중남미 국가의 서비스 시장 개방이 GVC 참여에 미치는 영향과 시사점(Assessing the Impact of Service Market Opening in Latin American Nations on Global Value Chain Involvement: Implications and Insights)
Sungwoo Hong (),
Jino Kim (),
Jungu Kang (),
Mi-Sook Park () and
Seungho Lee ()
Additional contact information
Sungwoo Hong: KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP), Postal: [30147] , Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, , 370, Sicheong-daero,, Sejong-si, Korea, https://www.kiep.go.kr/eng/
Jino Kim: KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP), Postal: [30147] , Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, , 370, Sicheong-daero,, Sejong-si, Korea, https://www.kiep.go.kr/eng/
Jungu Kang: KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP), Postal: [30147] , Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, , 370, Sicheong-daero,, Sejong-si, Korea, https://www.kiep.go.kr/eng/
Mi-Sook Park: KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP), Postal: [30147] , Building C, Sejong National Research Complex, , 370, Sicheong-daero,, Sejong-si, Korea, https://www.kiep.go.kr/eng/
Seungho Lee: JEONBUK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Postal: [54001], 117, Sandannambuk-ro,, Gunsan-si, Korea
No 23-16, Policy Analyses from Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
과학기술 진보와 서비스업의 발전에 따라 서비스 무역이 증가하고 있으며, 특히 코로나19 팬데믹 이후 디지털 전환의 가속화로 서비스 무역이 더욱 중요해지고 있다. 글로벌화가 진행되면서 중남미 국가들은 상품 및 서비스 시장 개방을 통해 자국의 경쟁력 향상과 글로벌 가치사슬 참여를 모색하는 것으로 보인다. 이러한 배경에서 본 연구는 서비스 분야에서 한국과 중남미 간 경제협력 방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 중남미 서비스 시장의 개방 정도와 주요 제한 사항을 파악하고, 서비스 무역에서 양 지역간 협력을 강화하기 위한 논리를 제공하기 위해 중남미 국가들의 서비스 시장 개방이 GVC 참여에 미치는 영향을 실증분석을 통해 밝혀냈다. 분석결과, 국내 서비스 관련 규제의 문제점 검토와 개선, 제조업과의 연계를 통한 상품 및 서비스 수출 증대전략 마련, 향후 중남미 국가와의 서비스 협정에 대비한 양허 요청 논리 마련을 정책 제언으로 제시하였다. Since the 2000s, service trade has steadily risen due to the progress in global science and technology, alongside the growth of each country’s service industry. Over the past two decades, countries have persistently worked on liberalizing service trade through negotiations and agreements within the WTO system, as well as through bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. The rapid acceleration of digital transformation, particularly since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, is anticipated to further elevate the contribution of service trade to the economies of major countries worldwide. Services and the global value chain are intricately interconnected. Services not only serve as a significant input in the manufacturing sector, which is the most complex component of the global value chain, but they also facilitate both forward and backward linkages in the production process. The recent movement undertaken by Latin American countries to open their service markets might be driven by a policy goal to increase involvement in the global value chain, especially focused on the manufacturing industry, while aiming to enhance the competitiveness of their service sector. Currently, Korea’s exports remain predominantly centered on manufacturing-based product trade, posing challenges in enhancing competitiveness within the service sector. This pattern is notably reflected in Korea’s trade with Latin America. Exports from Korea to Latin America primarily revolve around manufacturing-oriented product trade, with limited engagement in service-related trade and collaboration between Korea and Latin American nations. As global economic recovery stalls due to increased protectionism and a sluggish export environment for Korea, there’s a shift in approach by both the government and companies. They are moving away from the previous Korea-Latin America cooperation model, which was primarily focused on manufacturing-centered product trade, to instead expand into service trade and innovate new solutions within the service sector. (the rest omitted)
Keywords: latin american nations; service market opening; global value chain involvement (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Pages: 188 pages
Date: 2023-12-29
New Economics Papers: this item is included in nep-int
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