Details about Giorgia Iovino
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Last updated 2018-04-12. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pio32
Working Papers
- Il Consumo di Suolo. Un Focus sull’Europa
CELPE Discussion Papers, CELPE - CEnter for Labor and Political Economics, University of Salerno, Italy
- The Mezzogiorno Problem to be. Territorial Implications of the Reform of Tertiary Education in Italy
CELPE Discussion Papers, CELPE - CEnter for Labor and Political Economics, University of Salerno, Italy
- Waterfront Urbani: Approcci Rigenerativi e Visioni di Città
CELPE Discussion Papers, CELPE - CEnter for Labor and Political Economics, University of Salerno, Italy
- Analysing and Managing Urban Sprawl and Land Take
CELPE Discussion Papers, CELPE - CEnter for Labor and Political Economics, University of Salerno, Italy
- Il Mezzogiorno e la sfida delle energie rinnovabili
CELPE Discussion Papers, CELPE - CEnter for Labor and Political Economics, University of Salerno, Italy
- Gis, ricerca geografica e pianificazione urbanistica: una applicazione sul centro storico di Benevento
CELPE Discussion Papers, CELPE - CEnter for Labor and Political Economics, University of Salerno, Italy