Details about Salvatore Curatolo
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Last updated 2019-03-08. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pcu71
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Costi di coordinamento e vantaggi di aggregazione: esiti, morfologia e processi di interazione in un mondo artificiale multi-agente
Economics Department Working Papers, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy)
- Opportunismo e coordinamento: soluzioni regolative e istituzionali
Economics Department Working Papers, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy)
- Coordination problems and the role of institutions: multi-agent simulations with learning
Economics Department Working Papers, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy)
- Determinanti della domanda di laureati nell'industria manifatturiera italiana
Economics Department Working Papers, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy)
- Chamberlinian Imperfect Competition Among Rational Firm-Workers Coalitions: Is Underbidding by Unemployed Workers Less Effective?
Economics Department Working Papers, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy)
- Un modello di politica fiscale destabilizzante
Economics Department Working Papers, Department of Economics, Parma University (Italy)
Journal Articles
- Perch? cos? pochi laureati nell'industria manifatturiera in Italia?
ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE, 2008, 2008/2, (2), 22-39
- A Note about the Relationship among Transaction Costs, Institutions and Productivity Growth
The Service Industries Journal, 1998, 18, (1), 143-153
- Do estimable relations exist between size and efficiency of institutions and productivity growth? An exercise in the spirit of D. C. North
Applied Economics Letters, 1997, 4, (7), 431-435
- Esistono relazioni stimabili tra dimensione ed efficienza delle istituzione e crescita della produttività? Un esercizio nello spirito di D.C. North
L'industria, 1997, (4), 657-668
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