Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2024
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Volume 87, issue 6, 1979
- An Equilibrium Theory of the Distribution of Income and Intergenerational Mobility pp. 1153-89
- Gary Becker and Nigel Tomes
- The Volatility of Long-Term Interest Rates and Expectations Models of the Term Structure pp. 1190-1219
- Robert Shiller
- Parametric Productivity Measurement and Choice among Flexible Functional Forms pp. 1220-45
- Ernst R Berndt and Mohammed Khaled
- Firm-specific Capital and Turnover pp. 1246-60
- Boyan Jovanovic
- Why Is There Mandatory Retirement? pp. 1261-84
- Edward Lazear
- Expectations and Output-Inflation Tradeoffs in a Fixed-Exchange-Rate Economy pp. 1285-1306
- Leonardo Leiderman
- Recursive Structure in U.S. Income, Prices, and Output pp. 1307-27
- Charles Nelson
- Quacks, Lemons, and Licensing: A Theory of Minimum Quality Standards pp. 1328-46
- Hayne Leland
- The Optimal Payment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits over Time pp. 1347-62
- Steven Shavell and Laurence Weiss
- The Rate of Return to Storing Wines pp. 1363-67
- William S Krasker
- Marginal Consumers and Neoclassical Demand Theory pp. 1368-76
- William Novshek and Hugo Sonnenschein
- A Note on Inflation and Concentration pp. 1377-82
- Micha Gisser and Ronald N Johnson
Volume 87, issue 5, 1979
- Education and Self-Selection pp. S7-36
- Robert Willis and Sherwin Rosen
- Sibling Models and Data in Economics: Beginnings of a Survey pp. S37-64
- Zvi Griliches
- Effects of Cohort Size on Earnings: The Baby Boom Babies' Financial Bust pp. S65-97
- Finis Welch
- Education, Unemployment, and Earnings pp. S99-116
- Orley Ashenfelter and John Ham
- Education and Lifetime Patterns of Unemployment pp. S117-31
- Stephen Nickell
- Family Income Distribution: Explanation and Policy Evaluation pp. S133-61
- Richard Layard and Antoni Zabalza
- The Distribution of Family Earnings pp. 163-92
- James Smith
- On Education and Distribution pp. S193-212
- Paul Hare and D T Ulph
- Population Heterogeneity and Inference from Panel Data on the Effects of Vocational Education pp. S213-26
- Nicholas Kiefer
- Testing the Educational Screening Hypothesis pp. S227-52
- John Riley
- Douglas on Wages on the Supply of Labor pp. 915-22
- Albert Rees
- Paul Douglas's Measurement of Production Functions and Marginal Productivities pp. 923-39
- Paul Samuelson
- On the Determination of the Public Debt pp. 940-71
- Robert Barro
- Job Matching and the Theory of Turnover pp. 972-90
- Boyan Jovanovic
- Hierarchy, Ability, and Income Distribution pp. 991-1010
- Guillermo Calvo and Stanislaw Wellisz
- The Effects of Ideal Production Stabilization: A Welfare Analysis Under Rational Behavior pp. 1011-33
- Brian Wright
- Contracts, Price Rigidity, and Market Equilibrium pp. 1034-62
- Dennis Carlton
- Nominal Demand Policy and Short-Run Fluctuations in Unemployment and Prices in the United States pp. 1063-85
- Jacob Grossman
- Bonus Payments, on-the-Job Training, and Lifetime Employment in Japan pp. 1086-1104
- Masanori Hashimoto
- The Composition of Trade within Import-restricted Product Categories pp. 1105-14
- Rodney Falvey
- Inflation, Mortgages, and Housing pp. 1115-38
- J R Kearl
- Mullahs, Muslims, and Marital Sorting pp. 1139-43
- Gerald W Scully
Volume 87, issue 4, 1979
- Transaction Costs in a Model of Capital Market Equilibrium pp. 673-700
- Joram Mayshar
- An Analysis of the Accuracy of Four Macroeconometric Models pp. 701-18
- Ray Fair
- A General Equilibrium Entrepreneurial Theory of Firm Formation Based on Risk Aversion pp. 719-48
- Richard E Kihlstrom and Jean-Jacques Laffont
- The Welfare Cost of Permanent Inflation and Optimal Short-Run Economic Policy pp. 749-68
- Martin Feldstein
- Of Risk Taking and the Personal Distribution of Income pp. 769-97
- Ravi Kanbur
- Wage Indexing Rules and the Behavior of the Economy pp. 798-815
- Olivier Blanchard
- Simulation Methodology in Macroeconomics: An Innovation Technique pp. 816-36
- Frederic Mishkin
- Unemployment, Justice, and Keynes's General Theory pp. 837-50
- Reuven Brenner
- A Simple Model of Equilibrium Price Dispersion pp. 851-58
- Jennifer Reinganum
- The Impact of Taxation and Valuation Practices on the Timing and Efficiency of Land Use pp. 859-68
- Brian L Bentick
- The Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent: A New (?) Reason for an Old Answer pp. 869-74
- Guillermo Calvo, Laurence Kotlikoff and Carlos Rodríguez
- Is "a New and Superior Process" Really Superior? pp. 875-90
- William H Riker
- Expense-Preference Behavior in Banking: A Reexamination pp. 891-95
- Timothy Hannan
Volume 87, issue 3, 1979
- Searching for an Explanation of Unemployment in Interwar Britain pp. 441-78
- Daniel Benjamin and Levis A Kochin
- Wages and Unemployment in a Poor Agrarian Economy: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis pp. 479-500
- Pranab Bardhan
- Sharing, Monitoring, and Incentives: Marshallian Misallocation Reassessed pp. 501-21
- Robert Lucas
- Optimal Investment in Schooling when Incomes are Risky pp. 522-39
- Lawrence Olson, Halbert White and H M Shefrin
- Value of Life Saving: Implications of Consumption Activity pp. 540-58
- Glenn Blomquist
- The Processing of Primary Commodities: Effects of Developed-Country Tariff Escalation and Developing-Country Export Taxes pp. 559-77
- Stephen Golub and Joseph Finger
- Quasi Optimality: The Price We Must Pay for a Price System pp. 578-99
- William Baumol
- The Effects of Devaluation on the Trade Balance and the Balance of Payments: Some New Results pp. 600-20
- Marc A Miles
- Inflation and the Choice of Asset Life pp. 621-38
- Alan Auerbach
- Anticipated Shocks and Exchange Rate Dynamics pp. 639-47
- Charles A Wilson
- A Mixed Logit Model of the Relationship between Unionization and Right-to-Work Legislation: Comment pp. 648-55
- Ronald Warren and Robert Strauss
Volume 87, issue 2, 1979
- Anticipations and the Nonneutrality of Money pp. 225-52
- Stanley Fischer
- A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income pp. 253-66
- Paul Krugman
- Capital Immobility, Adjustment Costs, and the Theoretical Foundations of Income-Expenditure Models pp. 267-91
- John Floyd and J Allan Hynes
- The Efficient Allocation of Individuals to Positions pp. 293-314
- Aanund Hylland and Richard Zeckhauser
- Preferential Trading Theory: The n Commodity Case pp. 315-31
- Eitan Berglas
- Compliance with the Minimum Wage Law pp. 333-50
- Orley Ashenfelter and Robert S Smith
- One-Way Arbitrage and Its Implications for the Foreign Exchange Markets pp. 351-64
- Alan Deardorff
- The Inefficiency of Interest-bearing National Debt pp. 365-81
- John Bryant and Neil Wallace
- A Comment on Fisher and Temin on the Schumpeterian Hypothesis pp. 383-85
- Carlos Rodríguez
- The Schumpeterian Hypothesis: Reply pp. 386-89
- Franklin M Fisher and Peter Temin
- Granger Causality and the Natural Rate Hypothesis pp. 390-94
- Charles Nelson
- On the Observational Inequivalence of Classical and Keynesian Models pp. 395-402
- Bennett McCallum
- Causality, Exogeneity, and Natural Rate Models: Reply to C. R. Nelson and B. T. McCallum pp. 403-09
- Thomas Sargent
- Covered Interest Arbitrage: Unexploited Profits? Comment pp. 411-17
- Frank McCormick
- Covered Interest Arbitrage and Unexploited Profits? Reply pp. 418-22
- Jacob A Frenkel and Richard M Levich
- Anti Sealing as an Industry pp. 423-28
- Jeremiah Allen
Volume 87, issue 1, 1979
- An Economic Basis for the "National Defense Argument" for Aiding Certain Industries pp. 1-36
- Earl A Thompson
- The Possibility of Rational Social Choice in an Economy pp. 37-56
- Martin J Bailey
- Monetarism, Rational Expectations, Oligopolistic Pricing, and the MPS Econometric Model pp. 57-73
- Bennett McCallum
- Subjective Information and Market Efficiency in a Betting Market pp. 75-88
- Stephen Figlewski
- An Empirical Job-Search Model, with a Test of the Constant Reservation-Wage Hypothesis pp. 89-107
- Nicholas Kiefer and George R Neumann
- The Demand for Money and the Term Structure of Interest Rates pp. 109-29
- H Robert Heller and Mohsin Khan
- On Compulsory-Arbitration Schemes pp. 131-59
- Vincent Crawford
- The Transition of Land to Urban Use pp. 161-69
- Richard Arnott and Frank Lewis
- On the Specification of Asset Equilibrium in Macroeconomic Models: A Note pp. 171-77
- Edi Karni
- Evidence on Structural Change in the Demand for Aggregate U.S. Imports and Exports pp. 179-92
- Robert Stern, Christopher Baum and Mark N Greene
- A Note on Uncertain Lifetimes pp. 193-95
- Eliakim Katz
- The Distribution of Lifetime Labor Force Participation of Married Women: Comment pp. 197-201
- Jacob Mincer and Haim Ofek
- Reply to Mincer and Ofek [The Distribution of Lifetime Labor Force Participation of Married Women] pp. 203-11
- James Heckman and Robert Willis
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