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Phone: | +44-7814351301 |
Postal address: | Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Markfield, Ratby Lane, Leicestershire, Le67 9SY United Kingdom |
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Last updated 2011-03-23. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: paz9
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- micro Foundatiosn of Macro Economics: An Empirical Evidence of Phillips Curve
Macroeconomics, University Library of Munich, Germany
Journal Articles
- Labor force participation of married women in Punjab (Pakistan)
International Journal of Social Economics, 2010, 37, (8), 592-612 View citations (8)
- Who are the children going to school in Urban Punjab (Pakistan)?
International Journal of Social Economics, 2010, 37, (6), 442-465
- Management of Energy Recourses, Marginal Input-Output Coefficients, and Layers of Techniques: A Case Study of US Chemical Industry
The Pakistan Development Review, 2007, 46, (4), 517-536
- Did They Do It Differently? Capital Structure Choices of Public and Private Sectors in Pakistan
The Pakistan Development Review, 2006, 45, (4), 701-709 View citations (4)
- Economics of Regaining Office: The Case of Pakistan (1947-2005)
The Pakistan Development Review, 2006, 45, (4), 913-923
- Sectoral Volatility, Development, and Governance: A Case Study of Pakistan
The Pakistan Development Review, 2006, 45, (4), 797-817
- Impact of Exchange rate Volatility on Growth and Economic Performance: A Case Study of Pakistan, 1973-2003
The Pakistan Development Review, 2005, 44, (4), 749-775 View citations (6)
- Transfer of Technology: Competition or Cooperation
The Pakistan Development Review, 2002, 41, (4), 761-786
- Poverty, Female Labour Force Participation, and Cottage Industry: A Case Study of Cloth Embroidery in Rural Multan
The Pakistan Development Review, 2001, 40, (4), 1105-1118 View citations (5)
- Attitude towards Interest-free Financing among Small Traders and Farmers in Multan
The Pakistan Development Review, 2000, 39, (4), 663-672
- Impact of Village-specific, Household-specific, and Technological Variables on Poverty in Punjab
The Pakistan Development Review, 2000, 39, (4), 793-806
- NGOs, Micro-finance and Poverty Alleviation: Experience of the Rural Poor in Pakistan
The Pakistan Development Review, 2000, 39, (4), 771-792 View citations (2)
- Investment, Hysteresis, and Layers of Techniques: A Case Study of Agricultural Manufacturing Machinery in Multan Division
The Pakistan Development Review, 1999, 38, (4), 1117-1132 View citations (1)
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