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5325 documents matched the search for Ulrike Stein in authors.
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Registered author: Ulrike Stein

Zur Entwicklung der Sparquoten der privaten Haushalte - eine Auswertung von Haushaltsdaten des SOEP,
Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2009)
Keywords: Sparquoten, Haushalte, Sozioökonomische Gruppen, SOEP

Earnings inequality in Germany: A decomposition-analysis,
Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2017)
Keywords: Earnings inequality, Theil decomposition, part-time employment, female participation rate, German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP)

Zur Entwicklung der Sparquoten der privaten Haushalte: eine Auswertung von Haushaltsdaten des SOEP,
Ulrike Stein, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2009)
Keywords: Sparquoten, Haushalte, Sozioökonomische Gruppen, SOEP

Earnings Inequality in Germany: A Decomposition-Analysis,
Ulrike Stein, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2017)
Keywords: Earnings inequality, Theil decomposition, part-time employment, female participation rate, German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)

Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung 2020,
Alexander Herzog-Stein and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2021) Downloads

Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung 2022 - Energiepreisschocks führen zu steigenden Arbeitskosten bei fallenden Reallöhnen,
Alexander Herzog-Stein and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2023) Downloads

Arbeits- und Lohnstueckkostenentwicklung 2023 - Herausforderungen einer Mehrfachkrise in ganz Europa spuerbar,
Alexander Herzog-Stein and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2024) Downloads

Explaining Rising Income Inequality in Germany, 1991-2010,
Kai Schmid and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2013)
Keywords: Income Inequality, Redistribution, SOEP

Are working hours a new driver of inequality?,
Stefanie Gerold and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2020)
Keywords: Inequality, working hours, collective bargaining, decomposition, unconditional quantile regression, RIF regressions, Structure of Earnings Survey

Sozialverträgliche CO2-Preise,
Sebastian Dullien and Ulrike Stein, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2022)
Keywords: H23, Q52, Q56

Explaining Rising Income Inequality in Germany, 1991-2010,
Kai Schmid and Ulrike Stein, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2013)
Keywords: Income Inequality, Redistribution, SOEP

Germany and the United States in coronavirus distress: internal versus external labour market flexibility,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Patrick Nüß, Lennert Peede and Ulrike Stein, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2022)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; USA ; Pandemie ; Auswirkungen ; Benachteiligte ; Beschäftigungseffekte ; internationaler Vergleich ; Krisenmanagement ; Kurzarbeit ; Rezession ; Arbeitslosenversicherung ; vorübergehende Entlassungen ; Arbeitsplatzsicherung

Germany's Labour Market in Coronavirus Distress - New Challenges to Safeguarding Employment,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Patrick Nüß, Lennert Peede and Ulrike Stein, from Global Labor Organization (GLO) (2021)
Keywords: Internal Flexibility Short-Time Work, Business Cycles, Great Recession, Coronavirus Crisis

Macroeconomic Implications of the German Short-time Work Policy during the Great Recession,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Gustav Horn and Ulrike Stein, in Global Policy (2013) Downloads

Germany and the United States in coronavirus distress: internal versus external labour market flexibility,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Patrick Nüß, Lennert Peede and Ulrike Stein, in Journal for Labour Market Research (2022)
Keywords: Working-time reduction, Safeguarding employment, Unemployment, Internal flexibility, External flexibility, Short-time work, Temporary layoffs, Great recession, Coronavirus recession, Covid-19 pandemic

Deutschlands Lohn- und Arbeitskostenentwicklung wieder zu schwach,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2014) Downloads

Deutsche Arbeitskosten auf Stabilitätskurs,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Camille Logeay, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2016) Downloads

Wachstum und Produktivität im Gegenwind,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Birgit Friedrich, Werner Sesselmeier and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2017) Downloads

Arbeitskosten steigen in Europa sehr verhalten,
Nora Albu, Alexander Herzog-Stein, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2017) Downloads

Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung 2017 im europäischen Vergleich,
Nora Albu, Alexander Herzog-Stein, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2018) Downloads

Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung 2018 im europäischen Vergleich,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2019) Downloads

Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung Ein gespaltenes Jahrzehnt geht zu Ende- enorme Herausforderungen warten,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Patrick Nüß, Ulrike Stein and Nora Albu, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2020) Downloads

Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung 2021,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Friederike Kotthaus and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2022) Downloads

Gewinninflation: Realität oder Fata Morgana? Die Rolle der Gewinnentwicklung für die aktuelle deutsche Inflation,
Sebastian Dullien, Alexander Herzog-Stein and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2023) Downloads

Arbeitskostenentwicklung und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Europa,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Heike Joebges, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2013) Downloads

Labour cost trends and international competitiveness in Europe,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Heike Joebges, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2013) Downloads

Germanys Labour Market in Coronavirus Distress New Challenges to Safeguarding Employment,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Patrick Nuess, Lennert Peede and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2021) Downloads

Beschäftigungspolitische Krisenreaktionen in Deutschland, Italien und dem Vereinigten Königreich,
Fabio R. Arico' and Ulrike Stein, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2010) Downloads

Was Short-Time Work a Miracle Cure During the Great Recession? The Case of Germany and Italy,
Fabio R. Arico' and Ulrike Stein, in Comparative Economic Studies (2012) Downloads

Zu schwache deutsche Arbeitskostenentwicklung belastet Europäische Währungsunion und soziale Sicherung,
Ulrike Stein, Sabine Stephan and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2012) Downloads

Zwischenbilanz: Krisengewinner und -verlierer,
Stefan Homburg, Hans-Peter Burghof, Gustav Horn and Ulrike Stein, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2010) Downloads

Deutsche Arbeitskosten: Eine Quelle der Instabilität im Euroraum,
Torsten Niechoj, Ulrike Stein, Sabine Stephan and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2011) Downloads

German labour costs: A source of instability in the euro area,
Torsten Niechoj, Ulrike Stein, Sabine Stephan and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2011) Downloads

Wirtschaftliche Instrumente für eine klima- und sozialverträgliche CO2-Bepreisung,
Sebastian Gechert, Katja Rietzler, Sven Schreiber and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2019) Downloads

Nur moderater Anstieg der Arbeitskosten in Deutschland. Arbeits- und Lohnstückkostenentwicklung 2014 und 1. Halbjahr 2015 im europäischen Vergleich,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Heike Joebges, Torsten Niechoj, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2015) Downloads

German labour costs have risen only moderately,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Heike Joebges, Torsten Niechoj, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2015) Downloads

Positive gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns - eine ökonometrische Anlayse,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Camille Logeay, Patrick Nüß, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2018) Downloads

The positive economic impact of Germany’s statutory minimum wage – an econometric analysis,
Alexander Herzog-Stein, Camille Logeay, Patrick Nüß, Ulrike Stein and Rudolf Zwiener, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2018) Downloads

Wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen 2019,
Gustav Horn, Alexander Herzog-Stein, Katja Rietzler, Ulrike Stein, Silke Tober and Andrew Watt, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2019) Downloads

Wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen 2020 Im Zeichen des Klimawandels Die Konjunkturelle Lage in Deutschland zur Jahreswende 2019/2020,
Sebastian Dullien, Sebastian Gechert, Alexander Herzog-Stein, Katja Rietzler, Ulrike Stein, Silke Tober and Andrew Watt, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2020) Downloads

Schriftliche Stellungnahme zur öffentlichen Anhörung des Sozialausschusses des Landtags Mecklenburg-Vorpommern am 29. November 2017 zum Thema "Armut und Reichtum" (Ausschussdrucksache 7/225),
Jan Behringer, Sebastian Gechert, Gustav A. Horn, Katja Rietzler, Ulrike Stein and Anita Tiefensee, from The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans Böckler Foundation (2017) Downloads

Sea ice and millennial-scale climate variability in the Nordic seas 90 kyr ago to present,
Ulrike Hoff, Tine L. Rasmussen, Ruediger Stein, Mohamed M. Ezat and Kirsten Fahl, in Nature Communications (2016) Downloads

Was tun gegen die Ungleichheit?,
Gustav Horn, Jan Behringer, Sebastian Gechert, Katja Rietzler and Ulrike Stein, from IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2017) Downloads

Investitionsboom in China - Strohfeuer oder Langzeitperspektive,
Ulrike Reisach, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2004)

Protection of Nuclear Facilities Against Aircraft Crash: Legal Aspects Concerning Licensing and Supervision Currently Under Discussion in Germany,
Ulrike Feldmann, in Nuclear Law Bulletin (2005) Downloads

Protection des installations nucléaires contre les chutes d'aéronefs: Questions juridiques en matière d'autorisation et de contrôle actuellement à l'étude en Allemagne,
Ulrike Feldmann, in Bulletin de droit nucléaire (2005) Downloads

Ulrike Weiland, in Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (JEAPM) (2012)
Keywords: EIA teachings, geography, Bachelor programmes, Master Programmes, Germany, practice demands

The "Middle-Risk Gap" and Financial System Reform: Small-Firm Financing in Japan,
Ulrike Schaede, in Monetary and Economic Studies (2005) Downloads

Provision of health care services in austria. A time series approach,
Ulrike Radosch, in Health Economics (1995) Downloads

Germany’s Social Long‐term Care Insurance: Design, Implementation and Evaluation,
Ulrike Schneider, in International Social Security Review (1999) Downloads

Francesca Orsini, Print and Pleasure: Popular Literature and Entertaining Fictions in Colonial North India (Ranikhet: Permanent Black), 2009, pp. 310,
Ulrike Stark, in The Indian Economic & Social History Review (2011) Downloads

Book Review: Shobna Nijhawan, Women and Girls in the Hindi Public Sphere: Periodical Literature in Colonial North India,
Ulrike Stark, in The Indian Economic & Social History Review (2014) Downloads

Associational culture and civic engagement in colonial Lucknow,
Ulrike Stark, in The Indian Economic & Social History Review (2011)
Keywords: Associational culture; Lucknow; middle class; Urdu; cultural entrepreneurship; modernity

La gestion des relations siège-filiales. Un enjeu stratégique pour les firmes multinationales,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, in Revue française de gestion (2011) Downloads

Possibilities and Limitations of Transferring an Educational Simulation Game to a Digital Platform,
Ulrike Erb, in Simulation & Gaming (2015)
Keywords: communication; digital educational game; digital media; educational experience; educational objectives; environmental education; fun of playing; game design; interaction; interactivity; KEEP COOL; KEEP COOL ONLINE 2; multiplayer game; player experience; simulation game

The graves of Tarim: genealogy and mobility across the Indian Ocean By Engseng Ho. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 2006. Pp. 379. 25 b/w photographs, 4 maps, 2 tables. Paperback 12.95, ISBN 978-0-520-24454-2,
Ulrike Freitag, in Journal of Global History (2008) Downloads

Gérer une joint venture en République tchèque: Une analyse de Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Joint venture,coopération internationale,management interculturel

Gewerkschaft im Wandel,
Ulrike Moser, in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG (1990) Downloads

Peer Effects in Labor Market Training,
Ulrike Unterhofer, from arXiv.org (2023) Downloads

Green Energy for the Arab Spring – Employment from renewable energy and energy efficiency in Tunisia Contribution to the special session: “Renewable energy policies – modeling challenges and economic results”,
Ulrike Lehr, from EcoMod (2012)
Keywords: Tunisia, Energy and environmental policy, Macroeconometric modeling

Registered author: Ulrike Richter

Optimal Capital Income Taxation and Redistribution,
Ulrike Vogelgesang, in FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis (2001) Downloads

Transformations on Whose Terms? Understanding the New EU-ACP Trade Relations from the Outside In,
Ulrike Lorenz, from Free University Berlin (2012)
Keywords: regional development; pre-negotiation; regions; trade policy; international relations

Stadtmarketing und Großveranstaltungen,
Ulrike Schneider, from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin (2022)
Keywords: Marketing, Stadtplanung, Veranstaltung

Beurteilung ökologischer Steuerreformvorschläge vor dem Hintergrund des bestehenden Steuersystems. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes der deutschen Industrie. Verfaßt unter der Leitung von Karl-Heinrich Hansmeyer - Dieter Ewringmann,
Ulrike Broß, from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin (2020)
Keywords: Steuerpolitik, Steuerreform, Umweltabgabe, Umweltrecht

1. Tagung Innovative Arbeitsgestaltung – Zukunft der Arbeit,
Schierholt Ulrike, in Arbeit (2002) Downloads

Fehlendes Gespür Und Fehlende Expertise: Die Privatisierung Und Restitution Des VEB Fahrzeug- Und Jagdwaffenwerks In Suhl/Thüringen Durch Die Treuhandanstalt 1990-1993,
Schulz Ulrike, in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook (2013) Downloads

The Association between Family Care and Paid Work among Women in Germany: Does the Household Economic Context Matter?,
Ulrike Ehrlich, in Work, Employment & Society (2023)
Keywords: employment transitions; event history analysis; family caregiving; household context; women’s labour market participation

From smart destinations to smart tourism regions,
Keywords: smart tourism; smart destination; smart city; smart region; scalability; governance

Law and Finance "at the Origin",
Ulrike Malmendier, in Journal of Economic Literature (2009) Downloads

Globalization and Transformations of Social Inequality,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Globalization -- Social aspects -- Case studies,Equality -- Case studies,Mondialisation -- Aspect social,Inégalité sociale

Introduction: theoretical and empirical introduction: globalization and transformations of social inequality,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Globalization -- Social aspects -- Case studies,Equality -- Case studies,Mondialisation -- Aspect social,Inégalité sociale

Social changes in a global world / Ulrike Schuerkens,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Changement social,Mondialisation

Soziale Transformationen und Entwicklung(en) in einer globalisierten Welt: eine Einführung / Ulrike Schuerkens,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: Changement social,Mondialisation

Globalization: A Challenge for Management Practices in Worldwide Enterprises / Ulrike Schuerkens,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Globalization,Mondialisation,Gestion -- Sociologie

L'ethnicisation des métiers en France chez les travailleurs étrangers ou immigrés originaires de l'Afrique subsaharienne: rapport au Ministre de l'intérieur, de l'outre-mer et des collectivités territoriales et de l'immigration,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Professions -- Anthropologie -- France,Travailleurs étrangers africains -- France -- 1990-....,Travailleuses étrangères -- France -- 1990-....

Africans form the Former Colonies in France since the 1960s,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Europe -- Émigration et immigration -- Histoire -- Encyclopédies,Europe -- Émigration et immigration -- Aspect économique -- Encyclopédies

Colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: History -- Encyclopedias,World history -- Encyclopedias,Colonialisme -- Sud Sahara

Socioeconomic Outcomes of the Global Financial Crisis: Theoretical Overview and Some Empirical Perspectives,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Global Financial Crisis (2008-2009) -- Social aspects,Financial crises -- Social aspects,Economics -- Sociological aspects,Sociologie économique,Crise économique (2008) -- Aspect social,Crises économiques -- Aspect social,Économie de marché -- Aspect social

Some Tentative Conclusions and Perspectives on Socioeconomic Outcomes of the Recent Global Financial Crisis,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Global Financial Crisis (2008-2009) -- Social aspects,Financial crises -- Social aspects,Economics -- Sociological aspects,Sociologie économique,Crise économique (2008) -- Aspect social,Crises économiques -- Aspect social,Économie de marché -- Aspect social

Globalization:its impact on Africa,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: Globalization effect -- Encyclopedia

Le management et la gouvernance des entreprises entre le vécu social local et la mondialisation post-néo-libérale,
Ulrike Schuerkens, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Mondialisation,Changement social

La gestion des relations siège-filiales: un enjeu stratégique pour les firmes multinationales,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Stratégie,management international,firmes multinationales

Le management des firmes multinationales,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Multinationales,Entreprises multinationales,Firmes multinationales

La distribution internationale: les logiques paradoxales des stratégies développées par les enseignes commerciales,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: Distribution,internationalisation,paradoxes

International distribution: the paradoxical logics developed by retail groups,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Distribution,internationalisation,paradoxes

La firme multinationale: une entreprise en perpétuelle évolution ?,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Firme multinationale,entreprise multinationale,mondialisation,management.,management

Marketing international,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Marketing international,analyse marketing,stratégie marketing,marketing-mix.,marketing-mix

Management of Multinational Companies: A French Perspective,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Multinational companies,multinational enterprises,French multinationals.,French multinationals

MNCs in the Global Economy,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: management,Multinational companies,globalization,management.

Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: marketing-mix,Marketing,analyse de marché,stratégie marketing,marketing-mix.

Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2010)
Keywords: Marketing,analyse de marché,stratégie marketing,marketing-mix.,marketing-mix

Les Grands Auteurs en Management International,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: Grands auteurs,management international,stratégies d'internationalisation,entreprises multinationales,mondialisation,cultures nationales.,cultures nationales

Alan M. Rugman: L'ancrage régional des stratégies d'internationalisation,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2014)
Keywords: Alan M. Rugman,firmes multinationales,localisation,régionalisation,mondialisation.,mondialisation

Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Marketing,analyse de marché,stratégie marketing,marketing-mix.

Management stratégique,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Fondements du management stratégique,outils d’analyse stratégique,stratégies de développement des entreprises.

Les entreprises multinationales françaises: enjeux et perspectives,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Entreprises multinationales , organisation , croissance , Danone.

Management stratégique,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Management stratégique, analyse stratégique, stratégie.

Management interculturel. Comprendre et gérer la diversité culturelle,
Ulrike Mayrhofer, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: diversité culturelle.,Management interculturel, culture nationale, culture d'entreprise

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