MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 88064: Voting turnout in Greece: expressive or instrumental?

- Irene Daskalopoulou
- 88060: How China influence Cambodia from the past to the present for the case of politics, diplomacy, military and economic relations perspective

- Bora Ly
- 88059: The impacts of investment on climate change:the case study of Cambodia

- Phon Sophat
- 88054: Economic Cost of Tobacco-Related Diseases in Nigeria: a Study of three Hospitals in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria

- Olumide Bamidele Owoeye and Olanrewaju Olaniyan
- 88047: Climate change induced marginality: Households’ vulnerability in the meal consumption frequencies

- Mohammad Hasan
- 88043: Scientific Labor Mobility, Market Value, and Knowledge Flows

- Burak Dindaroglu
- 88038: PENIMBUNAN BARANG PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI ISLAM (Stockpiling of Islamic Economic Law Perspective)

- Riska Ariska and Abdul Aziz
- 88037: The Size of Flypaper Effect in Decentralizing Indonesia

- Tengku Munawar Chalil

- Abdul Aziz
- 88034: India’s Act East Policy: Walking the Talk

- Debashis Chakraborty and Anushree Chakraborty
- 88026: Tourism Talent development for Cambodia

- Bora Ly
- 88017: Travel Writing in Place Branding - A Case Study on Nantes

- Charlie Mansfield
- 88016: The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1861-1913: Revised Second-Generation Expenditure-Side Estimates

- Stefano Fenoaltea
- 88015: Instability in the basic New Keynesian model under limited information

- Ignacio Escañuela Romana
- 88013: Essai d’évaluation de la contribution de la santé à la croissance économique en Algérie (An assessment of the contribution of health to economic growth in Algeria)

- Moussa Messaili and Nouara Kaid Tlilane
- 88012: Yerelden Kalkınmayı Yeniden Düşünmek (Rethinking Developing Locally)

- Bilal Bagis
- 88005: Romanian Attitudes and Perceptions towards the 16+1 Cooperation Platform

- Oehler-Șincai Iulia Monica, Lianu Costin, Ilie Cristina and Irina Rădulescu
- 88003: 16+1, a New Issue in China-EU Relations?

- Oehler-Șincai Iulia Monica
- 88001: European Union and Big Four’s Position Towards the 16+1 Cooperation Platform

- Oehler-Șincai Iulia Monica, Lianu Costin and Rădulescu Irina Gabriela
- 87998: Pink Work: Same-Sex Marriage, Employment and Discrimination

- Dario Sansone
- 87996: Differential Voting Right Shares in India - Legal and Valuation Perspective

- Manick Wadhwa and Ankit Wadhwa
- 87995: Rural Infrastructure, Land Productivity and Crop Diversification in Odisha, India: An Assessment

- Chittaranjan Nayak
- 87994: Dissecting the ‘doom loop’: the bank-sovereign credit risk nexus during the US debt ceiling crisis

- Filippo Gori
- 87993: Desarrollo económico de Corea del Sur: (1953-1997) (Economic development of South Korea: (1953-1997))

- Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón
- 87987: Финансово - счетоводни аспекти на търговската репутация (Financial and Accounting Aspects of Goodwill)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 87986: Effect of Health Insurance on the Demand on the Demand for Health care in Oyo State, Nigeria

- Olumide Bamidele Owoeye and Samuel Olaiya
- 87984: Sistem anggaran berbasis kinerja pada APBN di Indonesia perspektif ekonomi Islam (A performance-based budget system in Indonesia's state budget in Islamic economic perspective)

- Aan Jaelani
- 87977: Electricity Consumption, Economic Growth and Trade Openness in Kazakhstan: Evidence from Cointegration and Causality

- Saleheen Khan, Farooq Ahmed Jam, Muhammad Shahbaz and Md Al Mamun
- 87974: Cointegration of Economic growth and External balance in Colombia: 1963-2016

- Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón
- 87972: Variational Bayes inference in high-dimensional time-varying parameter models

- Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
- 87970: Man’s registered debts

- László Vértesy
- 87968: An Assessment of Association between Natural Resources Agglomeration and Unemployment in Pakistan

- Amjad Ali and Kalsoom Zulfiqar
- 87966: Africa on the maps of global values. Comparative analyses, based on recent World Values Survey data

- Arno Tausch
- 87963: Unobserved structural shifts and asymmetries in the random walk model for stock returns in African frontier markets

- David De Villeris, Natalya Apopo and Andrew Phiri
- 87958: Assessment of waste dumping practices in mountain creeks

- Florin Mihai, Ionut Minea and Adrian Grozavu
- 87957: Developing the Tourism Talent for Cambodia

- Bora Ly
- 87955: Rural waste disposal issues within urban borders

- Florin Mihai, Corneliu Iatu and Adrian Grozavu
- 87950: The Exploration of Subjective Well-being in the Context of Pakistan

- Haroon Jamal
- 87949: Mother‘s Empowerment and Child Malnutrition: Evidence from Pakistan

- Haroon Jamal
- 87948: Exploring Determinants of Productivity in Pakistani Manufacturing Firms

- Haroon Jamal
- 87947: Let’s talk about the Free Trade Agreement (FTA): The five ASEAN members highlighting Indonesia

- Kiki Verico and Yeremia Natanael
- 87944: Are Employment Protection Laws for Disabled People Effective in a Developing Country Evidence from Cambodia

- Michael Palmer and Jenny Williams
- 87943: Should Public Elderly Care Be Provided?

- Masaya Yasuoka
- 87937: Demand behaviour in Spain during the last three decades: What is the ideal microeconomic model to represent consumer preferences?

- Lucia García
- 87936: Reporting the natural environmental hazards occurrences and fatalities over the last century

- George Halkos and Argyro Zisiadou
- 87928: Education-job mismatches and their impacts on job satisfaction: An analysis among university graduates in Cambodia

- Vichet Sam
- 87926: Corporate material flow management in Thailand: The way to material flow cost accounting

- Michiyuki Yagi and Katsuhiko Kokubu
- 87925: R&D cooperation in SMEs: the direct effect and the moderating role of human capital

- Claudia Cantabene and Iacopo Grassi
- 87923: Performances management when modelling internal structure

- Claudio Pinto
- 87920: Why do employers not pay less than advertised? Directed search and the Diamond paradox

- Friedrich Poeschel
- 87919: The revelation principle does not always hold when strategies of agents are costly

- Haoyang Wu
- 87916: Modelling the impact of social media influencers on behavioural intentions of millennials: The case of tourism in rural areas in Greece

- Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou
- 87915: Investigating casino event management integration: The case of East and South Asia casinos

- Huang, Tzu-Wei (Arwen), Tseng, Wan-Yu (Quentina), Lin, Jing-Yao (Jerry) and Tay, Ching-Xiong (Dennis)
- 87914: Perception of service quality in agrotourism accommodations: Impact on guest loyalty and re-visit intentions

- Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou and Ioanna Simeli
- 87911: The Dialectics of Motivation and Action: A Look into the ‘Why’ of the “Kerala Model”

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 87907: Air passengers during the economic crisis: The Spanish case (Air passengers during the economic crisis: The Spanish case)

- Miriam Marcén and Marina Morales
- 87891: Decomposition analysis of corporate carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions in Japan: Integrating corporate environmental and financial performances

- Michiyuki Yagi and Shunsuke Managi
- 87886: The practice of destination governance: A comparative analysis of key dimensions and underlying concepts

- Michael Volgger, Harald Pechlaner and Sabine Pichler
- 87884: The evolution of destination branding: A review of branding literature in tourism

- Marta Almeyda-Ibáñez and Babu P. George
- 87883: Gastronomic tourism and the creative economy

- Marco Martins
- 87882: Economic Growth, Productivity and Convergence of the Middle East and North African Countries

- Mushtaq Ahmad Malik and Dr. Tariq Masood
- 87881: Difficulties in the forecasting of iron ore price: a review

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 87879: Time-varying relationship between oil price and exchange rate

- César Castro Rozo and Rebeca Jiménez-Rodríguez
- 87874: Can regional policies shape migration flows?

- Guido Pellegrini, Ornella Tarola, Augusto Cerqua and Giulia Ceccantoni
- 87871: Human Capital, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Diffusion, Institutions and Economic Incentives: South Korea versus Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 87870: Effects of asymmetric information on market timing in the mutual fund industry

- Vanessa Tchamyou, Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 87866: The determinants of interest rates in microfinance: age, scale and organisational charter

- Jacinta Nwachukwu, Aqsa Aziz, Uchenna Tony-Okeke and Simplice Asongu
- 87864: Female Economic Participation with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Advancement: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

- Uchenna Efobi, Belmondo Tanankem and Simplice Asongu
- 87860: A Literature Review on the Sediment Transport Process in Shallow-Grade Culverts and Storm Sewers

- Milad Ketabdar, Kyle Strom and Qin Qian
- 87859: An Analysis of Urban Environmental Kuznets Curve of CO2 Emissions: Empirical Analysis of 276 Global Metropolitan Areas

- Hidemichi Fujii, Kazuyuki Iwata, Andrew Chapman, Shigemi Kagawa and Shunsuke Managi
- 87858: Labour policy and multinational firms: the "race to the bottom" revisited

- Anindya Bhattacharya and Debapriya Sen
- 87854: The Macroeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in Zambia: Do Copper prices matter?

- Bright Chizonde
- 87853: Academic sociology: The alarming rise in predatory publishing and its consequences for Islamic economics and finance

- Zubair Hasan
- 87847: Risk factors and non-communicable disease diagnosis in China

- Tianxin Pan and Michael Palmer
- 87845: An experimental method for the elicitation of implicit attitudes to privacy risk

- Alisa Frik and Alexia Gaudeul
- 87844: Solow-Swan growth model with global capital markets and congestible public goods

- Kumar Aniket
- 87839: An Analysis of Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on the Indian Manufacturing Exports

- Salman Haider and Masudul hasan Adil
- 87837: Change Point Detection in the Conditional Correlation Structure of Multivariate Volatility Models

- Marco Barassi, Lajos Horvath and Yuqian Zhao
- 87834: Consistent Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Groups of Transformations

- Christian Gourieroux, Alain Monfort and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 87830: Estimation of Dynamic Stochastic Frontier Model using Likelihood-based Approaches

- Hung-pin Lai and Subal Kumbhakar
- 87826: Academic sociology: The alarming rise in predatory publishing and its consequences for Islamic economics and finance

- Zubair Hasan
- 87824: Mapping the UK domestic and global value chains from a Brexit perspective

- Hubert Escaith
- 87823: Asymmetry and Multiscale Dynamics in Macroeconomic Time Series Analysis

- Olivier Habimana
- 87821: Oil price pass-through into inflation in Spain at national and regional level

- Ligia Topan, César Castro, Miguel Jerez and Andrés Barge-Gil
- 87819: Economic policy caliph Umar ibn Khattab

- Jamal Kusnadi
- 87812: Shadow Economy in Pakistan: Its Size and Interaction with Official Economy

- Khurrum Mughal, Friedrich Schneider and Zafar Hayat
- 87810: Medical Decision-Making by Patients and Providers under Uncertainty and in the Presence of Antibiotic Resistance

- Sanjana Batabyal and Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 87808: Trade Liberalization and Export Competitiveness: Evidence from the EU-ECOWAS Trade

- Edmund Okraku Ofei
- 87801: Determinants of household direct CO2 emissions: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

- Olanrewaju Olaniyan, Mubaraq Dele Sulaimon and Wasiu Ademola
- 87800: The Determinants of Public Health Expenditures: Comparing Canada and Spain

- Livio Di Matteo and David Cantarero
- 87798: Modelowanie AHP wyboru menadżera ds. integracji organizacyjnej w procesie fuzji przedsiębiorstw w kontekście teorii struktury rozwoju przywództwa (Choosing the merger’s organizational integration manager via AHP modeling of Leadership Development Framework)

- Remigiusz Gawlik, Katarzyna Grzesik and Monika Kwiecińska
- 87793: Contemporary Trends in the Development of Industry in the World and Serbia

- Dragan Petrović and Rajko Bukvić
- 87790: Persistence of suicides in G20 countries: SPSM approach to three generations of unit root tests

- Izunna Anyikwa, Nicolene Hamman and Andrew Phiri
- 87777: Internal Conflict, Elite Action, and State Failure: Evidence from China, 1000-1911

- Mark Dincecco and Yuhua Wang
- 87772: Fiscal Fraud- A Difficult Reality to Quantify

- Florentina Istrate
- 87771: Adapting Public Services to Citizen Requirements: Trend or Need?

- Marin Mirea
- 87770: Human as Capital: An Imperative for Africa

- Emeka Akpa, Henry Onuoha and Friday Nwakpa
- 87769: Insurance, A Guaranteed Risk Or A Risk Assumed?

- Ersilia Catrina
- 87768: An Investigation into Two Modes of Eccentric Hamstring Training on Parameters of Strength and Fatigue Resistance

- David John Roche
- 87767: Relations Between Unemployment, Competence and Training

- Nicea Mergeani
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