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Working Papers

From Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
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9518: Targeting nominal income: a closer look Downloads
Evan Koenig
9517: Hyperinflations and moral hazard in the appropriation of seigniorage: an empirical implementation with a calibration approach Downloads
Carlos Zarazaga
9516: The stock market and monetary policy: the role of macroeconomic states
Chih-Ping Chang and Huan Zhang
9515: Monetary policy, banking, and growth Downloads
Joseph Haslag
9514: Credit availability, bank consumer lending, and consumer durables Downloads
John Duca
9513: The interest sensitivity of GDP and accurate Reg Q measures Downloads
John Duca
9512: Regulatory changes and housing coefficients Downloads
John Duca
9511: A comparison of alternative monetary environments Downloads
Joseph Haslag
9510: Oil prices and inflation Downloads
Stephen Brown, David Oppedahl and Mine Yucel
9509: Are deep recessions followed by strong recoveries? Results for the G-7 countries Downloads
Nathan Balke and Mark Wynne
9508: The role of intratemporal adjustment costs in a multi-sector economy Downloads
Gregory Huffman and Mark Wynne
9507: Alternative methods of corporate control in commercial banks Downloads
Stephen D. Prowse
9506: On competition and school efficiency Downloads
Shawna Grosskopf, Kathy J. Hayes, Lori Taylor and William Weber
9505: Building trade barriers and knocking them down: the political economy of unilateral trade liberalizations Downloads
David Gould and Graeme L. Woodbridge
9504: Building a regional forecasting model utilizing long-term relationships and short-term indicators Downloads
Chih-Ping Chang and Keith Phillips
9503: Country-bashing tariffs: do bilateral trade deficits matter? Downloads
W. Michael Cox and Roy J. Ruffin
9502: Inflation and intermediation in a model with endogenous growth Downloads
Joseph Haslag
9501: An equilibrium analysis of central bank independence and inflation Downloads
Gregory Huffman
9415: The effects of monetary policy in a model with reserve requirements Downloads
Joseph Haslag
9414: The P* model of inflation revisited Downloads
Evan Koenig
9413: The role of tax policy in the boom/bust cycle of the Texas construction sector Downloads
D'Ann Petersen, Keith Phillips and Mine Yucel
9412: The information content of the paper-bill spread Downloads
Kenneth M. Emery
9411: Monetary base rules: the currency caveat Downloads
Rik Hafer, Joseph Haslag and Scott Hein
9410: U.S. banks, competition, and the Mexican banking system: how much will NAFTA matter? Downloads
William Gruben, Jeffery W. Gunther and John H. Welch
9409: The role of intellectual property rights in economic growth Downloads
David Gould and William Gruben
9408: On the political economy of school deregulation Downloads
Shawna Grosskopf, Kathy J. Hayes, Lori Taylor and William Weber
9407: Fiscal policy in more general equilibrium Downloads
Jim Dolmas and Mark Wynne
9406: The dynamics of recoveries Downloads
Nathan Balke and Mark Wynne
9405: Protecting social interest in free invention Downloads
Stephen Brown and William Gruben
9404: Energy policy: does it achieve its intended goals? Downloads
Shengyi Guo and Mine Yucel
9403: The disappearing January blip and other state employment mysteries Downloads
Franklin Berger and Keith Phillips
9402: Capacity utilization and the evolution of manufacturing output: a closer look at the \"bounce-back effect.\" Downloads
Evan Koenig
9401: Adding bond funds to M2 in the P-star model of inflation Downloads
Zsolt Becsi and John Duca
9342: On the fluctuations induced by majority voting Downloads
Gregory Huffman
9341: Are net discount rates stationary?: some further evidence Downloads
Joseph Haslag, Michael Nieswiadomy and Daniel Slottje
9340: A survey of measurement biases in price indexes Downloads
Fiona Sigalla and Mark Wynne
9339: Searching for a stable M2-demand equation Downloads
Evan Koenig
9338: Exchange rate uncertainty and economic growth in Latin America Downloads
Darryl McLeod and John H. Welch
9337: Assessing the economic cost of unilateral oil conservation Downloads
Stephen Brown and Hillard Huntington
9336: Income taxes as reciprocal tariffs Downloads
W. Michael Cox, David Gould and Roy J. Ruffin
9335: Problems of testing fiscal solvency in high inflation economies: evidence from Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico Downloads
John H. Welch
9334: The inefficiency of seigniorage from required reserves Downloads
Scott Freeman
9333: Wealth effects, heterogeneity and dynamic fiscal policy Downloads
Zsolt Becsi
9332: Endogenous growth and international trade Downloads
Roy J. Ruffin
9331: The credibility and performance of unilateral target zones: a comparison of the Mexican and Chilean cases Downloads
Raul Anibal Feliz and John H. Welch
9330: On the existence of nonoptimal equilibria in dynamic stochastic economies Downloads
Jeremy Greenwood and Gregory Huffman
9329: Retaliation, liberalization, and trade wars: the political economy of nonstrategic trade policy Downloads
David Gould and Graeme L. Woodbridge
9328: On the optimality of interest-bearing reserves in economies of overlapping generations Downloads
Scott Freeman and Joseph Haslag
9327: Coal, natural gas and oil markets after World War II: what's old, what' s new? Downloads
Shengyi Guo and Mine Yucel
9326: Clearinghouse banks and banknote over-issue Downloads
Scott Freeman
Page updated 2024-12-19
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