Details about Mehmet Altuntas
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Last updated 2023-03-16. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pal1167
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Journal Articles
- Borsa İstanbul Alt Endekslerinde Etkin Piyasa Hipotezinin Test Edilmesi: Fourier Kırılmalı ve Doğrusal Olmayan Birim Kök Testlerinden Kanıtlar
Journal of Research in Economics, Politics & Finance, 2022, 7, (1), 169-185
- Natural resources volatility and South Asian economies: Evaluating the role of COVID-19
Resources Policy, 2022, 75, (C) View citations (30)
- PPP in emerging markets: evidence from Fourier non-linear quantile unit root analysis
Applied Economics Letters, 2022, 29, (8), 731-737
- The contributory capacity of natural capital to energy transition in the European Union
Renewable Energy, 2022, 190, (C), 617-629 View citations (3)
- Trade openness, export structure, and labor productivity in developing countries: Evidence from panel VAR approach
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2022, 60, (C), 194-205 View citations (3)
- Another Look into the Relationship between Economic Growth, Carbon Emissions, Agriculture and Urbanization in Thailand: A Frequency Domain Analysis
Energies, 2021, 14, (16), 1-12
- Coal energy consumption beat renewable energy consumption in South Africa: Developing policy framework for sustainable development
Renewable Energy, 2021, 175, (C), 1012-1024 View citations (12)
- Impact of financial development and economic growth on energy consumption: A panel vector autoregressive analysis for the comparison of G7 and top 10 emerging market economies
Energy & Environment, 2021, 32, (7), 1315-1330 View citations (7)
- The Interest Rate Parity in Fragile Five Countries: Evidence from Unit Root Tests with Breaks
Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 2021, 8, (2), 327-349
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