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Details about Tom De Herdt

Workplace:Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsbeleid en -beheer (IOB) (Institute of Development Policy), Universiteit Antwerpen (University of Antwerp), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Tom De Herdt.

Last updated 2016-09-06. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pde1008

Jump to Journal Articles Chapters

Working Papers


  1. Can the logical framework help to manage change? Perspectives from the field of security sector reform
    IOB Discussion Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads


  1. Eviter les écueils statistiques de la RDC: nouvelles estimations sur les tendances du bien-être et de la pauvreté (2005-2012) selon une approche de désagrégation spatiale
    IOB Working Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads
  2. Navigating around the DRCs statistical potholes: new estimates on welfare and poverty trends (2005-2012) following a spatially disaggregated approach
    IOB Working Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads


  1. From figures to facts: making sense of socio-economic surveys in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
    IOB Analyses & Policy Briefs, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. National datasets on livelihoods in the DRC: precisely wrong or vaguely right?
    IOB Working Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Making sense of territorial pathways to rural development: a proposal for a normative and analytical framework
    IOB Discussion Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads View citations (3)
  2. On the creation of Adam: what debt relief means for education in the DRC
    IOB Working Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads
  3. Real governance and practical norms in Sub-Saharan Africa: the game of the rules
    IOB Analyses & Policy Briefs, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads View citations (11)


  1. Mesurer l’impact du Fonds Social Urbain: analyse comparée de l’evolution socio-economique des communes de Kisenso et de Kimbanseke de 2002 à 2005
    IOB Working Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads


  1. Comment mesurer la pauvreté? Une déconstruction méthodologique de l’évolution de la pauvreté monétaire à Kisenso (Kinshasa RDC), 1997-2002
    IOB Discussion Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Towards a local socio-institutional analysis of anti-poverty interventions: a critical review of methods and researchers
    IOB Discussion Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads


  1. Poverty, institutions and interventions: a framework for an institutional analysis of poverty and local anti-poverty interventions
    IOB Discussion Papers, Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Fairness concerns about poverty relief. The case of Médecins Sans Frontières in Kinshasa
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads
  2. Human nature as we know it, inter- and intrapersonal perspectives on opportunism and commitment
    Working Papers, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Reconstituting the role of indigenous structures in protected forest management in Cameroon
    Forest Policy and Economics, 2016, 67, (C), 45-51 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Poverty Lines as Context Deflators: A Method to Account for Regional Diversity with Application to the Democratic Republic of Congo
    Review of Income and Wealth, 2015, 61, (2), 329-352 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. God and Caesar in the Democratic Republic of Congo: negotiating church--state relations through the management of school fees in Kinshasa's Catholic schools
    Review of African Political Economy, 2013, 40, (135), 116-131 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Make Schools, Not War? Donors' Rewriting of the Social Contract in the DRC
    Development Policy Review, 2012, 30, (6), 681-701 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Capabilities in Place: Locating Poverty and Affluence in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2011, 12, (2), 235-256 Downloads View citations (1)


    Revue Tiers-Monde, 2009, n° 198, (2), 317-333 Downloads


  1. Guest Editors' Introduction
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2007, 8, (2), 179-184 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. La vulnérabilité vis-à-vis d'autres personnes: leçons pour les interventions contre la pauvreté
    Mondes en développement, 2007, n° 140, (4), 101-114 Downloads
  3. The Political Complexity of Pro-poor Policy Processes in the Mandara Mountains, Cameroon
    Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2007, 8, (2), 303-323 Downloads


  1. Cooperation and fairness: the flood-Dresher experiment revisited
    Review of Social Economy, 2003, 61, (2), 183-210 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Democracy & the money machine in Zaire
    Review of African Political Economy, 2002, 29, (93-94), 445-462 Downloads



  1. Fairness
    Chapter 21 in Handbook of Economics and Ethics, 2009 Downloads
Page updated 2024-12-13