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QAbstractAxis Class

The QAbstractAxis class is a base class used for specialized axis classes. More...

Header: #include <QAbstractAxis>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Graphs)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Graphs)
qmake: QT += graphs
In QML: AbstractAxis
Inherits: QObject
Inherited By:

QBarCategoryAxis, QDateTimeAxis, and QValueAxis

Public Types

enum class AxisType { Value, BarCategory, DateTime }


Public Functions

virtual ~QAbstractAxis() override
void hide()
bool isGridVisible() const
bool isLineVisible() const
bool isSubGridVisible() const
bool isTitleVisible() const
bool isVisible() const
QQmlComponent *labelDelegate() const
qreal labelsAngle() const
bool labelsVisible() const
void setGridVisible(bool visible = true)
void setLabelDelegate(QQmlComponent *newLabelDelegate)
void setLabelsAngle(qreal angle)
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)
void setLineVisible(bool visible = true)
void setMax(const QVariant &max)
void setMin(const QVariant &min)
void setRange(const QVariant &min, const QVariant &max)
void setSubGridVisible(bool visible = true)
void setTitleColor(QColor color)
void setTitleFont(const QFont &font)
void setTitleText(const QString &title)
void setTitleVisible(bool visible = true)
void setVisible(bool visible = true)
void show()
QColor titleColor() const
QFont titleFont() const
QString titleText() const
virtual QAbstractAxis::AxisType type() const = 0


void gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
void labelDelegateChanged()
void labelsAngleChanged(qreal angle)
void labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)
void lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)
void subGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
void titleColorChanged(QColor color)
void titleFontChanged(const QFont &font)
void titleTextChanged(const QString &title)
void titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)
void update()
void visibleChanged(bool visible)

Detailed Description

Each series can be bound to only one horizontal and vertical axis.

The properties and visibility of various axis elements, such as axis line, title, labels, and grid lines, can be individually controlled.

Member Type Documentation

enum class QAbstractAxis::AxisType

This enum type specifies the type of the axis object.


Property Documentation

gridVisible : bool

This property holds the visibility of the grid lines. By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isGridVisible() const
void setGridVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

labelDelegate : QQmlComponent*

This property holds a custom QML Component used as a label for the axis. This component should either be a Text component or contain "property string text", so that this property will be assigned the value of the label.

Access functions:

QQmlComponent *labelDelegate() const
void setLabelDelegate(QQmlComponent *newLabelDelegate)

Notifier signal:

void labelDelegateChanged()

labelsAngle : qreal

This property holds the angle of the axis labels in degrees.

Access functions:

qreal labelsAngle() const
void setLabelsAngle(qreal angle)

Notifier signal:

void labelsAngleChanged(qreal angle)

labelsVisible : bool

This property holds whether axis labels are visible. By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool labelsVisible() const
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)

lineVisible : bool

This property holds the visibility of the axis line. By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isLineVisible() const
void setLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)

subGridVisible : bool

This property holds the visibility of the subgrid lines.

Applies only to axes that support subgrid lines. By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isSubGridVisible() const
void setSubGridVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void subGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)

titleColor : QColor

This property holds the color used to draw the title text.

Access functions:

QColor titleColor() const
void setTitleColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void titleColorChanged(QColor color)

titleFont : QFont

This property holds the font of the title of the axis.

Access functions:

QFont titleFont() const
void setTitleFont(const QFont &font)

Notifier signal:

void titleFontChanged(const QFont &font)

titleText : QString

This property holds the title of the axis.

Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.

Access functions:

QString titleText() const
void setTitleText(const QString &title)

Notifier signal:

void titleTextChanged(const QString &title)

titleVisible : bool

This property holds the visibility of the axis title.

By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isTitleVisible() const
void setTitleVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)

visible : bool

This property holds the visibility of the axis. By default, the value is true.

Access functions:

bool isVisible() const
void setVisible(bool visible = true)

Notifier signal:

void visibleChanged(bool visible)

Member Function Documentation

[override virtual noexcept] QAbstractAxis::~QAbstractAxis()

Destructs the axis object. When the axis is added to a graph, the graph object takes ownership.

void QAbstractAxis::hide()

Makes the axis, labels, and grid lines invisible.

void QAbstractAxis::setLineVisible(bool visible = true)

Determines whether the axis line and tick marks are visible.

Note: Setter function for property lineVisible.

See also isLineVisible().

void QAbstractAxis::setMax(const QVariant &max)

Sets the maximum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the max parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

void QAbstractAxis::setMin(const QVariant &min)

Sets the minimum value shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min parameter is converted to the appropriate type of value. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

void QAbstractAxis::setRange(const QVariant &min, const QVariant &max)

Sets the range shown on the axis. Depending on the actual axis type, the min and max parameters are converted to appropriate types of values. If the conversion is impossible, the function call does nothing.

void QAbstractAxis::setTitleColor(QColor color)

Sets the color used to draw titles to color.

Note: Setter function for property titleColor.

See also titleColor().

void QAbstractAxis::setTitleFont(const QFont &font)

Sets the font used to draw titles to font.

Note: Setter function for property titleFont.

See also titleFont().

void QAbstractAxis::setVisible(bool visible = true)

Sets the visibility of the axis, labels, and grid lines to visible.

Note: Setter function for property visible.

See also isVisible().

void QAbstractAxis::show()

Makes the axis, labels, and grid lines visible.

QColor QAbstractAxis::titleColor() const

Returns the color used to draw titles.

Note: Getter function for property titleColor.

See also setTitleColor().

QFont QAbstractAxis::titleFont() const

Returns the font used to draw titles.

Note: Getter function for property titleFont.

See also setTitleFont().

[pure virtual] QAbstractAxis::AxisType QAbstractAxis::type() const

Returns the type of the axis.

[signal] void QAbstractAxis::update()

This signal is emitted when the axis needs to be updated.

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