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Testing components

Unit tests


  • Every component needs Jest unit tests and snapshots
  • Unit tests can utilize the Vue test utils library
  • To run unit tests: npm run -w @wikimedia/codex test:unit
  • To update all snapshots: npm run build-and-update-snapshots
  • To update a workspace specific snapshots: npm run -w [workspace-name] update-snapshots (For some packages a build may be required for the snapshots to be updated correctly)

Every component should have Jest unit tests. For a component named FooBar, the tests should be in the file src/components/foo-bar/FooBar.test.ts.

Test cases pattern

A common pattern in unit tests is to perform the same test multiple times with different parameters, for example calling the same function with multiple different inputs and expecting different outputs, or mounting the same component with different prop or slot values. We use the following conventions when writing tests that use the test cases pattern.

First, define a test case type called Case that describes what a test case looks like. This should be an array that begins with a string explaining the test case, then the inputs to your test, then the expected output. For example, if we're testing a function that adds two numbers, our test case type might look like this:

type Case = [ msg: string, a: number, b: number, expected: number ];

When testing components that have many optional props, it often makes sense to express the props as an object instead of as individual array elements:

type Case = [
	msg: string,
	props: {
		label: string,
		value?: string,
		disabled?: boolean
	/* ... */

Then, define an array of test cases called cases that contains all the input and outputs for the test. Be sure to tell TypeScript that it's of type Case[], so it can catch mistakes in test cases and correctly type check how they're used.

const cases: Case[] = [
	[ 'Simple addition: 1+1=2', 1, 1, 2 ],
	[ 'Bigger numbers: 23+42=65', 23, 42, 65 ],
	[ 'Negative and positive: -2+5=3', -2, 5, 3 ]

Finally, write the code that iterates over these test cases and executes them. This involves some Jest boilerplate code that extracts the values from the test case, but other than that it should be simple: call the function and check that the result is as expected.

test.each( cases )( 'Case %# %s', ( _, a, b, expected ) => {
	expect( addNumbers( a, b ) ).toEqual( expected );
} );

Test cases can have optional parameters, but tread carefully. Optional array elements in the Case type must map to optional parameters in the arrow function with a default value, like this:

type Case = [ msg: string, foo: string, bar?: string ];
const cases = [
	[ 'Only a foo', 'foo!' ],
	[ 'Both a foo and a bar', 'foo!', 'bar!' ]
test.each( cases )( 'Case %# %s', ( _, foo, bar = 'bleh!' ) => {
	// ....
} );


Make sure that the arrow function parameters for optional values have a default value set! If no default value is set, test cases where an optional element is missing may fail with Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a test while waiting for done() to be called. or otherwise behave very strangely.

Structuring unit tests

Unit tests should be used to test the behavior of a component, independently from other units (libraries or components). This section defines some standards to ensure that test files can be maintained and updated with minimal effort.

It is common for test files to get very large, making adding new tests or finding a specific test a complex task. Defining patterns makes the tests easier to maintain and update.

Start with a filename

The first describe block within a test file should be named for the component (or function) that is being tested. This will improve the debugging experience by providing the component name in the error message when a test fails.

// MenuItem.test.ts

describe( 'MenuItem', () => {
	describe( 'matches the snapshots', () => {
	} );

	describe( 'descriptive test name', () => {
	} );

Define names that describe a behaviour not an implementation

The name of a describe block should describe the behavior expected by the test, not how the the test is implemented internally. This should start with words like "when", "with" or "without".

// Bad
describe( 'has an expanded property of "true" ', () => {
} );

// Good
describe( 'when the dropdown is expanded', () => {
} );

Use given-when-then notation

When writing a set of unit tests for your component, the test's collection of describe and it blocks should compose sentences that resemble given-when-then notation. The block names do not have to start with those exact words ("given", "when", "then"), but they should express the same meaning:

  • Given: Some context on what is being tested. This is typically the component name
  • When/And: One or more actions or scenarios that would set the test to the correct state
  • Then: One or more consequences resulting from the above actions
describe( 'Button', () => {
	describe( 'when clicked', () => {
		it( 'should notify its parent', () => {
		} );
	} );
} );
// Output -> Button, when clicked, should notify its parent

Abstract common logic when possible

Writing tests using given-when-then notation provides opportunities to abstract common logic within the various describe blocks. Doing so makes the individual tests simple to write and debug and also reduces the risk of manual error.

A common use case is to set all the variables, properties, and mocks required for a specific action to take place within the beforeEach hook, then cleaning them up using the afterEach hook.

// Props, slots, and search results variables defined above...
describe( 'TypeaheadSearch', () => {
	describe( 'when there are search results', () => {
		let wrapper: VueWrapper<any>;
		let input: DOMWrapper<Element>;
		let menu: DOMWrapper<Element>;

		// Before each test, we'll set up a component wrapper, advance past the debounce
		// interval of the input handler, then set search results.
		beforeEach( async () => {
			jest.useFakeTimers( 'modern' );

			wrapper = mount( CdxTypeaheadSearch, {
				// Add in an initial input value so we don't have to simulate entering input.
				props: { initialInputValue: 'Co', searchFooterUrl, showThumbnail: true, ...propsData },
				slots: {
					default: defaultSlot,
					searchFooterText: searchFooterTextSlot
			} );

			jest.advanceTimersByTime( DebounceInterval );
			await wrapper.setProps( { searchResults } );

			// Grab the input and menu, which we'll need for a few tests.
			input = wrapper.find( '.cdx-text-input__input' );
			menu = wrapper.find( '.cdx-menu' );
		} );

		// After each test, we'll reset timers.
		afterEach( () => {
		} );

		it( 'matches the snapshot', () => {
			expect( wrapper.element ).toMatchSnapshot();
		} );

		it( 'closes menu when input is cleared', async () => {
			await input.trigger( 'focus' );
			expect( menu.isVisible() ).toBe( true );
			await input.setValue( '' );
			jest.advanceTimersByTime( DebounceInterval );
			expect( menu.isVisible() ).toBe( false );
		} );
	} );
} );


Even if it is possible to use the same variables and progressively change them in each layer of the test, it is better to actually declare the complete required object in (or before) each test to provide more visibility.

Vue test utils

Tests in Codex use the Vue test utils to mount and interact with components. To learn how to use this library, read the Vue test utils guide, particularly the sections on passing data to components, slots and testing emitted events.

Snapshot tests

At minimum, each component should have snapshot tests for a representative set of prop values and slot values. To write these, we use the test cases pattern, except that test cases in snapshot tests only have inputs, no outputs. Below is a simple example for a component with two required props and no slots:

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import CdxComponentName from './ComponentName.vue';

describe( 'ComponentName', () => {
	describe( 'matches the snapshot', () => {
		type Case = [ msg: string, num: number, label: string ];

		const cases : Case[] = [
			'Simple', 42, 'The answer',
			'Zero', 0, 'Nothing',
			'Empty string', 0, '',
			'Long string', 23, 'Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft'

		test.each( cases )( 'Case %# %s', ( _, num, label ) => {
			const wrapper = mount( CdxComponentName, { props: { num, label } } );
			expect( wrapper.element ).toMatchSnapshot();
		} );
	} );

	// ...other tests...
} );

When these snapshot tests are run for the first time, Jest will create a file called ComponentName.snap.ts with the HTML resulting from each of these test cases. Verify that these are as expected, then commit the file to the repository.

When the tests are run again later, Jest will check that the test cases still produce the same HTML, and the tests will fail if they don't. If you made a change to the component that results in a legitimate change in the snapshot output, run npm run build-and-update-snapshots to update the snapshot file. Both the author and the code reviewers should review the changes to the snapshot file to verify that they are as expected.

For more information on snapshot testing in Jest, see the Jest documentation.

Type errors in Jest tests

If the type of one of the props in the Case type doesn't match the type of the prop as defined in the component, or if a prop is otherwise passed into mount() with the wrong type, vue-tsc will throw a lengthy and confusing error on the line where mount() is called, containing the phrases No overload matches this call, Types of property 'setup' are incompatible and Types of parameters 'props and 'props' are incompatible. Most IDEs don't surface these errors, so they may not be discovered until vue-tsc is run (locally or in CI). To fix this error, make sure that the types of the props passed into the mount function match the types that the component expects. For more on how these errors happen and how to fix them, see the TypeScript guidelines.