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RePEc Data Check for series repec:taf:applec

Each night we check the validity of new and modified templates in the RePEc archives mirrored at EconPapers and run a link checker on a portion of the data. Data for series last updated 2024-12-02 17:19:16 GMT.
  • Data checked 2024-12-03 08:29:10 GMT, 0 errors and 105 warnings. 8949 templates without errors.
  • Currently mirrored files for series (login with username datacheck and password repec)
  • Results for the taf archive.
  • Access statistics for repec:taf:applec.

EconPapers listing for Applied Economics From Taylor & Francis Journals
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst ().

rdf/redif-files, ReDIF compliance

Templates with errors can not be processed correctly and are dropped. Lines with warnings are ignored when the template is processed.
Consult the ReDIF documentation for further information.

Data checked 2024-12-03 08:29:10 GMT, 0 errors and 105 warnings. 8949 templates without errors.
Correcting your data? Use our interactive check to validate your corrections.

Files with errors or warnings

Click to view problems in context (login with username datacheck and password repec)


  1. (applec.redif, line 123983): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  2. (applec.redif, line 123985): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  3. (applec.redif, line 127308): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{DA46F} dropped
  4. (applec.redif, line 127309): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{DA46F} dropped
  5. (applec.redif, line 128434): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  6. (applec.redif, line 128436): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  7. (applec.redif, line 130095): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  8. (applec.redif, line 130097): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  9. (applec.redif, line 130136): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  10. (applec.redif, line 130137): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  11. (applec.redif, line 131005): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4D06F} dropped
  12. (applec.redif, line 131006): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4D06F} dropped
  13. (applec.redif, line 131260): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4800D} dropped
  14. (applec.redif, line 131262): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4800D} dropped
  15. (applec.redif, line 138671): Private use Unicode code point \x{F80D} dropped
  16. (applec.redif, line 138673): Private use Unicode code point \x{F80D} dropped
  17. (applec.redif, line 142854): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{3A47A} dropped
  18. (applec.redif, line 142856): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{3A47A} dropped
  19. (applec.redif, line 144357): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{48043} dropped
  20. (applec.redif, line 144358): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4800D} dropped
  21. (applec.redif, line 144549): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  22. (applec.redif, line 144551): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  23. (applec.redif, line 144748): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  24. (applec.redif, line 144750): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  25. (applec.redif, line 144976): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  26. (applec.redif, line 144978): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  27. (applec.redif, line 145204): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  28. (applec.redif, line 145206): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  29. (applec.redif, line 145278): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  30. (applec.redif, line 145279): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  31. (applec.redif, line 145435): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  32. (applec.redif, line 145436): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  33. (applec.redif, line 145438): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{48046} dropped
  34. (applec.redif, line 145439): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{48046} dropped
  35. (applec.redif, line 145467): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4D06F} dropped
  36. (applec.redif, line 145468): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4D06F} dropped
  37. (applec.redif, line 148214): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  38. (applec.redif, line 148215): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  39. (applec.redif, line 149808): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE813} dropped
  40. (applec.redif, line 149809): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  41. (applec.redif, line 151657): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6FEA0} dropped
  42. (applec.redif, line 151659): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6FEA0} dropped
  43. (applec.redif, line 151933): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  44. (applec.redif, line 151935): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  45. (applec.redif, line 151936): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6180D} dropped
  46. (applec.redif, line 151938): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6180D} dropped
  47. (applec.redif, line 151980): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4A461} dropped
  48. (applec.redif, line 151981): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4A461} dropped
  49. (applec.redif, line 152168): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  50. (applec.redif, line 152170): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  51. (applec.redif, line 152705): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{61CE0} dropped
  52. (applec.redif, line 152707): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{61CE0} dropped
  53. (applec.redif, line 153833): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{65D25} dropped
  54. (applec.redif, line 153835): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{65D25} dropped
  55. (applec.redif, line 156100): Long author-name 'Luisa Mart𓐊Author-X-Name-First: Luisa', possibly multiple authors
  56. (applec.redif, line 158541): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{61807} dropped
  57. (applec.redif, line 158542): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6180D} dropped
  58. (applec.redif, line 159853): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{69CE0} dropped
  59. (applec.redif, line 159855): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{69CE0} dropped
  60. (applec.redif, line 161188): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{618E8} dropped
  61. (applec.redif, line 161190): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{618E8} dropped
  62. (applec.redif, line 161183): Long author-name 'Javier Roman𓐊Author-X-Name-First: Javier', possibly multiple authors
  63. (applec.redif, line 162159): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  64. (applec.redif, line 162161): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  65. (applec.redif, line 163416): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{E4872} dropped
  66. (applec.redif, line 163418): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{E4872} dropped
  67. (applec.redif, line 166354): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{0CA9} dropped
  68. (applec.redif, line 166356): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{0CA9} dropped
  69. (applec.redif, line 166357): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  70. (applec.redif, line 166357): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{78472} dropped
  71. (applec.redif, line 166359): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  72. (applec.redif, line 166359): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{78472} dropped
  73. (applec.redif, line 167265): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE825} dropped
  74. (applec.redif, line 167981): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6183C} dropped
  75. (applec.redif, line 169939): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  76. (applec.redif, line 169940): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA6F} dropped
  77. (applec.redif, line 169976): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA63} dropped
  78. (applec.redif, line 169977): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EEA63} dropped
  79. (applec.redif, line 169979): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6FEAD} dropped
  80. (applec.redif, line 169981): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6FEAD} dropped
  81. (applec.redif, line 170443): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6FEAD} dropped
  82. (applec.redif, line 170445): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6FEAD} dropped
  83. (applec.redif, line 170446): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  84. (applec.redif, line 170448): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{8D465} dropped
  85. (applec.redif, line 171089): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{65EA0} dropped
  86. (applec.redif, line 171091): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{65EA0} dropped
  87. (applec.redif, line 171545): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  88. (applec.redif, line 171547): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{ED97A} dropped
  89. (applec.redif, line 171548): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE813} dropped
  90. (applec.redif, line 171549): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  91. (applec.redif, line 171819): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  92. (applec.redif, line 171821): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  93. (applec.redif, line 172158): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4800D} dropped
  94. (applec.redif, line 172160): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{4800D} dropped
  95. (applec.redif, line 174494): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE86C} dropped
  96. (applec.redif, line 174495): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE86C} dropped
  97. (applec.redif, line 175251): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  98. (applec.redif, line 175253): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  99. (applec.redif, line 176951): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{61807} dropped
  100. (applec.redif, line 176952): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{6180D} dropped
  101. (applec.redif, line 177308): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE812} dropped
  102. (applec.redif, line 177309): Unassigned Unicode code point \x{EE80D} dropped
  103. (applec.redif, line 208634): Key attribute 'author-name' has an empty value
  104. (applec.redif, line 208736): Long author-name 'Jayasuriya Mahapatabendige Ruwani Fernando', possibly multiple authors
  105. (applec.redif, line 244402): Long author-name 'Ranpati Dewage Thilini Sumudu Kumari', possibly multiple authors

URL check

URLs not checked

Page updated 2024-12-03