Forward planning to maintain the attractiveness of coastal areas: Choosing between seawalls and managed retreat
Bénédicte Rulleau () and
Hélène Rey-Valette
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Bénédicte Rulleau: CEARC - Cultures, Environnements, Arctique, Représentations, Climat - UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, GREThA - Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée - UB - Université de Bordeaux - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
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This paper aims to inform forward-planning policies in the face of sea-level rise due to climate change, focussing on the choice of reducing the vulnerability of property at risk through managed retreat or protection behind seawalls. This adaptation is important not only to reduce the cost of future damage but also to maintain the beaches which are an attractive feature for tourism, of vital importance for coastal areas. Some 421 residents with main and secondary homes were surveyed in Hyères-les-palmiers in the Var department (Southeast France). The survey sought to compare the willingness of residents to contribute financially to building a seawall or to relocating sea-front property. Preferences depend both on common variables and variables specific to the proposed arrangement. They reveal common concerns focused on effectiveness and the determining factor of property ownership. The results also show some awareness of the long-term advantages of managed retreat, despite some opposition from older people, who are also more sceptical about the reality of the risk incurred.
Date: 2017
References: Add references at CitEc
Citations: View citations in EconPapers (5)
Published in Environmental Science & Policy, 2017, 72, pp.12-19. ⟨10.1016/j.envsci.2017.01.009⟩
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Journal Article: Forward planning to maintain the attractiveness of coastal areas: Choosing between seawalls and managed retreat (2017)
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DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2017.01.009
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