CEP Discussion Papers
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- 1992: Information
- George Evans and Lucrezia Reichlin
- 1992: Innovation and Financial Constraints Centralised and Decentralised Economies
- Yingyi Qian and Chenggang Xu
- 1992: Risk Aversion, Rural-Urban Wage Differentiation and Migration
- Chenggang Xu
- 1992: Annual Report 91-92
- Cep
- 1992: Wage Claims, Income Policy and the Path of Output Inflation in a Formerly Centrally Planned Economy
- G Milesi-Feretti
- 1992: How Cynical can a Incumbent be? Strategic Policy in a Model of Government Spending
- E Spolaone
- 1992: The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s
- J Elgar and R Simpson
- 1992: Comparing Case Studies: An Introduction to Comparative Narratives
- P Abell
- 1992: The Eastern German Labour Market in Transition: Gross Flow Estimates from Panel Data
- L Bellmann, S Estrin, Hartmut Lehmann and Jonathan Wadsworth
- 1992: Innovation, Cultural Values and the Management of Change in British Hospital Management
- N Anderson and M West
- 1992: Unemployment, Consumption and Growth
- Charles Bean and Christopher Pissarides
- 1992: Management Consultancy: Dimensions of Client-Consultancy Relationships
- J Fullerton and M West
- 1992: An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Pre-Strike Ballots
- Alan Manning
- 1992: An Equilibrium Search-Matching Model of Discrimination
- Åsa Rosén
- 1992: Self-Employment: Some Preliminary Findings
- D Smeaton
- 1992: On Elephants and Blind Researchers: Methods for Accessing Culture in Organisations
- V Locatelli and M West
- 1992: Collective Climates: A Test of their Socio-Psychological Significance
- M Patterson, R Payne and M West
- 1992: The Economics of Bankruptcy Reform
- Philippe Aghion, Oliver Hart and John Moore
- 1992: Do Strikes Pay?
- P Ingram, David Metcalf and Jonathan Wadsworth
- 1992: Wage Negotiations and Capital Structure: A Strategic Bargaining Approach
- Alberto Dalmazzo
- 1992: Search Theory at Twenty-One
- Christopher Pissarides
- 1992: Hedging, Multiple Contracting Equilibria& Nominal Contracts
- Daron Acemoglu
- 1992: Firms in Transition: Modelling Enterprise Adjustment
- S Estrin and Paul Hare
- 1992: The Determinants of Investment in Employee Owned Firms: Evidence from France
- S Estrin and Derek Jones
- 1992: Economic and Monetary Union
- Charles Bean
- 1992: Some Simple Dynamics of Transition from Command to Market Economy
- Meghnad Desai and S Estrin
- 1992: Nonlinear Dynamics, Entitlement Rules and the Cyclical Behaviour of the Personal Income Distribution
- Andrea Brandolini
- 1992: A Proposal on How to Introduce a Currency Board Based Monetary System in the Republic of Latvia
- J Rostowski
- 1992: Delegation through Managerial Contracts: Is Hiring a Manager a Good Idea?
- Daron Acemoglu
- 1992: Unemployment in the OECD Countries
- Richard Layard and Stephen Nickell
- 1992: Minimum Wages
- Stephen Machin and Alan Manning
- 1992: The Employer Size-Wage Effect: Is Monopsony the Explanation?
- Francis Green, Stephen Machin and Alan Manning
- 1992: Training at Work: A Comparison of US and US and British Youths
- David Blanchflower and Lisa Lynch
- 1992: Learning about Others Actions and the Investment Accelerator
- Daron Acemoglu
- 1992: Wages, Unions, Insiders and Product Market Power
- Stephen Nickell, Jari Vainiomäki and Sushil Wadhwani
- 1992: Dispute Deterrence: Evidence on Final-Offer Arbitration
- S Milner
- 1992: Motivation and Performance Related Pay in the Public Sector: A Case Study of the Inland Revenue
- David Marsden and R Richardson
- 1992: Search Unemployment with on-the-job Search
- Christopher Pissarides
- 1992: Unemployment Benefits and Labour Market Transitions in Britain
- Jonathan Wadsworth
- 1992: European Unemployment: A Survey
- Charles Bean
- 1992: Matching and Unemployment Dynamics in a Model of Competition Between Employed and Unemployed Job Searchers
- Simon Burgess
- 1992: A Simple Model of Disinflation and the Optimality of doing Nothing
- G Milesi-Feretti
- 1992: Banking in Transition: Development and Current Problems in Hungary
- S Estrin, Paul Hare and M Suranyi
- 1992: The Economy of Poland
- Mark Schaffer
- 1992: How Robust is the Microeconomic theory of the Trade Union?
- Alan Manning
- 1992: Productivity Growth, Wage Setting and the Equilibrium Rate of Unemployment
- Alan Manning
- 1992: The Economic Effects of Multiple Unionism: Evidence from the 1984 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey
- Stephen Machin, Mark Stewart and John van Reenen
- 1992: Pay-Setting, Self-Employment and the Unions: Themes of the 1980s
- Andrew Oswald
- 1992: Wage Bargaining and the Phillips Curve: The Identification and Specification of Aggregate Wage Equations
- Alan Manning
- 1992: Secondary Currencies and High Inflation. Implications for Monetary Theory and Policy
- P Auerbach and G Davison
- 1992: An Endogenous Skill Loss Model of Long-Term Unemployment
- Daron Acemoglu
- 1992: Incomplete Information Bargaining and Business Cycles
- Daron Acemoglu
- 1992: Secondary Currencies in the Russian Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1921-24
- J Rostowski and J Shapiro
- 1992: Regional Migration versus Regional Commuting: The Identification of Housing and Employment Flows
- Richard Jackman and S Savouri
- 1991: Annual Report
- Cep
- 1991: A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Entrepreneurs in Australia and the United States
- David Blanchflower and Bruce Meyer
- 1991: Firms Debt and Finite-Horizon Wage Bargaining
- Alberto Dalmazzo
- 1991: Do Good or Do Well? Public Debt Management in a Two-Party Economy
- G Milesi-Feretti
- 1991: Flow and Stock Analysis of Polish Unemployment: January 1990 - May 1991
- Marek Góra and Hartmut Lehmann
- 1991: Polish Economic Reform: Principles
- Stanislaw Gomulka
- 1991: How to Privatise
- Olivier Blanchard and Richard Layard
- 1991: Signals and Cycles Productivity Growth and Changes in Union Status in British Companies
- Paul Gregg, Stephen Machin and David Metcalf
- 1991: Strike Incidence and Duration in British Manufacturing Industry in the 1980s
- P Ingram and David Metcalf
- 1991: A Note in the Polish State-Owned Enterprise Sector in 1990
- Mark Schaffer
- 1991: Regional Wage Determination in Great Britain
- Richard Jackman and S Savouri
- 1991: How Valuable is Patent Protection? Estimates by Technology Field Using Patent Renewal Data
- Mark Schankerman
- 1991: A Simple Estimation of the NAIRU in the Japanese Economy: 1953-85
- Y Kurosaka
- 1991: Some Strange Properties of Panel Data Estimators
- Donald Robertson and James Symons
- 1991: Output, Inflation and the ERM
- Donald Robertson and James Symons
- 1991: Real Wage Determination and Rent-Sharing in Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Louis Christofides and Andrew Oswald
- 1991: Efficient and Inefficient Employment Outcomes: A Study Based on Canadian Contract Data
- Louis Christofides and Andrew Oswald
- 1991: Financial Control in the Transition to a Market Economy
- Ronald McKinnon
- 1991: An Empirical Study of Unemployment and the Number of Children in Care
- Alan Carruth and Andrew Oswald
- 1991: A Test of the Effect of Benefits on Search Activity in a Model of Endogenous Job Offer Arrivals
- John Schmitt and Jonathan Wadsworth
- 1991: Nonlinear Dynamics in a Structural Model of Employment
- Simon Burgess
- 1991: Endogenous Separations in a Matching Model
- Andrew Newell and James Symons
- 1991: Ageing and Economic Performance
- Paul Johnson
- 1991: The Causes of Recession following Stabilization
- Stanislaw Gomulka and Paul Johnson
- 1991: Efficiency Wages and Local Versus Central Bargaining
- Asbjorn Rodseth
- 1991: Are Employment Policies Counterproductive When Wage Setting is Centralised?
- Asbjorn Rodseth
- 1991: The Causes of Irelands Unemployment
- Andrew Newell and James Symons
- 1991: Privatization in Hungary
- Irena Grosfeld and Paul Hare
- 1991: Self-Employment and Mrs Thatchers Enterprise
- David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald
- 1991: Regional Migration in Britain: An Analysis of Gross Flows using NHS Central Register Data
- Richard Jackman and S Savouri
- 1991: Productivity Growth in UK Companies
- Stephen Nickell, Sushil Wadhwani and Martin Wall
- 1991: The Costs of Employee Share Ownership Schemes
- J Barnes and R Richardson
- 1991: The Impact of Employee Share Ownership on Worker Attitudes. A Longitudinal Case Study
- P Dewe, S Dunn and R Richardson
- 1991: Survivability and Degeneration in Employee-Owned Firms: Evidence from France
- S Estrin and Derek Jones
- 1991: A Century of UK Strike Activity: An Alternative Perspective
- David Metcalf and S Milner
- 1991: Authority in Employment Contracts: A Bilateral Bargaining Model
- Alan Manning
- 1991: The Effects of union Density of Wages and Employment: A Dynamic Monopoly Union Model
- Alan Manning
- 1991: Pre-Strike Ballots and Wage-Employment Bargaining
- Alan Manning
- 1991: The Effects of Changes in a Firms Product Market Power on Wages
- Jari Vainiomäki and Sushil Wadhwani
- 1991: Labour Managed vs Private Firms: An Empirical Comparison of Cooperatives and Private Firms in Central Italy
- Will Bartlett, J Cable, S Estrin, D Jones and C Smith
- 1991: Annual Review 1989-1990
- Cep and Richard Blundell
- 1991: An Aggregate Model of the Canadian)
- Manfred Keil and James Symons
- 1990: A New Method of Long-Run Growth Accounting with Applications to the Soviet Economy 1928-87 and the US Economy 1949-78
- Stanislaw Gomulka and Mark Schaffer
- 1990: Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Developed Countries
- Christopher Pissarides
- 1990: Who are the Unemployed?
- Christopher Pissarides and Jonathan Wadsworth
- 1990: Labour Market Policies and Unemployment in the OECD
- Richard Jackman, Christopher Pissarides and S Savouri
- 1990: The External Constraint in the UK
- Charles Bean
- 1990: Female Labour Supply and On-the-Job Search: An Empirical Model Estimated using Complementary Data Sets
- Manuel Arellano, Costas Megir and Mary Silles
- 1990: Wage Determination: An Assessment of Returns to Education, Occupation, Region and Industry in Great Britain
- R Moghadam
- 1990: Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models
- Manuel Arellano and Olympia Bover
- 1990: Labour Hoarding and Future Open Unemployment in Eastern Europe: The Case of Polish Industry
- M Rutowski
- 1990: Going different ways: Unionism in the US and other advanced OECD CountriesF
- David Blanchflower and Richard Freeman
- 1990: Understanding Unemployment
- Richard Layard
- 1990: Economic Change in Poland
- Olivier Blanchard and Richard Layard
- 1990: Wage Bargaining and Incomes Policy: Possible lessons for Eastern Europe
- Richard Layard and Diane J. Reyniers
- 1990: Mismatch: A Framework for Thought
- Richard Jackman, Richard Layard and S Savouri
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