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20798 documents matched the search for Waldkirch, Andreas in authors.
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Vertical FDI? A Host Country Perspective,
Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2004)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinationals, Mexico

The 'New Regionalism': Integration as a Commitment Device for Developing Countries,
Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2004)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Integration, Commitment

The ‘New Regionalism’: Integration as a Commitment Device for Developing Countries,
Andreas Waldkirch, in Journal of Economic Integration (2006)
Keywords: Mergers and acquisitions; multinational firms; gravity models; European integration; EMU

Firms around the World during the COVID-19 Pandemic,
Andreas Waldkirch, in Journal of Economic Integration (2021)
Keywords: COVID-19; trade; multinationals; integration; firms

The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico since NAFTA,
Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Mexico; NAFTA; Productivity; Wages; Income Inequality

The 'new regionalism' and foreign direct investment: the case of Mexico,
Andreas Waldkirch, in The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2003)
Keywords: Foreign direct investment, economic integration, Mexico, NAFTA,

The structure of multinational activity: evidence from Germany,
Andreas Waldkirch, in Applied Economics (2010) Downloads

The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico since NAFTA,
Andreas Waldkirch, in The World Economy (2010) Downloads

Comparative advantage FDI? A host country perspective,
Andreas Waldkirch, in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) (2011)
Keywords: Foreign direct investment, Multinationals, Mexico, F21, F23, O15,

Registered author: Andreas Waldkirch

Foreign Presence, Spillovers, and Productivity: Evidence from Ghana,
Andreas Waldkirch and Andra Ofosu, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Productivity; Spillovers; Firm Level Data; Africa; Ghana

Foreign Presence, Spillovers, and Productivity: Evidence from Ghana,
Andreas Waldkirch and Andra Ofosu, in World Development (2010)
Keywords: foreign direct investment productivity spillovers firm level data Africa Ghana

Relative factor abundance and FDI factor intensity in developed countries,
Alfons Palangkaraya and Andreas Waldkirch, in International Economic Journal (2008)
Keywords: foreign direct investment, comparative advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek,

Pollution Haven or Hythe? New Evidence from Mexico,
Andreas Waldkirch and Munisamy Gopinath, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2004)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Pollution Haven, Mexico

Relative Factor Abundance and FDI Factor Intensity in Developed Countries,
Alfons Palangkaraya and Andreas Waldkirch, from Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne (2006) Downloads

Pollution Control and Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico: An Industry-Level Analysis,
Andreas Waldkirch and Munisamy Gopinath, in Environmental & Resource Economics (2008)
Keywords: Foreign direct investment, Pollution haven, Mexico, F21, F23, Q38,

North American Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment,
Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Multinationals; Export Platform; NAFTA

North American Integration and Canadian Foreign Direct Investment,
Andreas Waldkirch and Ayça Tekin-Koru, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinationals, NAFTA, Canada

North American Integration and Canadian Foreign Direct Investment,
Andreas Waldkirch and Ayça Tekin-Koru, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinationals, NAFTA, Canada

Intergenerational Linkages in Consumption Behavior,
Andreas Waldkirch, Serena Ng and Donald Cox, in Journal of Human Resources (2004) Downloads

Intergenerational Linkages in Consumption Behavior,
Donald Cox, Serena Ng and Andreas Waldkirch, from Econometric Society (2000)
Keywords: Family, income, tastes, retirement, learning.

North-South Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment,
Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinationals, Export Platform, NAFTA

North-South Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment,
Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinationals, Export Platform, NAFTA

North–South Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment,
Ayça Tekin‐Koru and Andreas Waldkirch, in Review of International Economics (2010) Downloads

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment in US states,
Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Andreas Waldkirch, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2012) Downloads

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment in US states,
Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Andreas Waldkirch, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2009)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, US States, Spatial Econometrics, Marshallian Externalities

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment in US states,
Eckhardt Bode, Peter Nunnenkamp and Andreas Waldkirch, in Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique (2012) Downloads

Exporting Spatial Externalities,
Andrew Cassey, Katherine Schmeiser and Andreas Waldkirch, in Open Economies Review (2016)
Keywords: Externalities, Exports, Distance, Spatial econometrics, Russia

North American Integration and Canadian Foreign Direct Investment,
Andreas Waldkirch and Ayça Tekin-Koru, in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2010)
Keywords: FDI, multinationals, NAFTA, Canada

Intergenerational Linkages in Consumption Behavior,
Donald Cox, Serena Ng and Andreas Waldkirch, from Boston College Department of Economics (2000)
Keywords: Family, income, tastes, retirement, learning.

Employment Effects of FDI in Mexico's Non-Maquiladora Manufacturing,
Andreas Waldkirch, Peter Nunnenkamp and Jose Eduardo Alatorre Bremont, in Journal of Development Studies (2009) Downloads

Multinational Firms and Plant Divestiture,
Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Multinationals, Divestiture

Multinational Firms and Plant Divestiture,
Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch, in Review of International Economics (2015) Downloads

What drives India's outward FDI?,
Peter Nunnenkamp, Maximiliano Sosa Andrés, Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati and Andreas Waldkirch, from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2012)
Keywords: FDI outflows, gravity model, PPML, India

What Drives India’s Outward FDI?,
Peter Nunnenkamp, Maximiliano Sosa Andrés, Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati and Andreas Waldkirch, in South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance (2012)
Keywords: FDI outflows; gravity model; PPML; India

Institutional work battles in the sharing economy: Unveiling actors and discursive strategies in media discourse,
Julian Lehmann, Florian Weber, Matthias Waldkirch, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy and Andreas König, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022)
Keywords: Sharing economy; Discursive institutional work; Incumbent firms; New entrants; Institutional change; Media analysis;

Non-family CEOs in family firms: Spotting gaps and challenging assumptions for a future research agenda,
Matthias Waldkirch, in Journal of Family Business Strategy (2020)
Keywords: Non-family chief executive officer (CEO); Family firms; Literature review; Professionalization; Gap-spotting; Challenging assumptions;

Erfolgreiches Personalmanagement in China,
Karl Waldkirch, from Springer (2018)

When crises meet grand environmental challenges: Navigating intertemporal tensions in European manufacturing family firms,
Sophia Jungk and Matthias Waldkirch, in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development (2024) Downloads

Benefitting from benefits—A comparison of employee satisfaction in family and non-family firms,
Stephanie Querbach, Matthias Waldkirch and Nadine Kammerlander, in Journal of Family Business Strategy (2022)
Keywords: Family firm; Employee satisfaction; Non-family employees; Job benefits; Social exchange theory;

Configurations for corporate venture innovation: Investigating the role of the dominant coalition,
Matthias Waldkirch, Nadine Kammerlander and Conrad Wiedeler, in Journal of Business Venturing (2021)
Keywords: Dominant coalition; Innovation; Corporate venturing; Venture autonomy; Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis;

Accounting for the Benefits of Social Security and the Role of Business: Four Ideal Types and Their Different Heuristics,
Rüdiger Waldkirch, Matthias Meyer and Karl Homann, in Journal of Business Ethics (2009)
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, heuristics, ideal types, (social) contract theory, social market economy, social security systems,

SCHLÃœTER Alexander, Matthias Waldkirch, Katrin Burmeister-Lamp and Jan Auernhammer, in International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) (2021)
Keywords: Aesthetic design, customer co-creation, emotions, early access video games, new product development, online reviews, feedback, Steam

Relative Performance Measurement of Researchers: The Impact of Data Source Selection,
Matthias Meyer, Rüdiger W. Waldkirch and Michael A. Zaggl, in Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr) (2012)
Keywords: Citations; Decision Making; Google Scholar; Handelsblatt Ranking; Performance Measurement; Publications; Ranking; Research Productivity; Scopus; Social Science Citation Index

Drivers of citations: An analysis of publications in “top” accounting journals,
Matthias Meyer, Rüdiger W. Waldkirch, Irina Duscher and Alexander Just, in CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING (2018)
Keywords: Citations; Impact; Sociology of scientific knowledge; Particularism; Universalism;

Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews,
Pruckner Gerald J., Waldkirch Rüdiger and Gurbaxani Indira, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1999) Downloads

Entrepreneurial learning in online communities,
Peter Kalum Schou, Eliane Bucher and Matthias Waldkirch, in Small Business Economics (2022)
Keywords: Entrepreneurial learning, Online communities, Coactive vicarious learning, Social media, Content analysis

Digital affordances: how entrepreneurs access support in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic,
Marie Madeleine Meurer, Matthias Waldkirch, Peter Kalum Schou, Eliane Léontine Bucher and Katrin Burmeister-Lamp, in Small Business Economics (2022)
Keywords: Entrepreneurial support, Online communities, Affordances, COVID-19, Big data

Analysis of Operating Cash Flow to Detect Real Activity Manipulation and Its Effect on Market Performance,
Andreas Andreas, in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (2017)
Keywords: Operating Cash Flow, Real Activity Manipulation, Market Performance

How to shape noise spectra for continuous system simulation,
Andreas Klöckner, Andreas Knoblach and Andreas Heckmann, in Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (2017) Downloads

Microstructure Effects on Daily Return Volatility in Financial Markets,
Andreas Krause, from arXiv.org (2000) Downloads

Sustainable Credit And Interest Rates,
Andreas Hula, from arXiv.org (2012) Downloads

A Review of Marshall and Schumpeter on Evolution: Economic Sociology of Capitalist Development, Edited by Yuichi Shionoya and Tamotsu Nishizawa, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, 2008, 285 pp,
Andreas Stamate, in The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2009) Downloads

Determinanten der Schweizer Agrarexporte – Eine Anwendung des ökonomischen Gravitationsmodells,
Andreas Kohler, in Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture (Until 2015: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture) (2015)
Keywords: Trade, Agriculture in international trade, Gravity model

Role of Intercultural Differences in Development of Business Strategies (As Exemplified by Russian-German Economic Relationships),
Andreas Siegert, in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015) (2010)
Keywords: mobility; culture gap; entry to new markets

Normativitõt und Gesellschaftstheorie,
Andreas Suchanek, in Homo Oeconomicus (1993)

Staatliche Regulierung als Enteignung. Zu einer prinzipiellen Antwort auf die Frage der Entschõdigung, Kommentar zu J.R. Siekmann,
Andreas Schwartze, in Homo Oeconomicus (1994)

Fiskalischer F÷deralismus als Anwendungsgebiet der Spieltheorie,
Andreas Pfingsten, in Homo Oeconomicus (1995)

Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre zwischen Geschwisterliebe und Familienzwist,
Andreas Pfingsten, in Homo Oeconomicus (1997)

Leistung und Motivation im Soldatenberuf,
Andreas Pawlas, in Homo Oeconomicus (1984)

Ethik und Zufall: Alexander von Oettingens Ethik und die Voraussetzungen statistischen Denkens,
Andreas Pawlas, in Homo Oeconomicus (1989)

Theologie und die Krise der Íkonomie. Zum marktwirtschaftlichen Konzept Adam Smith's in Verbindung mit der theologischen Suche nach Gerechtigkeit in der ÷konomischen Welt,
Andreas Pawlas, in Homo Oeconomicus (1989)

Emotions in Organizations. The Blind Spot of Organizational Theories,
Andreas Bergknapp, in Rivista di Politica Economica (2004) Downloads

Book Review: Firm Interests: How Governments Shape Business Lobbying on Global Trade,
Andreas Böhm, in Aussenwirtschaft (2009) Downloads

Book Review: WTO-Streitbeilegung und EuGH im Vergleich,
Andreas Böhm, in Aussenwirtschaft (2008) Downloads

Erhöht die WTO-Mitgliedschaft das Handelsvolumen?,
Andreas Westermeier, in Aussenwirtschaft (2008) Downloads

Volatility Transmission in Overlapping Trading Zones,
Andreas Masuhr, from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster (2017) Downloads

Andreas Horsch, in Polish Journal of Management Studies (2012)
Keywords: human action, financial crisis, financial institutions

Voies navigables et développement économique,
Andreas Kunz, in Histoire, économie & société (1992) Downloads

La modernisation d'un transport encore préindustriel pendant l'ère industrielle: le cas des voies navigables de l'Allemagne Impériale de 1871 à 1918,
Andreas Kunz, in Histoire, économie & société (1992) Downloads

Bayesian Estimation of Generalized Partition of Unity Copulas,
Andreas Masuhr, from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster (2018) Downloads

A European Analysis of Changes in Gender Specific Wage Inequality Using Decomposition Methods,
Andreas Behr, in Journal of Income Distribution (2007)
Keywords: wage inequality, decomposition, wage equation

A Comparison of Modern Wage Decomposition Approaches,
Andreas Behr, in Journal of Income Distribution (2013)
Keywords: inequality, decomposition

Kommentar zu Wenn Werte entscheiden,
Andreas Remer, in Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice (2013) Downloads

Aktuelle Trends und alternative Perspektiven der Hochschulentwicklung,
Andreas Keller, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2007) Downloads

Finanzialisierung als Kernproblem eines sozialen Europas,
Andreas Nölke, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2016) Downloads

Gefühlte Mitte – prekäre soziale Selbstverortung von Grundsicherungsbeziehenden,
Andreas Hirseland, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2016) Downloads

Qualifizieren für das Arbeiten im globalen Informationsraum,
Andreas Boes, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Lohn- und Gehaltsunterschiede zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland –Implikationen für die Angleichung des Rentenrechts,
Andreas Jansen, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Auf dem Weg zum „Traumjob Wissenschaft“ – Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven,
Andreas Keller, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2017) Downloads

Defensive Innovationen statt schöpferischer Zerstörung. Die risikofreudigen Innovations- und Diversifizierungsstrategien in der österreichischen verstaatlichten Industrie von 1975 bis 1985,
Andreas Resch, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2011) Downloads

Der Effekt der Größe kommunaler Volksvertretungen auf die Kommunalfinanzsituation,
Andreas Burth, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2012) Downloads

Die Entwicklung organisatorischer Kompetenz – Selbstorganisation und nachhaltiges Management als Voraussetzung fuer effizientes und effektives organisatorisches Handeln,
Andreas Dietrich, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics (2007)
Keywords: Organisatorische Kompetenz, nachhaltiges Management, Selbstorganisation, Kernkompetenzen, Unternehmensethik

Nun sag, Homo oeconomicus, wie hast du’s mit der Moral? Bestandsaufnahme und Grundgedanken zur ‘moralisch-evolutionaeren’ Fortentwicklung des oekonomischen Menschenbildes (Say, Homo Oeconomicus, How Is It with Your Morals? – The Status Quo and Some Thoughts on the ‘Moral-Evolutionary” Development of the Concept of Man in Economics),
Andreas Haaker, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics (2013)
Keywords: Homo Oeconomicus, Morality, Evolutionary Economics, Game Theory

Die Reputator-Funktion in der Unternehmertheorie,
Andreas Haaker, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics (2018) Downloads

Big in Japan: Global Volatility Transmission between Assets and Trading Places,
Andreas Masuhr, from Center for Quantitative Economics (CQE), University of Muenster (2019) Downloads

Display Content Adaptation Using a Force Sensitive Office Chair,
Andreas Riener, in International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) (2011) Downloads

Warum auf Langzeit- und Lebensarbeitszeitkonten verzichtet werden sollte,
Andreas Hoff, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2007) Downloads

Can Sports Promote Exports? The Role of Soccer Matches in International Trade,
Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, in Global Economy Journal (GEJ) (2016)
Keywords: trade, sport, trade costs, soccer, gravity model, information, trade promotion

Andreas Tutic, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2010)
Keywords: TU games, stability, Wiese value, AD value, χ-value

Andreas Hemker, in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) (1993) Downloads

Andreas Flache, in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) (2018)
Keywords: Opinion dynamics, intergroup attitudes, polarization, social influence, homophily

Drafting a European Constitution – Challenges and Opportunities,
Andreas Føllesdal, from University of Hamburg, Faculty for Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science (2002)
Keywords: European Convention; treaty reform; transparency; constitution building; institutionalism

Brokers and Market Microstructures in Black Sea Grain Trade. Preliminary Observations from Varna (Mid-19th – Early 20th Century),
Andreas Lyberatos, in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research (2020)
Keywords: Grain Trade, Brokers, Market Microstructures, Black Sea Grain Trade, Bulgarian Economy, Greek Trade Diaspora

Discretized representations of harmonic variables by bilateral Jacobi operators,
Andreas Ruffing, in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2000) Downloads

Differential representations of dynamical oscillator symmetries in discrete Hilbert space,
Andreas Ruffing, in Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2000) Downloads

Dual Szegö pairs of sequences of rational matrix-valued functions,
Andreas Lasarow, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2006) Downloads

Liberalization in Telecommunications,
Andreas Knorr, from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (2002)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

City Size Distribution and Growth,
Andreas Kopp, from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (2000)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development

Andreas Wildermuth, from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) (1999)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

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