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NCEE Working Paper Series

From National Center for Environmental Economics, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Contact information at EDIRC.

Bibliographic data for series maintained by Cynthia Morgan ().

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202004: Valuing Aquatic Ecosystem Health at a National Scale: Modeling Biological Indicators Across Space and Time Downloads
Ryan Hill, Chris Moore, Jessie Doyle, Scott Leibowitz, Paul Ringold and Brenda Rashleigh
202003: Environmental Regulations and Technological Change: Pulp and Paper Mills and EPA’s Cluster Rule Downloads
Anna Belova, Brendan Casey, Cynthia Morgan, Carl Pasurka and Ron Shadbegian
202002: Economic Impacts of Ocean Acidification: A Meta-Analysis Downloads
Chris Moore and Jasmine Fuller
202001: Hot Spots, Cold Feet, and Warm Glow: Identifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Willingness to Pay Downloads
Dennis Guignet, Chris Moore and Haoluan Wang
201905: Property values and water quality: A nationwide meta-analysis and the implications for benefit transfer Downloads
Dennis Guignet, Matthew Heberling, Michael Papenfus, Olivia Griot and Ben Holland
201904: Early Childhood Lead Exposure and the Persistence of Educational Consequences into Adolescence Downloads
Ron Shadbegian, Dennis Guignet, Heather Klemick and Linda Bui
201903: The Importance of Source-Side Effects for the Incidence of Single Sector Technology Mandates and Vintage Differentiated Regulation Downloads
Alex Marten
201902: Consumer Valuation of Fuel Economy: Findings from Recent Panel Studies Downloads
Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits and Ann Wolverton
201901: Superfund Cleanups and Children's Lead Exposure Downloads
Heather Klemick, Henry Mason and Karen Sullivan
201806: Exploring the General Equilibrium Costs of Sector-Specific Environmental Regulations Downloads
Alex Marten, Richard Garbaccio and Ann Wolverton
201805: An Applied General Equilibrium Model for the Analysis of Environmental Policy: SAGE v1.0 Technical Documentation Downloads
Alex Marten and Richard Garbaccio
201804: Do Discrete Choice Approaches to Valuing Urban Amenities Yield Different Results Than Hedonic Models? Downloads
Paramita Sinha, Martha Caulkins and Maureen Cropper
201803: Preterm Birth and Economic Benefits of Reduced Maternal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter Downloads
Jina J. Kim, Daniel Axelrad and Chris Dockins
201802: Muddying the Water? An Analysis of Non-Constant Baselines in Stated Preference Surveys Downloads
Kelly Maguire, Chris Moore, Dennis Guignet, Chris Dockins and Nathalie Simon
201801: What's in a Name? A Systematic Search for Alternatives to "VSL" Downloads
Chris Dockins, Kelly Maguire, Stephen Newbold, Nathalie Simon, Alan Krupnick and Laura Taylor
201708: Comparing Pollution Where You Live and Play: A Hedonic Analysis of Enterococcus in the Long Island Sound Downloads
Megan Kung, Dennis Guignet and Patrick Walsh
201707: Retrospective Evaluation of the Costs Associated with the 2004 Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating NESHAP Downloads
Ann Wolverton, Ann Ferris and Nathalie Simon
201706: Data Center Energy Efficiency Investments: Qualitative Evidence from Focus Groups and Interviews Downloads
Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits and Ann Wolverton
201705: Environmental Regulation and Labor Demand: The Northern Spotted Owl Downloads
Ann Ferris
201704: Welfare Analysis in a Two-Stage Inverse Demand Model: An Application to Harvest Changes in the Chesapeake Bay Downloads
Chris Moore and Charles Griffiths
201703: Economy-Wide Effects of Mortality Risk Reductions from Environmental Policies Downloads
Alex Marten and Stephen Newbold
201702: Commercial fishing and outdoor recreation benefits of water quality improvements in the Chesapeake Bay Downloads
David M. Massey, Chris Moore, Stephen Newbold, Tom Ihde and Howard Townsend
201701: The Impacts of Environmental Regulation on the U.S. Economy Downloads
Ann Ferris, Richard Garbaccio, Alex Marten and Ann Wolverton
201605: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Voluntary Programs: Did Ohio's Tox-Minus Initiative Affect Participants' TRI Emissions? Downloads
Ann Wolverton, Charles Griffiths and William Wheeler
201604: Burden Sharing Under the Paris Climate Agreement Downloads
Glenn Sheriff
201603: The Impacts of Underground Petroleum Releases on a Homeowner's Decision to Sell: A Difference-in-Differences Approach Downloads
Dennis Guignet and Adan Martinez-Cruz
201602: Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Losses Downloads
Matthew Ranson, Lisa Tarquinio and Audrey Lew
201601: Do Housing Values Respond to Underground Storage Tank Releases? Evidence from High-Profile Cases across the United States Downloads
Dennis Guignet, Robin R. Jenkins, Matthew Ranson and Patrick Walsh
201507: Modeling the Property Price Impact of Water Quality in 14 Chesapeake Bay Counties Downloads
Patrick Walsh, Charles Griffiths, Dennis Guignet and Heather Klemick
201506: A Stated Preference Study of the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Lakes Downloads
Chris Moore, Dennis Guignet, Kelly Maguire, Chris Dockins and Nathalie Simon
201505: The Property Value Impacts of Groundwater Contamination: Agricultural Runoff and Private Wells Downloads
Dennis Guignet, Rachel Northcutt and Patrick Walsh
201504: Explaining Variation in the Value of Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Using Internal Meta-analysis Downloads
Heather Klemick, Charles Griffiths, Dennis Guignet and Patrick Walsh
201503: The Energy Efficiency Paradox: A Case Study of Supermarket Refrigeration System Investment Decisions Downloads
Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits and Ann Wolverton
201502: Adaptation, Sea Level Rise, and Property Prices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Downloads
Patrick Walsh, Charles Griffiths, Dennis Guignet and Heather Klemick
201501: How Did Air Quality Standards Affect Employment at U.S. Power Plants? The Importance of Stringency, Geography, and Timing Downloads
Glenn Sheriff, Ann Ferris and Ron Shadbegian
201407: Climate Change and Space Heating Energy Demand: A Review of the Literature Downloads
Matthew Ranson, Lauren Morris and Alex Kats-Rubin
201406: The Implicit Price of Aquatic Grasses Downloads
Dennis Guignet, Charles Griffiths, Heather Klemick and Patrick Walsh
201405: Prevention, Cleanup, and Reuse Benefits from the Federal UST Program Downloads
Robin R. Jenkins, Dennis Guignet and Patrick Walsh
201404: The Role of Scenario Uncertainty in Estimating the Benefits of Carbon Mitigation Downloads
Alex Marten
201403: The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Employment: An Examination of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and its Impact on the Electric Power Sector Downloads
Ann Ferris, Ron Shadbegian and Ann Wolverton
201402: Heavy-Duty Trucks and the Energy Efficiency Paradox Downloads
Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits, Keith Sargent and Ann Wolverton
201401: To Sell Or Not To Sell: The Impacts of Pollution on Home Transactions Downloads
Dennis Guignet
201306: Household Decision-Making and Valuation of Environmental Health Risks to Parents and their Children Downloads
Wiktor Adamowicz, Mark Dickie, Shelby Gerking, Marcella Veronesi and David Zinner
201305: Impacts of Ethanol Policy on Corn Prices: A Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Evidence Downloads
Nicole Condon, Heather Klemick and Ann Wolverton
201304: Ranking Distributions of Environmental Outcomes Across Population Groups Downloads
Glenn Sheriff and Kelly Maguire
201303: Do EPA Regulations Affect Labor Demand? Evidence from the Pulp and Paper Industry Downloads
Ron Shadbegian, Wayne Gray, Chumbei Wang and Merve Cebi
201302: Ecosystem damages in integrated assessment models of climate change Downloads
Wesley R. Brooks and Stephen Newbold
201301: Moving Forward with Incorporating "Catastrophic" Climate Change into Policy Analysis Downloads
Elizabeth Kopits, Alex Marten and Ann Wolverton
201207: Valuation of Human Health: An Integrated Model of Willingness to Pay for Mortality and Morbidity Risk Reductions Downloads
Shelby Gerking, Mark Dickie and Marcella Veronesi
201206: Do Environmental Regulations Disproportionately Affect Small Businesses? Evidence from the Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures Survey Downloads
Randy Becker, Ron Shadbegian and Carl Pasurka
Page updated 2024-12-18
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