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Staff Working Papers

From Bank of Canada
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02-17: Does Exchange Rate Policy Matter for Growth? Downloads
Jeannine Bailliu, Robert Lafrance and Jean-Francois Perrault
02-16: A Market Microstructure Analysis of Foreign Exchange Intervention in Canada Downloads
Chris D'Souza
02-15: Corporate Bond Spreads and the Business Cycle Downloads
Zhiwei Zhang
02-14: Entrepreneurship, Inequality, and Taxation Downloads
Cesaire Meh
02-13: Towards a More Complete Debt Strategy Simulation Framework Downloads
David Bolder
02-12: Modelling Financial Instability: A Survey of the Literature Downloads
Alexandra Lai
02-11: Risk, Entropy, and the Transformation of Distributions Downloads
Mark Reesor and Don McLeish
02-10: La fiabilité des estimations de l'écart de production au Canada Downloads
Jean-Philippe Cayen and Simon van Norden
02-9: The Microstructure of Multiple-Dealer Equity and Government Securities Markets: How They Differ Downloads
Toni Gravelle
02-8: Restructuring in the Canadian Economy: A Survey of Firms Downloads
Carolyn Kwan
02-7: Contribution of ICT Use to Output and Labour-Productivity Growth in Canada Downloads
Hashmat Khan and Marjorie Santos
02-6: Currency Fluctuations, Liability Dollarization, and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Markets Downloads
Patrick Osakwe
02-5: The Effects of Bank Consolidation on Risk Capital Allocation and Market Liquidity Downloads
Chris D'Souza and Alexandra Lai
02-4: Does Micro Evidence Support the Wage Phillips Curve in Canada? Downloads
Jean Farès
02-3: An Introduction to Wavelets for Economists Downloads
Christoph Schleicher
02-2: Asset Allocation Using Extreme Value Theory Downloads
Younes Bensalah
02-1: Taylor Rules in the Quarterly Projection Model Downloads
Jamie Armour, Ben Fung and Dinah Maclean
01-27: The Monetary Transmission Mechanism at the Sectoral Level Downloads
Jean Farès and Gabriel Srour
01-26: An Estimated Canadian DSGE Model with Nominal and Real Rigidities Downloads
Ali Dib
01-25: New Phillips Curve with Alternative Marginal Cost Measures forCanada, the United States, and the Euro Area Downloads
Edith Gagnon and Hashmat Khan
01-24: Price-Level versus Inflation Targeting in a Small Open Economy Downloads
Gabriel Srour
01-23: Modelling Mortgage Rate Changes with a Smooth Transition Error-Correction Model Downloads
Ying Liu
01-22: On Inflation and the Persistence of Shocks to Output Downloads
Richard Luger and Maral Kichian
01-21: A Consistent Bootstrap Test for Conditional Density Functions with Time-Dependent Data Downloads
Fuchun Li and Greg Tkacz
01-20: The Resolution of International Financial Crises: Private Finance and Public Funds Downloads
Andrew Haldane and Mark Kruger
01-19: Employment Effects of Restructuring in the Public Sector in North America Downloads
Paul Fenton, Irene Ip and Geoff Wright
01-18: Evaluating Factor Models: An Application to Forecasting Inflation in Canada Downloads
Marc-André Gosselin and Greg Tkacz
01-17: Why Do Central Banks Smooth Interest Rates? Downloads
Gabriel Srour
01-16: Implications of Uncertainty about Long-Run Inflation and the Price Level Downloads
Gerald Stuber
01-15: Affine Term-Structure Models: Theory and Implementation Downloads
David Bolder
01-14: L'effet de la richesse sur la consommation aux États-Unis Downloads
Yanick Desnoyers
01-13: Predetermined Prices and the Persistent Effects of Money on Output Downloads
Michael Devereux and James Yetman
01-12: Evaluating Linear and Non-Linear Time-Varying Forecast-Combination Methods Downloads
Fuchun Li and Greg Tkacz
01-11: Gaining Credibility for Inflation Targets Downloads
James Yetman
01-10: The Future Prospects for National Financial Markets and Trading Centres Downloads
Charles Gaa, Stephen Lumpkin, Robert Ogrodnick and Peter Thurlow
01-9: Testing for a Structural Break in the Volatility of Real GDP Growth in Canada Downloads
Alexandre Debs
01-8: How Rigid Are Nominal-Wage Rates? Downloads
Allan Crawford
01-7: Downward Nominal-Wage Rigidity: Micro Evidence from Tobit Models Downloads
David Amirault and Brian O'Reilly
01-6: The Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates: How Important Is It? Downloads
David Amirault and Brian O'Reilly
01-5: Reactions of Canadian Interest Rates to Macroeconomic Announcements: Implications for Monetary Policy Transparency Downloads
Toni Gravelle and Richhild Moessner
01-4: On the Nature and the Stability of the Canadian Phillips Curve Downloads
Maral Kichian
01-3: On Commodity-Sensitive Currencies and Inflation Targeting Downloads
Kevin Clinton
01-2: Exact Non-Parametric Tests for a Random Walk with Unknown Drift under Conditional Heteroscedasticity Downloads
Richard Luger
01-1: The Elements of the Global Network for Large-Value Funds Transfers Downloads
James Dingle
00-23: The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Exchange Rate Forecasting: The Role of Market Microstructure Variables Downloads
Nikola Gradojevic and Jing Yang
00-22: Une analyse empirique du lien entre la productivité et le taux de change réel Canada-É-U Downloads
David Dupuis and David Tessier
00-21: Les effets réels du cours des actions sur la consommation Downloads
Lise Pichette
00-20: Steps in Applying Extreme Value Theory to Finance: A Review Downloads
Younes Bensalah
00-19: Le modèle USM d'analyse et de projection de l'économie américaine Downloads
René Lalonde
00-18: Inflation and the Tax System in Canada: An Exploratory Partial-Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Brian O'Reilly and Mylène Levac
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