Working Papers
From Gouvernement du Canada - Agriculture Canada GOUVERNEMENT DU CANADA; AGRICULTURE CANADA; DIRECTION GENERALE DESPOLITIQ UES.. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Thomas Krichel (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2001: Revenu agricole, situation financiere et aide gouvernementale. Recueil de donnees
- Agriculture Canada.
- 2000: L'inegalite de revenu au Canada. Familles agricoles et non agricoles
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 2000: Scenario de reference des politiques a moyen terme. Marches internationaux et domestiques
- Agriculture Canada
- 2000: Domestic Support Issues in the Uruguay Round and Beyond
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 2000: Risk Management and Safety Net Program Survey
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 2000: An Examination of Nearly Green Programs: Case Studies for Canada, the United States and the European Union
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 2000: Green Box Criteria: a Theoretical Assessment
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 1999: Commerce international des produits agroalimentaires: le role des entreprises commerciales d'Etat
- Direction de l'analyse economique et strategique et Direction generale des politiques.
- 1999: A Profile of Employment in the Agri-Food Chain
- S. Pang, R. Fiarchuk and S. Wood
- 1999: International Trade in Agricultural and Food Products: The Role of State Trading Enterprises
- M. Veeman, M. Fulton and B. Larue
- 1999: Canadian Economic and Emissions Model for Agriculture (C.E.E.M.A. Version 1.0). Report 3: Preliminary Results of Selected Scenarios Technical Tables
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 1998: Visions of Growth: Policy Implications for the 2004/05 Crop Year
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 1997: A Profile of Employment in the Agri-Food Sector
- R. Fiarchuk, Y. Beaulieu, S. Wood and D. Bolton
- 1996: An Economic Overview of farm Incomes, by Farm Type. Canada, 1994
- L. Beaulne, D. Culver, R. Koroluk and M. Zfiriou
- 1996: The Economic Benefits of New Information Technology
- W. Howard, G. Fax and Calum Turvey
- 1995: An Economic Overview of Farm Incomes, by Farm Type. Canada 1993
- Yap, , S.Y., K. O'connor, J. St. Jean and D. Culver
- 1995: Multinational Firms, Investment and Trade in Canada's Food and Beverage Industry: Policy Implications
- D. West and O. Vaughan
- 1995: Implications of Foreign Direct Investment for the Canadian Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry
- Agriculture Canada
- 1995: Agricultural Policies and Soil Degradation in Western Canada: An Agro-Ecological Economic Assessment (Report 5: Project Summary)
- Agriculture Canada Policy Branch
- 1995: Effets sur la competitivite des interventions gouvernementales dans le secteur agro-alimentaire au Canada et aux Etats-Unis (cadre analytique)
- Agriculture Canada
- 1995: Agricultural Policies and Soil Degradation in Western Canada: An Agro-Ecological Economic Assessment ( Report 4: modifications to CRAM and policy Evaluation Results)
- Agriculture Canada Policy Branch
- 1995: Effects on Competitiveness of Governement Intervention in the Agri-Food Sector in Canada and the United-States. ( A Conceptual Framework)
- Agriculture Canada Policy Branch
- 1994: The Inpact of the Grain Transportation Reform on Canadian Canola Crushers
- Agriculture Canada Policy Branch
- 1993: PSE For Beef in Canada: An Examination of Methods
- Lars Brink
- 1993: Agriculture Policies and Soil Degradation in Westwern Canada: An Agro- Ecological Economic Assessment. (report 2: the Environmental Modelling System)
- A. Bouzaher, Jason Shogren, D. Holtkamp, Philip Gassman, D. Archer, A. Carriquiry, R. Reese, W.H. Furtan, R.C. Izaurralde and J. Kiniry
- 1993: The Dairy Component of the FARM Model in Excel Spreadsheat format
- B. Cozzarin
- 1993: Agriculture Policies and Soil Degradation in Westwern Canada: An Agro- Ecological Economic Assessment. (report 1: Conceptual Framework)
- A. Bouzaher, Jason Shogren, D. Holtkamp, Philip Gassman, D. Archer, A. Carriquiry, R. Reese, W.H. Furtan, R.C. Izaurralde and J. Kiniry
- 1993: Cap Reform: How Decoupled are the Compensatory Payments
- S.A. Cahill
- 1993: PSE For Beef in Canada: An Examination of Methods
- L. Martin, Randall Westgren, L. Schrader, L. Cousineau, N. Le Roc'h, R. Paguaga and Vincent Amanor-Boadu
- 1993: A Food demand System for Canada
- GianCarlo Moschini and Daniele Moro
- 1992: The Canadian Regional Agriculture Model Structure, Operation and Development
- G.L. Horner, J. Corman, R.E. Howitt, Colin Carter and R.J. MacGregor
- 1991: An Analysis of the Effects of Government Payments to Grain and Oilseeds Producers on Cropping Decisions
- Karl Meilke and Alfons Weersink
- 1991: Competitiveness of the Beef Industry in Canada and Beef Imports
- J. Townshend, L. Martin and E. van Duren
- 1991: Review of the Canadian Meat Import Act
- J. Townshend, L. Martin and E. van Duren
- 1991: A Review of Studies on Western Canadian Grain Transportation Policies
- William Kerr, Glenn Fox and Jill Hobbs
- 1991: Summary of Regional Impacts of Compensatory Freight Rates for Prairie Grain
- William Kerr, Glenn Fox and Jill Hobbs
- 1991: Regional Implications of Compensatory Freight Rates for Prairie Grains and Oilseeds
- William Kerr, Glenn Fox and Jill Hobbs
- 1991: Feed Freight Assistance: An Analysis of Policy Options
- K.K. Klein, J. Corman and S. Russell
- 1991: Implications for Canada of one Possible uruguay Round Outcome: Results from a Multicommodity Analysis with Trade Analysis Simulation System (TASS)
- S.A. Cahill
- 1990: Nouveaux mecanismes, independants du Cabinet, pour la fixation des prix des produits laitiers au Canada. Document de travail
- K. McKingley
- 1990: A Quaterly Econometric Model of the Canadian Dairy Industry
- P. Stonehouse and E. Kizito
- 1990: The Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Canadian diary and Poultry Sectors
- J.D. Graham and B. Stennes
- 1990: Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Shared-Cost Programs in Agriculture
- Patrick Grady
- 1990: Firm Response to Price Uncertainty: Tripartite Stabilization and the Western Canadian Cattle Industry
- Theodore Horbulyk
- 1990: La legisllation federale regissant la gestion de l'offre au Canada: le secteur de la volaille et des oeufs
- Hickling Corporation
- 1990: Responding to New Consumer Trends in Dairy Products
- I. Campbell
- 1990: Bovine Somatotropin and the Canadian Dairy Industry: An Economic Analysis
- B.K. Stennes, R.R. Barichello and J.D. Graham
- 1990: An Analysis of Wheat Supply Response under Risk and Uncertainty
- R.A. Schoney
- 1989: Evaluating the Impact of Price Incentives on Adoption of Technology and Production Patterns in the Ontario Wheat Industry
- V. Cano Lamy
- 1989: Structure, Costs and Performance in Canadian Food and Beverage Industries: Intra-Industry and Inter-Industry Studies
- S. Cahill and T. Hazledine
- 1989: Priorites de l'industrie laitiere en 1989
- Direction de La Coordination Par Denree.
- 1988: A Regional Analysis of Direct Government Assistance Programs in Canada and their Impacts on the Beef and Hogs Sectors
- C.A. Webber, J.D. Graham and R.J. MacGregor
- 1988: The National Tripartite Stabilization Program for Red Meats: Hog Model
- M.H. Tan
- 1988: Structural Change in the Livestock Sector
- J. Dyer
- 1988: The National Tripartite Stabilization Program for Red Meats: Cattle Models
- M.H. Tan