RePEc Data Check for series repec:pkp:joinfo
Each night we check the validity of new and modified templates in the RePEc archives
mirrored at EconPapers and run a link checker
on a portion of the data. Data for series last updated 2022-04-23 07:17:40 GMT.
- Data checked 2024-10-27 08:33:10 GMT, 0 errors and 0 warnings. 17 templates without errors.
- Currently mirrored files for series (login with username datacheck and password repec)
- Results for the pkp archive.
- Access statistics for repec:pkp:joinfo.
EconPapers listing for Journal of Information From Conscientia Beam
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Dim Michael ().
Templates with errors can not be processed correctly and are dropped. Lines with warnings
are ignored when the template is processed.
Consult the ReDIF documentation for further information.
Data checked 2024-10-27 08:33:10 GMT, 0 errors and 0 warnings. 17 templates without errors.
Correcting your data? Use our interactive check to validate your corrections.
URLs not checked