, forecast evaluation
Privately Operated Water Utilities, Municipal Price Negotiation, and Estimation of Residential Water Demand: The Case of France, Celine Nauges and Alban Thomas,
in Land Economics
Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects, Ronald C. Griffin,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: water management, water resource economics
Indigenous engagement in Australian mine water management: The alignment of corporate strategies with national water reform objectives, Marcus Barber and Sue Jackson,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Water resources; Indigenous people; CSR; Water management; Corporate strategy;
Worldwide Water Scarcity, Jana Lippelt,
in ifo DICE Report
Retiring Land to Save Water: Participation in Colorado’s Republican River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, Randall G. Monger, Jordan Suter, Dale Manning and Joel P. Schneekloth,
in Land Economics
Reconsidering the Economics of Demand Analysis with Kinked Budget Constraints, Aaron Strong and V. Smith,
in Land Economics
Kurz zum Klima: Den Hahn zugedreht – Wasserknappheit, Jana Lippelt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Klima, Klimawandel, Wasser, Wasserversorgung, Wassermangel, Ressourcenökonomik
Nachtrag: Liberalisierung der Wasserversorgung, Alfred Tacke,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Wasserversorgung, Deutschland
Liberalisierung der Wasserversorgung - soll das letzte Versorgungsmonopol in Deutschland fallen?, Hans-Jürgen Ewers, Bettina Mankel, Wolf Pluge, Petra Roth and Erich Heymann,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Deutschland, Wasserversorgung
Mitigating Climate Change by Planting Trees: The Transaction Costs Trap, Gerrit van Kooten, Sabina Lee Shaikh and Pavel Suchánek,
in Land Economics
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: transferencia de beneficios
Alternate Price Specifications for Estimating Residential Water Demand with Fixed Fees, Garth Taylor, John R. McKean and Robert A. Young,
in Land Economics
Struktur und Entwicklungsperspektiven der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft, Johann Wackerbauer,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Trinkwasser, Wasserwirtschaft, Wettbewerb, Wasserversorgung, Abwasserwirtschaft, Deutschland
Does the Measurement of Environmental Quality Affect Implicit Prices Estimated from Hedonic Models?, Holly J. Michael, Kevin Boyle and Roy Bouchard,
in Land Economics
The Economics of Drought, Eric Edwards, Leslie Sanchez and Sheetal Sekhri,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Keywords: water, institutions, property rights, drought, water rights
Does Plant Ownership Affect the Level of Pollution Abatement Expenditure?, Alan Collins and Richard Harris,
in Land Economics
Global Climate Change and Child Health: A review of pathways, impacts and measures to improve the evidence base, David Parker, Yoko Akachi and Donna Goodman,
Keywords: child health; environmental degradation; environmental effects; malnutrition;
Water Bill Perception in Brazil: Do Households Get It Right?, María Pérez Urdiales, Jesse Madden Libra, Kleber Machado, Tomas Serebrisky and Ben Solís,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Energy-Water-Land Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Perspective from the Paris Agreement Climate Mitigation Pledges, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm and Raúl Muñoz Castillo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Effectiveness of Residential Water-Use Restrictions under Varying Levels of Municipal Effort, Greg Halich and Kurt Stephenson,
in Land Economics
The Welfare Implications of Bankruptcy Allocation of the Colorado River Water: The Case of the Salton Sea Region, Jacob Rightnar and Ariel Dinar,
in Water Resources Management: An International Journal, Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
Keywords: Colorado River water, Salton Sea, Water scarcity, Bankruptcy allocation, Regional welfare, Sectoral equity, Social planner
Objective versus Subjective Measures of Water Clarity in Hedonic Property Value Models, P. Joan Poor, Kevin Boyle, Laura Taylor and Roy Bouchard,
in Land Economics
Estimating the Value of Water Use Permits: A Hedonic Approach Applied to Farmland in the Southeastern United States, Ragan A. Petrie and Laura Taylor,
in Land Economics
Inequality in Access to Improved Water Source: A Regional Analysis by Theil Index, Avik Sinha and Siddhartha Rastogi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Improved water source; Theil index, Inequality; Decomposition analysis
Demand Side Management Policies for Residential Water Use: Who Bears the Conservation Burden?, Mary E. Renwick and Sandra O. Archibald,
in Land Economics
Cost-of-Illness and Willingness-to-Pay Estimates of the Benefits of Improved Air Quality: Evidence from Taiwan, Anna Alberini and Alan Krupnick,
in Land Economics
Estimating the Demand for Air Quality in Four U.S. Cities, Jeffrey Zabel and Katherine Kiel,
in Land Economics
Carbon Offsets, Elizabeth Wilman and Mahen S. Mahendrarajah,
in Land Economics
Energy, backstop endogeneity, and the optimal use of groundwater, James Roumasset and Christopher Wada,
from University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics
Keywords: Dynamic optimization, endogenous backstop, groundwater management, water-energy nexus
Vulnerability to Poverty and Vulnerability to Climate Change: Conceptual Framework, Measurement and Synergies in Policy, K.S. Kavi Kumar, Richard J.T. Klein, Cezar Ionescu, Jochen Hinkel and Rupert Klein,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: vulnerability, poverty, Climate change, Adaptation
A Global Assessment of Non-Tariff Customer Assistance Programs in Water Supply and Sanitation, Joseph Cook, Dale Whittington, David Fuente and Michael Matichich,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: tariff; water; sanitation
Household demand for water in rural Kenya, Jake Wagner, Joseph Cook and Peter Kimuyu,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: rural water supply; water source choice; value of travel time; water quality; Kenya; water demand elasticity; WASH; water collection; discrete-continuous
Saving Water at Cape Town Schools by Using Smart Metering and Behavioural Change, Martine Visser, M. J. Booysen, Johanna M. Brühl and Kenneth J. Berger,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: behavioural insight; nudge; social comparison; smart water meter; water conservation; Cape Town drough
Behavioural Nudges for Water Conservation in Unequal Settings Experimental Evidence from Cape Town, Kerri Brick, Samantha DeMartino and Martine Visser,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: Experiment
Distributional Statistics of Municipal Water Use During Cape Town’s Drought: Implications for Affordability, Conservation and Tariff Design, Joseph Cook, Johanna Brühl and Martine Visser,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: drought; water pricing; distributional analysis
Out of sight out of mind: Household perceptions of “fair” water prices in Nairobi, Kenya, David Fuente, Richard Mulwa and Joseph Cook,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: -
The coping costs of dealing with unreliable water supply in the Nairobi commercial sector, Jackson Otienoa, Joseph Cook and David Fuente,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: Coping Cost; Commercial Sector; Water Supply; Kenya
Comparing the Net Benefits of Incentive Based and Command and Control Regulations in a Developing Context: the Case of Santiago, Chile, Raúl O'Ryan and José Sánchez,
from Instituto de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Impacto de la Percepción de la Calidad del Aire sobre el Precio de las Viviendas en Concepción-Talcahuano, Chile, Cristian Mardones,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Keywords: Hedonics prices, air pollution, price of housing
Una primera aproximación a la valuación hedónica de la contaminación en Buenos Aires, Mariana Conte Grand,
from Universidad del CEMA
Keywords: Hedonic pricing, air pollution, real estate pricing
The Global Warming Potential Paradox: Implications for the Design of Climate Policy, Stéphane De Cara, Elodie Debove and Pierre-Alain Jayet,
from INRA, Economie Publique
Keywords: Global Warming Potential, climate change, climate policy, Multi-greenhouse gas agreements
Economía del agua: conceptos y aplicaciones para una mejor gestión, Eduardo Zegarra,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Agua, Analisis economico, Gestion del agua, Water, Economic analysis, Water management, Peru
Aggregate Technical Efficiency and Water Use in U.S. Agriculture, Andrew Zaeske,
from CERE - the Center for Environmental and Resource Economics
Keywords: agriculture; water use
Förstudie kring frågan om och hur vattenkraftens bidrag till reglerförmåga kan värderas monetärt, Bengt Kriström and Per-Olov Johansson,
from CERE - the Center for Environmental and Resource Economics
Keywords: vattenkraft; reglerförmåga
An Analysis of Watermove Water Markets, Robert Brooks and Edwyna Harris,
from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Keywords: Water, Water markets, Elasticities, Consumer and Producer Surplus
Aguas en disputa. Ica y Huancavelica, entre el entrampamiento y el diálogo, María Teresa Oré and Ismael Muñoz,
from Fondo Editorial - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Keywords: escasez de agua, territorio hidrosocial, agua subterránea, agroexportación, política pública, conflictos por el agua.
Modelling basin level allocation of water in the Murray Darling Basin in a world of uncertainty, David Adamson, Thilak Mallawaarachchi and John Quiggin,
from Risk and Sustainable Management Group, University of Queensland
Keywords: Water, Uncertainty, Salinity, GAMS v EXCEL & Optimisation