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Accessing Mongo database in Node app

MongoDB is no-sql non-relational database. Means data is stored as documents similar to objects in javascript.

Installation of MongoDB in Mac

  • $ brew install mongodb-community
  • $ brew services start mongoDb
  • local install in /usr/local/var/mongodb, /usr/local/etc/ for config. ip=

Commands to see database and collections

  • start shell $ mongo, db shows test database, use dbname,
  • db, use, show databases, show collections.
  • collections is same like tables.

Operations on local database

  • create datadb.createCollection('cars') or other way db.dogs.insert({ name: "Roger" })
  • db.dogs.find()
  • filter and retrieve entry $ db.dogs.find({name: 'Roger'}):
  • findOne(),
  • update datadb.dogs.remove({}) removes all entries.
  • db.dogs.update({key: 'old obj'}, {key: 'new obj'})
  • remove datadb.dogs.remove({name: 'sakira'})

Remote mongo database setup using Atlas

Atlas is remote database as a service.managed, hosted.

  • Create account, create db user, use ip, connect from everywhere , get db connected, authId.
  • Create Model, first schema, is shape of document.
  • .env for url, to use invironment var we need .env file with variable='string', we install dotenv, require ('dotenv').config()
  • npm install mongodb, mongoose, dotenv, express. require them in .json.package.also, nodemon,
  • mongoose.connect(url, {topology})
  • const personSchema = new mongoose.Schema({}
  • Person = mongoose.model('Person',personSchema);

we created schema personSchema and we created model Person

  • We can instantiate Model Person
    then call save() with callback err,data parameters inside handler function, we call callback done(null, data). we call done, it inside again. That's it.

  • we use Model.create() for many, use instance,Model.save() for single person. awe, difference.

  • Model.Method takes first parameter obj, second calback.So, two callbacks, one for handler fn, and other from Model.method()
    some methods save,create,find,findOne,findById,findOneAndUpdate,findByIdAndRemove, callbacks done,done(null, data),function(err, data) {} etc to list in MongoDB & Mongoose package.

    • Model.Method takes first parameter obj, second calback.So, two callbacks, one for handler fn, and other from Model.method() // some methods save,create,find,findOne,findById,findOneAndUpdate,findByIdAndRemove, callbacks done,done(null, data),function(err, data) {} etc to list in MongoDB & Mongoose package.

Using MongoDB from Node.js

  • To interface to a MongoDB database from a Node.js app
  • init -y, npm install mongodb
  • const mongo = require('mongodb').MongoClient
try {
  const client = await mongo.connect(url, {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true,
} catch (err) {
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  • Now you can select a database using the client.db() method:
  • select a database const db = client.db('kennel')
  • can get a collection const collection = db.collection('dogs')
  • one const result = await collection.insertOne({name: 'Roger'})
  • many const result = await collection.insertMany([{name: 'Togo'}, {name: 'Syd'}])
  • find const items = await collection.find().toArray()

We need a handle either as a function or const variable collection,
or db.collectionName. then we add dot method.

Rest API uses routes HTTP GET / and HTTP POST /

  • In Express we create server, web server
  • app.get('/', (req, res) ) to send to client ,get data from database or from script.
  • single data as app.get('/:id', (req, res) ) handled in script using filter(cb) from req.params. and send back using res.status(code).json()
  • app.post('/', (req, res) ) to insert data to db.
  • we use mongodb or postgre sql database to store local or remote.

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