JCPR Working Papers
From Northwestern University/University of Chicago Joint Center for Poverty Research Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Thomas Krichel (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 273: Social Security Expectations and Retirement Savings Decisions
- Jeff Dominitz, Charles Manski and Jordan Heinz
- 272: The Interactive Effects of Housing Assistance and Food Stamps
- Joseph Harkness and Sandra J. Newman
- 271: Is a Family-focused Program More Effective in Helping Low-Income Parents Enter the Workforce? Insights from a Multimethod Evaluation of the Jobs for Youth/Full Family Partnership Demonstration
- Carolyn Heinrich and Rachel Gordon
- 270: Did the Medicaid-Eligibility Expansions Increase the Reporting of Children's Health Problems? Evidence from the SIPP
- Elizabeth Powers
- 269: Adolescent Outcomes, Poverty Status, and Welfare Reform: An Analysis based on the Survey of Program Dynamics
- Eileen Trzcinski and Jerry Brandell
- 268: Accidents Will Happen? Unintentional Childhood Injuries and the Effects of Child Care Regulations
- Janet Currie and V. Joseph Hotz
- 267: Explaining Child Support Trends: Economic, Demographic, and Policy Effects
- Anne Case, I-Fen Lin and Sara McLanahan
- 266: The Roles of Child Support Enforcement and Welfare In Nonmarital Childbearing
- Irwin Garfinkel, Daniel S. Gaylin, Chien-Chung Huang and Sara McLanahan
- 265: Are Cohabiting Relationships More Violent than Marriages?
- Catherine T. Kenney and Sara McLanahan
- 264: For Richer or Poorer?
- Wendy Sigle-Rushton and Sara McLanahan
- 263: Shared Parenting in Fragile Families
- Marcia J. Carlson and Sara McLanahan
- 262: The Living Arrangements of New Unmarried Mothers
- Wendy Sigle-Rushton and Sara McLanahan
- 261: Welfare Reform, Fertility and Father Involvement
- Sara McLanahan and Marcia J. Carlson
- 260: Union Formation and Stability in Fragile Families
- Marcia J. Carlson, Sara McLanahan and Paula England
- 259: Fragile Families and Welfare Reform: An Introduction
- Irwin Garfinkel, Sara McLanahan, Marta Tienda and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
- 258: Do Unmarried Parents' Expectations Predict Marital Transitions? Early Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study
- Maureen Waller and Sara McLanahan
- 257: Defined Contribution Pensions: Plan Rules, Participant Decisions, and the Path of Least Resistance
- James Choi, David Laibson, Brigitte Madrian and Andrew Metrick
- 256: For Better or For Worse: Default Effects and 401(k) Savings Behavior
- James Choi, David Laibson, Brigitte Madrian and Andrew Metrick
- 255: Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Job Mobility: A Critical Review of the Literature
- Jonathan Gruber and Brigitte Madrian
- 254: Does it Pay to Move from Welfare to Work?
- Sheldon Danziger, Colleen M. Heflin, Mary Corcoran and Elizabeth Oltmans
- 253: Challenging Instruction for "All Students": Policy, Practitioners, and Practice
- James P. Spillane
- 252: Crossing Class Boundaries: Race, Siblings and Socioeconomic Heterogeneity
- Colleen M. Heflin and Mary E. Pattillo
- 251: Assessing the Implications of Welfare Reform for Children's SSI Receipt
- Loretta E. Bass and Jane Mosley
- 250: The Social Outcomes of Street Gang Involvement
- Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh
- 249: Associations Between Participation in the National School Lunch Program, Food Insecurity, and Child Well-Being
- Rachel Dunifon and Lori Kowaleski-Jones
- 248: Using Discontinuous Eligibility Rules to Identify the Effects of the Federal Medicaid Expansions
- David Card and Lara Shore-Sheppard
- 247: The Impact of Welfare Waivers on Female Headship Decisions
- John Fitzgerald and David Ribar
- 246: The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Nonmarital and Marital Births: Does It Differ by Racial and Age Groups?
- Chien-Chung Huang
- 245: Trends in Employment Outcomes of Young Black Men, 1979-2000
- Harry Holzer and Paul Offner
- 244: An Assessment of Relationship Between Growth and Inequality Using Micro Data from Thailand
- Hyeok Jeong
- 243: Food Insecurity and Public Assistance
- George Borjas
- 242: Good Things Come in Threes: Single-parent Multigenerational Family Structure and Adolescent Adjustment
- Thomas DeLeire and Ariel Kalil
- 241: The Measurement of Medicaid Coverage in the SIPP: Evidence from California, 1990-1996
- David Card, Andrew K. G. Hildreth and Lara Shore-Sheppard
- 240: Comparing Father and Mother Reports of Father Involvement among Low-Income Minority Families
- Rebekah Levine Coley and Jodi Eileen Morris
- 239: How Safe Is the Local Safety Net? Fiscal Distress, Public Spending, and the Budgetary Repercussions of Capital Convictions
- Katherine Baicker
- 238: Will Employers Hire Ex-Offenders? Employer Preferences, Background Checks, and Their Determinants
- Harry Holzer, Steven Raphael and Michael Stoll
- 237: Taxes and Unmarried Fathers' Participation in the Underground Economy
- Lauren M. Rich and Sun-Bin Kim
- 236: To What Degree Does Food Assistance Help Poor Households Acquire Enough Food?
- Beth Osborne Daponte, Amelia Haviland and Joseph B. Kadane
- 235: How Economic Segregation Affects Children's Educational Attainment
- Susan Mayer
- 234: Welfare Reform and Household Saving
- Erik Hurst and James Ziliak
- 233: Reorganizing the Welfare State: New Administrative Models, Old Bureaucratic Problems
- Evelyn Brodkin
- 232: Adolescents' School Enrollment and Employment:Effect of State Welfare Policies
- Lingxin Hao, Nan M. Astone and Andrew Cherlin
- 231: Job Performance and Retention Among Welfare Recipients
- Harry Holzer, Michael Stoll and Douglas Wissoker
- 230: How the Growth in Income Inequality Increased Economic Segregation
- Susan Mayer
- 229: Savings of Young Parents
- Annamaria Lusardi, Ricardo Daniel Cossa and Erin L. Krupka
- 228: Why Are Black Employers More Likely to Hire African Americans than White Employers?
- Michael Stoll, Steven Raphael and Harry Holzer
- 227: Has the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Status Changed?
- Susan Mayer and Leonard Michael Lopoo
- 226: The Rise in Disability Recipiency and the Decline in Unemployment
- David Autor and Mark Duggan
- 225: Bullets Don't Got No Name: Consequences of Fear in the Ghetto
- Jeffrey Kling, Jeffrey Liebman and Lawrence Katz
- 224: Returns to Tenure and Experience Revisited -- Do Less Educated Workers Gain Less from Work Experience?
- Helen Connolly and Peter Gottschalk
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